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Unseelie Thug Life [Goody + Fox]

Jericho Z. Barrons

Oct 12, 2017
Pure impudence! It was disrespect of the highest order. Holmgren rubbed an agitated hand over his lips as he stood tensely in the middle of Babadock restaurant. His restaurant. Technically, his name was nowhere on the books but he owned the guy who owned it. This was home base for the terrible Unseelie mobster and everyone fucking knew it. So, the fact that last night, some blasted thugs decided to stick the place up in an attempt to rob him, was incredibly bold to an abysmally foolish degree.

A fairly fresh face in the Underworld, Holmgren had quickly made a name for himself as a force to be reckoned with. Being one of the higher castes of dark Fae, Holmgren had powers that enabled him to throw his weight around, quickly establishing a market for himself in the criminal Underworld, as well as sectioning off a bit of territory as well. So far, in the years since he'd started collecting secrets and building his empire, he hadn't had to break any legs or eat any faces since he'd first burst out onto the scene. And now, the stench of vampyr lingered on the air and he scowled in distaste over the thought that such lowly, fowl cretins had seemingly forgotten who they were messing with.

"They did'na get anythin', boss," Cade said, standing nearby and lounging on the pristine, golden wood bar. A lower caste than Holmgren, Cade was his most trusted admiral, dressed in a dark suit with red tie, and the tips of his ears slightly pointed. Despite being so close, or quite possibly because of it, because Holmgren knew he'd never leave no matter how much abuse he suffered at the Unseelie boss's hands, it didn't protect Cade from feeling the full brunt of Holmgren's anger.

"It's no' abou' that," Holmgren seethed, his voice dragging savagely from his throat in a thick Scottish brogue as he paced, turning steely golden and black eyes upon his henchman. His pointed ears marked him as higher Fae than Cade, the points long and more severe than the gentle tips on the ends of Cade's ears. But truly, it was his wings, black, bat-like membranes and claw-tipped edges, his glamour fading from them in his rage, that marked him out as a higher caste than all the dark Fae on his payroll. Despite himself and his familiarity with his boss's moods, Cade tensed and drew back reflexively at sight of the gigantic wingspan as they spread wide and shook in Holmgren's fury.

"If it were about only successful attempts then everyone would be brazen enough to fucking try!" Holmgren spat through a brutal grimace. "The fact that those blasted blood suckers even dared at all makes me think we need to make another example. Things have been too easy lately and those bloody fucking sheep can't seem to comprehend a fear that's not directly felt or right in their faces."

"Either that or they were tryin' ta challenge you," Cade offered with an agreeable shrug.

"Aye. Either way it was a dreadful mistake and we'll make them feel it," Holmgren said resolutely, sobering enough to slip his wings behind glamour again, fading them from sight as he adjusted his dark, blue-purple, silk tie. That did make him think of the circumstances surrounding the attempted robbery.

The vamps had dispatched with the maitre'de and threatened the civilian customers who'd been dining at Babadock at the time. But when they'd gone into the back room where Holmgren's men kept their stash of cash, they hadn't found it. Because it had been conveniently hidden. It would have been not simply a blow to his pride and reputation to be attacked as he was in this fashion but it would have been doubly sore to lose that money. So, Holmgren, with all his anger and wounded ego, felt a glimmer of silver lining considering how he'd been saved from such a troubling embarrassment.

Sniffing stoutly, snapping his fingers for a bottle of his finest scotch from the bar, Holmgren said pensively with an intense look at Cade, "Bring me the little fellow who saved our arses. I want to meet him." Going to one of the tables nearby with his bottle of scotch and a couple glasses promptly delivered, Holmgren brought out a pack of spiced cigarettes, enveloping himself in a cloud of smoky cinnamon as he lit one and took a seat to await an audience with the brave soul who'd thought quickly and acted bravely to hide his money from the fiendish vampyr robbers. Cade snapped his fingers, nodding to one of the Fae henchmen nearby, the man disappearing into the kitchen for a moment.

In the kitchen, the Unseelie thug, Devon, looked over the fox dishwasher, his expression unreadable as he said in a deep, Irish accent, "Boss wants to speak to you." Clearly brooking no arguments as he waited for his invitation to be obeyed lest the being wished to be dragged from the kitchen forcefully.
Yuri growled as he violently scrubbed at a piece of food that was stuck to the side of the plate he was currently trying to wash, and he was three seconds away from throwing the damn thing to the floor and moving on to the next one. The only thing stopping him was that he couldn’t afford to brake another plate, having been warned by the chef that if he broke another one it would be his last and he would be on the streets again. Reminding him that he was lucky to even have this job, reminding him that, as a half-breed, he would be lucky if he could find another like it.

The man was right of course. No one wanted to hire a half-magical half human creature such as himself. Humans were afraid of him, even if they didn’t know what he was, Yuri had the aura of something dangerous, something not to be trusted, and because of this human establishments refused to hire him. Magical ones weren’t much better. As a mutt, he was considered to be on the lowest tier in their world, just slightly above humans, but there were some humans who out ranked even him in the magical caste system that ran their world. It also didn’t help that Yuri had been abandoned when he was young and didn’t have a clue as to his parents were, not that it would make much of a difference at this point even if he did know. He was stuck as a low-end dishwasher, and that was probably all he would ever be.

The stupid, piece of shit, bit of food was still on the god, damn plate, when Devon came to fetch him. He glared at the fae, defiance in his eyes, before set the plate down. “Why the fuck would he want to see me?” Devon didn’t answer, just continuing to stare at the young kitsune until Yuri sighed and grabbed his leather off the hook, replacing it with his work apron. He wanted to look at least somewhat presentable, not that it really mattered since he had gotten enough water on him to make him look like a soaked rat, and followed Devon out to where the boss was waiting for him. Nearly choking when the smell of cinnamon assaulted his sensitive nose.
Golden irises surrounded in a sea of purple-black flashed with iridescence as the dishwasher exited the kitchen, Holmgren letting his dark Fae gaze lick down the young man's form and up again. How interesting, he thought, cinnamon smoke curling in a gentle wreath around him as he assessed the pretty, dark haired young thing. He didn't look like much, especially dampened by dishwater as he was, and a half-breed on top of it. But there was something in the set of the young man's shoulders, the haughty tip of his chin, that forced a slight curve to the corner of Holngren's lips.

Motioning him forward to take the seat across from him at the small table, Holmgren sniffed softly and tapped ash from his cigarette into a gorgeous purple glass tray, looking like a little orchid set upon the tabletop. Pouring a bit of scotch into each glass, as the kitsune mutt sat down, Holmgren set one of the glasses in front of him, offering him the drink.

"Yuri, is it?" he asked with an interested tip of his head. "So, you're the little hero, eh? Quick thinking that, hiding my money the way that you did before those puke-sucking vamps could lay their hands on it. Brave too. If you'd been caught, no doubt you'd have ended up like my maitre'de: drained of blood and cold and dead."

Knocking back the finger of alcohol from his own glass, releasing a pleasant hiss over the deep, smoky burn of it, Holmgren once again gave the dishwasher a look of appraisal, weighing his options. What would be a good reward? No doubt, being half-blooded as he was, the Asian mutt had difficulty getting any respect from anyone, let alone consideration as a being worthy of life. Humans were very often slaves and prey for both the Light and Dark Fae courts, so, having Otherworld in his blood, it afforded Yuri just a smidge of status above the soft, nonmagical beings of Earth. Barely. It was seen as a degradation to couple with the weak, fleshy apes, mixing nonmagic with magic. By his very existence and siring, Yuri afforded a sneer of derision for both parts of him: the human because he was half slave and the kitsune because it meant his parentage had been weak and either mother or father had given in to the seduction of one of those despicable human creatures.

But Holmgren had an eye for potential. Not every day a mutt dishwasher risked his neck to help out his boss who didn't even know he existed. And so, because of Yuri's low status and lack of opportunities, Holmgren knew exactly the gift he would give the kitsune mutt to reward him for his bravery.

"Someone with such big balls probably doesn't belong in my kitchens scraping stubborn food from other people's plates," Holmgren murmured around the cigarette dangling out of the side of his mouth. From an inner pocket of his suit, he pulled out a folded sheaf of Otherworld bills, all showing high demarcation on their faces as he swiped through them with his middle finger, separating a few from the fold. Almost $1,000 came loose from the thick fold of cash before Holmgren stopped, pinching the freed bills between his fingers and reaching to hand them to the mutt.

