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  1. PhoenixRising23

    Fx Any One Batch, Two Batch, Penny and Dime

    Hello, lovelies... I've been craving a good Punisher rp for a while now; could even be willing to start around the Daredevil plotlines when Frank is first introduced. I have an OC that I'd like to play opposite him and in turn, I'm more than happy to double as someone you'd like me to play...
  2. LadyAthene

    The Punisher: Marked For Death (Athene & East)

    Suki Kimura 1st September, 2018 New York City, New York Exact Location: NYPD Headquarters 17:48 PM EST Crime was nothing new to New York. In fact, when had it not been an issue for the city of New York? That was the million dollar question. Sadly, the answer wasn't much of a mystery. So even...
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