Mx Female A muscular guy’s request thread (a work in progress, constantly updated)

May 21, 2012
Hi there! Thanks for clicking! I’m Jon and I have roleplayed for over 10 years on various platforms. I generally prefer to keep my RPs long term (like many people I can’t dedicate a constant period of time for RPs, but I can reply whenever I am free) and write at least 2 paragraphs per post and on occasion up to 4 or 5 though this depends entirely on the scene. I find that - generally - threads or emails work better for this, however if you have particular preferences otherwise then please let me know and I’ll do my best to accommodate them.

Most of my characters are in their 30s, well built and physically strong or athletic. I’m a mild switch, so I prefer to be mildly dominant but can switch to submissive in the right scenarios and for the right lady.

My scenes are written predominantly with the intention of having escalating scenarios - starting off with more basic or soft core interactions and gradually moving towards sex and adding other kinks - rather than jumping straight into sex. For me this adds to the tension, enjoyment and realism
I am more than happy to discuss details and ideas with you. If there is anything you would like to add, change, remove etc please just say!

I have quite a few ideas, which I will be uploading gradually. Since I’ll be using spoilers to keep the post easy to read, I’ll add a short synopsis of what themes each scenario will involve and what types of writing I’m looking for.

Your first photoshoot didn't go as you'd planned!

Hi! Looking for a lady to play out the role of a generally sweet, innocent and pretty straight girl turning up to her first modelling shoot. Only to discover she's misread the contract, or read it correctly but been completely duped! So yes, this should involve some coercion or reluctance at the very least; forcing, dub con and non con if you're ok with it!

Sample Starter

You were never one of those girls who dreamed of being a model. Sure, you've been told you were pretty, but you weren't quite so shallow or self-centred to want to be photographed and put on posters, magazines, billboards or websites. Yet ever since I first spoke to you and planted the idea of you doing some test shoots with me for my website, the seed has grown in your mind and you keep finding yourself thinking about it.

You've wondered if it would be fun and a little exciting, plus the chance to earn some cash on the side of your other job/studies (delete as appropriate) for not much time investment was pretty tempting too.

So just two weeks after I first approached you in person and you took my social media details, you DM'ed me, expressing your interested. Now, two days later you're at my office being greeted by Kobe, a pretty, dark-skinned east Asian lady wearing a black skirt and a blouse tight enough to show off her tight, slender figure and enhanced, c cup breasts. She smiled at you and asked you to wait on the sofa in the reception area while she called me. If only you knew that today wasn't going to be a normal modelling shoot...


coercion, reluctance, dub-con, non-con
, oral sex (giving and receiving), facials, multiple cumshots, multiple orgasms, fingering, forced bi fem, forced lesbian, forced ffm, voyeur, exhibitionism, photographing/filming and more that I will inevitably have forgotten


impregnation, lactation, tentacles, underage, animals, blood, scat, pee, mmf, cuckolding

Bonus points to anyone willing to play as two friends going to the shoot together, playing/sharing multiple parts or using reference pics

Whether it was because you were short of cash to pay your school bills, or because you just enjoyed doing it and earning some money, but about 6 months ago - and much despite your otherwise good girl image - you started running your own webcam show.
Indeed, the money was good and it was fun – you suddenly enjoyed the attention you got that previously you did not and it was a huge buzz for you.
They guys (and perhaps girls) watching ate it up. They loved your looks (choose from below)

a) That tight, petite asian body. With slender hips and small yet pert titties a pretty face with exotic features
b) That athletic, tanned frame with toned, firm, legs and ass built from sports and time in the gym. C cup boobs that sat perfectly above a firm stomach
c) Those curvy latina hips that joined that beautiful round ass. Full tits and long dark hair
d)That dark, melanin-rich skin, slim waist, firm ass and thighs and incredible tits!
e) Something else!

And they loved the way your body writhed and bucked when you came. It was amazing, but it seemed recently like it couldn’t last. You’d tried almost everything you could think of to come up with something new for your seemingly insatiable public (choose details from below)
a) Dress ups and cosplay
b) Deepthroats of large thick dildos
c) Dildos that ejaculated fake cum
d) All of the above
e) Something else! (and all of the above?)

It seemed like it was simply inevitable. You were going to have to get a guy on cam with you. However this caused some issues. Firstly you didn’t really want anyone in your real life knowing what you did. So it had to be someone you could really trust. Secondly, you didn’t want to feel like you were slutting it up - your words not mine – so you only wanted to do it with one person. And finally he had to be fit for purpose – he needed the physical attributes and the stamina!
Which lead you to me! Lucky me! Now why was that? Was that because..
a) I’m your best friend and you could trust me
b) You’ve had a secret crush on me for a while now
c) Your friend – insert name here – slept with me a year ago and even though you didn’t want to believe her, she said I was hung like a pornstar and didn’t stop even after I came
d) All of the above
e) Something else (and all of the above?)

