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DAREDEVIL (Marvel's Netflix Original) - *Spoilers for Season 1+2* NEW IDEAS

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Feb 26, 2013

DAREDEVIL (Netflix Series)


All of the roleplays below will revolve around and be based heavily on the Daredevil TV series that aired on NETFLIX.

* !!! SPOILER ALERT !!! *
If you haven't finished all of Season 1 or 2 - TURN BACK NOW.
I'm warning you, there are LOADS of spoilers in here, so reader BEWARE.​


1) I'm currently looking for a Marvel's Daredevil, Netflix original series roleplay in which I will play a female heterosexual character, and my partner (you) will play a heterosexual male. The two characters will evidently have a romance and engage in intimacy.

ROMANCE and SEX is a MUST. For the first time ever, I'm opening up these pairings to smut(ier) options. Normally, I prefer plot-heavy roleplays that focus more on character development and couple dynamic than it does on pure smut, however I am willing to loosen my ends and be more direct (and quicker) in turning roleplays from plot to smut. However, this does not mean I'm looking for straight no-time-wasted dick-in-vag action. I still do want quality storyline, or I will become immensely bored with the plot within only a few responses.
* Of course, if you still prefer a more romantic plot over smut dynamic, please do message me anyways (that's my specialty)!

2) I roleplay in FIRST person, not in third. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU MUST ALSO ROLEPLAY IN FIRST PERSON. Third person role players are more than welcome! It doesn't bother me!

3) Do I have to have watched the show to roleplay the fan fic?
Answer: YES. For this fan-fic, it is necessary to have seen the entire first and second season (or at least most of it) to understand the politics, the characters, and the concept in general.

4) I do not roleplay over IM (Instant Messengers). ONLY on BlueMoon PM (Private Message) and/or BlueMoon threads.

5) Additionally, here is my F-List. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!


If you're interested in a Marvel crossover with other Marvel Cinematic Universe characters, you can check out my MCU request thread below:
Superheroes, Mutants & MARVEL ~
I'm more than open and willing to take the Daredevil verse and have it cross over with characters I have listed in the above thread.​


Characters I'm interested in being played:

1) Frank Castle (The Punisher)

2) James Wesley

3) Matt Murdock (The Daredevil)

4) Vladimir Ranskahov

Characters I'm willing to play:

1) OCs – I love and prefer playing an OC.
(Refer to the list of OCs below!)

2) Elektra Natchios


3) Claire Temple

4) Karen Page



First Post:
Canon Characters

Second Post:
Original Characters - Human
Original Characters - Inhuman

Third Post:
Character Pairings
(Both Canon and OC)

RE: DAREDEVIL (Marvel's Netflix Original) - *Spoilers* > In Progress



Anya Ranskahov

Full Size Image: Anya
Relation: She is the sister of the Ranskahov brothers (Vladimir and Anatoly).
Age: 25-29 years old​

BIOGRAPHY: Anya, like her brothers, is a Russian-native also involved in organized crime. Although, she is not be affiliated with her brothers, as she broke off contact with them shortly after finding out they were trafficking children. Anya's business revolves mainly around the Redlight Districts across Europe and Russia. She runs a chain of highly successful high-class brothels that run legally, fore the most part. Her brothels are government regulated, and medically regulated – making all of her workers and clients completely clean and free of sexually transmitted diseases. The illegal part of her business is dealing and trafficking prescription drugs and hard drugs, which often get supplied to the clients (it's a package deal – a woman and drugs for a night). Despite running an illegal drug trade and laundering the money through her brothel empire, she is mostly untouchable to police, as she makes hefty donations and is an active part of her community (especially through charity). Her businesses and monopoly have made her very, very wealthy.

