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  1. DangerousDane

    Mx Female Nikki The Big Tiddy Kitty!

    Hello, and welcome to my latest thread. :amazing: Like always, I bring you one of my latest cravings, one that includes a semi pre-made character for you to play. It includes a smutty slice of life, romance, and anthro characters. Introduction Welcome to my thread! This RP will be a...
  2. captain_bond

    Mx Female NEW PLOTS! Cap's Nurturing, Romantic, Smutty Request Thread!

    Hello, people of Blue Moon! I apologize in advance if this seems a bit disorganized. This is a little (or perhaps a lot) different than my "main" RT (which features a lot of specific pairings, fandoms and what not). Instead, this'll be a more free-form thread where the common themes will be the...
  3. MoFo

    Mx Female Knock em Dead- A Harem/Eroge Rp Concept

    Knock em Dead- A wholesome harem story following a Japanese High School Comedy Club, where the leading man and his club have hilarious hijinx all through school. The story will involve a lot of comedy, slapstick, ecchi humor, some sexual humor as well, and possibly some straight up sexually...
  4. B

    Wholesome Mangas?

    I've got a few here: Shokuba to Jitaku de Gyappu no Aru Papa - Short little stories about a man who is cold and distant at work, but once he gets home, he's soft and loving. The art is amazing! The stars and I - Childhood friends. The art is great too! I hate that as the story goes on, the...
  5. The Quill

    Fx F or NB Quill's Consolidated Female Request Thread (Updated Cravings)

    About Me I'm a thirty-something nerd who likes to write erotica with other adults in my spare time. I have been doing forum based writing since high school, and erotic writing since at least college. My gender is irrelevant, so if you insist on knowing what genitals are in my pants, I suggest...
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