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Spirit of the Crystal Shard (HKitten and J)

Noah tried to calm himself down from the spark of fear he had felt. It wasn’t truly fearing of Brand, but rather, for Brand. Sure, it was intimidating to know that someone who had magic and defined muscles, which already made him somewhat ‘stronger’ than Noah already, was going to get stronger. However, his fear of someone getting a lot stronger vanished the instant he saw the hurt look the blonde had on his face.

For a moment, he didn’t understand what was going on, and it wasn’t until Brand turned around and literally ran from him, did he realize that the blonde thought he thought Brand was a demon. Of course! They had been talking about it just moments ago! The redhead felt so stupid! The moment Brand left his side, however, he felt a strange sense of coldness. The warmth that lit fire inside of the blonde felt like it had been keeping Noah warm as well, and he missed it dearly when it left him. He realized that if in any other situation, that thought was a bit strange, as if he was lusting for the other male. But that wasn't the case was it? He was just missing a warmth, but that didn't mean that he missed a warmth in the sexual sense. Whatever it was though, he had to shake it off, because as he stood there like some shocked idiot, Brand was getting away.

“AH! I need your information. But um, stay here! I mean, I’ll meet you here tomorrow after school.” Noah called out, before rushing off in the direction his new friend ran to. He didn’t know why he didn’t just let the other boy go, but he felt a connection to chase after him. There were a lot of people just crowding his way, so he had to squeeze on through and searched. The redhead didn’t think it would be that hard to find Brand, since he was a pretty unique individual, but it took him a few minutes to spot the blonde.

“Brand! Wait…STOP.” he demanded, seeing the other male just a few feet away from him. Noah was trapped in a mob of people that he was trying to squeeze through, but it was taking him time and he didn’t want to lose sight of the blonde.
Brand's flight through the market was slowed by his reluctance to force his way past the crowd. The muscular, blond teen had no wish to hurt anybody. Every time he had to slow down though, Brand would fidget and clench his teeth. He felt so lost without Noah, and that just made him hurt more.

Noah thought he was a demon, and as far as Brand knew he could be right. Certainly he had felt the strange connection to the the red headed youth. Maybe Noah really did own him now. Wouldn't that mean the rest of the tale was true?

Brand was surprised to hear Noah's voice call to him. He turned to see Noah coming through the crowd. Brand didn't notice the people staring, but he heard the desperation in the redhead's voice when he told him to stop. Brand waited for Noah, but he was wary. If he really was a demon, the last thing Brand wanted to to risk his evil nature harming Noah in any way.
Noah rushed through the crowd and was glad to see that the blonde boy had stopped when he had asked for him to. If he were to run any more, he would have probably fallen over. Oh man, I need to exercise more often… the redhead slightly groaned, realizing that they had ran quite a bit of distance, considering how far out into the market they were. When he finally reached Brand’s side, he stopped just in front of the other male and slightly rested his hands on his knees. Yes, he truly did need to start working out more, because he was already tired.

“Hey…why did you run off? I mean…don’t run from me like that…” because he really hated chasing people down. Noah reached out a hand to grasp the jacket’s sleeve incase Brand decided to rush off again. “You know, about earlier…I don’t think of you as a demon. You’re obviously not one and would a demon be as-.” he paused, almost saying ‘as cute as you’, but swallowed that. Now was not the time to picture that and he tried to clear his throat. “A demon wouldn’t have run away, right?”

Noah smiled slightly and tugged on the blonde’s sleeve, gently coaxing the magical being to follow him. “Come on…maybe we can get back in time and see if the old man is there. We’ll get back your powers for you and you…you can stay with me until then if you’d like.” the redhead wasn’t so sure this was a good idea to invite him to stay with him, especially since he was having strange thoughts that questioned his sexuality already. However, he couldn’t just let the other boy try to fend for himself out in a world he didn’t understand, and it appeared like Brand liked him as a friend as well. He’s like a pet…a magical pet… the teen mentally chuckled.
Brand was alarmed when he saw how Noah was breathing hard and bent over after their short run. Brand wasn't even breathing hard. As an orphan and commoner, Brand had been used to hard work and exertion since an early age. But he reminded himself that nobles, like Noah lived a different sort of life, exercising their minds more than their backs.

