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Fx M or F Welcome to my store. Story based smutty roleplays inside.

Lady Aphrodisiacs

Mar 18, 2019
Little Erotica Shop

The name's Lady Aphrodisiacs or simply Hannah or Hana for short. I'm 20 years old and I apologise for my poor English. English it not my first language but, I am learning it so please be patient with me. Thank you ^^.
I'm going to carry on with the thread but if you want to know more I'll link my Introduction:
Music, Red Wine and Roses

Some Guidelines and Rules:

  • Style: Story Based Roleplay with a meaty amount of smut.
  • Perspective: Third Person Roleplaying with OOC to setting up roleplays and details to be explored.
  • Settings: Roleplays focused around Fantasy, Medieval Fantasy, Historical and Modern/ Slice of life are the settings I prefer.
  • Time: I work in the week but, I'll be around and online hourly.
  • Length: Three to five paragraphs though that depends on detail.
  • Characters: 1 x 1 is that like but, I'm comfortable with playing two characters.
  • Muses: I prefer to play women. I'm not limited to them though I can transgenders and futas.
  • Ratio: 80/20 to 50/50 Story to Smut.
  • Dom or Sub: I'm a dominant switch.
  • Vanilla Sex
  • Cuddling
  • Oral Sex
  • Vaginal Pleasure
  • Virginity
  • Kissing
  • Light Bondage.
Extended List: [BGCOLOR=rgb(37, 49, 58)]Hana's F-list[/BGCOLOR]

Boyfriend X Girlfriend
Girlfriend X Girlfriend
Arranged Marriage
Best friends
CEO X Secretary
Boss X Employee
Escort X Client
Babysitter X Employer
Popular Person X Nerd
Cheerleader X Unpopular Friend

Elf X Human/ Orc/ Demon
Demon Lord X Hero or Heroine
Demon Lord X Slave
Lord X Slave/ Maid
Master X Maid
Mistress X Butler
Succubus/ Demon X Summoner
Soldier X Enemy Soldier
Enemy Lord X Prisoner of War/ Spoils of War
Demoness X Summoner


Sophia met the new family in her subdivision. It was a single, older, father in his mid thirties and his little four year old daughter: Emma. They had met at the welcoming party the block held for them to show that everyone was nice and friendly. Being the second youngest people there at the age of 16, with the youngest being Emma, Sophia naturally went to make friends with the girl a quarter of her age. By doing this Sophia discovered that the father was a manager in the upper middle tiers in an investment firm but he didn't have a lot of time to be with his daughter. She also find out that Emma's mother died a few years ago and that the father still wasn't his self. The father had a Nanny that watched his Emma for up to 24 hours a day but, because of their move it was cut down to six or seven a day. Sophia, having, her child care course finished and with the help of her mother convinced Emma's father to let Sophia watch her for when he needed help. The father accepted on the condition that his was there for a while and she would get a small hourly pay that could increase the longer Sophia babysit Emma. Sophia started a week later. Emma was well taught to use the baby toilets so Sophia barely had to change any diapers. She was a picky eater but, with great patience Emma was being properly fed. Everything was going fine and soon the tester weeks were finished and Sophia had herself a job.

Summer came and Emma's father had to go on a month long trip, leaving her in Sophia's care. The care Sophia work herself tired to get the father's complete trust. She worked whatever hours the Nanny couldn't work and she sometimes spend days with the daughter, protecting her and keeping her company. Sophia did have the help from her family who supported her. Not before long Emma was an honorary member of the family, much to Emma's father's approval.

Over the two more years Sophia watched over and babysat Emma as Sophia jugged school sports and schooling. She did it for Emma. The level of care and love was above and beyond what the father thought it was going to be. Sophia came to love Emma like a little sister. The summer of Sophia's 17th change everything.

When the father was away for two months, Emma start to call Sophia Mama, much to the surprise and joy of Sophia. The father thought it was cute that his little daughter, now five, would adopt her babysitter as her mother. Sophia rolled with it as time rolled on and on towards Sophia 18th birthday and the fact Emma was going to be in first grade, and the father now had a stay at home job. Sophia was no longer needed so Sophia talked to the father about continuing to work as a babysitter but at a very reduced pay. The father accepted knowing the fact Emma would be hurt if Sophia stopped showing up.
It's the summer again and Sophia is finished her schooling but she's at the father's house with him and Emma. It was night time and Emma fell asleep in Sophia's arms, Sophia put her to bed before going to see the father working away. The father noticed her and called her in. Sophia told him that Emma's asleep, everything was fine until Sophia suddenly asked him a life changing question that stunned the father.

