Naughty Spoop
- Joined
- Mar 30, 2019

Introduction and Writin Style
First of all: Hello and Welcome, dear reader!
Maybe first a few words about myself: I'm a student (mostly of books), gettingdangerously close to thirtyslightly over thirty and have been roleplaying on and off for...quite a while. Aside from that, I dabble in writing on my lonesome, trying my hands at some artsy stuff and consuming a concerning amount of Horror- and SciFi-Movies/Books/Shows/etc. I also like cheesecake,and rambling about my (mostly pretty niche) interests.
What I'm not terribly good at is introducing myself, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'd consider myself pretty approachable and open to OOC-chatter, as long as it doesn't get too personal.
A quick aside: While my English is pretty decent, it's not my native language, so please excuse the occasional mistake, weird phrasing and the happy hopping beteween american and british english, that might happen on occasion.
(It has taken me an embarrasingly long time, to learn the difference between 'spurred' and 'spurned')
As a quick sidenote: Due to some mental health issues and an occasionally pretty busy life, my posting schedule can be a bit erratic sometimes. So if it's really important to you to get one, two replies a day, you might want to look somewhere else. But poking is generally appreciated! Sometimes I just lose track. Just...don't be a dick about it.
Now, about my writing:
First of all: I'm not a huge fan of slapping numerical values at things, so fixed Plot/Smut-ratios are not really my thing.
Generally speaking, I'd say that I'm more a plot-driven writer, but that doesn't have to mean less of the lewds. I also don't mind bending the plot to involve some gratuitous sex-scenes or vice-versa, include some smut because it would drive the story.
As mentioned above, I generally aim for a post-length of about 400-ish words. I can go above it,
if the inspiration hits, but since I'm not the fastest typer, that might take a bit longer.
While it'snot a hard rule, I would certainly appreciate, if my partner would match that length, though.
As for the characters I tend to write, I'm quite flexible.
I'm generally open to write characters of any gender or sexual orientation,
though I have to admit, that traditionally manly men are not exactly my strong side.
I also don't mind (and often even prefer) writing multiple main-ish characters (Ideally opposite multiple other characters. Harem-type plots are a very big maybe).
My only hard rule in that regard is, that I don't play already existing characters:
No canons, no actual celebrities and no characters made by someone else. I prefer to come up with my own characters myself. -
Despite this rather edgy list, I'm also open to less dark and edgy topics and not really- Age Difference
- Preferably MC being the younger one, but open to either.
- Older Men: Not gonna lie, I do have a soft spot for playing against older gentlemen. Gimme those silver foxes and dirty old men!
(Not sure if "granddaddy-issues" are a thing, but truth be told: Charles Dance and Anthony Hopkins make me feel things >.>9
- I'm a Switch with a light sub-leaning
- Roughness: Choking, Slapping, Hair-Pulling
- Non-Monogamy
- Adultery, Polyamory, Orgies, etc.
- Consent
- Consensual, Dub- or Non-Con are all fine by me
- Rimming
- Both giving and recieving, especially the latter
- Monstrous Creatures
- What can I say...I like myself some tentacles or other horrifying creatures sometimes
- Pansexual Partners
- While I'm slightly more comfortable playing more feminine-leaning characters, I don't mind playing characters of either gender and and always appreciate a partner who appreciates that. Seriously, if you give me a morally dodgy, dominant, pansexual guy, I'll throw as many pretties at you as either of us can handle!
interested in pure misery-porn (though sprinkling in a little bit of it is always welcome)
For a more through list, please refer to my F-List
- Scat
- Just not my thing. Watersports are fine, though
- Vore
- At least in a sexual context. Characters being eaten as a plot point is fine
- Pregnancy*
- I'm slowly warming up to the idea and would be generally open to include it, as long as it isn't the main point
- Age Difference
- Unhealthy Relationships
- Be they toxic, abusive, loveless or co-dependent
- Actual Love/Lust-Triangles
- i. e., one where everyone involved is equally into each other
- Corruption
- Either a pure, simple loss of innocence, or something more otherworldly
- Sexual Awakening
- Same as above, just with a more positive twist
- Taboo-Relationships
- Incest, inappropriate age-gaps, adultery, abuse of power...all these folks who really shouldn't hook-up...but do it nonetheless
- Bad Ends
- Death, Madness, Gaslit into "Happiness"....
