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Mx F or NB Doubt Your RT Can Get Any Worse? This One Takes the Cake! [NSFW]


Apr 27, 2019
Hello there BMR! I'm an experienced roleplayer in my early thirties, I started back when I was 15-16, so I guess I was a pervert for the majority of my life :) I'm looking to roleplay with interesting an experienced players, but the most important thing is to have fun and be comfortable with ourselves!

I'm looking either for DM style plays where I or my counter-party would assume the role of Dungeon Master and roleplay encounters, or classic one-on-one plays. I'm Dom and Switch, though double in the sub from time to time. I can and do enjoy roleplay as a female from time to time too, but the majority of my "talents" lie in playing male doms.

Some ideas, in a few words, we would brainstorm to make ours:
* Adventurer: DM style, your character would be an adventurer in Barbarian or Cyberpunk setting, where she encounters rather smutty quests. Humour is welcome ;)
* French-maid: Your character is contracted to be a french maid for a rich gentleman.
* Sales-girl: You or I would be playing as an ambitious sales rep who would do anything to get her sale.


Groundhog Day, Palm Springs, or Russian Doll'esque
Premise similar to Groundhog Day, or probably closer to Palm Springs, where our characters realize that they are stuck in a time loop.

They start with a standard, trying crazy shit, dying in various ways, reading all possible books, but then decide to go through their sex-fantasy-wish-list. They stuck together for dozens if not hundreds of years and can fulfill their every desire, knowing that the next day – everything will reset. Cuckolding, public sex, sex in micro-gravity while their airplane is crashing, trying every sex toy in the sex shop. You name it. I think this storyline would be interesting if we also mix-up some nonsexual iterations, when they rehearse, or just explore the surroundings.

Sword and Sorcery – Barbarians

So this is a crazy fever dream of mine, but I'm a big fan of the Heavy Metal ( ), Conan ( ), and Masters of the Universe ( ) aesthetic, and wanted to play adventure style roleplay for a long time. This can go in two directions - I'd be more of a DM dishing out adventures and quests upon your character, that said I would expect us both to brainstorm the ideas ;)

Or alternatively we could play as fellow adventurers, that end up being friends, foes, and competitors from time to time, trying to get an upper hand on each other, steal and keep all the treasure for themselves etc.

Mata Hari
She grew up in a normal middle-class family, or maybe just below middle class, though her parents seemed to love it, they seemed genuinely happy with their choices, but she wasn't, she dreamed bigger, she wanted more, and the fact that her dad for some reasons had very influential friends didn't help, it only reminded her - of what she could be, of what she could have. One such friend - Mr. Harris, her dad's friend from university was a diplomat, he had a hefty government salary, the passport that granted him an ability to travel anywhere in the world, and not to mention all the other perks <<that we could discuss>> given to him by the high ranking position in government.

She could never connect the dots, how would one get from where she was, to where somebody like everyone would say that it's all about hard work, but she suspected it was even more about connections, so when her Dad announced that Mr. Harris invited them to the barbeque - she agreed almost immediately, she picked stylish, a little sexy, but still classy sundress, and decided to use opportunity, to see and study how the class of people she wanted to join one day behaved, moved, and talked, and so she did. She moved from a group of people to another, listening and chatting to them, trying to leave a good first impression, which worked, in the beginning, better than towards the end if we are being totally honest. She was good, but still not experienced enough, especially at how to pace her alcohol intake, when jumping from group to group. The fact that she was a pretty girl didn't help since everyone tried to pour some more of that punch, and some more of that rare Gin and hand-made artisanal Tonic.

She didn't even realize that in her group hoping she was now standing and chatting to Mr. Harris and his friends, she felt strange, and she should have, she was the only pretty girl in a group of 4 men in their 40-50, but in presence of a young and fresh girl they wanted to know all about her, only in the way that men in their 50s would "Is that true that you only eat avocado toasts these days?" - one asked - "Do young people still watch the news?" - somebody else asked, sounding like he actually had a vested interest in the answer, maybe he was about to launch an ad compaign, for his product, though he did look like a mayor. - "Oh God, leave the girl alone" - Mr. Harris enjoyed watching somewhat tipsy girl answer silly questions, but it was his time to be a savior, and he took the girl and said - "Leave her be" - He said and turned to her - "Before I'll leave you with your parents, I have to say you held there like a champ" - Mr. Harris said, patting the girl on the back approvingly - "I could use somebody like you as an intern" - He added, and made no secret of how he checked her out, moving his eyes up and down her petite body - "I could definitely use somebody like you" - making an accent on "definitely" and "use", and hands her his business card - "Why don't you come by my office tomorrow, and bring a change of clothes, we could end up on the beach" - he told her with a wink.

