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Fx Male Ready to have some paranormal fun??

Queen of the Damned

Come join the coven
Jul 28, 2012

Hello everyone!!!
So let me introduce myself. I'm Queen of the Damned but formally little.miss.porcelain but you can call me Queenie or Dot for short.

Just to let you know this is my paranormal thread. I have a realist thread linked here if you are intersted in that.

I have a group role play that I'm starting called Salem Academy. Please check it out

About me:
I mostly play a sub. I've tried play a dom but it didn't work out very well so I'm sticking to sub as for right now. While I do love paragraphs and paragraphs of story that isn't necessary. I do ask to write between 1-4 paragraphs. Please no liners. The more detail you put in means I can reply with more details. Now while I don't always reply right away, if I haven't replied in a couple of days, send me a message. I don't mean to but if I'm rping with a couple of people or talking to them, then the reply might have gotten lost. Also if you don't like the reply I sent or feel it doesn't fit, by all means, let me know. This is a two way street cause guess what I will do the same. But please don't just drop the RP because you feel it isn't working. Let me know and we can figure something out. Deal?? Deal.

What kinds of plots I'm into:
I try to stick to modern and/or paranormal. Now that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to try other types. So if you don't see something you like, all you have to do is reach out and shoot an idea out to me.

The ones with ** are the ones I'm currently craving. The ones that are striked out mean that I'm already doing it with someone else.

.Cry Wolf **
She never thought something like this would happen to her. She didn't even do anything. But in order to protect her brother, she sacrificed everything, including her pack. Her father sent her away to live with another pack. One that lived in one of the darkest, coldest forest. And that's just the weather. Most of the wolves in this pack are arrogant, cold, and plain mean. As her punishment, she must survived living with them. And not only as a wolf but as a human too.

He's one of the most feared wolf in the country. Being an Alpha of his pack, he strives on being the best. But when the daughter of another pack comes because she's forced to, he knows it's going to be a bumpy ride. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't start having feelings for her, feelings that could indicate that she is his mate, his soul mate. Possessive over her,wanting to protect her, wanting to love her and be loved by her, Could she be the one? How can he show her that he's not just the beast born to torn something apart?

(When a shape-shifter imprints on a specific person, he becomes unconditionally bound to her for the rest of his life. When it happens, the experience is described as being gravitationally pulled toward that person while a glowing heat fills him; the connections of everything else become severed, or simply secondary, and only the imprintee is left to matter, leaving the shape-shifter with a deep need to do anything to please and protect the person.It is unknown whether the shape-shifter could go one day without being in contact with his imprintee, the separation involved potentially causing both of them pain. What would happen if a wolf is rejected by his imprintee is also unknown, though this is assumed to be almost impossible; the imprinter is deemed to be the "perfect match" to the imprintee; he will be anything she may want or need, making rejection extremely unlikely. Should it happen, however, the imprinter may feel unspeakable pain, but he will still respect her decision. He also won't be able to find another person who can satiate his loneliness or replace his soulmate.)

Born and raised in a family where everyone hates each other gets a bit lonely. It’s why she happy when she got accepted into St Benedict University for the gifted. Gifted really meaning you come from a background of supernatural forces. But even there she feels like she doesn’t belong.
He’s only going because without his powers to shift, what else is he suppose to do. The curse came with the family. No one knew it would pass down to each male generation but it did, until the one male can mate with a witch. It’s not easy since all witches are nasty little things.
They never wanted to be paired with each other but fate threw them together whether they liked it or not. To make matters worst, there have been killing going on on the grounds and no one, not even witches who can do a spell or shifters who can sniff out a scent, can tell who it is.

I was thinking about this on my way home, so I want to do a rp with the witch and shapeshifter but one slight difference, the witch can't speak... I know I know what's a witch without being able to say spells. Well that's the thing, she was doing dark magic (which is a no no mind you) so her punishment is the witch council took her voice away. So she's like the little mermaid but instead of being a mermaid she's a witch... I haven't decided if her finding her true soul mate means she would get her voice back or if that would be too easy.... anyways since the PMs are down, if you are interested, just post here.