So that brings us to this moment. Your room is decorated rather scarcely, just a few scenic prints on the walls to distract from the typically neutral paint colour the landlord chose. It’s not large, but it suits you perfectly as it’s cheap and close to campus and it’s a better place for us to hang out than the living room. The living room of the flat is almost entirely overrun by your housemate - a girl from your course - so your bedroom gives us plenty of privacy to either chat about whatever stupid subject takes our fancy or play video games undisturbed. You’re sat on your single bed, a pillow stuffed against the wall props you up in a half seated position. While your legs are bent slightly at the knees to let your book/sketch pad rest on your thighs.
I run a hand through my short blonde hair as I spin on your desk chair, my mind empty and free as I wait somewhat impatiently for you to finish whatever work your doing.
Or at least pretending to do. Unbeknownst to me you’re working up the courage to bring up a conversation you’ve hardly been looking forward to...
Themes - best friends crossing the line; cam shows; dressing up; voyeurism and exhibitionism.
Smut to Plot = 60:40 - 50:50
Short, medium or long term available

I have an idea that is by no means fully formed - which I think is actually good since it allows us to discuss more ideas and really create the story together, rather than you just being someone who writes the parts of the story that I can't be bothered to write myself! Anyway, back to the idea! It's set in either a medieval or medieval with some fantasy (some magic, some other races such nymphs, elves etc though they would likely not be heavily integrated into the cities and towns of man) and follows a character that has been set up, almost killed and had his lands and title stripped from him. His first thoughts are of survival, with his end goal being revenge on those that set him up and returning himself to his rightful position.

Below is a basic starter (apologies for the quality of writing, I'm really bad at starters) to give an idea of what has happened so far.

The cold wind cut through the outskirts of the forest, the trees far too sparse to yet offer shelter. Leaves were pulled from their branches and sent twisting through the air towards the centre of the forest as if marking a path.
The large figure pulled his thin cloak tightly around himself and ducked his head to his chin as continued onwards. Deeper into the woods that would offer sanctuary not only from the weather, but those hunting him.
Branches crunched under foot as he paid no care to being subtle. Those that called the forest their home would already know if his presence regardless and so he pushed through, favouring speed until he was confident that he was deep enough into the forest to guarantee safety.
The remnants of an old oak lay fallen on the ground. Where the old tree had collapsed the roots took with it a significant amount of earth, leaving a large ditch. Combined with the huge carcass of the tree, the ditch offered a rudimentary shelter. He sat down, checking himself for any serious injuries he may have sustained in the fight. Only when he was certain that he had suffered nothing more than the odd scratch did he finally allow himself to truly take an assessment of his situation.
Until that morning he had been a lord in both title and lands. He commanded a sizeable army and was one of the closest advisers to the young Queen. His exploits in battle had earned respect from the nobility and the love of the masses. But there were those that saw him as something to hate and fear. He was a sign of something different; too young to be in his position, not from a noble family but rather low-born and a worshipper of the old gods rather than the new. They feared him and despised him. But most of all they saw him as a threat to be eliminated and scapegoat to be blamed
They had the means to create the false claims and the evidence to make him look guilty. From there they had organised the men who arrested him, which is why he had not recognised the officer and why they had tried to kill him as soon as they were clear of the city.
His men had been blocked from leaving the city and threatened with imprisonment or execution if they tried to follow.
He was dragged away and forced into a cart that carried him far enough from the town for there to be no witnesses to what they had planned. There, in a small clearing near the woods, they unceremoniously through him from the cart, cut his bonds and threw him his short sword. The four men were overconfident in both their abilities and the advantage their numbers gave them. Within seconds he had cut down two of them, one man tried to run but tripped on a root cracking his head on a stone and leaving the officer alone. He had died a painful death, but only after giving up a shred of evidence, a scrap of paper carrying the seal of one of the high priests.
He stared at it for a moment before folding it and putting it back in a small leather pouch that he kept under his jerkin. He checked the coat and cloak he had taken from the dead men but neither contained any flints, though he doubted there would be any dry wood to use in any case. It wouldn’t matter, the people of the forest would find him soon enough, long before starvation or freezing became a worry.
All he had to do was wait. Wait and then hope they remembered him...
Themes: Fantasy, world building, revenge.
Smut to Plot: 40:60 to 30:70
Medium to long term