"I'm sorry to have caused you such trouble," Brand said. "I... I don't know what I am, but I hope I am not a demon. If I am, I will try to be the least evil demon I can be." it troubled Brand that Noah was in such distress from his run. Then, a thought occurred to the blond youth. With an easy, fluid motion, Brand picked Noah up and began to carry the thinner teen back toward the old man's stall. "Let me help you," he said with a concerned smile for his friend. "I owe you at least that much." His smile became hopeful and surprised. "You would let me stay with you? Thank you, Noah! I will work hard for you."

Brand felt so much better now that he was so close to Noah and the redhead had offered to let him stay. He was sure the only way he could feel better would be with skin on skin contact, but Brand couldn't hold Noah's hand while carrying him. He was also reluctant to ask Noah to touch hand to body again. As good as it felt to have Noah's hand on his chest, the gesture seemed to make Noah uncomfortable.
The teen gave a small yelp when he was suddenly picked up, his thoughts cut off. Yes, Brand was like a magical pet…that was extremely strong in both ‘magic’ and physically. The blonde was able to carry him like a bride so easily, it was startling. Sure, Noah wasn’t the largest of guys and probably not the heaviest, but he was a growing teen that was ‘average’ for his age. It felt strange to be carried like this, and while it would have been easier for them both if he were to wrap his arms around the blonde’s neck, he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Ugh…if I wasn’t so tired, I wouldn’t let me carry me like this… he thought with a small pout, just crossing his arms in front of him instead. However, he had to admit that this felt rather nice. Noah hadn’t been carried like a child for quite awhile, and even though this position of carrying was more for a couple, he enjoyed the ride nonetheless. Brand appeared to be a rather strong guy, so he didn’t have to fear he would be dropped.

As they were heading back, he found that his head had slowly leaned towards Brand’s shoulder, until he was resting it there, like a tired bride resting against the husband, whom was carrying him to wherever. His cheek slightly rubbed on the jacket’s material, but underneath that, he could definitely feel the muscles that the blonde had. Noah wanted to reach out and touch those muscles, to feel just exactly how strong they were when they flexed, but reframed from doing so. Luckily, before he even reached out of curiosity, they reached the old man’s stand and the man was still there.

“Ah…um, put me down, Brand…” he requested, gently pressing against the other male’s chest. Once he was down, he walked back to the old man and fished for some more money. Ah, this was the last of his spending money for the month, but for this little adventure, he felt as if it was worth it. “Here, that’s all I have. Tell me where the others are so we can help him.”
The old man chuckled in spite of himself when he saw the blond demon bringing its master back, carrying the redheaded boy in its arms. It might have been the innocent, happy smile on the blond's face, or how the redhead had his arms crossed as if in protest that struck the old merchant's funny bone, but either way, he began to wonder just what sort of demon could be so... cluelessly nice. Impulsively, the merchant took out a camera and snapped a picture of the unusual sight.

Brand sighed softly when Noah finally rested his head on the blond's shoulder. Even with the cloth of the jacket in the way, it felt nice. He sat Noah safely on his feet when the redhead asked him to and followed him to the old man.

When Noah offered money to the merchant, he started chuckling again and shook his head. He held up the camera.

"It's ok, lad. You and your de... friend just made my week. I'll tell you what I know and call it even." The merchant once more rummaged through his wares and found some papers. "Fella named Oswald Clovis did a private did at the Stronburg ruins about two years ago. Then he up and went bust. Some kinda bad investment and couldn't pay his workers. They put a lean on the stuff he dug up and just a little while back, they started selling the stuff off to pay Clovis' debts. That's how I got those shards and the whole legend thing. I went to one of the auctions."

The old man offered an auction flier and pamphlet to Noah. He tapped the papers with one finger.

"Might be there's some more of that crystal in the warehouse. Might be they sold some of it, though. If anybody knows, it'll probably be the auction house that's selling the stuff off." He started to laugh again. "Now you and your 'just friend' head on home before your momma gets worried about where you went. Have fun explaining your new pet."
Cheeks a bit flushed—from running if anyone were to ask him—he grasped the pamphlet, fliers and paper in his hands. The old man mentioned something about going to find these people at warehouses and auctions houses? Noah listened to the old man and half scanned through the addresses. While the warehouse was in his city, the auction houses were further than the city boarders. Some were in nearby cities, while some appeared to be rather far; across the ocean to be exact. While most of them were in England as far as he could see, one was in America.