"You're going to go out and get yourself a new wardrobe," Holmgren said, tucking away the rest of the money and taking a deep, savage drag on his cigarette. "You work directly for me now. I could use a ballsy mutt on my crew." Not for the first time, another flash of iridescence flickered in his gaze, something...salacious licking in his eyes when he looked at the pretty kitsune. "When you get yourself redressed and styled, you'll come back here tomorrow afternoon but you'll no' be going back into the kitchens, aye?" Then just like that, he jerked his chin at Yuri, his gaze growing distant, dismissing him politely.
Yuri’s own eyes narrowed in suspicion as he lowered himself slowly into the chair set aside for him, and expected the drink offered to him from the unseelie with perhaps not as much grace as he probably should have, dark eyes a swirling mass of amber and chocolate brown as he had an internal debate with himself on whether or not he should drink it. He wasn’t worried that it was poisoned, the man that sat before him had no reason to after all, no Yuri hesitated because he had a laughably low tolerance for alcohol, and he didn’t want to have anything effecting his ability to sense trouble and get the hell out of dodge if he needed to.

Even now, as he sat in front of the person who was truly his boss, Yuri was as tense as a bowstring. Ready to bolt at the first sign of conflict. Call it overreacting if you want, but a lifetime of being on the streets had left Yuri with a heightened sense of self preservation. Yuri had learned first hand that acts of kindness came with strings, and that you could not blindly anything a person said. Magical or otherwise.

“I doubt it.” His voice coming out flat as he addressed the older man, still unsure of where this little meeting was heading. “They may have ended up killing me, but I doubt they would dare touch the blood of a half-breed.” Kouyou was going to freak out when she found out that Yuri had used his powers in public. Even if it had been to stop people from stealing money from his work, but it was his paycheck damn it!

As shiver ran through Yuri as he felt the dark fae’s eyes on him. He felt like he was being judged, analyzed, picked apart for whatever the man had in mind, and Yuri didn’t even know what that was still! Sure he had saved this man's money, but was the really enough for him to take so much interest in him? He hadn’t when he came looking for a job four years ago. Only Kouyou’s recommendation was what led him getting the job he currently had.

Shaken out of his thoughts, Yuri could only stare in shock as he was handed close to $1000 in other world currency. The amount was almost what he would make in a paycheck. Not knowing what to say, but knowing a dismissal when he saw one, Yuri pocketed the cash and calmly made his way to the door of the restaurant. Bolting into the alleyway next to the restaurant as soon as he was clear from sight. Breathing heavily, Yuki felt himself slip down the wall he had leaned against, All tension gone from him, but not leaving enough energy to stand.

Tomorrow came too soon for Yuri, but he had to admit he looked good in the outfit he had chosen for the day. A blood red, button down shirt with a gray vest accentuated his slim figure and small waist, black suit pants hugged his legs and made him look longer then he was, being on 5’5 there was not much he could due to add height but damn it if he wasn’t going to try, finally completing the look with a black fedora and the choker Kouyou had glamoured to hide his ears and tail. As a half kitsune Chuuya wasn’t able to fully shift into a human, a fact that annoyed him to no end.

With a deep breath, Yuri opened the door and walked into Babadock. Unsure of what today was going to bring.
It'd been an eventful 24 hours and Holmgren was in a good mood. In addition to making some good business deals, Holmgren's crew had finally sniffed out the vampyr clan that had dared to strike out at him. The Valheru, rivals on the waterfront and new to the area, they were bringing stinking blood magic into the sector as well as preying upon the humans in this corner of the city. Which was a big fucking no-no since Holmgren and his Unseelie had claimed it. Apparently, an alliance had been attempted but since Holmgren despised blood suckers with a passion, he'd flat out refused them. Still, it should have been the Valheru's clue to back the fuck off, not piss off the powerful Fae who dominated this area in an attempt to build their territory. Now that they knew who did it, it was just a matter of creatively finding a way to even the score. And if it was one thing Holmgren had an abundance of, it was imagination.

When the kitsune walked into the restaurant, Holmgren was lounging at the bar with Cade, waiting for him and idly planning his vengeance. "We could leave him out in the noonday sun, watch him crisp up," Cade shrugged with a smirk. "I hear it takes 'em a long time to die that way and it's extremely painful."

Holmgren pursed his lips, leaning with his elbows lazily back on the bar, shrewd eyes flashing as he hummed noncommittally in his throat. "I feel like I want to do something with a stake shoved in his mouth," he said, motioning with a jerk of his fingers at his lips to illustrate.

Cade thought a moment and said, "We could tie him to a pole by the wharf where no shadows from nearby buildings will touch. And just let him bake and scream during the height of the day, smoldering and healing in the night, only to get burned again in the morn. Just over and over until it finally kills him."

Holmgren shook his head, frowning and shrugging despondently. "Nah. I don't wanna wait or draw it out. I want to send a message to the rest of those puke sucking vamps. Like, maybe decapitate him and shove a stake in his mouth and send it to Valheru."

"Maybe send them his crispy, sun scorched decapitated head," Cade grinned malevolently.

"Enough about the bloody sun!" Holmgren growled with a roll of his golden yellow eyes, huffing impatiently at his thuggish henchman. "I'm not fuckin' burning the cretin! It's going to smell bad enough just cutting his souldamned head off. You know how awful it'll stink if he's burned on top of it? Fucking gross! Use your feckin' head, aye? I'm bloody ruthless, not a glutton for punishment."

With another roll of his eyes and a dismissive shake of his head, Holmgren glanced up and spotted Yuri walking towards them. With a wolfish grin, Holmgren lifted off the bar to stand up straight, languidly meeting the kitsune as he came to stand by the bar as well. Gold and black eyes swept over him with a hungry light flashing within them, clearly pleased by Yuri's sense of style and how sleek and tough the young man looked. Setting aside his half-breed status, Yuri looked the part of a brutal dark Fae's henchman. Standing in front of Yuri, eyes licking over his body seductively, Holmgren gently brushed his hand over Yuri's shoulder, as if straightening the vest fabric or dusting him off. The gesture was one of approval as well as slightly possessive.

"Much better than a dishwasher apron," he purred in his deep, Scottish accent, smirking softly. "Like a new man. Cleans up nice, aye Cade?" Casting a glance over his shoulder, a flicker of mischief danced in the Unseelie's gaze as he noticed the surly frown the Irish Fae was casting at Yuri. Was that...jealousy? Oh, how fuckin' precious!

When Cade merely inclined his head in reluctant response, Holmgren turned back to Yuri, fighting a grin, eyes once again stroking over him, taking in the finer details. A hand drifted up to stroke his thumb at the choker, a flirtatious bit of contact as he furrowed his brow and narrowed his gaze at the kitsune. "Can you not glamour?" he asked curiously, releasing the young man with a stout sniff. He sensed the magic in the little trinket and it had him curious about the young man and his abilities. "What exactly are ye able to do? I know you can sift but...anythin' else?"

It was important to know not only what abilities the kitsune brought to the crew but also any limitations on those powers. It would be a grave mistake to simply assume Yuri had certain kitsune abilities, with him being a half-blood, it'd prove dangerous in a situation where they depended on him being more kitsune-y than he actually was able to. Softening the intensity of his interest, Holmgren gave the mutt a lopsided shrug, slipping his hands into the trouser pockets of his pinstripe suit. "I don't know much about kitsune."
"Maybe send them his crispy, sun scorched decapitated head.” Was the first thing Yuri heard as he entered the restaurant. Though the comment was made Cade, who Yuri knew to be Holmgren’s right-hand, Yuri couldn’t help but scrunch up his nose in distaste at the idea. Didn’t the fae know how much a vampyre smelt after being burned by the sun? True Yuri’s senses were heightened, thanks to his kitsune half, but he couldn’t think it would be anymore pleasurable for him.

"Enough about the bloody sun! I'm not fuckin' burning the cretin! It's going to smell bad enough just cutting his soul-damned head off. You know how awful it'll stink if he's burned on top of it? See?! At least Yuri wasn’t the only one who thought that would be, well not a horrible idea, but an unnecessary one.

Yuri tried not letting the fae’s gaze affect him. Growing up in Kouyou’s brothel, Yuri was often subjected to power men’s, and sometimes woman’s, gaze on him. Often times the patrons would have looks that screamed that they wanted to devour the young kitsune, not the Kouyou would let any of them touch him. The ones that tried to were met with swift punishments. However, Holmgren’s gaze was unlike any of the others. It might have had something to do with a fact that the man was a high class dark fae. A very powerful creature, and probably the strongest he had probably met.