You have a crush on an older guy, but he's only interested in you if it's a 2-4-1 deal with your best friend

Basic Premise - Two friends both have a crush on an older guy - could be a neighbour, a teacher, a friend of their fathers' - but what they are about to learn is that men are a little different from guys their age.
Should Involve - A lot of reluctance on your part, awkwardness, firsts, FFM, FF action, forced or coerced FF

Details such as characters ages (as long as they are all above 18!) names and appearances are open to discussion. Please do not be afraid to ask
“God your neighbour is hot” Emily commented, thinking out loud but stopping just shy of verbalising her entire thoughts on the matter. She stared out of the upstairs window of her friend’s room, eyes fixed on the man in the garden next door. He worked diligently in his garden, sweat glistening on the muscular body of an athlete.
“Yeah. I know...” Jade replied her feelings mimicking Emily’s, but laced with dissatisfied longing. “But you’re wasting your time Em. He’s not interested in girls. He likes himself a woman.”
Emily frowned in disbelief then scoffed at her friend’s comment. “What are you on about? Every guy is interested in a hot 18 year old!”
Jade just shook her head. “I sunbathe our there all the time. He doesn’t even look twice. He..”
“He’s gay?” Emily ventured.
Again Jade shook her head. “Nope! I told you, he likes women. Experienced women his age that know what they are doing. I see the women that leave his house in the morning..”
“We know what we’re doing!” Emily asserted. “We’re not virgins.”
“Sleeping with one guy is hardly the same as knowing what you’re doing. “
Emily just grabbed Jade’s wrist, leading her out of her own room. “Well, lets push the matter shall we?”
“What are we doing Em?” Jade asked as she was guided down the stairs and towards her front door.
“We’re going to find out which of us finds more attractive” Emily replied confidently, dragging her friend across the front garden and ringing the bell of the neighbour’s house...
Simple pretence, two attractive but relatively inexperienced 18 year old girls try to proposition the older, hot neighbour.
But what they are going to find out is that not only is he only interested in them as a 2-1 deal, something they are rather reluctant about to say the least. But also that Emily’s confidence in their knowledge and experience is somewhat misplaced
Kinks - reluctance, FFM, oral sex, Reluctant Bi fem, facials, big cock, cock shock, fucked to exhaustion, nervousness and more
Potential pics (all over 18):


Inspired by a dream - Waking up cuffed to the bed

I was having such a lovely dream a while back (see spoiler but as is typical, I woke up before the good bit. As with most dreams, there were distinct details missing. Like the appearance and identity of the mysterious lady. All I know is that she was someone other than a significant other - hence my reluctance

I’m hoping you like the story so far and will want to continue it on with me!

My eyes peer open, taking in familiar sights of my own room as the daylight slowly breaks through the gap between my blind and the window frame. I try to take stock of things; the events of the previous evening or even the day of the week. But my head seems heavy and dull and start to become distinctly aware that my arms are unusually positioned above my head. Come to think of it, I normally sleep on my front rather than my back.

My shoulders ache from their unnatural position, but as I try to move them down by my side they are halted, restricted as something metallic sharply pulls on my wrists. Above my head, small clangs of metal on metal accompany the restriction and I peer upwards in confusion.

Each wrist is connected to the metal headboard of my bed by a pair of handcuffs. And not the cheap, plastic, type that you’d get with a costume. Whoever had done this had planned and invested a little more wisely.

“What the fuck?” I grunt, pulling harder to try to free myself, but succeeding only in bruising my wrists. My fingers reach across to examination the cuffs of the other hand, but any hope that they are faulty proves to be naively optimistic.

“Good morning sleepyhead”.

Your familiar voice comes from the doorway and I stop suddenly aware of your presence, alerted by the sounds of my struggles.

“This isn’t funny [your name]” I growl through gritted teeth.

“My my, don’t you look good?” You reply, ignoring my threats as your eyes wander over my body.

I’m instantly all too aware that I’m wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, slightly too tight to leave much to the imagination. My muscles flex as I pull again at the cuffs.
“Dammit! [your name]. You’ve had your fun. Now let me go!”

“Oh, no! I haven’t had my fun. Not *yet*” You step towards the bed, steps purposefully slow to drag out my worry. As you come closer one hand reaches out, fingertips tracing their way down my abdomen, over grooves and striations of honed muscle.

“I’ll let you go eventually...”

You break off as you drop your head to my chest, you plant kisses on it and your teeth close around thick pectoral muscle. They squeeze, not painfully so, but more than playful.

“Mmm. I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”

“This is t funny! Let me go!”

