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  1. Makaist

    NSFW: Mak's Journal (Dream's, thoughts, and ERP experiences)

    {td=border:0|bcolor:#222222|730pxx@} {tr}{td=border:0|bcolor:#0d0d0d|700pxx@}Mak's Journal This is a new experience for me. My office is filled with Paperblanks, Moleskines, and serious leather-bound journals, neatly occupying various nooks and crannies. In fact, I'm practically surrounded by...
  2. Dark Country

    Question Picture resizing?

    Vekseid, I have a question about resizing pictures on the site. When I add photos then try and shrink them they are always still too big. am I doing something wrong? Okay, you know how you link pictures? Then when you click on them you can resize them (make them bigger or smaller)? Well...
  3. Vekseid

    Information Security Notices / Authorization Required in random threads, and how to deal with them

    This message is both for staff (@Admins @Moderators @Welcomers) and the general population. Because you can fix your own request threads and you may be asked to if this happens to one of your threads. If you are using Chrome, you may see a message like this...
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