Shivering under the slight touch to his neck, Yuri hated that he was extremely sensitive here, Yuri addressed the older creatures questions. “No, I can’t glamour. As far as I’m aware no kitsune can, seeing as it is more of a fae thing, and kitsune aren’t fae. We’re yokai.” Yuri had given this talk many times before. At this point he could give it in his sleep. “Specifically, kitsune are the descendants of the fox god Inari.

Some kitsune can cast illusions, which is kinda like glamour, I guess.” Yuri shrugged. “I can’t do it, so I don’t really know much about it. Most kitsune can shape shift anyways so there not much need for glamour, however because I am only half kitsune, whenever I shift into a human form my ears and tail don’t disappear, hence the choker.”

Yuri hesitated a bit before continuing. The next part he was about to say was something Kouyou had expressed for him not to share with anyone. To keep it a secret. For not only was his power rare in the kitsune/yokai world, it was a rare ability in general. He did however, feel that if he were to keep this a secret from the fae the consequences would be far worse then if he told him now. “Kitsune are also very connected to nature, as such, kitsune have the ability to control or harness an element of nature.

Fire, water, ice, those are all pretty common abilities that a kitsune can posses. Me, I’m...I-I have the ability to control and manipulate gravity.”
The Otherworld was an interesting place, producing so many different species and types of magical creatures. Even having lived the two centuries he had, it would have been impossible for Holmgren to know about every single one. Especially since most mythologies stuck to their kin. Being of Gaelic and Celtic origins, most of the Unseelie and Seelie operated and conducted affairs amongst each other. As was probably true of kitsune and other yokai.

Still, it was always good to have trump cards and gifted beings on his crew, so, Holmgren was not opposed to learning more about the Japanese creature and his origins and powers. "Aye," Holmgren nodded, giving the kitsune a crooked grin. "Glamour is basically a type of illusion. There are only a rare select few humans who can see through it, and even the strongest Fae can be tricked by a particularly compelling glamour."

Pursing his lips in thought, Holmgren let his eyes trace over the choker for a moment as he contemplated what else Yuri had told him about. "Shape-shifting, as in actually changing your shape, might prove to be an asset to us. And...gravity manipulation? Does that mean you can fly?" Playfully, Holmgren stroked a tongue at his bottom lip, his eyebrows bouncing expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"Boss, we should get going, aye?" Cade said from behind him. "When night falls, it'll be much harder to prep."

"Right. The thing," Holmgren said soberly, an intense and sanguine light flickering with purple iridescence in his eyes. Looking at Yuri, that same cruel, bloodthirsty expression didn't leave, the Unseelie amped and excited over the promise of violence in the very near future. With a seductive smirk, Holmgren asked him in a low murmur, "You're not squeamish, are ye? Does the sight of blood bother you?"

"He can't come," Cade huffed in disgruntled protest. "Just leave the lad here. We can come back for him when it's done."

Golden eyes held rapt to Yuri's pretty features, Holmgren's lips curving slightly. "No. He'll come with. He's going to be part of my crew, he can be in it. After all, vengeance is his as well."

Cade scowled at Yuri and grimaced softly, but for now, his protests seemed to have dried up. Closing the small distance between them, Holmgren stepped fully into Yuri's personal space, a slender, confident hand going around his waist and pulling the kitsune's body up against his own hard lines and svelte muscles. Eyes flashing again in delight, Holmgren had a seductive grin on as he sifted with the kitsune out of Babadock restaurant. It happened in a blink, the air barely displaced around them. One second, they were in the restaurant. Blink. The next, they were in a scummy back office in some warehouse or processing center. Late afternoon light slanted in through fogged glass windows along the north wall, several office cabinets and a desk flooded with files and paper lining the opposite wall. There was so much paperwork, it spilled out from drawers and cabinets, becoming lost with the carpet of trash on the floor.

But that was hardly the highlight of the room. Releasing Yuri smoothly, Holmgren turned to regard 3 other members of his crew, the dark Fae crowded around a pale, dark haired man confined to a desk chair by iron chains. Cade arrived a second later, again appearing in a blink, casting a distasteful frown at Yuri before turning to look at the creature of the night they held captive. Dressed in black suit jacket, his flowery, old world European shirt a blood red underneath, the vampyr's ice blue eyes flashed with primal fear as he watched the Unseelie approach him with a predatory saunter. To hide this anxiety, the vamp hissed through his long, sharp fangs and lunged towards the Fae threateningly.

"You made a BIG mistake, motherfucker!" the vampyr growled in an American accent. "The leader of Valheru, is my uncle. You might as well save yourself some trouble and release me now, you fairy idiots!"

"Is tha' so?" Holmgren asked, feigning innocent surprise and interest. "Your daddy's brother or your ma's?"

"My father's," the vampyr shrugged, somewhat deflated by the odd question.

"Ooo! Hear tha', lads? The sucker's connected!" Holmgren said brightly, mockingly congratulatory. Cade smirked and another lower class Fae chuckled menacingly over the teasing joke. Holmgren really played it up, acting chagrined and mockingly regretful, touching a hand to his chest as his black and gold eyes implored the vampyr for mercy. "I'm glad ye told me. Now, I feel like I mighta made a huge mistake snatchin' ye. I'm a bit nervous now, since you're so tightly related to Valheru leadership, that it won't really make a difference whether I turn ye loose now or not. How forgivin' is yer uncle, ye think?"

Glancing at the amusement twinkling in the other Fae's eyes, the gothic looking creature licked his lips nervously and tried again. "Listen, I can't guarantee that there won't be any retaliation but things'll go a lot worse for you if you dare lay a wing on my head."
The kitsune was slightly surprised that the unseelie mobster didn’t know about kitsune, but only slightly. The fox had noticed growing up that generally the only species that moved between counties were the common species that was shared in myth worldwide. Vampires, werewolves, fairies to an extent, you could find lore about them on almost any continent. Kitsune, however, tended to only be well and truly known in the east, and most prominently in Japan, Korea, and China. “Yes, I can fly. I can also manipulate the gravity around anything I touch to fly as well.” The kitsune thinking back to the times he literally rode his motorcycle up the side of building when he was sixteen.

Yuri looked at Cade with a blank stare. He had a feeling the other fae didn’t like him. No, scratch that, it wasn’t a feeling. He knew that the other male didn’t like him, so he did what he did best in these situations. He ignored him. “I’m not squeamish. I grew up on the streets until I was ten. If I had been afraid of blood or to fight I wouldn’t have survived.” He could almost see the disappointment that thought caused in Cade. He could imagine that the other wishing that he didn’t exist. To bad for him though, Yuri did.

Sifting was a new experience for Yuri, and it left him a bit disoriented. He took a few, clumsy steps back as he tried to rid himself of the slight dizzy feeling, only to accidentally bump into one of the three mob members in the room. “Sorry.” Yuri said quietly, trying not to disrupt the more somber, serious tone of the room. Glaring right back at Cade when he made his appearance in the room, and tempted to alter the gravity around him to tell him to back off, but thought better of it. Even though he currently had the bosses favor, that could change, and the man still outranked him.

Staring at the creature chained to the desk, Yuri almost felt pity for him. It was obvious that the Vamp was young, if Yuri were to guess, maybe less than fifty years of age, and it wasn’t his fault his dumb ass uncle decided to mess with the wrong man. Yuri knew of Holmgren’s reputation, it was the reason he decided to work at his restaurant after all, and knew that this was not going to end well for the young creature.
A malevolent grin flashed on Holmgren's face as he was given such flimsy promises by the stinking blood sucker. The moron had decided to be too honest rather than scrounge to save his own skin. Not that freedom was a possibility but it struck Holmgren that he was doing nature's work eliminating a creature too young and too stupid to live. As a fellow predator, he was doing Valheru a favor getting rid of this dunce.

"Oh, aye, I agree," he said with an amused nod, glancing around at the Fae and the kitsune standing with him. "I prevent gettin' into any deeper trouble, we should let 'im go."

A few nods and smirking grins met his mockingly concerned look and Cade said, "Yeah, trouble is definitely not something we want more of."

Licking his lips to hide the grin that threatened, Holmgren turned back to the vampyr, and with a sharp snap of his fingers, the iron chains keeping him secured to the chair, all fell off of him in a tinkling, heavy pool around the wheels of the chair legs. Blinking in amazed relief, the vampyr massaged his wrist and looked around at the Fae watching him, his ice blue eyes naively hopeful.

"Go on now," Holmgren said coaxingly, golden eyes full of predatory hunger. "And be sure to tell yer uncle how sorry we are for the misunderstanding, aye?"

"Oh, I will!" the vamp said, nodding in excited relief as he stood from the seat. "I think he'll understand once I explain it to him and we can.... just put this thing... to bed..."

