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Cynosure OOC Discussions


Semi-Pro Stalker
Jul 9, 2018
~Cynosure Character Roster~

@LeaT - Playing as a Divinity Inc Troubleshooter
@TheCorsair - Playing as a Divinity Inc Android Assistant
@xanaphia -Playing as a Forge Computer Expert
@TheCorsair - Playing as a Forge Combat Medic
@MsBloom - Playing as a Divinity Security Specialist
@BennyQ - Playing as a Forge Mercenary


Cynosure Active Story Thread
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I'll probably be taking some time over the weekend to get a starting post established while we wait for everyone to get their character profiles submitted. In the meantime consider this your go to place for any discussions, comments, or ideas that concern the story we're about to embark upon.
Just plotting out the starter a little tonight. I'm going to start the story off with the vessel in route to Cynosure. Most of the journey will be glossed over but I figured a few instances could be explored in some detail. Examples being everyone gathered for breakfast one morning, or a card game, or people in the gym working out or more intimate encounters if certain characters are inclined to go that route.
Follow the link when your ready. I figure we can ease our way into this while we wait for everyone else to get their characters settled into place.
I'm going to make some alterations for our introductory post to give everyone more of opportunity to ease into the setting. Probably going to start out with the group meeting at Sigma 6 and boarding Ares 8 for the journey to Cynosure. Some kind of group meal setting could be done for everyone's first face to face meeting and leave a little room to branch off of that before everyone's characters are placed into stasis for the 6 month trek to Cynosure. I expect I'll have the revision done by this evening or tomorrow morning at the latest.
For those who will be playing as a member of the Forge task force I dug up a little ranking system that we can use. Highest rank currently on board will belong to an NPC that I'll be handling so those of you who will be playing as one of the soldiers can add a rank to their profile that falls under Lieutenant. Probably would be best to keep it in the Low Rank tier as well since Forge is keeping most of their higher ranking officers behind for their mission at Sigma 6.
  • Low Ranks
    • Enlistee
    • Private
    • Lance Corporal
    • Corporal
  • Medium Ranks
    • Sergeant
    • Mercenary
    • Lieutenant
    • Captain
  • High Ranks
    • Major
    • Colonel
So we are off and running, looking forward to this story, I hope to see you all in the main thread soon. Please remember to make your character thread, lots of good ideas out there. I made my first post and eager to hear from others.
Hey guys! I'm still kicking around, but RL has me temporarily busy at the moment. I hope to get my character posted tonight or tomorrow afternoon and then I should be back to normal activity by next Thursday. I apologize if this inconveniences anyone <3
Just to give myself and the rest of the group a picture of where we currently stand cast wise.

@LeaT - Playing as a Divinity Inc Troubleshooter
@jvniper - Playing as a Divinity Inc Android Assistant (Profile Pending)
@xanaphia -Playing as a Forge Computer Expert
@TheCorsair - Playing as a Forge Combat Medic
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Cynosure Maps
While I'm not intending to make maps a big focal point or track the individual movements of characters I do want to include some general images to help envision the scope and layout of Cynosure. I'll be updating this as I find more images that fit what I'm after. Consider the following part of the files that have been released into the hands of the characters on board the shuttle.


  • CynoExt.jpg
    192.1 KB · Views: 2
  • CynoBluePrint.jpg
    647.8 KB · Views: 2
  • CynoProcessing.jpg
    118.2 KB · Views: 2
The things that Jaxx might do to Lieutenant Allen's nutsack haunt my dreams. Will one brave soul step up and save the day or will the fate of his family jewels continue to hang in the balance?
We probably wouldn't need terrifying alien xenomorphs if she had one of those.
The stage is open, no particular posting order to be worried about. Feel free to introduce your character into the story when you're able.
~Final Roster~

@LeaT - Playing as a Divinity Inc Troubleshooter
@jvniper - Playing as a Divinity Inc Android Assistant (Profile Pending)
@xanaphia -Playing as a Forge Computer Expert
@TheCorsair - Playing as a Forge Combat Medic
@MsBloom - Playing as a Divinity Security Specialist
@BennyQ - Playing as a Forge Mercenary (Profile Pending)​
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