“He’s not my pet…” the redhead said offhandedly, even though he had been thinking about Brand as his pet for the last few minutes. When he realized what he said could have offended the blonde, he reached out a hand and grasped Brand’s sleeve again; just incase the boy ran from him. Noah really didn’t think he had the energy to run after this guy twice. “He’s my friend. Thank you, sir. I think we’ll be going now…”

The teen gently tugged at the other’s sleeve to pull him along, as they both headed towards the edge of the market and left for his house. While they were walking, he just continued to study the addresses and tried to remember the locations. Some of them were confusing, so he’d have to go home and search it up on the internet for directions. It was then that he thought of how much this was going to cost. Oh, man…there goes my summer savings… Noah pouted. Even though he was somewhat bummed at already planning to spend his money on some weird trip, he didn’t think it would be too bad.

But what were they going to do about Brand? His parents didn’t live with him, so it was just going to be him and his friend at the house; which wouldn’t be too bad, since that’ll just be like having a roommate. However, there was school to attend, and he wasn’t sure he’d want to leave Brand home alone. Was the other male even housetrained? “Hey Brand…what do you think we should do? I mean…We can’t go to all of these places in one day and get them…and America is so far…I don’t think I have the money for that one if I don’t find a job…” Noah glanced over to the blonde as they neared his house.
Brand had no intention of running off. He was happy and touched that Noah considered him a friend. The blond youth felt very lucky to have be freed from whatever magical prison by Noah.

As they walked, Noah once more took hold of Brand's sleeve, and once more, Brand's hand gripped Noah's without the muscular teen even thinking about it. A part of him more basic than conscious thought longed for the contact.

Brand watched where they were going so Noah could concentrate as much as he needed to on the curious papers the merchant had given him. But the papers weren't the only odd thing the old man had held.

"What was the strange box the merchant held up when he said you didn't need to pay him?" Brand asked. Was it another of this time's wonders?"

There was no shortage of wonders to see. At one point there was a great roar like Brand had never heard. Then, a giant bird passed overhead. Its loud roar and great size worried Brand, but he saw that the other people, including Noah barely seemed to notice it. Brand squeezed Noah's hand and trusted that if there was danger, Noah would tell him.

Brand listened to Noah's questions. He realized with a feeling of shame that he was costing his friend dearly. But, two answers occurred to the blond teen. He dug his few coins out of the jacket pocket.

"I know this isn't much, just three silver coins and two of gold, but maybe it will help a little," Brand said. "You do not need to get a job. I am your man now. I can work. I am a very good smith and I have a strong back. I can work as an osler too. I don't need much sleep, so I can get the work of four days done in one."
As they neared his house, Noah had been spending almost all his time staring down at the papers. He was half planning every trip and calculating out much it was going to cost. His parents did send home spending money every week, and while he saved up some to spend at the end of the month usually, he had just spent the rest of this month’s money buying these shards. The redhead was so into reading the papers, that when he felt the squeeze on his head, he just smiled over to Brand as if he was use to it.

He found it rather cute that the blonde was shocked at a simple airplane, but he didn’t freak out, which was a good thing. When Brand showed him those silver and gold coins, he stuffed the papers into his jacket, not caring that he had crumbled them, and picked one of the gold coins into his hand. “Wow…are these real?” Noah asked in wonder, having never seen a coin like this before. The teen was half paying attention to what Brand was talking about, something about a job and Noah not working. However, when the line ‘I am your man now’ was spoken, Noah flushed red at the implication.

In modern day youth language, that was slang for ‘I’m your boyfriend’. It was a possessive statement that claimed the other person as their girlfriend and someone that was being protected by him. “Ah…um…I think it’s best if you don’t call yourself that. I mean…you’re Brand. We’re…just friends.” he stated rather lamely, before stepping up to the front door. He fished out his keys, handed that gold coin back to the blonde, and opened the door.

“I have to go to school tomorrow Brand…do you think you’ll be fine alone here? Or should…” he swallowed, realizing this would be awkward to bring a guy to school with him. Perhaps Brand could enroll as a ‘new student’ if he did follow Noah to classes. “…well, you can come to school with me tomorrow…take a few classes. Maybe learn about this world so that you can survive here.” a small smile. “You can’t tell anyone that you’re not from around here though…I mean, from this world. They’ll get all weird and you know.”

