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  1. SarahZee95

    Mx Any The X-Men Get Drenched (detailed and literate)

    Earth 1723 It had been a casual sort of day, a serene day-off on Krakoa where it seemed for a rare moment that all was well in the world. Of course, the X-Men still had to keep in shape, though this would be less intense than the Danger Room, for example. More of an aerobics or cardio class...
  2. SarahZee95

    NBx Nonbinary Breeding Season (detailed and literate, worldbuilding)

    Grayson hated Breeding Season. She wasn't a prude, but it was terribly inconvenient snd even more mortifying. She was an intelligent, dignified Futa, not some fuck-hungry animal in heat. Well, humans are technically animals. And they do go into heat every Spring. (Stupid Futakind). But dammit...
  3. SarahZee95

    Fx Any OWF: The Orgasmic Wrestling Federation

    They'd been going at it for ages; it was both impressive and harrowing at once. Caked in sweat, overheated and half delirious as they slammed into each other over and over again. Drawn out, labored groans and grunts that had long since exhausted themselves from the violent cries and screams of...
  4. SarahZee95

    Fx Any The X-Men Get Edged (detailed and literate)

    It was a strange mission, Charles Xavier had to admit. It took some convincing to get the Quiet Council and the rest of the X-Men on board with this, and even then there was the possibility this could still end in disaster. But the X-Men were going to be prepared for this whether they liked it...
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