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Fx Any Body Modding: weight gain, big boobies and bimbos -oh my!

Lady Sapphire Blue

May 17, 2019
United Kingdom
So, this isn't about piercings or alt face-metal of any kind. I have an amateur interest in piercings, both mundane and jazzy, and I like everything from hoops to scarification but that isn't what I'm talking about here... If you are interested in that sort of thing, don't write me off though. Make a note of the name. We'll do lunch.

What i'm talking about here is body modification in roleplay. The idea of changing a body, usually sculpting or cultivating the change. In roleplay this allows us to manifest an internal character change on the outside in a poetic act of visual symmetry.

I love the idea of drastic physical changes to a character and what personality traits, obsessions, weaknesses or quirks they demonstrate.

Example: A fit, young athlete starves himself to compete at top level. He makes it into the big time. He makes a name for himself. He becomes insanely rich. How does he spend that money? On lavish parties and non-stop binges, eating, drinking and having a good time. Doing all the things he could have enjoyed in moderation but denied himself for the sake of his ambition. Now, flash forward twenty years and the middle-aged ex-athlete is so fat he can barely get up out of his sun lounger, let alone seriously compete again. He get's out of breath eating a club sandwich and has to have a lift installed in his mansion just to get him to bed.

Example: A woman leaves a dull rut of a marriage and in her late thirties decides she wants to do something exciting...She wants to be sexy, glamorous and fun. She sheds the yoga pants and ponytail and goes full glam; splashing out on a new pair of tatas, some big puffy lips and a nose job. She has seen the world of glossy excess for years from the outside, now she wants to be in the centre of this world. To live it! Where is she 10 years later? She's sat on the deck of her new Russian Billionaire Boyfriend's yacht along with two or three other women in exactly the same position. Bright orange skin and humongous K cup boobs with no bikini strap lines... She has made it! No more boring sex with a man she isn't sure she loves anymore. Now she's got an ugly old Media Mogul on top of her twice a week while she sighs and stares out at he sea, which however blue and sparkling it might have seemed at first is now a bit similar to her old life.

So, in the above examples we have extreme body modding. Drastic physical changes based on those characters' flaws. What I want to explore here is the nitty gritty lives of these extreme people.

Now, time for a disclaimer... Am I just talking about writing fat fetish stuff or giant boobies.. Not exactly. I understand these fetishes exist and so far I've gotten my fix by catering to these as a vehicle to explore the much more complex side of these characters. And I just want to go on the record as saying, I am prepared to cater to these tastes, I'm well versed in the descriptive arts... But what I want is more of an in-depth exploration of how these drastic changes represent something more...How they capture the characters' whole minds in a microcosm of physical change. I don't just want to write about the Ex-Athlete's belly is so big it jiggles... I want to write about how such excess has meant that he can't ever participate in the sport that he once loved, that it means that somebody so physically active now has become weak and dependant on others. I want to dive into the setting and get into the day-to-day life of these extreme (but yet still mundane) people.

The two above examples are examples. I'm open to all kinds of representations of body morphing, body modification and expansion.

Weight Gain (both moderate to extreme. E.g. 'my boyfriend gains not sure i still find him attractive' to feeder/feedee relationships)
Plastic Surgery (the sky is the limit)
Pregnancy (and specifically how the change impacts the relationship, for the good and the bad)
Fantasy Elements such as magic (to an extent... must be heavily limited, ask me for details, but will discuss!)
Sci-Fi Elements such as robots, cyborgs or cloning (literally changing who a person is or building a person from scratch! For example 'downloading' the body of a celebrity into a sex robot, and then the relationship between the 'buyer' and this celebrity who now thinks they are a real person...)

I go full method with my writing. I research everything and try to get everything as authentic as possible. I'm fully literate in my posts and the quality of my roleplaying is top notch, i'm looking for similar in return. As long as my above criteria is met i'm happy to explore the idea of drastic body changes with anyone. Needless to say, SRP is expected as is full exploration of extreme physical bodies, not just the polished angles but the messy ones too!

It's a tricky one this. Anyone want to discuss stuff, hit me up!
Required in a writing partner

No. 1: Literacy

A pretty nebulous term that is used commonly in creative writing communities. At its barest definition it means literally able to string a sentence together. At its loftiest height it means somebody who not only has the ability to write detailed, interesting and above all else grammatically perfect posts but somebody who puts the same love, care and attention into their writing as they do into their attempts to get you on-board.

I don't wish to scare anybody off but I want to make it clear that I am looking for that latter definition. Does that mean my own writing is perfect? Does that mean I wont accept lesser partners? Not at all! It just means that if I write 1,000 word posts there is a realistic assumption that I don't want a single paragraph back. If I go to great detail to describe the inner monologue of my character and WHY she is doing what she is doing, then that generally assumes that I don't want you to in any way take control of her in your post.