As Noah just spoke his mind, he took off his jacket and motioned for the blonde to do the same. Maybe he could find some clothes for Brand to wear that were usually big on him.
Brand didn't understand why Noah didn't wish for him to call himself Noah's man, since Noah had let Brand join his household. But he would try to follow Noah's instructions.

"According to the merchant, you own me," Brand said softly. "But you don't treat me like a slave. You let me join your household, but you call me friend instead of your man. You have been so kind to me, and I only hope that I can repay you and prove myself worthy of all you've done for me."

Noah asked about the coin, and Brand nodded.

"It's real. I know the feel of metals, so no base coin will deceive me," Brand assured Noah. "I know it is a paltry sum, but I will work and gain you more."

Brand smiled with delight at the idea of going to this high school and learning of the new world around him. There was so much that interested the blond youth about this world and he was sure he would need to know about such things if he was to prosper.

"I will try to be a good student," Brand promised. He was already removing the jacket Noah had loaned him when his redheaded friend motioned for him to do so. Soon, Brand was totally bare chested again, not that he minded. He had some of his fire back, and he knew he wouldn't get cold. Besides, he longed for more skin on skin contact with Noah, and Brand thought being bare to the waist might increase his chances for that contact.

"Now, please tell me how I may serve you," Brand said. "Any job you need done, I will be happy to do."
Noah took the jacket from the blonde teen once it was off and moved to hang it in the closet again. It appeared that Brand was excited about school, so he made a note to call up his school and mention about a new student coming to classes with him. Perhaps something on the lines of him wanting to explore this new city and that Brand was from the countryside. Hopefully, that would explain a lot about his amazement on things that he knew country life didn’t have from city life.

Just as he was closing the door, he heard the other male speak his last few sentences and his arm unwillingly slammed the door shut. He wasn’t angry, but he was rather shock, and instead of lifting away form the door, he almost seemed to press up against it for protection. The way Brand said that was almost as if this was some strange slave relationship. ‘Please how may I serve you’? That was a bad cliché line right from the porno movies if he ever knew of one. Just the thought of the blonde and him in such a type of situation made his cheeks flare red and he tried to hide it by not facing the other male just yet.

“Ah…no…no need. Are you hungry? I can make us something to eat…” Noah offered, quickly moving from his position and zipping pass the other male to get to the kitchen. Whether or not Brand followed him, he knew that he would rather been in a different setting. Maybe then those words would loose their image. He realized that this was going to be awkward for the smith to live in his house if the blonde was going to make him think of such naughty and strange things.

“Hey um…mind if I ask you a personal question?” the redhead spoke up after a long silence. He had been facing the counter, cutting up some homemade bread so that he could make them both sandwiches. “Are you uh, well you know. Gay?” Noah attempted to ask ‘casually’, wondering if Brand even understood that word. How old was that word anyways? Was it old enough that Brand understood its meaning? Too bad Noah didn’t know of these things.
Brand rubbed his hard stomach and smiled sheepishly.

"I am a little hungry," he said. "I've been so... overwhelmed by everything, I didn't notice until now. Thank you, Noah. Do you need me to cut some wood for your cook fire?" Brand followed the other teen into the kitchen. He looked around for the hearth where food would be cooked, but saw none. Brand wondered if some wonder of this new age would be used to cook the food. The blond saw Noah slicing the bread and guessed he was making trenchers to put under whatever food he was going to fix.

"Gay?" Brand asked. He thought for a moment. "I miss my home and the people I knew. I feel lost in this world, but its amazing beyond my wildest dreams too." Brand put a hand gently on Noah's shoulder when he had finished slicing the bread and enjoyed the wonderful feeling that came from touching his new friend. "I'm very happy and lucky to have met you. Yes, I am happy for the good things even if I am sad for the things and people I've lost.
Thin slices of lettuce fell limply from his fingers at that and he raised an eyebrow at the answer he received. It was obvious that the other boy had no idea what he was talking about and thought that he was asking if Brand was happy or not. It was another use of vocabulary that the redhead would just have to figure out and solve between them. “Ah, no, Brand…I meant, are you gay as in…” he thought for a moment and tried to formulate something ‘understandable’ for the both of them.

