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War Has Changed [ LaPieta & The Goodman ]


Apr 24, 2019
Northeast US
The stench of the battlefield was unmistakable, the clamor of screams and steel deafening. The girl weaved her way through the masses of soldiers, steely eyes burning with fury; she did not know a world before the scourge had begun, but still she mourned its loss. Eileen had practiced the dancing steps of war, but there was only so much experience could do against overwhelming odds. Slice, dodge, block, stab. Repeat.

The army had come to this land to reclaim their nation's lost glory, and to wipe out the corruption the heathens spread in their wake, to save the souls of the poor misguided citizens. But they did not expect so brutal a retaliation.

Slice, dodge, block, stab. Repeat.

The remains of her shield were quickly turned into scrap wood under a flurry of blows from the axe of a wild-eyed berserker. She tried to block the incoming blows with her scavenged sword, but her strength was simply not comparable to that of the madman overtaking her.
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