How she could tie in to the plot: :
Anya leaves her empire to travel to the U.S. for a drug-related business deal, but mostly because she heard about the death of her brother, Anatoly. She meets with Vladimir originally to figure out what happened, but soon realizes – as per usual – Vladimir's head is so far up his ass he can't see the world clearly. She takes matters into her own hands and starts investigating his death – unconvinced “The Man In Black” is responsible.

Amina Marianna

Full Size Image: Amina
Relation: She is the sister of Vanessa Marianna.
Age: 24-28 years old​

BIOGRAPHY: Amina is the younger sister of Vanessa Marianna (Wilson Fisk's fiance). Although the two have over 10 years age difference to one another, they share a very close relationship. The two immigrated to the United States from Israel with their mother when they were very young, and grew up mainly in New York. Despite the two sharing a similar childhood – they grew to live very different and separate lives. As Vanessa excelled academically and graduated with Honors in Arts and History – Amina crumbled under the pressure, and failed out of college. She got in with a bad crowd, and ended up addicted to hard drugs and alcohol. With Vanessa's utmost disapproval, Amina turned to stripping in clubs in order to earn a living. Although her sister fought time and again to help her both physically and financially, their relationship turned sour and soon crumbled. Their relationship dissipated from constant hang outs to just phone calls.

How she could tie in to the plot:
I originally designed her character mostly to be paired with James Wesley. You can see the details by referring below under “James Wesley x Amina Marianna”.

If you'd like to pair her with someone else, I'm open to that too! Whether or not she's still an active drug addict and/or stripper is entirely up to you (I can make it that she's trying to clean up her act). We can brainstorm ideas together.

Demetria Fisk

Relation: Wilson Fisk's daughter
Age: 22-28 years old​

BIOGRAPHY: Demetria is a young adult who grew up in the heart of New York and the surrounding area. Prior to Wilson Fisk emerging from the shadows and becoming a public figure, Demetria had little idea of the true identity of her father. Her mother had died of cancer just the year prior, though never admitted, not even on her deathbed, who Demetria's biological father was. For many years Demetria believed her biological father was her mother's husband, a latino man named Enrique Martinez. But as her mother became more ill, Demetria began to sort through her mother's documents and came across her own altered birth certificate. To her surprise, the name of who she thought was her father, was in fact not printed on the page. Instead, this new (or old) birth certificate had another name - "Wilson Fisk". For months Demetria searched to find any sort of record of this "Wilson Fisk", but nothing could be retrieved... that is, until Wilson Fisk became the headlight of all New York media. His face plastered across the news, Demetria became determined to find out more.

I'll add to this that Wilson Fisk is not aware that he has a daughter (or any children for that matter). Demetria was a product of a failed relationship years ago. Her mother became pregnant with her near the termination of the relationship and did not find out about her pregnancy until Fisk was long gone.

How she could tie in to the plot: :
It will depend at which point of time (either Season 1 or Season 2) that we base the roleplay.

One idea I had for Season 1 is that Demetria would end up at the gala/ball/party that Wilson Fisk is having (where Vanessa and others get poisoned). She would have slithered her way into the party with a lot of charm, a handful of lies and an ID that states her last name is Fisk (she would have changed her last name legally to Fisk by using this new-found OLD/ORIGINAL birth certificate).

In Season 2, her father Wilson Fisk is imprisoned. So, we'll have to brainstorm ideas.

The Stranger

Here you'll get to choose the image of my character:

Non-Alternative Girls (No Tattoos, Piercings, etc.):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Alternative Girls (Tattoos, Piercings, etc.):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Name: N/A – will name her depending on the image chosen
Relation: None
Age: 18-28 years old​

BIOGRAPHY: This will heavily depend on the choice of image – as well as the plot. We can make the stranger pretty much anything!

How she could tie in to the plot: :
Anyway! We can brainstorm ideas together.