Glancing behind him once, he gazed at Brand’s amazement at the kitchen and found it cute. “Well, Brand…do you like other men?” Noah paused at that, as if trying to think if there was some way that was unclear. “As in…se-sexually. Do you like to…be with them more than women…intimately?”

There, that had to be clear enough. However, that also had made his cheeks red. Noah wasn’t use to speaking about things like that beyond the question of sexuality, so asking such a direction question was somewhat embarrassing. But he also realized that he had only one bedroom with a bed in it, while the others had been cleared out for other junk; after all, no one else lived in the house with him, and friends rarely stayed over. The couches were obviously expensive, but would he rather have the blonde sleep there or on the bed next to him?
Brand had to lift his hand from Noah's shoulder when the other teen turned, but he placed it on the opposite shoulder when the handsome redhead was facing him. The blond listened carefully to what his friend said and asked. His green eyes took a far off look as he thought hard about the questions.

Am I more sexually attracted to men than to women? the bare chested smith wondered. In his own world, Brand was at the pinnacle of commoner success. He had a trade, rather than needing to work the fields for a living. Brand was well paid and he was a man of the King's household.

A man in his position had the pick of commoner women, and was fully expected to marry and make many children. Indeed, Brand had been under subtle and not so subtle pressure to marry since he had been 14, but he had resisted. Brand hadn't met a woman that he wanted to marry.

It wasn't a simple matter of proud commoner wishing to live beyond his station. For one, Brand had managed to keep his ego under control in spite of his unique gifts. For another, several noble ladies had approached Brand to an illicit tryst, but he had always declined. Then, Brand thought about the men and boys he knew.

He thought of the master smith who had trained him and how his eyes had often been drawn to the older man's strong body. Brand thought of the stable boys he sometimes worked with and how it watching them and being with them gave him a pleasant feeling that wasn't there with women. Though, in his world chances to simply form friendships with girls and women were practically nonexistent. Still...

Brand looked into Noah's face. He felt the connection between them, but was there more there? The smith thought Noah was very handsome. His blue eyes were full of life and intelligence. When he smiled, it lit up the world. Brand let himself look over Noah's clothed body. He tried to imagine what was under the clothing and found that the thought excited him.

Finally, Brand looked back into Noah's eyes. The smith feared that his only friend might throw him out. It was possible that Noah would be offended by what he was about to say, but Brand couldn't bring himself to lie to his friend and benefactor.

"I think... I think I do feel that way..." Brand said. "I've never... I haven't... been intimate with anybody. He was leaning toward Noah without knowing it. The desire to kiss the redhead came over Brand unexpectedly. He only needed to lean a little closer and let their lips meet, but first Brand had to know something.

"Is that how you feel, Noah?" Brand asked. He gently took the other teen's hand and placed in on his chest once more. Brand resisted the strong urge to sigh at how good it felt to have skin on skin contact with Noah once more. "Do you like me?"
Noah had planned to turn back around to resume making their sandwiches, when he felt Brand’s hand stay on his shoulder. The other teen was really intense, staring into his eyes as if examining him and thinking of a suitable answer. He had rarely tried to ask that question, because it was a rare occurrence around him. While his school didn’t look down upon homosexuals, at least, those he knew didn’t, he couldn’t say there were actually a lot of gay people he knew. It was something that was rather ‘life changing’ to admit, because despite the openness of the school and the students, that didn’t mean that others wouldn’t act different around the person.

He had never really thought about it in depth until today, half wondering if he should question his own sexuality. After all, having the blonde this close, leaning towards him slowly throughout the moment of silence…it was really captivating. The redhead was just trying to wait patiently, but as he could literally feel the warmth emitting out of Brand at their close distance, he felt his heartbeat pick up a notch.

Now it wasn’t as if he had knew for certain he was straight or gay, but Noah had just assumed he was straight. The whole mass of his friends liked girls and that was basically what they talked about whenever the subject of ‘a significant other’ comes about. Girls were rather nice in his mind, with their gentle curves and cute personalities. His mother was a brilliant woman and the friends he had that were girls were fun to be with as well. Since he was only sixteen, Noah never thought he’d have to question anything so soon.

