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Fx Male barbie's searching || fandom & originals [mxf] (now with more Punisher?)


Feb 5, 2017
Hello little birdie~
did you catch my pun up in that title? you did? four for you, glen coco. you go, glen coco.

  • I am Barbie. I'm a chick. I am over eighteen (duh) but not super comfortable divulging my age to strangers at this point.
  • I am currently working my ass off trying to get the job of my dreams, which means that I may not be available 24/7. That being said, writing is a form of stress relief to me and I am online frequently.
  • I have been roleplaying for upwards of ten years, give or take. English is my native language, but that's not to say I'm not open to roleplaying with those who aren't necessarily as fluent as I am.
  • I am perhaps overly friendly and truly enjoy ooc chatter. I have a real penchant for plotting as well, but please don't let me overwhelm you.
  • I have outstanding patience, but I truly am not looking for someone who isn't interested in maintaining a long term roleplay. If you feel you're losing interest, please warn me up front before leaving. I'm too cute for all y'all to be breakin' my heart like this. I've not always been fantastic about extending this courtesy myself, but I've grown, I promise!
  • If I’m not interested in an idea, I’ll let you know. I’m notorious for opening up a message and forgetting about it, so please send me a follow up if it’s been a few days. That being said, I always extend my partners the courtesy of patience and understanding and I appreciate those who do the same. I’ve unfortunately had a few unpleasant experiences with this in the short week I’ve been back and I’m going to nip this in the bud right now: you are not entitled to a response from me, especially not if you are unkind.
  • I would be happy to give out my Skype for OOC/chatting when the time comes. Please don't hesitate to ask! Discord is not an option for me ATM, but I will let you know if I change my mind.
  • I am capable of writing some incredibly lengthy (1000+ word) posts, but usually my comfort zone is somewhere between 500-700 words. It's okay if that's not something you're interested in. My word count varies depending upon my current level of inspiration, and while I appreciate long posts, it's not a requirement. Quality > quantity.
  • Multi-character/multi-pairing rps are some of my favorites, but I much prefer to take on only one role. That being said, I prefer to play at least one female. MxF is my main interest, but I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea of FxF/MxM... it's just not my area of expertise at the moment.
  • I am currently NOT looking for predominately-smut based RPs. However, if we could find that sweet spot somewhere in the middle of kink and plot, I'll be putty in your hand.

THE PUNISHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only Love & Death Change All Things
Okay, I know I'm behind the times, but I just finished season one of the punisher and ?????!!!!!!????!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS. I have a vague character idea in mind for this, but I'd so love to expand it with you.
I want to play: A female OC, Naomi Rivers.
I want you to play: Frank Castle

Easy Cowboy
Arthur Morgan deserved better. Let's give him a happy ending.
I want to play: A female OC, probably. Sue me.
I want you to play: Arthur Morgan

Also interested in RPs opposite: John Marston, Javier Escuella, Dutch van der Linde, or Charles Smith

Love is Just a Four Letter Word
God, I go through cyclical obsessions with this pairing. Now is definitely one of those times.
I want to play: F!Inquisitor
I want you to play: Iron Bull

Also interested in RPs opposite: Cullen Rutherford

What's Eating the Death Eater?
When I was younger, I was part of an (admittedly very poorly written) Death Eater centric rp, where I sorta, kinda, REALLY fell in love with Amycus Carrow. I'd just like to explore this as a grown ass adult with some semblance of writing ability.

I want to play: An OC, honestly.
I want you to play: Amycus Carrow

STAR WARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Mandalorian
Oh. My fucking god. Been binging on quarantine and... I legitimately have never wanted to fuck a character more. Indulge me?

I want to play: A female OC, probably. Sue me.
I want you to play: Mando. The Mandalorian. Din Djarin. How many names can we come up with for this man?

Don't see what you're looking for? Drop me a line. I'm always down to do your cravings, too, fandom or not.


Dis my F-list.

In summary, my preference is for my female characters especially to lean on the submissive side. I know that's terribly original of me, but it's what I'm more comfortable with at this point in time. I will indulge you pretty hardcore if you tick some boxes on that faves list. I tend to be a very "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" kind of partner.

A word of caution: my "no's" are hard passes and they are non-negotiable. They make me incredibly uncomfortable, and roleplay is something I want to do for fun--not to push my boundaries. There may come a time where this list changes, and if it does, I will be the first to inform you.
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