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In the 16th and 17th centuries it was a fad among Europeans to eat "medicine" containing human bones, and this was often derived from Egyptian mummies.
HTG - Did You Know: Although best known for her role as Trinity in the iconic 1999 sci-fi film The Matrix, that isn't the only Matrix that Carrie-Anne Moss has starred in. In 1993, she starred in a totally unrelated Canadian TV show, Matrix, about a hitman who was killed, sent to Purgatory, and returned to Earth.
Nutmeg can produce hallucinogenic effects when consumed in large quantities. It has a compound called myristicin, which can cause intoxication, dizziness, confusion, and mild hallucinations.

Movie fact: During the filming of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Daniel Craig was on the next set filming Spectre. He asked if he could participate in a scene. They let him play the Stormtrooper that stood by Rey when she was bound to a table for Kylo Ren to interrogate. She used her Jedi mind trick to convince him to remove the restraints and open the door (oh and drop the gun).

Nutmeg can produce hallucinogenic effects when consumed in large quantities. It has a compound called myristicin, which can cause intoxication, dizziness, confusion, and mild hallucinations.

Movie fact: During the filming of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Daniel Craig was on the next set filming Spectre. He asked if he could participate in a scene. They let him play the Stormtrooper that stood by Rey when she was bound to a table for Kylo Ren to interrogate. She used her Jedi mind trick to convince him to remove the restraints and open the door (oh and drop the gun).

The nutmeg I didn't know about, but I remember hearing about Daniel Craig in that scene. You can hear his voice when speaking in the movie.

"What's Bond doing there?"
Absolute Zero - 0 Kelvin, or -459.67 F, or -273.1 C - cannot be accurately measured by any instrumentation we have today.
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