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  1. glitch

    Mx Male CINDERELLA STEP !}・゚✧ fandom/non-fandom search [bnha & trigun crave]

    「 門限は午前0時。平気平気帰れるよ。」 - - - - - - cinderella step ! hi there, call me glitch [she/her, 21+]! let's do our best to get along! i'm normally really proactive with making fancy-ish threads, but after years on this site, i gotta say, i'm pretty lazy now, so this is gonna be a bit bare...
  2. petersta

    Fx Male BNHA RP

    Hey! I'll be willing to play whatever character, but I was hoping that I could find someone to roleplay with me some Eraserjoke or some other MxF ship. I would be more than willing to rp action with another mxm or fxf, but for romance, I'm most comfortable with MXF. If anything, we can discuss...
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