3.Game Changer **
Being bitten by a werewolf was not a part of my life plan. But my ex boyfriend thought otherwise. Notice how I said ex. Yeah his plan to make me his eternal bride failed. I mean really? What is this, a stupid romance novel where the girl suddenly accepts what has happened and lives happily ever after, doing whatever the guy wants? Ummm no, I don't think not. He's still convinced that I'm going to be with him. But how do you get a stalker, psycho werewolf to leave you the hell alone? Go find his alpha. Oh and did I mention I almost ran his and maybe my new alpha over? Not a good start. But else is going to help me with the ex and turning into a werewolf?

4.Dead Like Me
Those who've died before their time are given the chose to go to the afterlife... or to become a grim reaper. YC just died young and unexpectedly. And so MC has come to collect YC. Of course because of the circumstances, MC takes you to the underworld, where the souls will have a grace period to decide whether they want to go to their afterlife or become a grim reaper. YC decides to become a grim reaper. YC joins MC's team where we meet at an old diner and "the boss" hands out sticky notes. Our job is to collect the souls that have died. Since YC is newly grim, YC gets to stick to MC to learn the werewolf

5. Time traveler**
I would like to do a on outlander type of role play, where a young woman travels back in time (preferably Ireland or England) and has to learn how to blend in.

6. Sound of Silence**
She wanted the the pain to stop, the rumors to stop spreading, the hurt to go away. Her mother, even as someone who love plants, was cold to her. She thought it would have stopped by now, but it just got worst. She was at her all time low. So she did the only thing she could think to make the pain go away, eat the one thing that could kill her, pomegranates.

She later woke up in a dark room, but it was well decorated. Upon exploring, she finds out that she's in the underworld and Hades has been waiting for her

I expected this. Even as the daughter of an alpha couldn’t stop the punishment. I’d hope that that it didn't come down to this but better me than my brother. I hate leaving him here, but he would be better off here than to be out on his own or to the pack I was forced to go to. I would never let him take the punishment. Even if the evidence didn’t point to me, I confessed. And now I was being sent to a pack the was notoriously rumored to be feared, especially their alpha.
I’ve never met the man though the rumors say he’s rude and arrogant. He doesn’t give two shits about the people outside his pack. But the rumors also say that he would do anything to protect his pack. I would love to say it was heart warming and surprising that he wanted me to join his pack instead of becoming a lone wolf, but female wolves are rare, natural born females is almost never heard of, and I was the unicorn.
(So I’m planning on doing this one in third person unless you would like to do a role play in first person. Also I would like that the alpha and MC become fated mates)

Okay so normally I wouldn't so this but because it's technically not the actual characters I'm still going with it. So I want to play as the children of the Avengers. So Lile black widow's daughter or captain America's son and so forth. Again I don't want to actually play the main characters just their children.

8. Enter player one

I don't have a specific plot for this one but I have an idea. Technology has grown so that people in comas can enter in a world through their minds. Here they can be whatever they want to be and go wherever they want to go. They can be Kings or queens, witches or vampires, whatever their heart desires. So our characters meet up in a fantasy land. This is where we would discuss what we want to do. I also thought about make this into a group rope play.

So I have these two plots buts sometimes I find writing prompts that are either funny or just interesting. I want to try where I have a bunch of writing prompts below whether they are just a couple of sentences or just quotes. But I want to have people to pick one and we write a plot based on it or around it.

1. When he walked into the room, she barely glanced up. She would have returned to her book if she hadn’t caught the tattoo on the side of his neck peeking from his collar.

2. Every night you visit me. Sometimes in my dreams. Sometimes in my nightmares.

3. Her life changed when she found out the monsters had been protecting her.

4. Guy: why aren’t you afraid of me?
Me: seriously? I have worst nightmares about failing AP Chem.

5. She strode across the room and punched him right in the face.

6. Years ago I sold my soul to the devil. Today he appeared to me and said “I need a favor”

Looking to combine 1,4, and 5

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