Far from putting this here to increase my prospective writing partners (I know it will not!) I think it's important to lay out what i'm not looking for. If you don't think you can muster up the same excitement for each post that you write but still send it anyway, then i'm afraid that's not quite what i'm looking for here. I want somebody who wants to try to become a better writer. Somebody who wants to explore the dark, dirty depths of their kinks and not just churn out some filler between sex scenes.
Shedding light on a popular trope


A popular topic that comes up now and again when writing fetish stuff is the trope of the Bimbo.

What is it?
In essence its the objectification of a woman made manifest in a character. Giant boobs, bleached blonde hair, tanned skin, hot pink clothes (although not too many) and accessories. This trope exemplifies the sexualised elements of a woman, her curves and her 'openness'. A Bimbo is generally a character who would not, or cannot, easily participate in a normal job, her job is to be a living sex doll, or idol. A character whose physical body as well as their outlook on life is all around the male view of sex and satisfying it.

The idea of the dizzy blonde is often lumped into this as well. But that's really a separate thing. What I want to focus on is the fine line between a 'slut' and a 'bimbo'. So in broad strokes, all bimbos are sluts, but not all sluts are bimbos. A bimbo is somebody who has put effort in. That here is the key to its appeal (at least I think! PM me if you disagree ^^) That the character has put effort in, usually the vast majority of her effort, to making herself look like this and upholding the illusion.

How this touches down on my interests is that a Bimbo is often the result of extreme plastic surgery. They, or the man in her life, have sculpted how they look to make them better able to fulfil their purpose. Usually to an extreme.

What does the guy get out of it?

Well that's obvious...Isn't it? Somebody else can write a post on that... if they think they need to!

What does the person playing the bimbo get out of it?

This is the interesting bit. How many times have you written an RP where you've made a character the ideal carbon copy of somebody's sexual desire made flesh..only for the RP to fizzle out or get boring fast. It may not seem like the obvious solution here, but a bimbo has got to have more going on than the weight of her implants and the sum total of her time spent in the tanning booth. There has got to be a mind behind it. This is why I immediately ruled out (in my definition at least) that a bimbo has to be stupid, thick, dumb, air-headed or otherwise 'child like' in their naive approach to the world that they have made themselves a central pinnacle of.

A Bimbo in a realistic RP has been made that way by a man, so manipulated, or they have made themselves that way, in which case they are calculating and/or suffering from an identity crisis. And I believe that this is the way to play the bimbo and make it a long-term character that is interesting for both sides. Know the backstory and play it out realistically.

Ideas for how to successfully use a Bimbo character in a RP

~ The Schemer. A manipulative trophy wife who has put the investment in to look the way she does for one purpose only. To get a return. Be that from a rich husband or the celebrity lifestyle that such extremes open up. If that is the case then the schemer has to be correspondingly fearful of rivals, suspicious of those around her and particularly obsessed with the fickle nature of her husband/partner's sexual desires, like an investor checks the stock markets every few minutes...

~The Sex Doll. This is the most common real life version of the bimbo that is found. If you see fake boobs so big the woman can't tie her shoes then you can generally always bet that there will be a man behind it somewhere. She is being used. Not necessarily manipulated. Maybe its beneficial? But at some point in the relationship and character development the idea of a struggle of wills is going to happen. A crisis of identity. Just how far is this character prepared to go to fulfil somebody else's dream? Once she has a comfortable life, why bother going every day to stay tanned? Why bother going for riskier and riskier surgeries? Why bother putting effort in during sex? All these issues will manifest in one form or another and will have to be addressed by the character as she deals with the whole process.

~ The People-Pleaser. Ever heard of a girlfriend being guilted into getting lipo for her partner? Then getting a nose job. Then always wearing make-up, even at home? The people pleaser is a prisoner behind the bimbo mask. Everything she has done has been for somebody else or because they have convinced themselves they need it. This can quite easily spiral into obsessive behaviour and an addiction for surgery or the lifestyle. I think that this character is a ticking time bomb, somebody who can't possibly bend in so many ridiculous ways before one day finally snapping. This one is a much more dominant/submissive type of relationship with a lot of drama and conflict. Usually the man in question is a master manipulator but if they aren't then this character has some deep psychological problems themselves..and if that's the case, that makes for great writing...Always some drama, always some crisis to address.

Other Takes

Brain-dead sex slaves not withstanding, if you have any other ideas on how to play the bimbo or how you want me to play her, let me know!
Teaching an old bitch new tricks? I just learned two new words: bathykolpian and callipygian. Do literary wonders never cease? Whoever successful uses these in an RP, I will buy you a milkshake.
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