There are three ways I see this story go, though we could still mix them and add-up:
Quickie - they just have sex on Mr. Harris' mansion, maybe with her Dad next door for added adrenaline.
Long term (just a pervert) - He could be just a pervert, and slowly introduced the girl to more and more of his fantasies, starting almost innocent.
Long term (spy) - He actually decides to train her to be some sort of Mata Hari, very similar to "just a pervert" variation, but this time he would introduce other characters, with a goal of pimping her out, to steal documents, and seduce high ranking officials.

Slave Market
I have a few variations of this scenario can go, but in essence, I just feel that there are too many Evil Step Moms and not enough Step Fathers! The story will revolve around well Step Daughter, who sold to a very rich man of who doesn't really think that rules are written for him, and their journey to breaking her. It will be a multi-scene story, that spans a few months, as he forces her from encounter to encounter.

One of the ways we could kick it off is:

it's about Step Father who is in debt, and deep shit, his slutty stepdaughter, and a rather shady "businessman" in huge quotation marks. The story goes as follows - Stepfather (Let's call him Frank) is about to lose everything, cars, homes, university tuition for his children when a safe line appears - Mr Gardner, he is handsome and muscular, and he offers Frank a contract, which will set him straight, and improve his cash flow, there is only one thing…Gardner wants his stepdaughter, a night with his stepdaughter.

Frank rejected the offer instinctively, but following night he is seating in his study and drinking the last bottle of good scotch when his stepdaughter comes back from a party drunk, dressed like a slut, and way too cheerful - "Why are you always so sad?" - she asks him. This very moment something clicked in his head…She is a whore anyways, maybe she can be a whore for his family?

The story would start in Gardner's private jet but will be multi-chapter, following the arc of how he trains his new slave. We can also switch characters a little, maybe it's Gardner's guest(s), maid, and so on, I'd love to brainstorm an outline of the roleplay.

"Before you wield the power, you shall know what it means to have no power" - Quote written on top of the entrance to the Labyrinth.

Some inspirations:
Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Labyrinth also known as Maze, but let's be honest words that use "y" instead of "i" are always better, so we'll go with Labyrinth! In this scenario, the Adventurer, will venture into the Labyrinth, goated by the promises of the treasure, and magical artifacts, and more importantly by the legend that whoever passes all the trials will wield unimaginable power. She knew of some people who went in and left, but they never talked about their experience, which was a good signal for her to, you know - not go inside, but she was strong-willed, stubborn, talented, and arrogant to think that she can succeed.

The roleplay will be a collection of short vignettes, where Adventurer is moving from room to room, and each one poses a challenge different type of encounters and challenges. Some of the examples of the encounters, ping me if you have an idea for an encounter, and also tell me if you don't want certain encounters to happen, but here is my list:

Classic Challenges
The girl enters the room, the girl sees a monster, or maybe few monsters, they could range from classical Minotaurs and Orcs to pretty monsters such as Drow (dark elves) and Vampires. In any case, Girl meets monster, monster want's girl, and they will most like succeed at getting the girl, though not for long, she is a smart lass and will figure a way out, and maybe even to kill the baddies. These rooms can vary, between one on one, to gang bangs.

Puzzle Challenges
They are still sexy, but adventurers will have to figure out how to pass, monsters in these rooms will not actively pursue her, instead, she might have to work them, maybe perform a lapdance, or spray them with her juices, or lure them away to the chess board in a specific pattern. Or maybe the challenge is to choose the right combination of clothes, labyrinth might just have a style!

She Takes Control (We can drop this one if taking control is a limit o yours)
Let's change it up a little, some of the challenges will require her to take control, and fuck through the room, or subdue the monster big or small, or maybe even play on their jealousy, and make them fight each other.