- Revenge
- Mentor-Student
- Coming-of-Age-stories
- Existential Horror
- (Political) Intrigue
- Family Drama
♦ Historical Settings/Alternative History
♦ Fantasy (Conan-esque, High, Low, Dark, Light, Modern...)
♦ Conan-esque/Sword-and-Sorcery/Frank Frazetta-vibes
♦ High Fantasy (LotR/D&D-esque)
♦ Low Fantasy
♦ Modern/Urban Fantasy
♦SciFi (Space Opera, Military SF, Science Fantasy)
♦ Space Opera
♦ Military SF
♦ Science Fantasy
♦Retro-SciFi: All of the -punks...And Casette-Nostalgia,
which to my great dissappointment is not called VHSpunk...
♦ Horror: I'm always down for a nice scarecasm!
♦ Slice-of-Life: I'm usually not a big fan of mundane settings,
but if the plot is intriguing, I'd be down to give it a shot!
fandom ♦ I'm generally not a big fan of fandom-settings, though I might be open to some
(for example: Game of Thrones, Dune, Star Trek),
provided the plot doesn't have too much to do with the canon-storyline
canon ♦ Nope
Plots and Pitches

- Lovecraftian Horrors
Miskatonic River Blues (Worldbuilding-Thread)
Being a big fan of (erotic) lovecraftian horror (and horror in general) I'm mainly looking for some stories set in "Miskatonic County" (i.e. the vague, fictional region, where most of Lovecraft's fictional towns like Arkham, Dunwich and Innsmouth are located), either in the modern day or a lightly retro 80s-setting. Now, these plots don't necessarily need to include horror-elements, but they would be very much appreciated!
The plots below are all rather vague and shouldn't be taken as written in stone and more a springboards for some collaborative world-building and plotting!
Family Matters
Incest, Age Gap, Corruption, D/S-Dynamic, (optional) sex magick
Being the daughter of a rather wealthy couple from Arkham's prestigious Riverside-neighbourhood, Cathy Akeley never lacked anything in her life...Except attention and love, maybe. With her parents both living very busy lives as entrepeneurs and socialites, there always seemed to be very little for their daughter, except to occasionally remind her of the expectations Mr. and Mrs. Akeley had for her.
Cathy's grandfather, a still quite lively and active gentleman, recently retired from his own business ventures, to follow the advice of his doctor to enjoy his retirement and spend some time with his family. So he moved back to Arkham, living with his son, at least until he managed to find and furnish a new apartment for himself. (Un)Surprisingly, his granddaughter, suffering from anxiety and starved for attention and affection, was after some initial reluctance quite happy to spend some time with the old man, who had quite some attention and affection to spare...Even if the latter took some darker, very inappropriate turns....
Optional Horror Element: Maybe the older gentleman has, in his old age, developed an interest in the occult and ropes Cathy into his quest for forbidden knowledge and dark powers?
Love thy Neighbours
Adultery, Corruption, MFF, Voyeurism/Exibitionism
Sophie Davenport, a local highschool-teacher, is quite happily married...or so she told herself. Her husband, who works for a prestigious law-firm in Arkham, has spent quite a lot of time at work lately (either because of professional ambitions or an affair of his own), leaving his wife somewhat neglected...That is until a mysterious couple moves in next door and Sophie's curiosity about the new neighbours quickly turns into obsession...Not only do they seem to have an enviably kinky and active sex-life, there also seems something else about....
(What strange and eldritch shenanigans said neighbours get up to is open for discussion)
FxF, Drug-/Alcohol, Slow Burn, Trauma, Investigation into Eldritch Horrors
Dr. Eileen West, shortly after finishing her medical degree, went to Vietnam as a medic/nurse. During that war, which she was originally very much in favour of, she came into contact with something far darker, older and more horrifiyng than the man-made horrors of the battlefield...