Words faded into silence, the innocence in the vampyr's eyes fading to sorrowful dread as he looked at Holmgren. Glamour faded from the gigantic, black bat wings on his back, the Unseelie striking an imposing figure as he loomed over the young vamp, who'd begun to shiver in fear. Blue eyes darted this way and that, looking for a way out, only finding threat on either side of him as Fae stood between him and the door.

"Aye. Let's put it to bed, then," Holmgren said, his voice a ragged, deep threat, losing all friendly humor or mocking lightness. "I know just the thing that'll explain it to 'im."

The vampyr moved then, seeking to dart into the gap between two of the dark Fae on the left side of the room. Holmgren was there, quick as lightning, a powerful fist slamming into the vamp's stomach, knocking him back with a brutal slam against the wooden desk across the room. Wings still out, Holmgren stalked towards his prey, ready to finish him off, if not for the vampyr regaining his senses quickly and crawling beneath the desk. Holmgren reached for him, the hulking mass of the desk too large for him to grab ahold of the retreating blood sucker, so, with a growl, Holmgren upended the desk, tossing it away effortlessly. Revealed, the vampyr used the opportunity to flee past the terrifying Unseelie, but before he could get far, Cade surged up close and swiped his hands through the air, a clean slit appearing in the vampyr's throat.

Blue eyes wide with primal terror, clutching the bloody river gushing from his throat, the vampyr stumbled and avoided Fae, rushing for the door. Yuri was the closest to the door and the fearful, bleeding night creature was so disoriented, focused entirely on escape and nothing but, he barely registered Yuri as a threat.

"Stop him!" Holmgren shouted, golden black eyes flashing with a savage intensity as he looked to Yuri expecting him to stop their vampyr plaything from escaping their clutches.
This vampyre was a god-damned moron. Yuri could only stare at the blood-sucker in disbelief as he actually thought he was going to get out of this situation alive. Anyone with half a brain would have realized that the mob boss was just messing with them, was not really going to let them just walk away without so much as a scratch. How had this kid, for that was really all the vampyre was, survived this long?

The young kitsune looked at Cade with a slightly confused look of disbelief, glad that he was standing behind the dark fae so he couldn’t see the expression. What the hell was with that line? Could he have been more cliche? Did the man even have a brain? Thinking back to the day’s previous comments from the creature, probably not.

It took all of Yuri’s willpower to not take a step back in fear when Holmgren dropped his glamour. He hadn’t seen the man's true form yet, and the sight of it was truly terrifying. The man commanded respect and fear, and Yuri now knew why this man outranked him. Outranked him by so many levels it wasn’t even funny. He moved faster than the kitsune had ever seen any move, and much stronger than the average person or creature, and Yuri knew he did not want this man as his enemy.

Yuri had been the furthest one back, as the lowest member of creature there, he hadn’t wanted to make enemies with his coworkers already, he already had one with Cade just for catching Holmgren’s attention, and hadn’t wanted to give off the impression that he was on the same level as them. Because of this it had put him closest to the door, the only thing standing between it and the vampyre seeking freedom from this insanity.

Knowing that the others would be watching him, judging him on how he would respond to this situation, the asian creature decided to put on a show. As soon as the vampyre came within striking distance, Yuri threw a roundhouse kick into the side of the creature of the night, the force of the kick sending him flying into the other side of the room. Unfortunately, one of the other fae happened to be standing the the direction that Yuri had kicked his target into, causing the man to thrown to the ground a couple of feet away. ‘Opps…’
Sommer went down with a heavy grunt as the bleeding vampyr collided with him, the two collapsing together to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Holmgren had on a triumphant, villainous grin, chuckling softly as he quickly glided across the room like a hulking, dreadful shadow. The vamp had lost a lot of blood, so, sluggishly moved over top of the Fae henchman he'd fallen into, his head dizzy as it was from the kick the kitsune had delivered. Quickly, Sommer disentangled himself from the blood sucker, the front of his suit shiny and wet with vampyr blood. As the Unseelie boss's shadow slowly fell over him, the vamp began to gurgle and whimper pleadingly, blood still pulsing from between the pale fingers clutching his neck, and down his chin from his fanged mouth. The light of pure malice shined in Holmgren's eyes as he smiled gleefully down at his prey, wings spread wide in dominance.

The scream that came ripping from the vampyr was cut off almost as soon as it hit the air, Holmgren executing a swift movement, almost too quick to see. The slit in his throat had been widened and effortlessly, with a fistful of greasy, black hair, Holmgren lifted the vampyr's decapitated head free from the now lifeless body. Frozen in an expression of pained horror, the thing was grotesque, drizzling gore upon the floor. Pleased by this, Holmgren tossed the head lightly to one of the other Fae, who caught it with a breezy chuckle.

Tucking his wings against his back before his glamour came back to make them disappear, Holmgren adjusted his suit and tie as he turned to Cade. "Put a stake through his mouth. Maybe dig out the eyes. Then send it to Valheru," he said nonchalantly, now that the violence was over, feeling calm and sated.

"Any calling card left on it?" Cade asked. "Or do you think they'll know who did it?"

Glancing back at the head, the Fae who caught it entertaining his buddy by moving the vampyr's chin up and down and making him stay stupid vampyr shit, like, "I vwant to suk your cock!" Holmgren contemplated it a moment and finally said with a thoughtful sneer, "He was awfully stupid. Even for a half a century old vamp. I'm not leaving anything up to expectation with these morons. Go ahead and put a curse on it as well, so, there's no mistaking who fuckin' owns this retaliation."

"Aye," Cade huffed in amusement. "We have been saying that all along, haven't we? How stupid it was for them to hit Babadock and all."

"Right," Holmgren said, lighting a cigarette between his lips with an amused wince. "Maybe it's actually endemic of a bigger lack of intelligence issue among their crew? We might have to be blunt from here on out. Talk real slow and the like." Cade nodded but laughed as well.

Sommer, drifting away from the others, came up to Yuri with a heated frown plastered on his face. Blood still painted the front of his expensive suit and he looked pissed off about it. Shoving the kitsune in the chest with a harsh hand, the Fae grimaced at him threateningly. "Hey, nice going, ya arsehole! Next time, why don't you fucking watch where you're kicking shit, aye?"
There were two ways that the Japanese Yokai could deal with Sommers threat. He could either A, Stand down or B, he could stand his ground. Both options came with pros and cons, and while the brunette could often be impulsive, he wasn’t stupid. Sommer was lower then Holmgren in the fae caste, lower than Cade even, but he was still higher than Yuri. Then again, Yuri was pretty sure he could beat the dark fae in a fight, however that brought along a whole other set of pros and cons.

If he beat Sommer it would prove that he wasn’t someone to mess with. That evan with his size and half-breed status he was someone to take seriously, that he wasn’t a doormat. On the other hand, if he won it could also be seen as him trying to go above his station, and the other dark fae could then put him in his place. It would all depend on who the leader of their group decided to intervene. If he fought and won, what would Holmgren do?

He tried to look at the older man out of the corner of his eye, trying to get an idea of who he should proceed with this encounter, but he couldn’t get a read on the man. Turning his full attention back to Sommer, he needed to make a decision soon. Deciding to trust his instincts, Yuri turned and walked away from the other fae, acting as if he were unconcerned with the other mobster. “I’ll remember that for next time.”
Holmgren's attention was drawn from the first scathing word out of Sommer's mouth but he stood by and watched, placidly smoking as he waited to see what the little kitsune would do. As Yuri backed down, submitting to the Fae henchman that outranked him, Holmgren sniffed in breezy acknowledgement of the gesture. Not that he wouldn't have stuck up for the yokai mutt if he'd chosen to shove back but it was a good move, especially with Yuri being a stranger in the group dynamics. But for whatever reason, the vain and egotistical Sommer wasn't finished tearing Yuri a new one.

"Yeah, ye fuckin' better!" Sommer sneered, jabbing an antagonistic finger in Yuri's face. "Otherwise, you're the one who'll get knocked off his feet and bloodied. Got it?"

"Shh-shh-shh," Holmgren soothingly hissed as he smoothly glided over to the two men, his arm going around Yuri's shoulders protectively as he faced Sommer at the kitsune's side. "Calm down, Sommy, aye? Just, fucking dust yourself off and get over it. Besides," Holmgren gave the Fae a wolfish grin, turning to look at the kitsune under his arm. "The fox saved the feckin' day! All of ye were sleeping, letting that putrid blood sucker wiggle past. Last line of defense, Yuri, my precious new treasure, got 'im with a powerful, bloody kick." Sommer's mood improved with the playful tone the boss adopted, nodding in agreement with Yuri's quick save. Arm still draped lazily over Yuri's shoulders, his other hand came up to give the kitsune's chin a mischievous squeeze, cradling it between perched fingers.