Proxy SS (PSS)

Real Name: Jadzia Gajos
True Polish Pronunciation: Yah-jah
Current American Pronunciation: Jahd-zee-ah
Gender: Female
Accent: Polish accent when speaking English
Organization: HYDRA
Age: Over 85 years old (appears in her 20s)
Powers and abilities:
Jadzia is an enhanced bionic human with an impeccable immune system. Jadzia has become notorious for her two cyborg legs, which possess immense strength, speed, and agility. She is an expert in mixed martial arts and a lethal combatant; knowledgeable in many guns and weapons.
Examples of her bionic abilities:
- She can obliterate someone's skull with just one kick (similarly, a kick to the chest would instantly kill her enemy).
- She can jump off the roof of a skycraper and land on her two feet without any injury to herself (the ground takes a hit).
- She can run up to 60 miles her hour (100kmph).

Jadzia Gajos is a Polish native who was born sometime before the Second World War. Originally of Jewish faith, she was recruited as a teen by the Nazi Regime and was deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. There she fell victim to the many maniacal experiments of Josef Mengele, intended to achieve their Final Solution. Mengele, dubbed the "Angel of Death", subjected Jadzia to brutal torture and radiation. Despite his efforts, Jadzia was incredibly resilient to all of his experiments. Josef became obsessed with Jadzia, convinced that the key to the Nazi mission for the ultimate Super Soldier lay within this young woman's genetics. Jadzia was enrolled into a Nazi scientific program, where she spent the next year undergoing intense biological and physical testing. After a breach in security left the lab vulnerable, Jadzia took the opportunity to outwit the guards in an attempt at escaping. She ran frantically onto the tracks of Auschwitz, with gunfire licking at her feet as she moved further away from the camp. Unfortunately, there were too many Nazi soldiers and she ended up outnumbered. Realizing she could not escape this hell, rather than being taken back as a guinea pig, Jadzia decided to take her life. Before the men could grab her, she threw herself in front of Auschwitz's on-coming train, where she was instantly struck and blacked out. Although Jadzia's lower half was chewed between the tracks and the iron wheels of the train, she miraculously survived the suicide. The accident left her amputated from upper thigh and down; rendering her completely legless and unable to walk. Having barely survived, Jadzia was left paralyzed and comatose. Despite her now useless and mangled body, Josef's obsession only grew. Rather than believing her genes create a Super Soldier, he now believed she WAS a Super Soldier.

Determined to turn his efforts into success, Mengele fled Auschwitz before its liberation, taking with him all of his work and the comatose Jadzia to an off-site base in Soviet Russia. With the help and funding of HYDRA (from MCU/Avengers/Captain America), Josef continued his work with Jadzia, who was renamed Proxy SS (Agent Schutzstaffel). There Josef worked for HYDRA developing a line of cybernetic prosthetics that would eventually be implanted onto Proxy SS as leg replacements. Unfortunately, the project stalled, as Jadzia, against popular belief, hadn't awoken from her coma. She was eventually pronounced brain dead in late 1945 and frozen until further notice. The project turned from Jadzia to Sergeant James Barnes, who had been found unconscious and armless. The research previously reserved for Jadzia was turned over to Barnes, who became the new leading obsession and Super Soldier possibility. James Barnes' experiments were successful, and he was implanted with his infamous cybernetic arm. He was brainwashed through electric shock therapy and used as HYDRA's personal assassin (The Winter Soldier).


Current Day:
It wasn't until decades later, where many scientific and technological advances occurred, was the Proxy SS program revisited. There, under the newest wave of HYDRA (disguised as SHIELD and run by Pierce), Jadzia was defrosted and revived from her coma. Under HYDRA, she received two cybernetic prosthetic legs and was trained to be an assassin and a weapon. She too, like Barnes, was mentally controlled by Pierce and the HYDRA organization through the use of ECT (electroconclusive therapy). For several years, the ECT proved effective in leading Jadzia into a life of ruthless mercenary work. With two nearly indestructible bionic legs, Proxy SS was a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately for HYDRA, Proxy SS became resistant to the treatment, and began to rebel against Pierce's efforts. In a means to lock Jadzia back down to HYDRA's philosophy, Pierce tattooed Jadzia's neck, as a symbol of ownership. The intricate tribal tattoo served as a figurative collar; a constant reminder that Jadzia was not a human being, but a robot and a machine - Property of HYDRA. For every time she disobeyed, she obtained another facial piercing. The organization used the tattoo and her piercings as a way to degrade Jadzia, and to punish her into conforming with the HYDRA values. Pierce promised Jadzia her freedom if she completed his designated missions. Though, he was an evil madman, and found constant reasons and excuses not to set her free with every passing mission.