Now, many years later, Eileen West works as the coroner for the county and is almost happy with her life. A long day at work, followed by a short, but intensive evening of drinking at one of Arkhams few queer bars is almost enough to keep the nightmares at bay.
Until a series of mysterious deaths shocks the small town...deaths that seem terrifyingly familiar to Eileen....
Arkham by Night
Prostitution, Psycho-Sexual Nightmares, Dub/Non-Con, Adultery, Age Gap
Few of the the good citizens of Arkham are aware of the darkness lurking beneath the surface of their city. Strange sounds in the night and shambling shadows in dark alleys are often explained away as stray dogs, the homeless or drunks on their way home. But those who walk Arkham streets at night are always at risk of falling victim to something. And sometimes these strange, otherworldly encounters don't quite pass, but stick with it's victim.
Fiona Whaite, a stripper working at the "Golden Bough Club", with little hope to make much more of her life and Maggie Curwen, a highschool-senior with a bright future and a lucrative side-hustle as a babysitter regularly walk the nightly streets of Arkham. Fiona on her way to work, Maggie on her way home, after babysitting for a charming young couple (and especially the very charming husband).
What kind of creature to these two women walk into? And what happens to them afterwards...?
The Keys of Iblis
(Supernatural) Corruption, Teacher/Student, Multiple Characters, Eldritch Enlightenment
A private collector of artefacts and curiosities has recently donated a sizeable collection to the museum of Arkham's Miskatonic University. Including an odd object, of unclear origin and purpose, although obviously middle-eastern in design.
So, the curator of the museum enlists the help of Professor Al-Hazri, recently appointed professor for Middle Eastern studies, as well as one (or two?) of her students to help categorize this strange object.
Over the course of their research, these intrepid scholars draw the attention of something ancient...Something that is dedicated to change their lives and drive them to madness. Or enlightenment. Possibly both... - Dark and Gritty Slice of Life
Sex, Drugs and Urban Decadence In contrast to my usual, more plot-heavy faire, I'd like to lean into something a bit more smut-forwards and slice-of-life-ish, though not quite the happy, fluffy kind. Maybe something set in a city (either real or fictional), with all the grimey urban goodness that brings. Corrupt politicians and sleazy businessmen, addicts and dealers, pimps and sex workers, delinquent youths and cheating spouses...Something with a bit of drama.
So that's a rather vague idea, but if that sounds like something you'd be interested in, I'd be happy to throw some ideas around! Also, while I wouldn't mind something a bit more smut-heavy, I still would like a bit of a plot there as well. - The Gates of the Flesh
The Gates of the Flesh
YC has a pretty comfortable life. A stable (if not overly exciting) job, a loving (if not overly exciting) wife, a new-ish born child (which only serves to justify the occasional presence of a hot babysitter). He should be for all intents and purpose, mostly happy.
But he isn't.
The mind-numbing mundanity of his life is slowly chipping away at him...Until one fateful day, when an inciting incident sends him down a spiral of depravity, obsession and the occult, unlocking his best kept, darkest urges, leading him to either madness or some form of eldritch enlightenment (who could tell the difference, really?) and maybe dragging his wife down as well...
Pretty straightforward: A bit of family-drama, with a little hint of Hellraiser and Lovecraft and a whole lot of corruption. The details of which can be worked out. As a personal note: Having YC be a bisexual male switch would be very much appreciated, but is by no means mandatory. Another swift way to my heart would be to go with Idris Elba for the male lead's FC. A combination of both would gain you my immediate and undying love!
- The Pillars of Heaven
The Pillars of Heaven So, lately I stumbled over "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet, which is a really great novel, set in 12th century England and that has somewhat sparked a craving for something historical. Intrigue, politics, noble knights and scheming bishops, fair maidens...all that stuff. Preferably something set somewhere in a fictional county in England, to allow for a bit creative freedom.
Again, a rather rough and vague idea, but if anyone is familiar with the novel: That's kind of the vibe I'd like to go for. - Sapphic Victorian Rivals-to-Lovers
[A much more snappy title] Apologies for the somewhat utilitarian title, if and when I think of a better one, that may change.
