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Faries and Pixies ( desertpaladin and Nightsorceress)


Jan 9, 2009
New York
Flint sighed as he flew forward through the mass of trees that was the fairy's city, holding in his hands many seeds and things he had gone to gather outside of the city for his father. Well the man wasn't really his father... he couldn't be... since his father was a fairy and he was a... "Monster!" some woman screamed as she threw a berry upside his head, it collided hard and splattered all over his face and torso. He looked in the direction of the woman who floated there hands on her hips. She was a middle aged fairy, and he knew her... once when he was 5 he had flapped his wings to much and set ablaze to her shop. "Put those wings out you demon!" another called from behind her, a kid of hers... he was a young one and before anyone else could throw anything Flint hurried to the ground turning his wings, which were small wings made form fire off so that he stood there on the forrest bottom. he looked up at them and they hufed back into the shop. Sadly flint kept on walking. He brushed back some brown hair as his unusual colored eyes looked at the path in front of him. He was unlike most other fire pixies since his eyes were a forrest green instead of fire red, and his hair brown instead of pitch black. His body was slender, but rather athletic looking with muscles popping out here and there. He wore a shirt made of dead leaves, since all the live ones were used by fairies, and some pants made from the same. Sighing he walked the rest of the way before flying up to his father's hut, placing the seeds down inside before he sat down in a chair with a sigh. his father was not home at the moment which was kind of bad... he knew there would be no one to protect him if kids decided to come by and pick on him.
Lily had raced through the trees trying to out smart the palace gaurds. ducking an weaving through the trees, shops, and houses that stood near her home. As she flap past one home it looked like no one was home, so shaking off the guards she came back around and hid inside the guards not knowing what happen. little did she know the pixi that lived there was sitting outside now.

Lily sighed and sat in one of the chairs for a moment tired. Lily was trying to run away from home. She did not want to be a princess, because all being a princess ment was having to rule as the ones before her ruled and she wanted change for her people. She didn't know how to get it, she just knew being a princess didn't seem like the way.
Flint sat up a little more when he herd something outside. he stood up streight and he looked around to see a fairy sitting on one of his father's chairs. He grabbed a nearby twig that was basically a fiary spear and he moved outside opening the door "I Have told you fairies enough times leave me and my father alone!' he yelled. Right now since his wings were not ablaze he looked like a normal fairy, with poor clothes and no wings of course as he stood there. But his spear dropped a bit and he looked at her with more interested eyes as his jaw dropped a bit. She was the most beautiful fairy he had ever seen.. even more so than the fairy queen herself. He stood there now confused as to what to do...
Lily was breathing a sigh when all of sudden someone came from behind her at first she thought is was the guards but then really it was another. she jumped from the chair as was now floating in the air. Her wings fluttering softly. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to bother you, i was just resting her a moment, i am so sorry i didn't think anyone was home."