Real Name: Verena Fox (originally Fuchs)
Gender: Female
Organization: N/A
Age: 26 years old
Powers and abilities:
Verena was repeatedly exposed to lethal doses of radiation, which lead to several mutations. Verena possesses impeccable eyesight and heightened senses, including an incredible sense of smell, and hearing. Her general survival instinct and intuition is vastly engrossed, allowing her to sense danger and potential trouble from miles away. She also has an extraordinary healing factor, allowing her to recovery quickly from serious injuries such as fractures, cuts, and burns.

Verena Fox is a German-American, her family having immigrated to the United States during the Second World War. Originally, her last name was Fuchs, though upon seeking refugee in the U.S., Verena's parents legally changed their surnames to Fox (the German meaning for Fuchs). Because her parents are German-born, Verena is perfectly fluent in both German and English. Having been born and grown up in the U.S., Verena possesses no accent when speaking American English. She had a relatively normal upbringing, in which her parents were successful and fairly wealthy. Despite pressure to pursue university studies, Verena chose instead to join the United States Navy. She requested to take the SEAL Challenge in attempts to become the first female Navy SEALs, though at the time, it was not yet admissible. Instead she trained with the organization and rose the ranks, even out-performing most of her male colleagues. Still adamant of wanting to become a Navy SEAL, Verena is approached with a unique offer: to become a spy. Because she was fluent in German, the United States wanted to use Verena as a way to garner intel to several suspicious organizations, through both her physical expertise and her feminine attributes. She agreed, seeing the offer as not only a promotion, but a challenge.

Though, all that soon changed. While dispatched on a mission overseas, Verena and her team were captured by an unknown and unidentified group of armed maniacs. She was taken to a bleak facility where she was tortured, not only physically but mentally, and emotionally... but most of all, scientifically. For months Verena endured the worst of the worst; countless experiments and exposure to chemicals, drugs, and radiation. The end goal? It wasn't intel they wanted from her, it was something else.

However, upon admission into this hellhole, Verena was expecting, having gotten accidentally pregnant shortly before being dispatched on this mission. Unfortunately for Verena, her pregnancy did not spare her from the cruelties of this unnamed organization. Rather than terminating her pregnancy, they harvested it - using the unique situation to further their crazed research. And when Verena reached her final trimester, before she had the opportunity to go into labor, they cut the baby - a baby boy - only to reveal the experiments on Verena left the infant horribly deformed and ultimately still-born. It was in that moment that Verena truly lost her mind. She became demonically enraged from the loss of her child, belligerent as she broke free from her restraints and unleashed an agonizing wrath. All hell broke lose, and within an hour, over three dozen people were dead, the place was evacuate and the facility was burning to the ground.

Though, one subject survived: Verena Fox.

Current Day: Verena was rescued in a nearby town and returned to the United States ultimately broken. Her soul had died in that god forsaken facility and she had nothing left to live for. She could not eat, she could not sleep... not until she found out who did this to her. Instead, Verena turned her agony to vengeance - determined to find out what that facility was, who was running it, what they were doing, and why. The roleplay will take place a couple to a few years after her return.

