Mx Female Lawless's Non-con/Dub-Con Discord Request


The Divine
Jan 10, 2009
First off, I am deeply sorry to the community. Quite a few of my RPs fell through because of my unreliability.

The issue is, I am only on mobile now, so RPing through forums is a headache as I rarely open my browser. It's a poor excuse, but I am terribly sorry to those I 'ditched' and understand completely if bridges were burned.

That all being said, I have decided to try this again. I would much prefer email or Discord for the reasons stated above, but am willing to do PMs if you're willing to not hate me if I am slow. u.u; PM me, regardless so we can plot and exchange info.

My "style":

Seeing as how I'm on a phone, my post length may get small some posts. I will still be very descriptive, so don't worry.

Also I won't lie, I am mainly here for the smut. If you're expecting me to help you write some epic novel, you will be 100% disappointed. That being said, I probably do 70-80% smut, 10-20% story, and 10% OOC (Why wouldn't I want to conversate with my partners? Lol)

What I do:

Dragon Ball (all but GT)
YuGiOh (Original series)
Love Hina
Ai Yori Aoshi
Ranma 1/2
Soul Eater
One Piece
Fairy Tail

Harry Potter
The Stand

Walking Dead
Teen Titans

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X
Chrono Trigger
Pokemon (I put it twice, for different canon characters)

My fandom list is somewhat small, it is late at night so I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff.


First off, I primarily like non-con. He, I do not mind pet relationships instead of slave relationships.

Incest (I would prefer my partner to the older character in this, but I'm not terribly picky.)
School (Lots of pairings for this setting.)
Forced Prostitution
Work Place/Office

Eh... There's a lot I could put in this section.. up for suggestions and ideas.


I believe that's all. If I missed anything, please tell me. I suck at making request threads, and I'm sorry if it's bland and basic.
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