By this time, the adventurer figured out, that it's not a normal labyrinth, some magical and quantum physics shenanigans happening here, and these rooms blend the realities, girl will "jump" bodies, between different scenes, she could be ganged in one scene, while being tied to the cross and tickled in next.

Well, who are we without tentacles? Rooms filled with tentacles, tentacles that just want to please girl, why is she running away? Why does she try to leave? Tentacles are sad, but they will meet adventurer again, and show her the true meaning of pleasure!

Little People
Adventurer knows how to deal with Kobolds and Gnomes, and other little monsters, but what if said Kobolds are supped up on steroids and potions? What if they are elite versions of the monsters she fought outside - oh damn. Also - miniature ninjas are fun!

<<We could also make this style RP work in Medival or Barbary times, but this one set in the Cyber Punk>>
<<In this setting, both gladiators went through an extensive medical testing process, and they were given stimulants and downers to make sure that they are physically equivalent for the duration of the fight, none of them can overpower another with ease just because they have a larger body mass.>>

Drones big and small wizzed around the stadium, some taking shots of the arena from the distance, and some designed to get up close and personal, the gladiators where still being prepared while technicians run last sets of checks, and spectators were fed with another dose of hotdogs and ads to keep them entertained for a few minutes more minutes, while loyal machines quickly drained, vacuumed, and disinfected the arena, making sure it was clean for the next set of fighters.

Finally, the countdown started - "10" - announced loud and deep voice, and the arena started to fill with a think sheet of the special lubricant, making sure that the fighters always had some. "9" - Drones got into their position, - "8" - the doors on the opposing sides of the arena opened, - "7" - The photos of the gladiators overtook the large screens, "6" - and public exploded in ovation, it was their favorite, male versus female. - "5" - The gladiators entered the arena, stepping carefully to make sure they don't fall in the thin slush - "4" - Both of them wearing easy to tear clingy shorts, that didn't bother hiding much, and matching tops, with colorful highlights for their team. "3" - Get ready the voice announced and the fighters got in position, lowering their center of gravity, shouting at each other - "2" - One of them stomped into the slush, spraying the liquid around - "Go".

Both Gladiators run towards each other, one taking a low ground and using the lube to their advantage, to slide under, while another tries to execute a jump, to get on top - To be continued.

<<I'm also open for Futa on Futa with this one>>

Sensual Massage
<<So this is one-off smutty roleplay with Two Guys and One Girl ;)>>
She woke up with a light hangover, which was understandable and in fact quite surprising that it wasn't a heavier one, given the amount of alcohol she drunk last night. It was her birthday after all, and being a good host meant that she drunk, toasted, and cheered with all her guests, and now she was paying a small and modest price for that, she was still in the bed and morning sun while usually pleasant slightly annoyed her sensitive in hangover eyes, so she stretched and rolled over the bed and made her way to the shower, on the way there she picked up one of the presents, a rather heavy envelope.

She opened it on her way to the shower - "Voucher for Sensual Massage" - She mumbled to herself, with slight enthusiasm as she read it - "I could definitely use a massage" - She told her self and left the envelope on the shelf and threw her shirt to the side entering the shower. "Can I book a massage?" - She picked up the phone, and called up a place, placing a booking against her voucher code - "Yes, 11:30 am, my voucher code is 69BS69" - she said, and when she had to say the code outlound it made her suspicious a little, just a little.

A few hours later she approached the massage studio, with a voucher in her hand, wearing white linen shorts and red blouse, and of course, large black glasses, protecting her sensitive eyes, she didn't expect much, probably a facial, and a full body massage if she was lucky, it was after all one of the discount vouchers right? Right? She knocked on the door and heard footsteps.

"Hello there" - She was greeted by a large, handsome man, he wore a white uniform, pants and a white t-shirt that made it very clear how hard he was exercising every day, he stepped aside and made a welcoming gesture - "Please come in, we were waiting for you" - He said.

"We?" - The girl clarified as she stepped into the massage studio, and saw the second gentleman, wearing similar uniform next to a massage table, he was further away, but she could see that he wasn't far away from the one greeted her.