Additional Info: The vast amount of radiation exposure took a physical toll on her body. Throughout the process she lost all the hair on her body, leaving her bald from head to toe. Verena has no real eyebrows, so instead, she had her eyebrows tattooed. The hair on her head never recovered properly. Depending on your preference, I can have her two different ways - 1) she's bald and wears a wig, or 2) her hair is white from the radiation, so she dies it red/black because she can. In this scenario, she would have shorter/ not as much hair, and would be wearing a head full of extensions to make her look more normal.

Black Dahlia

Name: Dahlia Kurosawa
Origin: Japanese-American
Age: 18-25
Organization: N/A
Powers/ Abilities: Dahlia is an inhuman (or mutant that carries the X-gene) capable of allowing her to manipulate and control glass materials. Dahlia is able to move and dislodge glass, similar to how a telekinetic would any object, though at a much more fierce and accelerated pace. She can break it apart and similar, put it back together with little to no imperfections. However, Dahlia is unable to control her abilities when angered; particularly when her heart rate begins to exceed 150 beats per minute.

Dahlia is of both Japanese and American descent. Her father immigrated to the United States from Japan where he met Dahlia's mother, a Caucasian woman from Boston, Massachusetts. Dahlia's mutation was suspected even as a baby. As a child, when Dahlia became frustrated, upset, or injured, strange events would unfold. All mysterious incidents, such as windows, vases, cups, televisions, and etc. cracking or shattering, shared one common denominator; they are all made with glass. At the beginning, her parents could not make logical sense of the events, and by the time Dahlia turned 10 years old, her mother was convinced that she, or the house, was possessed by an evil spirit. When proof of the (x-factor) mutation hit media spotlight, Dahlia's connection with glass became all too clear. She wasn't demonic, she was an inhuman (mutant). Dahlia's parents, both scientists, agree to stop at nothing to find a cure for their daughter. Her father, a geneticist, and her mother, a cytologist, began pouring their life savings into research behind trumping the mutation.

Nevertheless, Dahlia remained under constant supervision despite her parents' undying support. Though, Dahlia's mother became pregnant, and just before entering full term, there was a domestic altercation between Dahlia's mother and father. Dahlia became frightened at her parent's incessant yelling and subsequently, became uncontrollably enraged. She let out a scream that shattered all the windows in the house like an explosion. Rather than the glass just falling to the floor, it formed into a barrier surrounding her before jutting forward towards her parents. Although her father was critically injured, Dahlia's outburst left her mother and unborn sibling dead. Practically shredded by the wave of broken glass, the bloody scene was a horrific sight. With two innocents were dead, Dahlia fled the scene.

Post Incident: Dahlia's father, Dr. Kurosawa, required a 2 month induced coma to heal from his wounds, and by the time he awoke, his daughter was missing. Dahlia was taken into custody by social workers and government officials while he was being treated, as she had no other known family to take her in. While under the care of the government, Dhalia was kidnapped by a trusted caretaker, who knew of her mutation and wished to exploit it. She was sold illegally to an underground black market group who sought to use her powers to their advantage. Little did they know, that Dahlia was a destructive, lethal force to be reckoned with. Although the troupe tried to train her enough to help them commit high-end robberies, it ended with everyone, except Dahlia, dead.

Current Day: Dahlia, dubbed "Black Dahlia" by most, is a modern-day low-level criminal who uses her abilities to commit crimes such as basic theft, car theft, house and business burglary, and most recently, major bank robberies and fraud. Dahlia wears a heart rate monitor watch on her wrist at all times. When she is aggravated, upset, or afraid, she uses the watch to regulate her response. Although indicative of her distress, the watch cannot accurately predict her responses to different physical stressors. Similarly, Dahlia avoids any sort of excessive physical activity. Although it does not trigger a loss of control, it does make it easier for her to lose control of her abilities if she were to be met with any sort of high emotional crisis. For example, having a heart rate of over 150 alone does not cause her powers to explode. Rather, an accelerated heart rate combined with emotional stress (and even physical pain) would. Additionally, the NYPD and FBI have recently increased their efforts to locate her and stop her. As she has recently graduated from robbery to stealing highly classified information. This recent development has landed her on the "Most Wanted" list, as her last theft landed her the title "spy" and "terrorist" in the eyes of the government.


