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  1. Chaosmagic

    Soldiers catch journalist (non-con,slave,longterm)

    I really want to do a role play where a journalist sneaks onto a military base out in the middle of nowhere to take pictures of them assaulting other girls there. When she gets all the pictures she needs of the main solider (Captain? Sargent?) hurting another girl there. So as she sneaking back...
  2. RolePlayerR

    Mx Male REALISTIC setting. ADVANCED tech. TOUGH guys showing soft side. YOU IN?

    SETTING Large city in a nowadays world with special forces having access to advanced technology (I'm open to ideas!) like: - Exoskeletons that are external metal bones structure to enhance performance (higher speed and strength) - Drones with pseudo-AI (flying machines a size of a backpack) and...
  3. RolePlayerR

    Mx Male Are you capable of...? (pairings in last post)

    Looking for partners who (like me) can believably portrait realistic, masculine, cis/straight acting guys for MxM romance! Badass soldier? Primitive biker? Professional law enforcement officer? Dangerous convict? Or maybe just a mature single father? Southern hospitality showing redneck? Or a...
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