That was an unknown difference in their mindset. While Brand came from a world where it was accepted and almost expected to find whoever one was to be with when they were young, as well as marry and start a family at a teen age, Noah was from a world that took their time on the subject matter. It didn’t matter as much as it had then that one wanted to start a family after they were in their twenties and thirties. But sexuality was a different matter as well, because they weren’t limited by age. After all, it was just something that was ‘natural’, wasn’t it?

So perhaps Noah didn’t know for sure if he liked males or females, but as Brand leaned in so close that their lips were almost touching, the teen had to wonder if he was beginning to like the blonde the same way. His palm was placed upon the other’s chest, feeling the strong heartbeat and the warm sensation of the ‘heat’. His own was beating rather fast, and no matter how much he tried to calm it, it was just reacting to having the smith so close to him. “Ah…I’m uh…well, I don’t know either…maybe I feel that way too?” he answered, the words coming out softly as he was lured into Brand’s hypnotic eyes.

The redhead’s cheeks were still slightly pink from that glance over the other male had done, so with his hooded eyelids at the moment, he looked like he was ready to accept that kiss. “And…I like you…you seem like a nice guy…” Noah muttered, finally glancing just a fraction down from the other’s eyes and to his cheekbones. Brand appeared to be a good guy, demon if it was true, and the blonde had been rather cute ever since he had arrived.

The adorable way that Brand took in everything that made him feel almost flustered to be this close. The other male was obviously buff and strong, something girls would drool about, so having him stand next to Noah made him feel almost small; he would really have to go work out and get some muscles of his own. With a swallow, he gently applied pressure to Brand’s chest, thinking to push the other male back an inch so that he could resume making their dinner. Images of strong, warm hands caressing his body like a lover was something he just had to push into the back of his mind, because really, it was rude to think of such things about someone you just met. Wasn’t it?
When Brand felt Noah press against his chest, the blond youth finally noticed how close he was to his friend. He was about to step back, but Brand instinctively sensed Noah's thoughts and vague desire. Before he could stop himself, the blond teen leaned just a little, letting his lips meet Noah's.

The kiss was short and soft, but it sent a jolt all through Brand. His hand on the redhead's shoulder began to massage and caress. Brand's other hand moved to Noah's chest, feeling his rapid, excited heartbeat. The blond wanted the shirt out of the way so he could touch Noah's body directly.
The instant Noah felt lips upon his own, warm breath traveling along his face, the teen almost jumped back in shock. His heart skipped a beat at the sudden realization that Brand had leaned in the last inch and actually pressed their lips together. The kiss itself wasn’t deeply passionate, just chaste and testing, but it was enough to make his heart rapid pick up pace. When the warm palms gently massaged and caressed his should, while the second hand pressed against his chest, the teen could feel his breath pick up as well.

Red hair fell into his eyes as he shifted against Brand, trying to not just push the other male away or to cling onto the stronger form. After what felt like hours, he pulled back slightly and swallowed hard. “Ah…Brand…why…” he shook his head and shrugged. “I mean, your sandwich is going to get warm…” Noah stated abruptly, turning around once he had removed his hand to tend to the sandwiches. The blonde’s hands were shifted off of him and across his body for a moment, causing Noah to shiver. He wasn’t use to people touching him like that, and the way the other male had done it felt strangely soothing.

Don’t think about it…he probably doesn’t know what he’s doing… he firmly told himself, picking up the tomato slices to put into the sandwiches.
"I... don't know," Brand said softly as he stepped away. He missed the physical contact at once, but it seemed obvious to Brand that Noah didn't want that sort of contact... at least not at the time. "It... I felt like I should." As much as he ached to touch Noah, Brand stayed back far enough to avoid accidental contact.

The Blond youth's fair skin turned deep pink with his blush. He wondered if he wanted a sexual relationship with Noah. Brand wasn't sure, but he did know one thing. He liked the redhead very much. He didn't want to loose Noah's friendship, so he would try to avoid making the other teen uncomfortable.

Brand tried to keep his eyes from wandering over Noah and keep his mind from wondering what the body under his clothes looked and felt like. He tired to ignore how his hands twitched to touch Noah and pay attention to what he was fixing for dinner.

Brand had never seen a meal made of cold meat and vegetables between two slices of bread. The red fruit that Noah was slicing and the meat were both unfamiliar to the smith. Brand had never seen meat that had no bones.