Fake (Stage) Name: Maya Myers
Real Name: Roya Yilmaz
Gender: Female
Organization: N/A
Age: 18-25
Powers and abilities:
Oculus has impeccable eyesight. She has been tested and rated over 20/5 vision, ranking her as having one of the best visual acuity ever recorded. Her eyesight is compared to that of a bird of prey, such as an eagle or a hawk. By just looking into someone's eyes, Oculus can also tap into an individual's memories, emotions, and even their dreams. Additional to this, Oculus is also a sort of oracle and seer - she is capable of seeing visions of the future (rather, possibilities of the future) via peering into another person's eyes. The vision she sees is specific to and revolving around the person she is looking at.


Oculus is an inhuman (mutant) who's gotten her nickname name from her unique visual traits. She was born with complete heterochromia; with one eye hazel in color and the other eye a clear blue. This was as a result of her mutation, which progressed after puberty into many visual abilities. Maya Myers was originally born in Turkey, her real name being Roya Yilmaz. She immigrated to the United States as a teenager after ditching Turkey to pursue the American Dream through modelling. There she changed her legal identity from Roya Yilmaz to a more American name, Maya Myers. Along with the name, Maya masked her Turkish accent to sound American, having talents not only in modelling, but also in acting.

Soon after arriving in the U.S., she was noticed and contracted by a modelling agency. From age 16 and onwards, she become increasingly popular in the modelling world – gaining her vast reputation for her enthralling eyes and tall, voluptuous physique. Despite her seemingly ordinary life as an All-American girl named Maya Myers, secretly, Roya was a Turkish teenage spy. She had been trained from a very young age by the NIO (National Intelligence Organization) in Turkey as part of a child-spy program. As she excelled in martial arts and weaponry and intel training, Roya was given a mission to infiltrate the United States, specifically New York. Despite her spy intelligence, Roya is currently posing as an American teenage model (pretending to have moved to New York from Vermont).

She is a big name among social and celebrity media, being the next best thing to a Victoria Secrets model. Pictures of her face are plastered across many billboards across New York, advertising a wide-array of products from lingerie, beachwear and swimsuits, to sports equipment.


If you're interested in a Marvel crossover with other Marvel Cinematic Universe characters, you can check out my MCU request thread below:
Superheroes, Mutants & MARVEL ~
I'm more than open and willing to take the Daredevil verse and have it cross over with characters I have listed in the above thread.​

RE: DAREDEVIL (Marvel's Netflix Original) - *Spoilers* > In Progress



1) James Wesley

I'm absolutely in love with Wesley's character in the show/ in Season 1. He's extremely intelligent, very witty, sarcastic, and I swoon every time he smiles. Beneath the cold, psychopathic exterior, I'd like to romanticize his character and pair him with a female character he falls in love with/ loves. Obviously, in the roleplay he wouldn't be shot and killed by Karen Page – he would have survived.

- James Wesley x The Stranger

Idea 1) This would be a fresh character – a female he's never met before. He would quickly fall head over heels for her and become quite possessive. It'd be interesting to see his priorities shift as they did with Wilson Fisk and Vanessa. He'd essentially feel the same conflicts of interest Fisk is going through with his adoration and love for Vanessa.

Idea 2) I'd even be open to playing a female character that Wesley has a past with (an ex lover of some kind). Perhaps she could have even be thought to be dead (maybe that's why he's so cold, because the love of his life was killed).