Options for Sophia: First, Second, Third

He was supposed to be just another customer, another quick service, another easy job. He paid doubled for her company, personally picked her out from a selection of her betters and wanted her to escort him to her private room. The room was a beautifully decorated with a nice queen bed, a mini fridge with pop, beers and liquors, a couch, a table and a full bathroom with unscented soaps and curtained windows. It was a private place for them to stay away and for her to do be able to please him. But, there was a big problem with it. He didn't do anything, just sit down on the couch and drunk beer. He even resisted all her advances, just sat and drunk, and drunk. Four hours later they did nothing expect the man was heavy intoxicated. After the fourth hour the man quietly got up and left her, she followed him as he left and got into a unmarked car. He left her standing in the entrance, simply flabbergasted.

A month later she was confronted by her Boss that told her that the mysterious man wanted her presence once more and that he paid twenty times her price for a night with her in a week. The week passed quickly and she walked up to her room with him. He sat in the bed and she started to undress for him but, he stopped her with a wave of his hand. "Stop! I don't want to see your body." He spoke to her in a cold voice. "I bought you. Your contract has been handed over to me. You're to be my assistant, Miss Trinity or should I say.... Ashlynn Miller."
Him saying her name, haunted her to her bones.

"How do you know my name?"

Options for Ashlynn: First, Second, Third

They have been friends since the day they were born. In the same state, same hospital, same room from two mothers that were childhood friends with one being born a day early. Growing up together meant they were close like brother and sister but, they weren't at all blood related. For the first nine years of their lives they did everything together in one way or another, sometimes sleeping together, sometimes bathing. As puberty set in, what they did together decrease as it just wasn't "normal". Instead of bathing and sleeping, they walk to school and ate lunch together to the point some thought them dating. As time went on they continued to be friends but, in different social group and their time together seemed to just disappear. He got a few girlfriends, she got two boyfriends with her relationships at ended messy.
Through it all they somehow continued to be friends.... until they moved away to different college. Two years they were apart from one another with only texting and calling to continue their contact with the other.

Then he showed up in the city she was in and they went out on the town to drink, getting hammered and ending up at her apartment. It wasn't long until one was in the other's underwear which was followed by a night of bliss and pleasure. He stayed with her for a few days and they didn't talk about it; and as soon as he came, he left her alone again until the next time..... A month later. She saw him with another woman and she felt loneliness for the first time in her life.
She, Rachaelle, texted him a few days after and ask to hang out with him accepting. They had their date with him walking her back to her apartment. "Why don't you come in?" she asked him when she unlocked her apartment door.

"Nah... I have to go now, I'm meeting someone tomorrow." His reply sent a shockwave down her spine.

"Stop!" Rachaelle turned, grab his wrist of his right hand. "Is it another girl?" He nodded with his lips about to part to speak. She pushed him against the wall, gripping his shirt with both hands. "Don't go! I can't.... I can't stop thinking about you!"

Options for Rachaelle: First, Second, Third

The middle 19th century. The tensions are rising, the fuels of war pouring and the match, unlit, hangs over the oils of conflict. A country undivided stands at the door of rebellion that'll halve the nation of the free and the brave. Weapons of a new technology age and the tactics of the Old World collide in an unholy mess that'll shake the military world to its knees. War will come but, not yet. There are years to go until then.

The humid summer breeze through the grass was calming as she looked out, over the vegetables and cash crop field and, the fruit orchards as the horse drawn carriage was going to town. The sun was hot and illuminated the rolling hills, the streamed lined meadows and, lush forests of Honey Locust, Redbuds and Pines. The smell of woodsmoke, of wild flowers, of mountain dew and, washed horses drifted from from the mountains and the fields. The neigh of horses, the baas and bleats of goats and sheep, the bellow of cattle and the barking of dogs reverberating over the pastures, paddocks and swards. It was a normal summer day, a normal peaceful afternoon.

Adorabelle Carter, only daughter and, youngest child of eight, to wealthy Land Baron Anderson Carter and his equally Wealthy German wife Karoline Mayer. She didn't have to need for anything in her life and was spoiled beyond belief but, under the tutoring of her professors she grew to be humble and understanding. Most of her life she was locked away in the house of her birth and was only able to see the world the thousands of her family's estate only when her family went out. Unlike her seven older brothers, she was more valuable to her father as she was his only daughter. A sheltered life and with progressive tutors, she befriended the estate's workers, the maids, the butlers, the cooks and gardeners and the family owned slaves. She also had a pen pal overseas that she wrote weekly.