"What is a sandwich?" Brand asked, his eyes still glancing at Noah even with all his effort to stop.
Biting on his bottom lip as if he was trying to press in the feeling of Brand’s lips against his own, Noah just forced himself to focus on making their dinner. The blonde was quiet for awhile, just answering what he needed to about how the smith just ‘felt like he should’ have kissed the redhead. He didn’t know if that was a good excuse for the situation or a poorly planned out one. Either way, he felt embarrassed at how fast his heart was beating, though he couldn’t truly say the kiss wasn’t breathtaking.

Brand was a really ‘hot’ guy, and perhaps his mind was messing with him, but he rather enjoyed this guy showing him some attention like that. It made him feel special—something he would have to admit he wanted, since his family wasn’t around to make him feel that way—and he found himself wanting to be special to Brand in some way. Swallowing hard, he tried not to think too far into that path of thoughts, because strange images of Brand and he in even stranger situations began to flash in his mind.

No, he needed to remain focus on the task at hand, which was making their dinner. When the blonde asked about the food, Noah turned his head slightly to look at the smith. For a brief moment before he answered, he felt like he was part of a movie or something. Here he was, standing there and making dinner, while the other person would come up behind him and ask a question, causing him to answer, before they would wrap their arms around him and mutter cute and cliché words on the line of ‘Can I eat you instead?’ to enact more erotic ideas.

Shaking his head slightly, he tried not to think of the many movies he had watched; apparently too many if he was thinking of those thoughts about Brand and himself. “Ah…well, a sandwich has meat, bread, cheese and vegetables in it. They’re already cut and made for us, so that we can enjoy the items together without having to uh…chew along the bone?” the redhead offered, finishing their foods and cutting the sandwiches up so that they could enough small triangles instead of a large piece. “Give them a try…I think you’ll like them.” he smiled softly, finding it cute how clueless Brand was about the ‘new’ things, but at the same time, trying to get that moment out of his mind, least it provoked something else from forming in his mind.
Brand accepted one of the sandwiches. He took a bite and smiled at how good it tasted and how convenient it seemed. It was a meal that could be held in hand without making a mess.

But as he ate, Brand couldn't help but be distracted by the feelings he was getting from his link to Noah. Brand felt Noah's desire for attention on a subconscious level. His green eyes stayed locked on the lovely blue eyes of his redheaded friend. Brand finished the sandwich in a second bite. Then, he stepped close to Noah again. His hand reached up and caressed Noah's cheek and chin.

The feeling of skin on skin contact was too wonderful. Brand needed more and he thought Noah might feel the same way. Brand's other hand began to unbutton Noah's shirt while he leaned in and kissed the redhead's soft lips again.

Noah's lips felt so wonderful to Brand that the smith's tongue slipped out to touch them. Noah's shirt fell open and Brand moaned against his friend's lips as his hand was finally able to touch Noah's bare chest.

Brand's other hand reached onto the plate and lifted a sandwich to Noah's lips, offering it too him while the blond continued to explore Noah's lean chest.

"The sandwiches are very good," Brand said. "But your lips taste better."
The teen continued to focus on just the food, trying not to think too much. They were going to bed soon, and even then, since he had offered his bed to be shared with Brand, was not going to be the place to think about these things. Perhaps doing first period of class, but not when the blonde was near him. When the other teen suddenly stepped up closer to him after finishing that sandwich rather fast, Noah was about to step backwards, when he felt himself get touched again.

The gentle caress of his cheek and chin made him shiver and he swallowed hard, wondering what the other male was doing. “Brand, wha-.” his words were cut off when he felt lips upon his own again. This time, Brand had gotten a lot more insistent with what he wanted, as well as bold as to what the blonde appeared to want. Fingers easily unbuttoned his shirt as he was trying to focus on a way to gently press Brand away that wouldn’t be rude. He couldn’t even understand why he was feeling like he’d be rude to push the other teen off of him.

Feeling warm fingers press against his bare chest and a tongue gently touch his lips, Noah gasped with wide eyes. Before he was able to ask what Brand was doing to him, he felt a sandwich triangle pressed against his lips. Instinctively, he took a bite into his mouth and chewed on it. His body was so warm, he had to wonder if Brand was making him warm by touching him, or was it because of an inner flame that was activated because of the touches in general. “Are you…attracted to me, Brand?” he finally asked, truly wondering what was going on.