Random Writing and Prompts

<<This is a parallel universe, that became much much more sexist and misogynistic than ours>>

Frederic had a wide, satisfied smile as he slept and watched the dream of being sucked off by a magical fey from the olden stories, when he woke up a few moments later he saw a little blond head bobbing up and down on his cock, it was one head less than he expected, or to be precise one head less than it was required, but he would deal with the absence of Clare later, at this very moment Helena was performing her duty like a champ, she woke up before him as he stated in her daily rituals, washed her self, got herself ready for her morning load and came to his bedroom. - "Good fucktoy" - Frederic said with notes of approval in his voice, his hands landed on her head and he reeled her lush, long, blond hair around his palms gaining a firm hold over young girl's head - "You are getting better every day" - he commented, feeling the fruits of his training on his cock, she really come a long way, knowing how to make nice and sloppy blowjob, he missed Helen's tongue on his balls and taint, blowjobs were supposed to be performed by two women after all.

With his hands on her head, he started to thrust his hips, slowly picking up the pace and fucking the girl's face, he forced girl to go up and down on his thick shaft until his cock started to throb and soon exploded into the girl's mouth, hitting the back of her throat with warm sperm and filling her mouth. She still had a lot to learn, she gagged a little and cum started to spill out of her mouth - "Lick it all up" - he told the girl as she struggled to swallow what she could, she nodded with tears on her eyes from all the swallowing and smiled - "Yes sir, of course sir" - she said and went down, licking his shaft, balls, and inner thighs, he finally released girl's head and patted her on the head and pinched her cheek - "What a good little cumwhore I have here, but where is Helena?" - Frederic asked, and Clare's head tilted down, as if she was at fault, - "Helena is sleeping, master" - She said a second later, knowing that she shouldn't make her master wait and swallowed - "I tried to wake her up, but we were entertaining your guests master, and I'm afraid Helena still…" - Frederic interrupted Claire with a slap against her face, nothing strong, just to shut up the girl, and bring some discipline back - "What did I say about excuses? Good girls don't do excuses, they find ways to please men" - He said and the girl nodded enthusiastically - "Yes master, I'm a sorry master, Helena still sleeping" - Frederic rolled over the bed and smiled at girl, patting her one more time before sending her away - "You sucked my cock very well, now go and make us a breakfast, I'll deal with Helena" - he said and made his way towards the room where girls stayed.

If he was honest with himself, Helena was a champ day before, she did entertain his friends very good, but everybody knew that one can't trust women, they are lazy, and will use every opportunity to avoid their responsibilities, women needed discipline, so he entered the room to find a girl softly snoring on her mattress. Frederic approached her and turned her on her back unceremoniously, and sat on her, his buttocks over her chest, his cock over her head, he slapped her across the face, again nothing too hard, just to get attention, and with another hand reach back to slap girl across her crotch, hitting her cunt and clit - "Wakey wakey" - he said grabbing the girl by the hair and pulling her head up - "Open your mouth dear" - he said. Both girls were sent to him by his old friend, he was worried for their future, they were young and somehow they got hands on the old books, about romance and love, they started to believe that they could meet a man who wouldn't make them do things, but man who would treat like equal. Obviously, his friend was worried that girls would grow up to be degenerates and outcasts if anyone knew what they were talking about, and sent them to Frederic for training, and now Frederic sat on the Helen, making sure girls had a good future and knew her place beside a man.

A couple of Weeks Ago:
Damien entered the lobby of the hotel and adjusted his tailored dark blue suit and custom made swiss watch on his hand and smiled, not genuinely, just put a smile on his face, the book he was reading at the moment "Sleep with new girl every night" - suggested that he try and practice smiling, he didn't need girl every night, at this point he'd be happy with a girl every week, or bi-weekly, he exhaled, and smiled again making his way towards the bar and waving at the bartender - "Scotch, neat, Japanese" - he told the man and waited for his order, while bunch of young traders from financial district shuffled in, he felt pity for one of them, the poor fuck wore Rolex, and the new model, that meant that this very guy had such a poor taste, to just walk into the watch store and buy the watch that every other poor shmuck on Wallstreet will. - "You scotch sir, shall I add it to the room?" - the barman interrupted his line of thought - "I'm not staying here" - Damien replied and fished out black American express - "Open a tab for me will you?" With a drink in hand, tab open, and almost genuine smile on his face he felt like he can approach a woman or two, and try some of the tricks he learned so far.

