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What are YOU listening to?

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Moon Over The Castle from the Gran Turismo 3 soundtrack. It's also possibly by Nobuo Uematsu, but GT3 was the first thing that came to my head.
Britney Spears - WOMANIZA

>_> It's not my fault that she's so deviously catchy.
Mr Master said:
Alex said:
Britney Spears - WOMANIZA

>_> It's not my fault that she's so deviously catchy.
It is catchy, and the video is reasonably hot. But I was first introduced to the tune via the Venetian Princess parody on YouTube, which is all about nerds, and that speaks more closely to my heart. And my experience. XD
I like her new album for some reason. I wasn't really into her whole pop music deal, but I do enjoy her catchy tehcnoy music now. xD

I just stumble on songs that people have in their profiles on Gaia, myspace, all that jazz, and it sticks with me until I find the song again. ; 3;
Battlestar Galactica Original Soundtrack - Admiral and Commander (from 'Exodus, Parts 1 and 2')

Psuedo Irish/Scottish fanfare with marching drums. Never watched the show, but I do love the soundtrack.
for you - Lluther

hawt video, no nudity, but the suggestive theme gets that dirty part of my brain up and running.
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