"A shapeshifter with a solid kick, and bloody fuckin' cute besides," Holmgren said, smirking provocatively and still holding Yuri's chin as he praised the kitsune to his other men. Then, looking back at Yuri, unexpectedly, he planted a quick, flirtatious kiss on his lips. The moment was over in a flash, his warm lips gone just as quick as they touched Yuri's, the arm around his shoulders slithering free as he swiveled his attention to Cade and the other Fae holding the vampyr's head, turning the entire smooch into an insouciant, casual thing. Sommer's eyebrows bounced at that but the boss's entire manner indicated he didn't want it commented on, so, nobody said a word. Although, Cade certainly looked put out by it.

"Get the vamp's head delivered to Valheru by night fall, so, they can find it when they wake up," Holmgren said. "I'm gonna head to White Roses for a bit of presence." White Roses, one of the biggest clubs for Otherworld creatures to gather and mingle with human prey. Also, a pretty popular place for the supernaturals to conduct business amongst each other.

"Someone should come with you," Cade offered, his body tensing to make a step forward, obviously thinking of himself but Holmgren waved him off.

"I need ye to make sure the head gets delivered properly and put a good curse on it," Holmgren said. "I'll take Yuri with me."

A muscle in Cade's jaw jumped as he stared daggers at Yuri, even as Holmgren dismissed him, turning back to the young kitsune. Hand smoothly going to Yuri's waist, Holmgren gave him a breezy, confident smirk before sifting them out of the office, suddenly appearing in the foyer of the White Roses club. Stepping back and adjusting his suit, Holmgren gave Yuri a moment to recover from the transport before giving him an amused look, jerking his head at the double doors, through which muted club music could be heard thundering. Expecting the kitsune to follow him, Holmgren led the way inside, flashing lights and loud, thumping music suddenly surging up to greet them as the Unseelie opened the doors.
Tempted to bite the finger the fae waved in front of his face, the kitsune could feel as the ears flattened themselves against his head and tail swayed back and forth in agitation. Yuri had backed down, submitted to Sommer as their society demanded, and the man was still being a prick about it. Yuri could feel it in his throat when he began to growl lowly at the man, though the sound abruptly stopped when he felt Holmgren wrap his arms around his shoulders, as if protecting him from Soomer.

The young fox looked at Holmgren with uncertainty as he began to praise him in front of his fellow dark fairies, not entirely sure how he should react to it the words. “Um, thanks….I guess.” Yuri had never been praised by someone from Holmgrens class before and the feeling was...odd to say the least. The odd feeling only increased with the mob bosses flirtatious kiss, which he immediately acted like it never happened.

Not knowing what to think Yuri turned to face Sommer to see if he could shed more light on their bosses actions, only to see the man bounce his eyebrows in a suggestive manner at him. The slight kitsune rolled his eyes, yeah real mature, only to lock as with Cade, seeing the man glaring daggers at him Yuri almost missed Holmgren announcement that he would be going with him to White Roses. Amber swirled chocolate eyes widened in shock. “I don’t think-” whatever else he was about to say was abruptly cut short as the taller man sifted them out of the warehouse and into the foyer of White Roses.

The young kitsune mutt gulped as he looked around him. If there was one place a half-breed was not welcomed, it was here. White Roses catered to the supernatural, giving them a chance to prey on their human counterparts, and because of this half breeds like Yuri were not allowed. They spoiled the atmosphere, or at least that’s what the higher class creatures would say. Sticking close to the dark fae, eyes darting from side to side, Yuri followed Holmgren into the main area of the club.

The music hit Yuri like a wave, the sound pulsing sound being felt down to his bones, and Yuri was tempted to cover his ears the music was s loud, and the smell almost made him gag. The entire club smelling like sweat and sex, with blood and magic thrown into the fray. Why would anyone want to come here willingly?
The club was alive with light, shadows, and music, the crowds writhing in time with the beat, like one living, breathing entity. Fae creatures, werewolves, daemons, and even a few yokai, all swaying and dancing in the shadow-drenched, neon lit dance floors, glitter floating on the air. Humans could be scented among the crowds but most of them were sequestered in the sub clubs, being seduced and fed from by whatever predator had snatched them in their thrall.

Slithering through the crowds effortlessly, swaying bodies moving dreamily aside for him, Holmgren led his kitsune to some stairs on the west side of the club, taking him to one of the mid levels where a sub club and some lush lounge chairs waited for them. Flashing a signal at the bartender, Holmgren sniffed and took a seat on the blue and black cushion bench, his golden eyes looking around the dimly lit club with an alert and perceptive air. He noted a few big players were present tonight and he was certainly keen to make some deals. But for now, he was content to wait for them to come to him. In the meantime, there were more interesting matters to hold his attention.

A cute succubus waitress came with their drinks, wearing a skimpy pink and black leotard, with clean cut, huge gaping holes in it, exposing large swathes of her breasts, belly, and back, where two dainty bat-wings perched from her shoulder blades. In fact, the outfit barely covered her at all, a mere border of fabric. She gave Yuri a sweet smile, red eyes flashing in interest at him as she handed him the glass of scotch that Holmgren had ordered for him. As she walked away, Holmgren let his own gaze lick over her perky backside in appreciation over the rim of his glass as he took a deep swallow from it.

One hand going back behind his head, Holmgren relaxed into his seat, jerking a nod at Yuri as he said, "So, tell me a little about yourself. How did I get a mutt kitsune washing my dishes, aye?" His predatory gaze swept over Yuri, taking in every minute detail, enjoying the view besides. He felt like he had the kid's number but he was curious besides. Information was power and the more he knew about the men on his crew, the better. He had a feeling, rather soon, he and the kitsune would be getting rather intimate with each other.

"Do you have a girlfriend or anyone currently keeping your dick wet?" A smirk danced upon his lips but that penetrating look never left his eyes, fixed on the timid young man, waiting for his answer.
Yuri made sure to keep as close to Homlgren as possible as he was lead through the mass of writhing bodies and to the stairs that led to another part of the club. Out of habit, Yuri kept his eyes downcast so as not to meet the gaze of any creature in a higher status then himself, thought the angry and disgusted looks he normally receive were tempered by the presence of the man he was with. No one was wanting to piss off the dark fae after all.

Once in the sub club, the young kitsune started to relax a bit, they were the only two there, though they could look down on the dance floor if they so choose. Taking a seat next to the unseelie, Yuri took a sip if the whisky that had been offered to him. He preferred wine, but he could tell that the drink was of fine quality so he didn’t say anything as he took another sip of the amber liquid.

Pausing, Yuri debated on where he should start or what he should actually tell the other man. He doubted he would care much about his childhood, and as it wasn’t relevant to the question he was being asked, so Yuri decided to skip it. Hooking a slender finder under his choker, Yuri began his story. “As you already know, my choker is glamoured because of my inability to hide my ears or tails completely in human form. What you don’t probably know is the Fae that glamoured it is Kouyou Harding.”

Kouyou was a major player in the underworld, and a very high ranking member of the Seelie court. She ran a brothel that catered to both the normal and the supernatural, but the brothel was just the front of her operation. Her real trade was information. Many of the girls, and boys, that worked for the seelie would actually be given to clients that had information that was needed. It was also not a good idea to cross her either, as some of her people were also trained assassins. Many creatures had disappeared after insulting or harming a girl at Kouyou’s. Beautiful and deadly, Kouyou was not someone to be trifled with.

“She found me when I was ten.” The yokai continued. “I had been captured along with other kids that had been living on the streets, and Kouyou just happened to be there on a mission. She saw me use my gravitation ability, I took out at least ten of their men, but had been injured so I was hiding on top of the shipping containers where they could reach me.