Jessica was seated in a corner, sorting through the post-it notes she used as reminders, preparing for her presentation next morning, when truly handsome man approached her, built like from marble, long, or at least long for man black hair, chiseled face with somewhat offputting smile, but she could cover it with her bra, - "Hey there" - the man told her in nice, New-York-Posh baritone - "Hi" - Jessica responded, making a note that she might have to wake up at four in the morning next day and resume her preparation.

- "How are you?" - Damien asked,
- "I'm Fine, thank you, and you?" - Jessica's hope started to sink, the exchange of pleasantries wasn't something she expected the man of his appearance to engage.
- "I'm Damien" - the man said as he sat in the armchair in front of her and smiled, this weird smile that didn't engage all the face as if he was saying Cheese for a photo, but at least he tried.
- "Jessica" - her English teacher would be proud of her, they just went through classic exchange between two strangers, they asked about their mood, and exchange their names, Jessica sat there and waited for Damien to continue, but the man just sat there, thinking for a few seconds before he spoke again
- "Do you want to hang out, or grab dinner?" - He just asked her out of nowhere. Oh shit, I've met a bimbo, pretty boy, who really doesn't know how to talk to people.

Damien sat in front of the woman, they just exchanged their names, her name was Jessica, can he make a joke around it? Can he like to say something witty? I mean, he is a fucking lawyer, he should be able to speak right? What do I do now, where does the conversation go? - "Do you want to hang out or grab dinner?" - he finally blurbed, the silence was too hard to resist, he wanted to fill it with anything, and he saw the disappointed flower on Jessica's face - "Sorry Damien" - she said and fished her business card - "I'm busy, preparing for the presentation, but maybe when I'm next in New York?"

Next Day:
"Tell me Frank" - Damien leaned against his large wooden table in his corner office - "How do you talk to women? I mean they like me from the distance, but then there is this blocker, I guess it's me but I can't figure out what is it? Can you maybe come with me on a date, and take notes?" - Damien was a rational man, he knew that the way to improve, is a way of study, and meticulous note taking, reviewing, and adapting your behavior, but in this area he didn't know what to do, maybe carry a go-pro camera or something, record the dates and analyze, like the would analyze depositions, and jury interviews? - "Stop stop stop" - Frank, his assistant put a hand up - "What the fuck are we even talking about, also I'm gay, we have grinder"

"It can't be true" - Damien flared his hands - "Grinder is not that easy…is it?" - Damien asked Frank - "I can bet a grand, that I will be able to score a blowjob in next 20 minutes minus the commute time, or let's say 45 minutes with commute time" - Frank smiled, as he spoke with confidence, which somehow managed to make Damien even more annoyed. - "Why don't we do that? Why don't men and women just have sex, and then decide if they have something to talk about?" - Damien walked around the table frustrated and stopped for a second - "I actually believe we would improve their marriages, more than a half of divorce laws on the 13th floor are because they cheated or not getting laid" - Damien picked up his journal and pen - "We could also charge our clients for every ten years of successful marriage, by proving them that our system works"

"The system where they fuck each other first and then talk?" - Frank clarified. Damien wasn't stupid, he was more of a legal genius, and truth about geniuses was that most of their ideas were stupid as fuck, they just also had very smart ideas too, normal people would have normal ideas, not stupid, and not particularly remarkable, people like Damien had them on the extremes, and Frank considered it to be one of his primary functions to kill the stupid ones. - "Your loyalty to this firm is unweaving, you find a way to make money for this company, even when you trying to figure out how to get laid" - He paused - "But I guess it's not loyalty, it's just your workaholism, can I make a suggestion sir? - "I believe you already tried prostitutes and decided that it's not your thing" - Frank said, eliminating a branch of conversation.

He was about to propose Damien to find a Sugar Baby but decided to rephrase it, Sugar Baby was for men in their 50s, and it could turn Damien away from the idea, he was a prideful man, - "Why don't you find a concubine or french maid?" - He asked and fished out his phone, quickly googling sexy images of french maids, - "Imagine this, you come home, and there is a girl dressed like this" - Frank inhaled to continue his improvised sales pitch when he heard Damien - "Make it happen, what's next on our agenda?". Frank exhaled with relief, finally, they were through the awkward conversation.

