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  1. MadDog2020

    Mx Female Pirate captain takes princess hostage Non-con/Con

    Had a dream about an interesting scenario. A pirate captain comes across knowledge of a princess sailing off to be married to another kingdom. He decides to capture her and hold her for ransom. A couple ways the story could go in my mind below. But always open to suggestions Con: Pirate...
  2. Denthris

    Princess and Her Protection (Denthris x Syrene) NSFW

    Please be advised. This RP will contain NC scenarios. Intro: An Unease peace between the Kingdoms of Alter and Rennaris. A generation of on going war had left both Kingdoms exhausted. With neither Kingdom having any distinct advantage, a peace was achieved. To attempt to strength it. the Symon...
  3. Chaosmagic

    Fx Male Darker Themes - Looking for Dom Males.

    Hey there!! Thanks for clicking my thread :) my f-list : F-list - Warning Looking for little bit darker themes here, love non-con turned to con stories, am a big fan of kidnapping scenes and my characters not being willing in the beginning with lots of fighting back and power struggle for...
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