Out one day on a outing in the local city with her mother, Adorabelle was shopping with some of the other girls she met over the many times she had an outing. The city was busy with commence and business, fairing well from its port and international trade from the Old World powers. Her and her friends went from shop to shop in the upper parts of the city, the richest parts. Clothes, foreign jewelry, arts and crafts they looked at before going for lunch. At a wealthy and well known Cafe, she sat with a tea in a fine china cup. The piano played music from centuries past, music that was far from the tones played in the west. It was a nice outing until....

He walked in, a tall man with dark skin and dressed like a prince, followed by two manservants. Outside was a trope of armed of extremely decorated guards that stood like tin soldiers. The man look around and gentlemen from the back confronted him, say that he wasn't welcome here. In a very deep accent that was not of the New World mixed with British, the man told him he would be going as soon as he found her.
"I was told that Lady Adorabelle Carter would be here." The man spoke and her friends looked to her. Adorabelle stared at him with widen eyes and an expression of shock. The man scanned the ladies in the cafe again and asked for Adorabelle. Without an question he turned to exit.

"Pardon me, sir!" She stood up swiftly and almost knock her tea off the table. The man stopped to look at her. "I'm Adorabelle Carter!" A smile cracked a long his lips.

"I am....."

Options for Adorabelle: First, Second, Third, Fourth

Mei Wilson is a loving housewife with no children though her and her husband have been talking about it for months now. They just haven't had the chance to seriously discuss how a baby will affect their consider life and to weigh their options. She's been worrying about the whole situation and she wants to have children as soon as possible with the man she's deeply in love with. Stressed, she goes shopping for foods for the house and she, after much thought, decided to go to a vacation agency to see what they can do for her and, her husband. They spoke of a lot of overseas vacations but Mei didn't want to go too far encase her husband had to be called in to work.

Mei's eyes were drawn to a closer option: the Love Lodgings. The agent told her it was a romantic get away for a few days with all expenses paid for under the low price of three hundred dollars for two weeks, a ticket. Of course, her and her husband didn't have to go but she wanted some alone time with him. With her private spending money she earns from teaching piano, she bought bought the ticket and they could be used at anytime with in the year. She returned home and discussed it with her husband when he got home.

They talked about it and he got some time off of work so could go the Love Lodgings together for a nice, romantic getaway. Her husband rented an SUV for the two weeks and they drove to the Lodgings to see a beautiful hotel with cabins overlooking a lake. On the other side was a hot spring and a magnificent waterfall. It looked like heaven on Earth.

Options for Mei: First, Second, Third, Fourth

A small one manned ship crashed landed in the woods behind a suburban subdivision in the forested part of someone's house. The broke trees, snapping them in half as it flew towards to ground and it impacted in a great shaking thuds but no one in the house awoke. A short, androgynous Alien opened the hatch to the ship and climbed out, grabbing a wound on its side as it limped into the closest house, orange blood trailing behind it. At the back door of the house it took out a ball and held it to the door, long and thin tentacles oozes out of the ball and into the locks on the door; unlocking them so she could open the door. Once opened she entered the abode, walking upstairs to the bathroom where she took out a first aid kit and start bandaging herself up. It was primitive treatment compared to her world but her's kit was destroyed in the crash. In the bathtub she laid down in and rested her mind as she built a mind altering device. She then systemically used it on everyone she could find in the house, altering their minds to suit her needs but left them sleep.

Unbeknownst to her, she missed someone, the eldest son of the couple that were in the house. The one she needed. He was at a party and get just got back to see the back door ajar and a mysterious orange liquid going into the house, leading upstairs to the bathroom where he found a mysterious girl in the bathtub. She looked at him and he was about to scream when a ball flew from her hand and opened up, covering his mouth. Inside his mind came a voice, a feminine voice.

"Please don't be alarmed. I was wounded and need a place to stay for the night to heal. I'm sorry for using your medical equipment but my life was at steak." The girl rose from the bathtub and smile. "I'm Viela, from the System of Gamma Draconis. It is 154 light years from this planet, from earth but we know it as Etamin. I came here looking for genetic material and yours was the best from around here." She walked to him and told the ball from his mouth. "I mean you no harm human but, I need your help!" She spoke with her own mouth, smiling up at the man before her.