“Really? That what you want?” You ask, eyes taking me in. “Because something tells me different.” Your eyes drop to my shorts, then back to mine with a wink


As I mentioned, there wasn’t any real identity to the female character, but that’s good as it leaves it open to your imagination. I’ve written it out implying that they aren’t a stranger, but that can be changed if you wish!

What I’d like to know before we play is:

* Who are you? Name, appearance and relationship to me

* Why am I struggling? Are we related? Are you my gf/wife’s best friend etc

* What are your kinks and limits?

Kinks - reluctance, oral, mulitple cumshots, facials, mouth creampies, handjobs, incest (siblings, cousins), best friends, forced orgasms, light bondage, light femdom, ffm, female orgasms (eyerolling and quivering especially)

Limits - heavy bdsm, heavy femdom, pegging, animals, toilet play, MxM, pregnancy, lactation, mother x son, dad x daughter,

A Faerie In a Bottle

Basics - A 'normal' or 'nerdy' or 'loser' guy finds a poor Faerie trapped in a bottle and decides to help her. This could lead to a strange interspecies romance, or a great friendship. Lots of possibilities
Short, medium or long term

"HELP!" You cried out as you slammed your hands and feet as hard as possible against the very old brown glass. However, it seemed to be all for nothing as the air grew thinner and it was getting harder to breath. And with a busted wand, your magic barely worked, not that I had enough time to use it with your body being tossed around in bottle as it got washed down the river. Finally, your blacked out as the river seem to come to a slow crawl.

In the middle of the city's park, I’m hanging out by the lake because, well, because I’m bored and lonely. Normally, I overlooked the trash like everyone else but the dark brown bottle bobbing back and forth drew my attention. Reaching out, I managed to grab it without falling in as I sat back with a sigh. Looking it over, I noticed a dim glowing light and the figure of a tiny person. Undoing the top, there was a small gasp and light snoring. Giving it a few shakes, the tiny woman rolled out in my free hand, still deep in her slumber.
Long black hair running down the back of the very shapely fairy. Despite her small build, she had the figure of a fully grown woman. Beneath her uniform crafted from leaves and plant bits, she was rather stacked. With a surprisingly thick ass to boot as I laid her in my open palm. Even a tiny set of glasses sat on the bridge of her nose as she slumbered. And clenched tightly in her hand, a simple metal wand or what's left of it, anyway.

My skin tingled from touching her tiny magical body. Looking down at the slumbering woman, I pocketed her and headed for some place more private. Part of me knew she needed to be protected until she woke up. Another was amazed by the actual existance of magic in the real world. And a third part seems to have fallen her already as I thought about her and found myself getting turned on.

Your best friend’s hung husband
General premise - your relationship with your best friend and/or her husband drastically changes when you find out he’s hung.
*Could* involve - cuckqueaning, cock worship, seduction, cumplay, voyeur and exhibitionism, reluctance/hesitance, FFM, risk of being caught, sneaking around

((Would love to involve interracial or raceplay if you wanted to play as an Asian, Latin or black lady)

You and my wife have been friends for years. Long before she even met me, let alone married me. And so you two talk. A lot. About everything.

Which means that on more than one occasion she has told you about what I’m packing. Not just told you. But bragged and explained in full detail. How big it is, how heavy. How it feels. Hell, once she even showed you a picture she’d [taken](


Now it was too much. You needed to see it for yourself. Fuck that, you needed to feel it for yourself. To taste it. To ride it...

Salma Hayek's room service...

Let's face it, Salma Hayek is an incredibly sexy woman. And has been for decades now, indeed she's almost getting sexier with age. There's something about a sexy, curvy older lady that makes me slightly less dominant. Maybe it's because she's old and she knows what she wants? Or because she's more confident to take control? Who knows, who cares?

The lock of the room door clicks behind me as I wheel my cart into the large suite. Even for a hotel of our high calibre, this room is impressive. A large king sized bed sits on the far wall to my right, overlooking the rest of the suite which opens out to lead into a bathroom big enough to fit a medium sized hot tub. Opposite me is the view, a view that practically pays for the room. Full length windows show London in all it’s glory, the vibrant, modern city with historical buildings that boarder the River Thames.

But I’ve seen it all before and diligently get on with the job at hand. I turn back to my trolley and unfold the champagne holder, place the bucket of ice inside it and the large bottle inside that. Apparently the guest is famous, an incredibly well known actress. But then most of our guests are either famous or rich. Or of course both. And discretion comes with the job. So it’s rare that staff know the details of a guest unless they bump into them.

I’m just finishing up, straightening the sheets and ensuring the room is up to the usual high standards when I hear the unmistakable electronic whir of the door locking mechanism.

