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Mx F or NB Kinky male searching for some futanari fun!


Oct 9, 2018
La La Land
Welcome to my request thread!

I’ll keep the preamble short and sweet. I am a flexible roleplayer, and I do my best to work with what I get. I like at the very least going back and forth with one paragraph, but I much prefer to match lengthier posts if that’s more your style. I also love OOC chatting and planning so don’t be afraid to stop the action or chat with me outside of the rp. My limits are watersports, scat, and gore. I’m fairly open to everything else. If there is a kink you are craving just let me know and I have no doubt we can include it!

If futanari isn't exactly your thing, or you want to see my more plot heavy prompts, follow the link to my other thread: more kinky action!

Okay, on to the rp!

Latest idea: Kinky Resort

I'm picturing a group of college friends that go on a graduation vacation together: A guy, a girl, and two futas. The futas planned the whole trip and decided they would bring their friends to a Hedonism style nudist/sex resort (I know nudism isn't about sex but this resort is hehe). I see the rp as a shorter one-off sort of romp where the girl and guy basically get used as sex toys by the two futas. Drinking games, games with sexual forfeits, group sex, public sex, all manner of toys and BDSM gear. A sandbox of perversion.

I'm open to mixing up the grouping, I just had a default. It's meant to be a sandbox so we can include any fetishes or scenarios we come up with, not limited to what I've already listed.

If you're looking for a narrative structure, I'll be honest and say this rp will be light on story, however, all of these characters should be living breathing people with wants and feelings, so their interpersonal relationships can certainly come into play. Perhaps the guy has always been closed off about his kinks and really comes into his own through this vacation. The girl realizes her feelings for her close futa friend while the other has been harbouring a crush on her for years. Just some ideas. It's meant to be a light-hearted rp that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Please message me if this at all interests you! I promise, I don't bite ... hard ;)

Old idea: Futa roommate (not craving but always open)
So I’m looking for someone who will mainly play my new futa roommate. I’m looking to play a college/grad school age male who just found someone new to fill his two bedroom apartment. Little does he know, the cute girl who responded to his ad is packing major heat!

The way I see the rp working is we’d mainly play these two characters and their interactions/antics, but also branch out into their own adventures around campus and town. My vision for this is either a world where sex is commonplace and open, or is much less taboo due to some external force (perhaps a strange virus is going around that causes strong sexual urges and relieves inhibition). Alternatively, I’m open to magic being common place as well, with sexual spells or side effects of other incantations. The sky is the limit honestly.

Some possible world scenarios:

Nudist day at the gym
Intramural wrestling is suddenly sexual
Getting caught masturbating in the library
And many more!

That’s the gist. I have several ideas for how the plot can develop, but I’d rather discuss those over pm rather than make this post any longer. It’s already a doozy!

Can’t wait to read your replies!
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