Kouyou was the only one that was able to get me to come down since she also knows Japanese, and took my back to her house and basically adopted me.” Yuri left out the part where she had killed everyone involved that day so no one would know about Yuri, as she wanted to keep his existence a secret until he was better able to control his own ability, and so that people didn’t try and go after him for his power. “She saw a potential in me that I never saw myself. She wanted me to be something, so when I was eighteen she started asking around to some people she knew to see if anyone would hire me.” Yuri scoffed. “Not that it did any good, people would take one look at me and see mutt. The only thing people thought I was good for was a quick fuck and kept suggesting I work for Kouyou at her brothel. I’m pretty enough.” His tone becoming bitter near the end of his tirade. “Anyways, Babadock was the latest place we looked for a job. Kouyou originally wanted me to see you, but Gailin outright vetoed that idea, saying that he wasn’t going to waste your time, but because he owed her a favor he offered me the job of a dishwasher.” He shrugged. “It was the best thing that had been offered to me so far so I took it. As for your second question, no I am not currently seeing anyone. Being surrounded by sex for most your life makes you kinda disillusioned for the whole romance thing.”
Holmgren's eyebrows jumped to his hairline at the mention of the well-known Seelie brothel owner, his eyes looking at Yuri in a new light. His first thought was to wonder if Yuri had been one of her whores but it was dispensed with a moment later as the kitsune continued to detail his work history. Pretty enough, indeed, Holmgren thought, hiding a lascivious smirk as he took another drink.

Still, that was very interesting to know Yuri's patronage. It wasn't like the old days when the dark and light Fae Courts despised each other. Peace between the Fae had been established some centuries ago, now, the only reside of "Light" and "Dark" existing as a mischievous, playful rivalry between them. Holmgren knew Kouyou well enough and had dealt with her before to get information on his enemies, so, he had a lot of respect for her and in particular the service she provided. It pleased him in a way that Kouyou knew Holmgren would likely see the potential in Yuri and would have urged to put the kitsune before him. Even though Yuri had spent some time in obscurity, serving him, he was glad of it now to finally have the valuable yokai mutt at his side.

It also pleased him greatly to learn that Yuri was not seeing anyone or otherwise occupied. Unseelie were notoriously possessive over their things and he wouldn't have tolerated any other answer, likely visiting tragedy upon the lad by taking out his other lovers before Holmgren was willing to finally take him to bed. As it stood, there was nothing in his way. And good riddance to the kitsune's jaded attitude on romance. It wasn't what Holmgren was after either.

"A nice resume," Holmgren purred with a nod. "Kouyou is very highly regarded among the Fae and Otherworld criminals. If she saw something in you, then it only bolsters my own opinion that I was right to remove your apron. And it makes me glad that I snatched you up before anyone else did." Knocking back what remained in his glass, he was just finishing the swallow when a trio of massive, muscular men approached their lounge. "Oi!" Holmgren barked in a pleasant timbre, leaning back against the back of the seat sedately, giving the biggest man in front a wide, wicked grin. "Buell, you son of a bitch! How goes it?"

And a son of a bitch he was, being a natural born werewolf and all. All three of them were, Buell being the Alpha of the Tiders pack. A criminal crew of smugglers who dominated the docks, they could get anything you wanted into the city for a price. Or out, for an even bigger price. Buell, in addition to being a mountain of a man, broad shoulders and barrel-chested, and smelling faintly of wet dog, was a grizzled older werewolf and well respected. Old scars criscrossed his forearms and neck and face, the lines looking white against the tan of his skin, telling the tale of how many fights he'd had and won. Above salt and pepper mutton chops, periwinkle eyes twinkled beneath a heavy brow ridge, a ready smirk coming to his lips, flashing pronounced canines as he greeted the friendly Unseelie.

"Holmie, you Scottish asshole! How does it go? Like shit," Buell laughed, his voice rumbling forth, just as deep and massive as the rest of him. Coming to sit on the other side of Holmgren on the lounge chair, his two men taking seats beside him, Buell motioned at the bartender for a drink. Looking at the kitsune sitting beside the Fae, Buell jerked his chin at the young creature and asked Holmgren, "Who's the mutt?"

With a smirk of pride, Holmgren glanced at Yuri before answering the werewolf Alpha. "The newest addition to my crew," he said, his hand drifting along the back of the lounge chair to stroke flirtatious fingers at the nape of Yuri's neck in a mildly possessive gesture. Warm fingertips swirled in gentle, idle circles on Yuri's neck and through his dark, short hair for just a moment before drifting away again to rest on the back of the seat behind him.

"You taking in strays now?" Buell snorted breezily, giving the cute succubus waitress a lustful leering when she came by to distribute drinks to the newcomers.

"You know me," Holmgren grunted with a flop of his hands, in a semi-shrug. "I'm willing to put the work in for all the potential in the world." Buell laughed about that, sipping at his drink, but there was a new understanding in his eyes, looking at Yuri with the vaguest hint of envy. It pumped up Holmgren to catch it, knowing that others trusted his assessment of value and would pine for his little hidden treasure. "Let's get down to business, aye? When's the next shipment of toadstool coming in?"

As the men chatted and conducted their business, Holmgren kept Yuri close, letting him hear the details of how these deals went down. He also let Yuri watch the way he interacted with Buell, how they complimented each other and vied for dominance, without ever really breaking the boundary into outright aggression. It was a delicate balance and even though the conversation didn't involve Yuri, Holmgren let him be a part of it by being its audience, a witness to how this business was run. And all the while, he touched Yuri in small ways. Just little things, here and there. A stroke of his finger against Yuri's neck and collar, a brush of his thigh against the kitsune's.

When Buell eventually left, Holmgren lit himself another spiced cigarette, offering one to the kitsune before sitting back with a relaxed, confident sigh. "Buell is one of our biggest allies," he explained, now that they were alone again. "We have a good operation running with him to get our product in and out of the city by boat. If ever your in a lick of trouble and you can't get ahold of me or one of our crew, if you see a Tider werewolf, drop my name to them and they'll help you. We look out for them and they look out for us."

Holmgren was stroking Yuri's neck again, his finger caressing lazily up and down the side of the mutt's throat, occasionally brushing the tip against Yuri's earlobe. He gave the kitsune a long look of consideration, watching the way he responded to the Unseelie's touch before the damn broke and he was moved to action. Leaning close, his presence oppressive and predatory, Holmgren planted a seductive kiss at the side of Yuri's neck, lightly scratching him with the stubble on his chin and upper lip. Yuri smelled like Japanese cherry blossoms and Scotch, and Holmgren's breathing grew heavier as his mouth traced a luscious path over the kitsune's raging pulse. His overbearing, dominant need was palpable, the Unseelie practically straining to keep control, a threatening rattle echoing in his throat and chest, even as he played idly, his lips briefly capturing Yuri's earlobe for a soft, enticing suckle.

Drawing back, just enough to face Yuri, still looming in his personal space, his golden irises glowing with excited arousal, Holmgren said in a deep, ragged whisper, "Do you like to dance?"
“You’d think that with as nice of resume as it was, especially with Kouyou-nee backing me up, that I would have found something better than a dishwasher.” Which again brought up thoughts about why the older man let him join his crew. He hadn’t seemed, well racist wasn’t quite the right word but he couldn’t think of one better, it still didn’t make sense why he would let an unknown kitsune, a half breed at that, he hadn’t even known what his abilities had been. For all Holmgren could’ve known, Yuri was a god damn liability.

Yuri smelt Buell’s group before they even appeared. Werewolves, especially natural born wolves, had the tendency to smell like dog. Yuri’s curiosity was pique, he knew about the Tider wolves but had never had the opportunity to meet the leader of their operation. However, it wasn’t the hulking form of the alpha that caught the yokai’s attention. Buell was accompanied by two younger companions, however one was considerably younger then than his two associates, and Yuri’s dark eyes were immediately drawn to him.

Young, and with a more lean, athletic build, the werewolf that caught Yuri’s eye was currently trying to flirt with the waitress. Most likely wanting to see if he could get a free drink with his charm and wit. Rolling his eyes, Yuri excused himself and walked over to the bar and ordered a mid quality wine.

“You sure you want to finish that?” The voice was joking, and familiar. Yuri turned to face his companion, and wasn’t surprised when it was the werewolf he had been eyeing earlier.

“That was the plan.” Yuri took a bigger sip of the wine than he normally would have, indicating that he was serious about finishing the wine before him. The werewolf only looking at him in amusement.

“I bet Holmgren would like that. Knowing his ‘new treasure’ is about to get wasted in under an hour, seeing as you have the tolerance of a dead fish when it comes to alcohol.” The kitsune rolled his eyes.

“What do you want Rory. Or are you only here to piss off Holmgren. Because I can assure you that pissing of a fae is a very bad life decision, and he has already gone ahead and claimed me as his.” Yuri wasn’t blind, or stupid, he knew that all of the gestures and touches that were directed to him from the unseelie was a sign of ownership. That Yuri belonged to him, and that anyone that got in the way of wasn’t going to end preety for them.

“Speaking of Holmgren, you sure moved up in the world.”

Yuri snorted. “Says the person that joined the Tider gang.” He looked back at where the other’s were sitting, and felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt Holmgren’s eyes on him.