Instantly I stand tall, taking on my persona of perfect customer service. My hands run down the black waistcoat and dress trousers, ironing out any wrinkles and I pluck a stray thread from my pristinely white shirt.

“Good evening madam,” I start, barely evening looking at the guest. “I was just delivering your champagne as requested.” Salma Hayek? I think to myself, well, she’s certainly famous!

“Is there anything else I can help you with?”

So there we have it, I’ve just readied Salma Hayek’s room. She’s been filming at an intense schedule for weeks now and is going to need a serious release. I don’t mean a good fuck, I mean several good fucks. An entire night of her using me to satisfy her needs. It doesn’t matter if I cum - well, it does, I’m sure she’ll love my cum - she’s going to keep going until she’s entirely satisfied, even if that means draining my balls completely.

Perhaps her needs are entirely based around getting as much as my cum as she can? Or perhaps it’s about fucking all night long? Who knows? (That’s stupid of me to say. Because after all, you do!)

Kinks - multiple cumshots, multiple orgasms, blowjobs, handjobs, pussy eating, fingering, facials, oral creampies, cum on tits, cum covered fucking, sexual confident (and slightly dominant) women and more!

"Go on baby, fuck her for me.."

So below is my starter! I’m happy to compromise on some details such as appearances (I have albums we can pick from) and relations. I’m even happy for you to play as both or either one of the female characters. I’d love to discuss ideas or details with you before starting so don’t be afraid to ask questions or suggest ideas.

My heart pounded as you led me away from the main party and up the stairs towards the bedrooms. Your hand curled around mine, your skin soft and smooth as I watched your ass move side to side in those tight jeans with each step. I could barely believe this was real. I wasn’t ugly, but I was distinctly average while you were two years my senior and practically a goddess. You’d been friends with my sister for longer than I could remember and I had admired you for just as long

As we reached the top of the stairs you smiled and pulled me in for another kiss. It was shorter than ones we had shared downstairs, but it left me wanting more, just as you intended. Purposefully you turned me towards one of the doors and closed it behind us. Barely able to see in the dark, I could just about make out a double bed in the centre of the room and a bed stand to the right of it. I gulped, this was really happening.

I gentle push on my chest and you had me sitting back onto the bed. The bedside lamp half illuminated the room as you switched it on and stood before me with a wry smile, your eyes locking on the part of the bed behind me. I turn my head to investigate it and i frown as I see the passed out figure beside me. I stand to move around the bed and instantly recognise her.

“We should find another room..” I start. But you shake your head.

“This is the only one free honey.”

“Yeah but, I can’t, not next to..”

“Nope. Not next to.”

I just frown in confusion.

“You want to fuck me?” You ask, coming closer. “Then you have to fuck her first. It’s ok. She’s too passed out to remember. And I won’t tell anyone.”

“But but but... she’s my sister!”

This is a love poem

First off, no it’s not entirely my own work, it’s inspired by a song (I mean I ripped it off and changed it!).

Secondly, I have no exact plan for this, I was hoping it would inspire us to talk about a set up - we could be just friends, married, dating, siblings or cousins and you could be anywhere from very reluctant or very into it - that makes for a fun roleplay! So message me with your interest and any ideas and we can work something out!

If you really loved me the way you say you do
If you love me half as much as I love you
You would pluck a planet from the sky
You would use a falling star to dot the "i"
In "I love you", that is what you'd do
You'd take a dreary day and you would paint it blue
If you loved me unconditionally,
Then you’d help me to fuck Audrey
Yes I know that she’s your best friend,
But I think that you’ll agree it makes it all the hotter in the end!

Because I need you like a fish needs the sea
Like a fire needs oxygen, like a flower needs a bee
And if you really cared for me
You'd let me video you while you ate pussy,
Yes I know you’re straight,
But I shouldn't even have to ask
Perhaps you'd even end up enjoying the task!
These are just the things that people do
When their love for one another is true
Ba doo doo

Because I need you like a tick needs a tock
Like bananas need pyjamas, like your sister needs my cock
And if you want to put your love for me first
Then you’d seduce girls with me,
Because they may need to be coerced,
But I know that you’ve told them I’m hung,
And that you see the looks I get from Anna Chung
Ba da dung

Because I need you like a fish needs the sea
Like a fire needs oxygen, like a flower needs a bee
And if you really cared for me
You'd let me video you while you ate pussy,
Yes I know that you’re straight but I shouldn't even have to ask
Perhaps you'd even end up enjoying the task!
These are just the things that people do
When their love for one another is true
Ba doo doo
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Trying to resurrect this. Will get to writing and adding new plots (as well as improving the appearance of this!) soon
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