While it was true Noah desired attention due to his lonely state of being in a house alone, but he had his friends to fill up that loneness. So what was this attachment feeling towards Brand? It was as if their desires were similar, but while the redhead’s thoughts were crowded and he wasn’t sure about a lot of things, Brand was straight forward with his thoughts and acted upon it—such as a moment ago.
Brand only thought about Noah's question for an instant. He needed to touch the redhead and to kiss him. He longed to be closer to Noah and to feel their bodies pressed together. There was really only one answer that made sense.

"Yes, Noah," Brand said, his voice soft and full of wonder, desire and vulnerability. "I'm attracted to you. I feel..." He kissed Noah again as his fingers discovered the different texture of one of Noah's nipples. Brand caressed and teased the sensitive flesh while his tongue once more moved experimentally over Noah's lips. "Need to touch you... feel you."
Shocks of pleasure flickered in him as he felt Brand brush against his nipples, as if they were live-wired to his length and nerves. Noah gasped at both the feeling and the words. The blonde needed to touch and feel him? To be attracted so sudden and close like that didn’t appear naturally caused, but at the same time, he wasn’t so sure he even wanted to stop the smith. Fingers that brushed through his flesh made him feel shy and extremely sensitive. The kisses were also something that threw him off and with all that was bombarding him, the redhead didn’t even think about pushing the other teen off of him.

He was so captivated with the sensation of being so warm, both mentally and physically, that Noah just allowed the indecent touching against his chest. The longer the blonde played with his nipples, the more he began to squirm and felt his cock twitch, already reacting without his notice. “O…Oh…Brand…this feels…good…” he muttered, gazing at the blonde with soft, blue eyes. What was this feeling taking over his body and senses? If Brand kept touching him, would be burn up completely? He felt so hot, as it was. “How do you…know what to do?” Noah asked out loud in curiosity. How did the smith know how to touch another person at this age? So many questions ran through his mind and he couldn’t find answers easily.
"I don't know," Brand said between kisses on Noah's lips, jaw, ear and neck. "I just feel. I feel it somehow. I've never felt like this before." The smith hugged the redhead, pressing their chests together and accidentally rubbing his hard member against Noah. Brand moaned and shuddered at how good it felt to press their bodies together. "I don't know, but I have to try... to make you feel good," Brand moaned.

Brand kissed Noah again, this time, his tongue found its way into the redhead's mouth. Brand moaned into his friend's mouth and his hands ran gently over Noah's back under his shirt. Noah was just what he needed, the bond formed by the redhead's blood drew Brand to him. The fire inside him flared, sending waves of wonderful heat into Noah's body.

"Doff your shirt..." Brand moaned. He didn't say please, but his soft tone showed it was a request, not a demand. Brand longed for even more contact, but he would never force Noah.
Noah shivered as he felt the soft insistence of the smith. He didn’t even protest as he felt them get pressed together, but did flush a shade of dark red when he felt their cocks—their hard cocks—brush against one another. He shivered and unconsciously pressed his cock against the other male’s further. “I…feel good…feel good…” he repeated, just losing his senses as he was touched and kissed rather thoroughly. Having Brand’s tongue snake between his lips made him squirm, as if he was being invaded already, but the warmth from the blonde’s hands and body was enough pacify him.

“Brand…let’s move this somewhere else…” the redhead muttered, not able to understand why he was even thinking about moving this somewhere more comfortable for them to touch and explore. Noah wasn’t the type of just give out on first dates, but something about Brand compelled him to just give into the other’s desires. It was a strange bond that the crystal had formed indeed, but whatever it was, he just more of it.

Swallowing softly, he gently guided the blonde back towards the living room, where he almost shyly sat on the couch. His shirt was hanging slightly open, so he held it close as he waited for Brand to sit on the couch as well and they could…we could what? Continue? Are you really gay? Brand’s very much a male… Noah found his mind wandering, almost half afraid of just being a bit intimate with anyone, but also wanting to explore this side with the blonde. The warm touches that emitted from Brand’s flesh made him want even more of that heat, as if he was fanning the fire for an even larger flame.
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