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  1. Raina Reader

    Bloodstained Reflections [Saber & Raina Reader]

    Tasha Lumen was seated at her desk, clutching a mug of coffee in one hand as she peered into her laptop screen, lazily browsing twitter through heavy-lidded eyes as she waited for her coffee to do its magic when a sound erupted from behind her laptop. Bzzzt "Erhm, Tasha, your Nine o'clock is...
  2. Bunny

    π”Ÿπ”©π”¬π”¬π”‘π”Ÿπ”¬π”²π”«π”‘ (π”°π”¦π”―π”’π”«οΉ π”°π”±π”žπ”¦π”«π”’)

    Icy air ripped through her lungs with each ragged breath. The raid had happened unexpectedly. Even though her terror for a fleeting moment Arianna's mind snorted. Unexpected. All raids were unexpected. Her bare feet sped along the rough terrain, one of many fleeing from them. Vampires. The...
  3. Nine of Hartz

    Fx Any Looking to Play Vampires or Blood Dolls

    I have posted plot ideas before and think I may have been going about it all wrong. So I am back with a new approach. Instead of pitching plots, I would like to introduce you to my girls. These are the Vampires and Blood Doll characters I currently want to use in modern/urban fantasy settings. I...
  4. Sinclaire

    Twisted Souls (Skarag x Sinclaire)

    Rylie Rylie uncrossed and crossed her legs with exaggerated slowness, giving Mr. Simmons a long flash of her white cotton panties under a short jean skirt. He was practically drooling in his desk. His eyes looked up when she closed her legs and she winked, giving him a knowing grin. He flushed...
  5. J

    Darkfever [Goody + incendo]

    Another boring weekend spent in London. Riegler was glad to be headed home again, if only for the soothing comfort of being alone, surrounded by his books and garden of stones. No demanding, dull parties, surrounded by upper crust socialites, playing their meaningless little games with each...
  6. Dead Niinja

    Tumblr No More (Dead Niinja & Floating Sheep)

    Tumblr is dead. Cliff couldn't believe what he was seeing. The site was banning all material not safe for work. And people were furious. Cliff's own granddaughter made a living out of making solo videos and selling them. It was a secret in the family only he knew. He hadn't actually talked to...
  7. Feed-Me-Roles

    Mx Female [ graphic content ][ 1x1 ] Tryyet-3.088 | Cybernoir Thriller

    πŸ€¦ πŸ€§ πŸ€¨ πŸ€© WOULD YOU LOOK IF THE TRUTH RUINED YOU?_ πŸ€’ πŸ€£ πŸ€€ πŸ€₯ WOULD YOU?_ πŸ€ͺ β€’ β€’ β€’ Tryyet-3.088 is a cooperative world building / cybernoir thriller in which you and I will construct a world that is both gritty and dark where our characters will be forced to endure as they search for the truth...
  8. Deadsexy

    Fx M or F Seeking very dark almost limitles rp's. (NSFW)

    Looking mostly for dark role plays. Pretty well no limits and adore kinky smutty sexual encounters or adventures where MC ends up murdered or dead in some horrible way. I love dark scenes of abuse, blackmail, bdsm, coercion, grooming, being filmed or live-streamed, dirty sex, asphyxia...
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