“Hey, a true werewolf with a deadbeat dad still has more opportunities for them then a half breed mutt that woke up in an alleyway fifteen years ago.” He jerked a finger in the direction of where the deal was happening. “Does he know that you can’t remember anything about your life before you were seven?”

Yuri glared at Rori before ordering yet another glass of wine. He didn’t want to talk about that. He especially didn’t want to discuss the werewolves theories. So once the bartender placed the drink in front of the fox, he picked it up and made his way back to the dark fairy. Savoring the wine he just ordered, Yuri watched the rest of the business exchange between the man.

Yuri’s skin felt hot, and he couldn’t tell if it was because of the alcohol he had consumed or from Holmgren as his fingers traced patterns into the skin of his collar and neck. Eyes closing, and drunk on the feelings of wine and Holmgren, Yuri leaned into the touches. The burning sensation only increasing when the fae replaced his fingers with his mouth and Yuri had to bite his lips to prevent a moan from escaping.

“Do you like to dance?”

The question was so sudden and so unexpected that Yuri could only blink in response. His drink addled brain struggling to comprehend the question. “Um...yes?”
Holmgren's black and gold gaze took in the flush of the kitsune's smooth skin, the soft, inebriated glaze in his eyes, as a slow, crooked smirk touched his lips over the kid's answer. Gently taking the glass of wine from him, Holmgren set it onto the small coffee table, before gracefully getting to his feet and helping Yuri to his. Feeling cocky and playful, the Unseelie took Yuri by the hand, leading him to a small dance floor nearby where the music pulsed with such a deep tempo, they could feel it from the soles of their feet, to the tips of their ears. Neon purple and pink lights sliced and curled through the darkness, occasionally illuminating Holmgren and his dance partner as he began to sway and pump his hips to the beat. Once Holmgren found his rhythm, he gave Yuri a critical appraisal, grinning widely in satisfaction to watch the fox move.

"Aye, that's it," Holmgren encouraged, his hands cradling Yuri's hips as the young mutt moved fluidly with the music. Stepping close, his foot planted on the ground between Yuri's feet, thus his thigh fitting right between the other's thighs, Holmgren wasn't shy about what he wanted, showing no hesitation to get close to the kitsune. Eyes sultry and lustful in the dim club, Holmgren ground against the other man in teasing, seductive swaying motions, occasionally brushing against him, crotch to crotch in their elegant, high priced suits.

After an initial bout of hot and panting bouncing to the beat, Holmgren showing off his moves and admiring the way Yuri's body moved, so slinky and smooth, everything began to blur together. The wild beat of the music, commanding the heady beat in their chests, the shadows painting them in dark and mysterious colors, Holmgren grinding against Yuri, the people around them disappearing until there was nothing but their bodies and the music.

Half an hour on the dancefloor found them sequestered in a secret corner of the club, the flashing lights only occasionally touching them here, the music somewhat dulled and distant. Holmgren had Yuri pressed against the wall, his grinding hips no longer playful and teasing but now very predatory and dominant, rubbing the thick bulge in his trousers against the kitsune, feeling a bulge in reply to the stimulation. His lips no longer seduced at Yuri's neck, now hungry and demanding on the kitsune's mouth, bruising and wet as he coaxed Yuri's passion alive. One strong hand on his hip kept Yuri still for the frottage of their groins nudging and rubbing together through their clothes; the other alternated between running through Yuri's hair and cradling the side of his neck and jawline while he continued his assault upon Yuri's plush, delicious lips.

The lad tasted of sweet wine and Holmgren hummed between their mouths, drinking more deeply of his taste, stroking his tongue inside Yuri's mouth. Breaking the kiss, Holmgren stayed within the kitsune's space as he panted and groaned with desire. "By the gods, you're bloody beautiful," Holmgren hissed wantonly, dragging his teeth against Yuri's bottom lip. The hand at his hip drifted up to yank Yuri's shirt from where it was tucked inside his suit pants, pulling it nice and loose. Then, like an erotic fiend, his slender fingers slithered beneath Yuri's shirt, stroking at the kitsune's slender, toned body, his fingertips leaving trails of fire wherever they caressed.

His other hand still cradling the side of Yuri's neck, Holmgren's bright, glittering gaze quietly drank him in as his hand beneath the shirt began to explore his body. Stroking up his abdomen to his flat chest, thumb swirling teasingly over a nipple, it was like some illicit secret, all hidden from view beneath the cover of Yuri's bunched up shirt. Then his fingers made their descent, slow as they swept down his stomach, going even lower past his belly button, and Holmgren's glowing golden eyes latched onto Yuri's features for a reaction.

Teasing at his waistband, stroking achingly slow, his fingertips grazing the hidden skin underneath his belt, Holmgren said in a low voice, "I'll never make you a whore. No repercussions if you don't want to go further, you'll still be on my crew, no hard feelings." He paused, waiting a beat, taking in the deliciously drunk kitsune and his kiss-swollen lips, his fingers delicately teasing at Yuri's belt. "Tell me you want this."
If anyone was asked for a word to describe Yuri, most would use the word graceful. Even in the midst of a fight, the small kitsune was somehow able to make punching someone in the face look like a practice dance. Even now, drunk off his ass, Yuri still moves with grace that was both natural ability and carefully taught. Moving in time with the music and Holmgren’s body to create a dance that was all their own, the kitsune so drunk that he was completely oblivious to the stares of all the other worldly creatures around them. Not even hesitating when, during their dance, the fae moved them over to a dark corner of the club.

Lost to his instincts, Yuri wrapped his arms around the man’s neck as the unseelie plundered his mouth. At first trying to keep up with the man's mouth as he conquered his, but soon enough just submitting to the man’s will, letting him run lips and tongue over anything the man desired. The unseelie himself tasted of fine scotch, a taste that Yuri hadn’t realized he couldn’t get enough of until now. His hands digging into the mans expensive suit jacket as he tried to find purchase in his pleasure.

He could feel the heat begin to build up inside him, and he tried to chase that feeling, but a strong grip on his hip prevented him from doing so, making him submit to the older creature will and it was driving the young man crazy. "By the gods, you're bloody beautiful." Yuri keened at the praise, leaning into the dark fairies touch as he released the grip he had on his hips and moved his hand up to explore the yokai’s chest, and Yuri could feel a trail of fire everywhere the mans hand were. Could feel himself getting harder, the the knot of pleasure building tighter, the more the man touched him.

He was beyond the point of words when Holmgren asked Yuri if he wanted to continue. Instead he slammed his mouth on Homlgren, kissing the man deeply, while one of his hands uncurled from around the mobsters neck to grab the mans wrist. Slowly leading it down deeper past Yuri’s waistband.
Smirking against Yuri's lips over the impassioned response, Holmgren let the kitsune direct his hand just enough to get the hint before he took over once more. Smooth fingers deftly undid Yuri's belt, sliding leather free from its clasp, the loosened buckle clinking as it dangled useless and open at his groin. Dark magic lips danced across the lustful yokai's as the Unseelie's fingers flicked open Yuri's pants button, the harsh grumble of the zipper being yanked down ringing loud in their little private corner of the subclub.

A lustful rumble of satisfaction broke the kiss as Holmgren reached within the well-tailored trousers, flashing a wicked, nasty grin as his hand wrapped around Yuri's hardened length and pulled him free from its confines. More, gentle kisses were planted on the kitsune's lips before Holmgren turned his gaze down, getting a nice peek at the cock in his hand. His grip was in equal measure, loose and tight as he began to stroke it watching the excited, swollen head grow larger and smaller within the circlet of his fingers. A huffed laugh left him, hot, scotch-laced breath ghosting across Yuri's neck and cheeks as his jerking wrist picked up the pace and the kitsune's hips humped hungrily after it.

Slowing, his grip tight and dragging up the hard length, milking clear droplets of pre-cum from the rosy slit in the tip, Holmgren's thumb stroked over the head, rubbing through the clear fluid, stroking it into the swollen, spongey flesh enticingly. Giving Yuri another twinkling grin, Holmgren swept low in a crouch in front of the kitsune, his tongue lapping out to catch the tiny bit of salty liquid. The glamour on his wings failed as his arousal intensified, the large, black membranes spreading wide and caging Yuri in, practically cloaking him entirely from sight.

Glancing up at the kitsune, eyes glittering in the dimness within the cocoon of his wings, Holmgren whispered, "Get ready to come harder than you ever have in your life."

