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  1. Enchantment

    Finding the Soul (Enchantment & Chilltix)

    @chilltix Therapy. The word alone sent shivers of distaste through Oliver’s spine, right down to his sock-covered toes as they wiggled in the open space of his boots. A rough, inflexible length of metal dug into the skin of his back as he leaned his full weight against the hard fold-out chair...
  2. J

    Mx Female A blowjob to unwind...

    I might be in danger of self-indulgence here, but it's been a long, stressful day, and all a guy needs after that is some way to unwind. So I'd love to RP a guy in the same vein, whose (honestly platonic) friend discovers his stressed state and decides to lend him a hand...or a mouth. I want to...
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