Catherine's Cravings


Cookies Goddess
Aug 30, 2017
I am an IRL female playing only with IRL females.
Requests from males will be ignored.

I prefer MxF pairings, and I prefer to play a female in this setup, but can play a male.
My male thread

My females are always submissive & my males are always dominant.

I can be convinced into FxFu or FxF pairings if the story intrigues me! If you have an idea, don't be afraid to shoot it my way :3

Hello everyone~
My name's Cathy and I am looking for some fluffy, soft, sweet stories to write!

Settings: fantasy, medieval, historical, victorian or modern fantasy.

Keywords: enemies to lovers angst troublesome situations demons gods dragons elves nymphs royalty forced to work together


Do not godmod / take control over my character(s)! In most cases controlling my characters in any way, shape or form just turns me off completely. So, please don't.

♦ Right now I am interested only in heavy-story plots.
♦ I roleplay on the site, mostly in PMs. I have Discord for OOC, but I don't RP via discord.
♦ On average I write 3-5 paragraphs, although I may write longer, depending on setting and story. I tend to mirror what my partner is writing in most cases, so I don't mind shorter replies but no one-liners, please.
♦ I don't mind chatting in OOC, but I am not one for pointless chit-chat. I do not appreciate flirting, etc - my chatter in OOC in most cases focuses on the plot.
♦ I have my own life, and I am not on the site 24/7. On the good days, I may be able to reply back and forth, but that is not every day. One of the big turn-offs for me is when people try to 'speed me up' with replies throughout the day. Of course, if I am silent for around a week or so, feel free to check up on me, but if I don't reply every day, it means I am just busy. (I tend to reply at least every two or three days).
♦ Art-based faceclaims, or descriptions. No real photo faceclaims, either for my or my partner's character.
♦ When you message me, give me an idea, a pairing, a plot from here that you liked - preferably more than just one sentence.
♦ For my kinks, refer to my F-list

Note: nobody yet messaged me about characters from my "Character Journal", and that is something I'm craving as well. There are not many of them, but they have their own backstories that we can build up on.

Right now I am looking for a modern fantasy setup that would focus more around the story. 70/30 plot/smut ratio most likely, open to making it more plot, but probably not more smut. Ideas vary, but what I am looking for are demons, gods, half-demons, angel-demon hybrids, dragons, phoenixes, whatever you can think of in a modern background. Either versus humans or other creatures.

They probably wouldn't know each other previously, and at first they probably wouldn't like each other. But somehow they keep running into one another. MC messes up YC work, or our characters get forced to work together due to some unlucky circumstances, or they simply keep going to the same places and exploding one over another for no apparent reason.

For this plot, kinks would be mainly vanilla, but of course, we can discuss more details on that.


Princess x Royal Advisor/Bodyguard
Young Princess x Older King (from another kingdom)
Maid x King
Queen x Commoner
Princess x Spy
Queen x Monster King
Elf x Human
Elf x Monster
Human x Demon
Priestess x Monster
Priestess x Criminal
Mermaid x Any
Furry x Human
Monster-girl x Any

I also have a Characters' Journal! There are not many characters there, but I'd love to play some stories with them. Their descriptions are vague on purpose so changes to their stories are possible (as changes to their identities too), so if you have ideas shoot them my way.


Princesses' as a Tribute
Elven Crown Princess alongside her sisters is given as a "tribute" to a human Prince (or Princess) because their Kingdom is in ruin. The plan is for Crown Princess to marry the Prince and in exchange, the human Kingdom will help out the elven one. Her sisters are supposed to be there for her, but in reality, they all are a small harem for the young Prince. While the sisters are more understanding, the Crown Princess is hateful towards the Prince from the very beginning, even if she gives into his demands (afraid to bring harm to her Kingdom).

Prove Your Worth, Elf!
Humans and Elves are at war. An elven spy that does not show much hope is sent on a difficult, almost impossible mission. It's her only chance to prove everyone's wrong. However, that doesn't happen - she gets caught by a human commander and becomes his "slave"... which is the outcome she least expected.

An Old Friend
The King has died a few years back, with a mystery clinging to his death. Now, the Queen rules by herself, and the Kingdom thrives. But soon, a new threat comes in and she cannot deal with it by herself. She reaches out to an old friend -- a friend, that lost his noble title after a malicious intrigue from her now-dead husband, and became a pirate. By now he is the most well-know captain in the Kingdom, however, he is not a vile one. How will the two unpack all the anger and feeling of betrayal between each other, and how will the Queen manage to convince him to help her?

All Alone
Brought up by a lonely pair of elves after she was left to die in the mountains, she hasn’t seen many humans around. Life never was easy, living amongst elves while being a human. Even though she worked hard, she never was good enough, and when even her step-parents admit she doesn't belong with elves, she leaves the mountain village, traveling towards the closest city.

She was taught the art of hunt, she knows more than any human about herbs and plants, and she's skilled at farming and taking care of farm animals. But this all doesn't matter much in a town she visits, and still, she needs to find the way to survive.

Suddenly, a Queen
Youngest of them all, the Princess is send to foreign lands to make connections and find allies the country may need. As she is far away, her Kingdom is under attack, and when she finally returns, nothing is the same. The Kingdom survived, but when she arrives her father, the only member of royalty that survived the attack is on his death bed. Suddenly, although never prepared because of a multitude of siblings, she needs to be a new Queen. Unprepared, her only help is the man that saved the Kingdom, the commoner that turned out to be a skilled warrior, thrown in this situation because of the need.

Alternative Routes
Very much so, the Queen may return to her Kingdom completely fallen. In this case, she would get captured the moment she entered the Kingdom and shown before the new King. However the next part is played depends on the partner - this can be forceful and non-con, or perhaps the new King wants to befriend the Princess. He will keep her locked up but will not be rough on her (although, how others will see them, and what they will demand from their King may be different). I was also imagining this would be another race (like elves, for example), conquering a human kingdom.

Another thing that could happen was for someone to get the Princess out of the castle (or even find her before she gets captured) and helps her run away (or perhaps, show her to a small human settlement nearby or something along those lines).

I'd also be up to setting up stories within a war-ridden country from other perspectives than royal. A young woman who lost her whole family, a nun in the coven, a lady who owns a brothel and gets her girls completely exhausted while paid nothing, craftsmen being charged exceptional taxes or being paid nothing to supply invader, etc.
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bump for the little edit I did today! feel free to DM me with your own ideas & pairings as well :3
Still looking! Very much so interested in playing out scenarios with the girls from my Journal, as well :3
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