The day:
"What is this" - Frank stood in Damien's study, the desk was littered with various sex toys, whips, dildos, vibrators, buttplugs, not to mention a bag, a fucking bag of cocaine and other pills - "You have to promise me, if you go full American psycho, and go on a killing spree, you will hire me as your attorney" - Frank said to his boss - "I'm shit attorney, but no conventional one will figure how to save you, and I need money". Damien shrugged as if it was nothing - "I don't know how to buy drugs in small doses, all my dealers bring them in bags, I ask them for a gram, but you know" - he shrugs, - "And toys, I was just ordering them one by one on Amazon, until it's this" - He waved towards the table, - "Don't worry we won't show it to her at the same time, I'll try them one by one".

Frank was about to say something witty, but the phone interrupted him, and he was grateful for it, he enjoyed making fun of his boss lately, but he suspected that Damien's patience wasn't infinite, but it was hard, hard to resist when one stood in front of these treasure, and that dildo did look good. - "It's building, your first candidate has arrived I'll prepare her".

Damien inhaled and nodded and then quickly exhaled, and turned away to the window to steel himself - I'm paying her, she is here for my satisfaction - he reminded himself, he doesn't need to be nervous, but then he remembered her photos and professionally made headshots - but she was gorgeous. Moments later Frank returned - "She's ready for you" - He said.

Damien walked confidently into the room, with his smile touching the corner of the lips, wearing dark grey jeans and white slim shirt, he was definitely not an older gentleman. - "Hello there, I'm Damien" - a tall, handsome man in his mid-thirties said extending his arms as if welcoming her for a hug.

- "Did anyone offered you a drink? I have a collection of scotch from Scotland and Japan" - Damien said, trying to keep a conversation going - "And do you prefer to start talking numbers, or your…" - he paused - "…responsibilities?" - he fished out a fat envelope filled with 7 grand, he wasn't sure how would a person survive on 7 grand a month, - "Or maybe I shall hand this over to you and ask you how far would go for it?" - Damien asked, having money present in conversation changed him, it was liberating, easy, this way he could actually have a conversation.

My limits seem to be usual for this site: Vore, Scat, everything else is up for discussion! I'm playing here, on discord.

Welcome to my Request Thread!

I'm Max, and I'm an avid roleplayer and ERPer. If that's a word. I'm roleplaying for over 15 years now (fuck, I'm old!).

### A few things about me, and my writing style
  • I'm a flexible roleplayer. I can write anywhere between 150 - 1,000 words. Depending on the roleplay, pace, and style we chose. Most action roleplays do benefit from a 2-3 paragraph style, or 250-500 words per post in my opinion.
  • When the scene becomes bland, we can always fade to dark, and agree on a summary of what will our characters take away.
  • Also, feel free to suggest skipping time and adding some exposition to move the story forward! I definitely will!
  • Will be taking breaks from time to time. I have a demanding job, that I however love.
  • I love visual aids, drawings and photography.
  • I prefer writing in the third-person omniscient. However can do second-person or first-person writing too. Mostly depends on the story. The second person does match some GM-style roleplays.
  • I don't have a smut/plot ratio. Any scene should advance the plot, whether it's action, dialogue, monologue, sex scene, or all together. If it does not advance the plot – I find it boring regardless of what it is.
  • I did not ghost anyone in 4 years. Always managed to warn that I'm going to be offline ahead of time!
  • Multiple characters: I think the story is much more interesting when there are more than 2 characters. I'm ok with my partner focusing on a single character or multiple.
  • Outlining scenarios. We don't have to follow our outlines though, we are not writers we are roleplayers. But I find it nice to have even a vague plan. Usually, I find it nice to outline the ending of a story or chapter, and then figure out how to get there.

### Scenario Ideas and Plot Bunnies!

### Scene Ideas
Apart from larger stories, I have some scene ideas that I'd love to discuss and maybe incorporate. Obviously – they are not always applicable, but I figured I'd share them even if just to have an inventory for future writing.

#### Massage Scenes

#### Group Training Scenes
I like the idea of having a girl being trained in ehm, the arts of love and fucking.

#### Dressup Scenes

Apart from the scenarios or scenes, I also have a couple of things I'd love to try when it comes to ERP. Namely, I want to co-write a novella for NaNoWriMo and maybe a scenario for a Visual Novel-style game.
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Bump! I just noticed, that for some reason I mentioned celeb play in my title…but I don;t do celeb play. Was I drunk?
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