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Fx M or F Take Short Trip Down The Path


Dec 24, 2013
I really love these obnoxious titles, but...anywho...


This is a request thread of things that I would like to do, things that I don't like doing and things I expect from other people. I'm sure it will be lengthy and somewhat uninteresting, but that's why I got the fancy title for it. Sucked you right in, didn't I? Let's get to it.

Where do I roleplay and how do I like it?

I roleplay mostly through PMs, BUT I am open to considering threads.

In terms of length, I am not picky...I am not someone that requires a persistent novella to get my imagination firing, I'm someone who requires quality of writing. I am not the wordiest person on the planet, and if you're looking for someone who needs a word count to help their dick get hard, look somewhere else. I write what I feel is relevant and important. I do not require immediate, constant and ever revolving responses. But because I am usually at home all the time (online college student) I'm probably going to be regularly active throughout MOST days, if I need to take a break I will do my best to tell people if I'm gonna be gone for more than a day or so. But sometimes life happens and I don't really harsh anyone for dropping or not being interested, but I will try to get in touch with everyone as soon as possible when it happens.

I also enjoy OOC discussions or at least the avenue to do so to allow me to feel more involved in the story. I don't need people to be chatterboxes, not that it bothers me. But I don't really want to feel like a proverbial hole in the wall for you to stick your bits in to get off and that's it. Treat me like a people and I will treat you like a people. This is important because I am not a mind-reader, discussion of what you like to do in a post if you want to talk about it or really just talk about what you want to do goes a long way in helping me understand character justifcations and otherwise.

Also, very important to me: No matter what I like doing, no matter what the content is. It is Consensual. It might not be consensual right away, but it is going to be. I like playing people who enjoy what's happening. Dub-Con is fine, but it's going to turn into Consensual. I dislike rape and non-con.

What Am I Into?

I'm into a lot of things. I'm into ladies and gentlemans and sometimes the in-betweens. I can do M/F and F/F but M/M doesn't do much for me, sorry! I'll hopefully have a competent F-List up to simplify things but I'm open to discussion of things anyway, outside of stuff like Guro, non-con, bestiality and so on. If you're not sure, ask.

Outside of that, I enjoy writing about competent women/men. My characters sexual preferences do not determine much therein. You can have a dom be an incomptent person but still be a successful dom, you can also have a legendary hero who slayed six billion demons turn into a mewling, submissive kitten with a proper tug of the hair or something.

I love action, being a redneck and a gun nerd makes it a somewhat easy proposition if I can shoot people in a story. But I also enjoy just writing about action in general, fantasy, name it, I like it. I also enjoy roleplaying in video game fandoms, but I have a very hardline rule on this one: I will not play a fandom character simply for you to fuck them. I take writing fandoms very seriously and I do my best to maintain a solid foundation of the character within, I am not anal about following canon, I am anal about following character depiction. Big difference. The core of the character will be as accurate as I can make it, everything else I can be flexible with. The things I have played and am into are a bit numerous to list, so just ask me and see what we can sort out, I'm pretty flexible about researching...just don't expect it to be absolutely perfect if I don't know it beforehand! I enjoy plots where sex is a common thing, but I like some meaning behind it. Random OC who just happens to have all this sexual charm and plows these ladies like nothing else does nothing for me. Sell it to me, make the character meaningful. Even my trashiest ideas or stories, I try to maintain the character's identity in some capacity if possible.

I enjoy plot, smut, plotty smut and smutty plot. I can go anywhere from 50/50, 60/40 to 80/20 or whatever else. I don't particularly need some smut to enjoy a roleplay (but I mean, I'm here so of course I want it). But I do need plot to enjoy a roleplay period, I don't need some grandiose world-spanning adventure, but I do need reasons to justify all the dicking going on (if there is, in fact, a generous amount of dicking happening, at any rate.)

I have both drawn pictures and IRL pictures, I am a visual person because it helps me get some clarity on things, but I do not need them if you don't want them and you don't need them to roleplay with me, I am very flexible in that regard.

What Do I Need From You?

Alright then, this is the part that you should probably pay attention to. I am somewhat a picky person to roleplay with, your disposition is just as important as your writing style. I do not need perfect grammar but competent grammar is the goal, and I do need some basic understanding of a few things that should be Roleplaying 101 by now:

Write with confidence, as in...don't write a lot of posts with vague mentions of what should and shouldn't happen, write what you can do within your character's personal control. Example: In a fight between two roleplayers, this sort of thing is discussed beforehand. But you would (in my personal experiences) describe the part that the character can react to, if someone takes a swing, that's where the posts end. I like my posts concise, I like having something to respond to in real time and not spending half my post catching up to the present.

If there is ANY part that requires an immediate response from me, such as dialogue or an action, I feel it is best to have at it at the end. This isn't a race, or a novel writing contest. This is an interactive writing experience, so give me things to interact to without having to play catch-up. This isn't really a hard rule, like I'm not going to bust your ass about things, but I'm just trying to clarify the sort of vibe I look for.

If you're going to take a character who is supposed to lead the story, don't be hesitant about elaborating what is happening. How do you do that? By discussing things, I see this an uncomfortable amount with any kind story. If you do not feel that you can play whatever character you have chosen to the proper level of importance and value, then don't play that character. If you are not willing to talk to me about what you would and would not like to do with said character, don't play that character. If you are playing someone that is a take charge, forward thinking, jump through window kind of person then I'd recommend just running a rough idea of what you'd like to do in general by me so I'm not entirely in the dark. Trust me, if I have an idea I will 100% tell you, I just expect the same courtesy.

Also, if we're discussing a thing or starting a thing or really at any point you cut contact, or even I cut contact with you, then please message me as I will message you! I might have legitimately forgotten, or you might have a half-written reply somewhere in the box that I never got to finish because I was distracted and something else happened! Alternatively, if you just don't like the roleplay or me or...whatever, let me know too. Simplifies things pretty easy. I'm not against people who I've turned down before coming to me again, all it takes is the idea, yeah? I just don't want to discourage people and think they can just fling ideas at me non-stop until something fits.

Sometimes ideas just don't work, and that happens. Hell, sometimes even my own ideas don't jive how I want, these things happen too.

Good job, you made it this far, now the actual part where I list things I feel like doing in various levels of thought! Keep in mind I play both male and female, so I'm not really picky on what I play, but this is just where my ideas take me! Don't hesitate to share anything you have if you think we'd be compatible!

The Plot Filled Patio- Where more plot happens than smut, but smut still happens.

The Sultry Sauna- Starting to lean more 50/50 here.

The Dirty Den- This is pretty much 90/10 smut to plot.
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