Lily was a very pretty girl. Her wings were all different shades of purple and blue, with silver and black weaved in. Her hair was raven color and very long. Her eyes a bright shade of purple. her lips were rosy and lush. She was thin with shapely breast but they weren't to big for she small frame.
He blushed a bit and he moved the spear back to a more offencive position as she floated back. But when she spoke he felt... calmer... he knew that she was telling the truth... "I... I am sorry... It is just others... They hate me... They hate what I am... and... I am requested to show other fairies new to the kingdom what I am..." suddenly blazing wings took form on his back only to vanish quick so that he did not set anything on fire. He began to move away then, heading back inside to be alone once again.
Lily looked at him aww struck at his wings. she thought they were beautiful and so powerful. "wait don't go way." she moved closer to him "Your a pixie right?" Her mother had told her about the young man that lived in the house near the entrance of the kingdom. It was what put her over the edge want to change how the kingdom was run. "My name is Lillian, but you can call me lily"
Now he seemed very confused as he looked over to her. his eyes not moving for a moment as if trying to figure out either if he herd right or if this was some trick... he looked inside for a moment before back at her and he sighed 'My name is Flint... would... you like to come inside?"
Lily smiled warmly at him "it is nice to meet you flint." She did not show one sigh of fear or hatred as other have done. "I would love to come inside thank you" she moved closer to him now standing the porch her wings folded down flat. As she entered his home she was very glad he did no recognize her, most fairies would have known she was the princess.
he closed the door with a sigh as he looked over at her. She was so beautiful... and seemed very kind... this somehow seemed fimular to him... this kindness... he had only felt it once before when his 'father' had taken him in when he was young. He felt this woman would be just as kind. Slowly he moved toward a chair and he sat down, the spear hanging against a wall as he looked at her. His eyes never left her, but they did not stay on her more alluring qualities but on her body as a whole, or on just her face when she turned to face him. Whenever she caught eyes with him he looked away blushing a bit, feeling nervous.
Lily looked around the home. She thought it was very lovely. it had everything he needed to live plus some other comforts. She would take a home like this over the palace any day. She took a seat across from and just looked at him for a long moment. He was very handsome, more handsome then the suitors that came to palace trying to marry her. She loved his eyes, the color was so vivid, and his body he looked very strong. "you have a lovely home" she finally said to break the silence.
He just gave a nod but he said after a small moment "it is not mine... it is my father... Tinker Artemis" he looked at her softly. Now fairies had a classification system. Their first name is their title, such as Queen, Storekeeper, gardner, etc. The second was their more finite name. Now tinker's themselves are a wide group, they are everything from blacksmiths to weavers. They are basically any fairy who creates. but more importantly Tinker was the name of a fairy creator, they first have to come up with an invention in their field that greatly helps fairykind. His father had helped make a special firefighting system that he had come up with thanks to Flint. Looking up at her he just gave a small smile, but he was very nervous, and it showed greatly on his features. He was not sure what he was nervous about but he was.
Lily bit her lip as she noticed he was not much of a talker. She tried to think of something else to say or ask but she couldn't think of anything right away. She thought that maybe she made him uncomfortable and that is why she didn't speak. "um you kinda seem uncomfortable with me being here, if you would like i can leave, i did not mean to bug you" Lily asked him softly.
"no... He said shaking his head looking away as he flushed up a bit 'i... I am just not used to someone actually wanting to come talk to be other than my father... you're... only one of two fairies who have ever been kind to me ever since I was found by your kind..."
Lily shook her head she seemed to get angry about it and shoot to her feet. "that is just not right, i mean you are so kind why does it matter that you are a little different, it doesn't make you a bad, just different." Lily suddenly noticed she was standing and how upset she got. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to sound angry, its just not right" she said softly as she sat down.
He nodded but sighed "i wish everyone else thought like you... but i also wish that they continue how they are... I have seen what my kind can do and has done to your kind... I have seen some of the guardian's of the village... some returning where Pixies have been... their bodies..." he shuddered a bit "I could never do that to anyone... but I know I have every possability to do so..." He looked down at his hands and sighed as he tightened them to fists... 'I don't want to hurt... but I... I can't help but worry that I will."
Lily did know what pixie were capable of doing. She had seen the bodies come back to the castle. She had seen the sadness when wives were told there husbands were killed. But she knew in her heart this man would not be able to do such a thing. Lily moved to sit on the floor infront of him so she could look up at his face which was looking down "i know you won't. i know that because you do want to be like that, and that makes all the difference.
he looked down at her and his face flushed up more as he wanted to look away but some tears began to fall from his eyes as he couldn't help himself anymore. Everything those fairy's did hurt him so bad but she... she clearly cared for him... He held her hands in his own as he gently said "t-thank you"
Lily held his hand tight. It was strange the two had only just met and already she was feeling a deep connection with him. She was already thinking of ways for her to stay close to him, she didn't want to go back to palace, she knew if she did she would never be able to see him again. "flint do you or your father know of any place i can stay where the palace gaurds would not find me, i mean i am kinda of an outcast my self" she did not want to tell him the truth all though she feared his father would recognize her.
Either she had struck a soft spot on him during this or his judgement just went out the tubes. He should have asked why, he normally would have but... He trusted her and he nodded 'There is the workshop. There is lots of junk that my father never moves so if they come by you can hide down there" he said looking at her "Will... will that do?"
Lily smiled happily "oh flint that would do perfectly" she through her arms around him hugging him tight. "thank you thank you thank you." she kissed his cheek. "are you sure that your father would not get mad at me for staying in his workshop?"
He blushed so hard as she hugged him and then... she kissed his cheek... That was honestly a first for him. he blushed as he was stunned for a moment before he felt her pull back and he said "he... he shouldn't mind..." he looked up at her, both shocked and happy that she hugged and kissed him, sure it was on the cheek but still...
Lily smiled, she couldn't help but think how good it felt to have hugged him. She would have kissed him on the lips but she didn't know if he would mind or not. "so what can i do to repay your kindness. Shall i cook for you and your father, or clean your home, or something else, you just name it."
He blushed a bit and he shrugged 'i... I don't know i mean... I usually do the chores and I am fine..." he said feeling odd to make his guest do things that most hated doing. He looked at her "Seriously you don't need to do anything I think... I can take care of it"
Lily Stood up. "i want to help you, after all you have done for me, so how about this you can clean, and i cook, so by the time your father returns all the chores are done" she hoped that was a good compromise for him, she wanted to help him in every way possible.
He gave a small chuckle as he stood and said 'You ever been told you are more stubborn than anyone?" he asked as he then grabbed a broom in the corner "Because you are, fine if you want cook something, I will get to cleaning i guess" he said as he looked at her. The kitchen was pretty far in and she could easily close the windows so no one would see her in this small shack.
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