Options for Viela: First, Second, Third
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Bump with new roleplay plots

Being the only daughter in the Maeda Yakuza Family, or in any Yakuza Families, is not as easy as it sounds. The youngest of eight children with seven older brothers, whose opinions ranges from daunting to doting, and a widowed and over protective father her life is sheltered in most cases. "There's no place for her in the family business." said her second oldest brother and the one she feuds with the most, to the encouragement of two other brothers. He was right in a way, her being a girl and the youngest, he had no right to have succession of the family's business and assets as her portion of it would be miniscule at best. Nonexistent at worst. Gambling, street fights, managing sectors of an adult industry, drugs, trafficking and white collar crime wasn't something her father wanted her to do as her older brother's were managing all that pretty well on their own. Despite her knowing the ins and outs of her family's crime business, her father wants her to be free of the oozing corruption of the underworld's dealings and to have some resemblance to a normal life yet continues to deny her having normal things like friends outside the Yakuza, going to a normal highschool or walk around the city without being accompanied by one or two armed escorts who were Yakuza members. The only people she considered to be "friends" were a senior member of her father's mob that acts as her mentor, a junior member that's her bodyguard and three others that help her in her day to day life. Unlike other girls like herself she never attended any public schools, just private schools where she was treated like an outcast and someone you didn't want to bother because "she gonna kill ya."
Her twisted life when the abnormal was normal, she wants to experience non gangster life.
Then her oldest brother told her she'll be going to a public under a new identity so she can live out one year as a normal high school student but if her real identity was revealed, she'd been forced to go back into her life now.

Options for Momoko: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Karosserie Inc. Designer Partners has the leading market share for artificial life forms for entertainment and recreational uses with the world's most advanced creator of Designer Partners. With the most recent models of ADAP, Artificial Designed Autonomous Personnel, being the latest and greatest version the had ever seen; Karosserie Inc. Designer Partners in definitely the leading focus in advanced personalities. Their strength comes from the fact they aren't only limited to individual models that are vast copy of an Designed Partner but, they allow a complete creation from the ground up of a model created for a certain role. From a little daughter, to a sister, to a father to a nurse or maid, to a partner in love, Designer Partners can do it all if not more as they are often used in the adult industry or in the film industry as actors and actresses. Designer Partners can be outfitted with different personalities, abilities, mentalities, skills and views about the world around them. With their artificial intelligence providing them with limited sentience, Designer Partners have to follow the Rules of Existence - a set of Rules or Codes that determine right from wrong, good from evil and all legal Partners have this as an indelible program - and much follow the orders of its human partner or employee unless it conflicts with the Rules or it's programmed personality. Designer Partners are affordable and reliable so anyone can buy one of the many models or make their own.

Examples of the Models: Chi Model, Yuu Model, Ying Model, Kwon Model, Sung Model, Crystal Model, Isabella Model, Stella Model

Koizumi Amy is a gravure idol who has just completed her first centerfold photoshoot for the Itazurana Tori Magazine. She's a model licensed under Sunny Smiles Photography for the last five years of her life, a business that does many different types of photography from family, wedding, prom, to centerfold. Unknown to fans of her modeling works and her co-workers she's eighteen year old senior highschool student who's government name is Saito Chiho. She's a top student but, from a struggling family that can't afford to paid her University tuition so she makes for this by modeling. As far as she knows her classmates don't know of her modeling career and she hopes they don't know of her recently centerfold in Itazurana Tori but things change.

Can make this into a Korean Gravure Idol roleplay

Options for Chiho (Amy): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Korean: 1, 2, 3, 4

The Hirabayashi's Initiative was a program created by the infamous Biology Professor and Minister of Health Hirabayashi Aoi to help Japan combat it's decline in marriages, offspring and need for increased foreign labor. Dubbed the Forced Marriage Law by its critics, the Initiative is a very complex series of mathematical equations and state own personal information to pick two individuals to be partners, to make a family and to produce children. These individuals are sent a message over their phones and are told who their assigned partner is. This government message happens in the first year of high school so the partners can have time to get to know one another throughout the next two years of their relationship.
Fujiwara Ainu is a high school that hasn't had her partner proposal message yet with all her friends having theirs. The kicker is, this'll be the beginning of her last year in highschool.

Options for Ainu: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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