And with that promise shivering on the air between them, he pressed his lips to the tip of Yuri's erect cock, slowly spreading his lips tightly around it as he pushed forward, the veined length slowly disappearing beyond his lips. Gold eyes, glowing in lust, held rapt to Yuri's face as his hand lightly encircled the kitsune's length, his hot, wet mouth wrapped tight on the helmet of his cock.
Once Yuri was sure that Holmgren got the hint that he would like to continue what the fae had started, Yuri then brought his hand back to its previous position around Holmgren’s neck. Greedily drinking up the the deep and the gentle kisses that the fae bestowed upon him. He could feel his tail swaying back in forth in satisfaction, while his ears pinned themselves to his head in pleasure.

Once Holmgren grabbed a hold of his length the kitsune made a strangled moan of pleasure, and buried his face in the side of the man's neck. He could feel his fingers digging into the man's back as he tried to find purchase in the overwhelming pleasure of the man's hand. Then blinked when the older man pulled away, at first not understanding, but then eyes widened when he saw the powerful being crouch in front of him. A loud moan was ripped from his mouth as the man licked his leaking head, before he bit his left hand to stifle the noise. Barley remembering that they were, in fact, in public.

He buried his other hand in Holmgren’s air as he felt the other man take him into his mouth. “Oh, fuck!” The fae’s mouth felt amazing. Yuri wasn’t a stranger to blowjobs, though he was usually on the other end of them, but he had never had one from a creature like Holmgren, and the pleasure was almost overwhelming. He could feel the ball of pleasure building up inside of him, just waiting to be released. “Fuck.”
The breathy curses were music to his ears, a rumble of satisfaction vibrating up his throat as the kitsune squirmed in pleasure. The fingers gripping at his hair too forced a low, primal rattle from Holmgren as the pain of it excited him, his lips sucking tighter at Yuri's velvety head. His hand continued to stroke the length, sliding expertly up and down the swollen flesh, as his lips worked to pleasure the kitsune. Being a dark Fae, Holmgren fed off of the sexual excitement and passion of other creatures, especially when he was in the driver's seat. So, despite the raging hardon pulsing in his own pants trousers, he eagerly pushed and hunted for the kitsune's orgasm, teasing it out, knowing how delicious it would be when Yuri finally exploded.

Popping the cock free from his lips, Holmgren kissed with open mouth down the length, following the flow of Yuri's bold vein along the side. He could feel the young yokai straining, his grip tightening savagely in Holmgren's hair as the Unseelie continued to plant licking kisses along the shaft and base, finding Yuri's delectable balls. One hand on Yuri's waist kept the lad from humping his face, while the other went below to stroke at his scrotum, rolling the delicate treasures within. Grasping at them with firm lips, Holmgren sucked Yuri's right ball into his mouth, rolling his tongue around it, incessantly. It made a sloppy sound as he let it drop free, lifting his head to face the throbbing cock once more.

Fiendish yellow light glowed within his eyes as once again, the onslaught began anew, Holmgren holding either side of Yuri's hips while his head bobbed in his crotch, his dick sliding in and out of the Unseelie's mouth rapidly. He could feel the moment Yuri tipped over the edge, the tensing in his lower abdomen and the gasping moans that were barely muffled by the distant music in the club. And then the glorious, warm, thick creaminess spurting from the tip, the entire length pulsating rhythmically between his lips. Humming low, his wings twitching in hungered desire, Holmgren panted lightly as he swallowed each pulse of cum, his Fae nature satisfied by the energy and passion in Yuri's free-flowing seed. Pulling back, he grabbed Yuri's cock and brutally milked the length, letting the last dregs of Yuri's orgasm spill out onto his open and waiting tongue until there was nothing left.

Smoothly standing, the Unseelie gently set about tucking the yokai back into his pants, rezipping them, his sultry gaze full of heat as he looked at the kitsune. Holding Yuri with a firm hand at the side of his neck, Holmgren placed a demanding, dominant kiss upon his lips, tongue invasive and sticky, letting Yuri taste himself. Pulling back, smirking softly, his voice husky with lustful need, he said, "Now you've seen what I can do. Let's see what that pretty mouth of yours can do, aye?"

A firm hand on Yuri's shoulder, applied pressure pushing him slowly to his knees in front of Holmgren... Leaning a hand on the wall above Yuri's head, Holmgren took an aggressive stance, legs spread even with his shoulder width. His free hand went down to help the kitsune undo his trousers, a wolfish grin spreading on his features--


Tension tightened his shoulders, his grin fouling into a grimace, his fingers frozen on his belt, his cock a thick outline in the left thigh of his trousers. With a huffed breath of frustration, Holmgren shot a glare over his shoulder, his wings twitching menacingly to be so rudely interrupted. "Aye? What the fuck?" he snapped at Cade who stood a couple feet away from them.

Cade was sneering softly in disgust at Yuri, where he knelt in front of Holmgren, but at the question, his gaze drifted up to the dark Fae. "Sorry, boss. We've got trouble."

With a heated frown, Holmgren pushed away from the wall, leaving Yuri to get to his feet alone. Redoing his belt and straightening his suit jacket, he stopped in front of Cade, his eyes fierce and yellow, full of loathing for the Irish Fae. "What is so important that you couldn't handle it?"

Cade subtly shied from his boss, tense and nervous in the face of his anger. "The vamps got their gift--"

"Oh? Aye?" Holmgren asked with a sudden grin of wicked delight. "What'd they think o' that?"

"There's word the leader of Valheru is looking for you. They snatched Sommer from when we delivered the head and now they're waiting for you."

Smoldering lust was quickly replaced with a thirst for vengeance as Holmgren grew thoughtful over the situation. Quickly, he assessed his options and what he needed to do. Nodding, he said, "Alright, let's fuckin' do this then. I'll go gather the others and we'll set it up. You, take the kit home."

A disgusted sneer contorted Cade's face, instantly making his dislike of the idea known. "Are ye fucking kidding me? I thought he's supposed to be part of the crew? What? You don't want him along to watch how we deal with things? Suddenly, it's too big level for him at your side all of a sudden?"

"He's smashed, you bloody imbecile," Holmgren said. "He's a lighter weight than I expected on the wine. Now I know. No more questioning my orders, you fuckin' twat. Honestly, the simplest things I have to explain to you now. You're quickly becoming my least favorite and the biggest pain in my arse. Take him to my place and put 'im to bed, please." Even as polite as he was asking, there was a threatening edge to his voice that meant he expected to be obeyed.

Even still, Cade asked bitterly, "Why your place? you can fuck 'im later?" That merely got a level look from Holmgren, obviously too fatigued by Cade's petty jealousy to argue furtther with him right now, before the Unseelie turned away, walking back towards the bright flashing lights and thumping music of the club. Sulking, Cade turned to regard Yuri in open disdain, obviously struggling with the orders he'd been given.

Finally, with a sigh, he motioned at the half-breed and murmured in irritation, "Come on. We can't sift inside the club. We have to go to the lobby."
Torture, there was no other word for what Holmgren was doing to him but pure, wonderful, horrible torture. As the unseelie worked his expert mouth around Yuri’s shaft, the young kitsune tried to follow that pleasure. To help work his release out faster, but the grip the man had on his slim waist was preventing him from doing so. Subjecting him to the pace that Holmgren wanted to set, and let the older man drive him toward his release, and when he finally did come, Yuri swore he saw more than stars. It took him several minutes for him to come down from the high that Holmgren put him through, shocks of pleasure still running through his body as he was vaguely aware of the fae standing up.

It didn’t take much for Holmgren to get the fox onto his knees, and Yuri was honestly surprised that his legs hadn’t given out already. If still, as Yuri came face to face with the bulge in Holmgren’s pants he couldn’t wait to return the father to the man. He was trained by some experts in the field of giving head, and he wanted to show his skills when the sound of someone calling Holmgren made him pause. Sex and drink glazed eyes looked up at the approaching figure of Cade as he bounded over toward them.

Yuri was to drunk and too high on pleasure for him to really comprehend the looks and directed insults that the fae was leveling him, comments that would normally have the kitsunes fur on end and ears laid back in anger, as it stood though the young fox sat where he was, breathing slightly labored. He was slightly confused why Holmgren was walking away and got unsteadily to his feet, needing Cade to steady him before he followed the other fae out to the lobby. Once there, Yuri could make out the sound of familiar footsteps before someone grabbed him by the arm, pushing him behind them.

“Who are you! What the hell are you doing with Yuri!” The sound of the voice was young and female and familiar, but Yuri couldn’t place where he had heard it before.

The one who had grabbed Yuri was Athena, one of Kouyou’s top agents and someone who was very familiar with Yuri and his habits. The siren glared at Cade, daring him to try and get at the boy she had behind her back.
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