I recently stumbled over the story of a duel between two late 19th-century gentlewomen from Vienna, which would make for a great inspiration for a victorian rivals-to-lovers story.
Character A is an older (late 30s-early 40s) woman, from an old and prestigious family, recently-ish widowed and a quite important figure in the city's social circles. A trendsetter, host of lavish parties and still quite popular with the eligible bachelors of the town, as well as young artists in dire need of a sugar-mommy. She's truly on top of the pile.
Until Character B turns up. Over a decade younger, from abroad, but well educated, charming and a shameless flirt, despite having come to the city as the newlywed wife of a local aristocrat. And worst of all: She's pretty. Obviously, the two ladies quickly clash, albeit in a proper, polite way. Their rivalry smoulders away, until they both end up on the committee to organize an important social event and a disagreement over flower-arrangements turns out to be the straw to break the camels back. Heated words are exchanged and the two ladies agree to settle the matter with a duel (they both did take some fencing lessons, after all). Not to the death, but still.
After the duel, both realize, that they just can't stop thinking about each other....
A pretty straightforward story, I guess. The exact place and time, where the story takes place is up for debate, but I'd prefer a somewhat realistic victorian setting. As for the characters, I'd be open to play either, with a slight preference for Character B. - Archived Plots
Paranormal P.I.
Kink kink kink
I do have to admit, that I have a soft spot for the mildly sleazy "Magnum P.I"-kind of private investigators. Charming, mustacheod, maybe a little bit down on their luck tough guys. Maybe one of those dashing heroes finds himself getting dragged into a world of eldritch horrors, occult crimes, sex cults and existential dread? Either by happenstance, through a (seemingly normal) job they take on or maybe because of their own curiosity.
(Note: As mentioned before, I do like playing a wide variety of characters in terms of gender, type, etc. so if you can give me a pansexual noire-ish P.I, rest assured that I'd throw as much pretty guys, gals and creatures inbetween at you as we both can handle^^')
Primal Discipline
Age Difference, Predator/Prey, Corruption, Discipline, Dubious Consent,, Angst and Drama
MC, a troubled teenager (16+, either F or M) got picked for a new program to rehabilitate juvenile delinquents and "volunteered" to do some work in a wildlife-sanctuary, far away from civilization, to learn the value of hard work, discipline and respect from YC, the local park ranger, who hides his own little secret...That he's a werewolf, which makes the job of wrangling a rebellious delinquent not exactly easier, especially not on top of the primal attraction the two develop for each other...
Alternative Prompt in a similar vein: An older werewolf, who, for whatever reason, finds himself on a roadtrip and picks up a young woman who, as it turns out, is a werewolf herself. Growing up as a somewhat maladjusted orphan, her wolf-y nature has just awakened and she finds herself confused, lost and in dire need of a guiding hand, that shows her how to get around as a werewolf in the modern day...
Now, this story could either go a bit of a darker route and be about an authority figure, abusing their power to sate their own desires, or a bit lighter with a forbidden romance leading to a struggling teen finally finding their place in the world...Either way, plenty of hot, primal wolf-sex and drama on the way!
Sex, Money and Power
Age Difference, Unhealthy Relationships, Abuse of Power, Shady Deals, Intrigue, Blackmail, Business made Personal
So, I've just started watching "House of Cards" and not gonna lie, Frank Underwood is the type of character, that makes me go both "God, I hope he dies a terrible death." and "Can I please suck your dick, Sir?"
Anyways, I do have a soft spot for politival intrigue, coldblooded (or idealistic) politicians and their grabs for power, with a fair sprinkling of decadence and debauchery on the side. Because are you really a scheming villain, if you don't wax philosophically about the nature of power, while an expensive hooker sucks you off?
Despite this rather smutty introduction, I'm really looking for something equally story-heavy, possibly with multiple main- and side-characters. The details are, as always, up for brainstorming, but drama, betrayal and morally dubious characters are always appreciated!
Alternativly, if a simple modern-day setting isn't quite up your alley (or hitting a bit close to home) that same angle would work extremely well in a Cyberpunk-setting, to throw in some hackers and evil, way-too-powerful corporations in the mix!^^
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