Idea 3) Karen Page does in fact shoot Wesley multiple times. She doesn't, however, know how to actually fire a gun properly, and by some miracle, does not successfully hit any vital organs that instantly kill Wesley. So, she shoots Wesley, panics, and takes off with the gun, leaving Wesley there *barely* alive. My character could have been in the area, heard the gunshots, and gone searching for the culprit. She would immediately find Wesley slouched in the chair, barely alive from several gunshot wounds. I'd imagine she'd call an ambulance which would rush him to the hospital (whether it's the same hospital that Fisk and Vanessa are in can be discussed).

Idea 4) My character overhears the altercation between Wesley and Karen - either from outside OR she is somehow in the warehouse Karen and Wesley are in (for example, she could have trespassed/ broken in/ squatted there etc.). She witnesses Karen pointing the gun at Wesley. She would either sneak up on Karen and attack/disarm her before she can shoot Wesley, OR she would walk in the room and talk Karen out of firing the gun. I'd imagine Karen would take off running with the gun. We could also incorporate that Karen tries to fire the gun, but my character intervenes right as she fires the gun, and instead of shooting him in the chest, Karen only manages to shoot Wesley in a limb (a less severe/fatal wound).

Idea 5) If we want to base the roleplay in Season 2 – my character would have saved Wesley from bleeding out in Season 1, but once she got him medical attention, she would have vanished. The two of them would then meet up again sometime in Season 2 (perhaps Wesley tries to find the woman who saved him). I'm thinking the injuries Wesley sustains leave him in intense medical therapy for months following Karen Page's attack/ shooting. Wesley either allows Fisk to think he's dead or the two of them make the decision to lay low while Wesley is recovering.

- James Wesley x Amina Marianna (OC):

My idea is based off of Season 1, since that's when Wesley's character existed. However, we can also brainstorm ideas if we want to base the roleplay off of Season 2.

My initial (Season 1) idea is that she would somehow find out about her sister being poisoned at the ball. She would essentially burst into the hospital like a raging lunatic, tearing through a handful of guards in order to gain access to Vanessa. I'm envisioning that the adrenaline rushing through her system ends up giving her a sort of supernatural strength – making her plow through Fisks men quite impressively – without the requirement of weapons (just sheer willpower). She would nearly get into the room holding Vanessa before James Wesley himself grabs her (not knowing who she is). She would be dressed in barely anything; wearing scantily clad clothing from just having finished a shift at the club.

I'd imagine Vanessa, being awake and alive, would allow Amina in the room to speak to her. Wesley would, of course, ease-drop on their conversation. Vanessa would be surprised to see Amina in such degrading clothing, and would evidently be upset that she was “dancing again”. I'm thinking of making Amina a stripper for a pimp – essentially she gets herself into deep trouble with a hardcore violent gangster, and ends up owing a “debt” to this guy. We can choose to disclude this from the plot, though. This idea can get interesting and intense, depending if we want to incorporate the fact that she's a drug addict. I can remove this, of course. I can have her recently clean (trying to take back her life). In general, Amina's character is pretty wild. She has a hot temper, and a lot of personality. But above all, she's very intelligent (she just uses her intelligence poorly).

I'm thinking she can be paired well with Wesley because he too is very witty, and he can certainly handle someone with a lot of personality. He's also very calm and patient, yet powerful and resourceful. These are all things that Amina needs. I'm thinking he may be drawn to several things:
a) She's exceptionally beautiful
b) She just tore through a dozen men just out of sheer willpower and force (that's impressive)
c) Her relationship to Vanessa – It would be evident through their conversation in the room that they have not seen each other in quite some time – and that the two of them care deeply for one another (as they are sisters).
d) Her troubled life – Amina can potentially act as a (tough) damsel in distress. Wesley could overhear that she's in some trouble with a gangster, and want to help her. Keep in mind, Wesley and Fisk are very good friends, and Wesley would go to great lengths to ensure Fisk is happy (this includes making Vanessa happy – which would coincide with helping her sister).

- James Wesley x Anya Ranskahov:

There are several ways the two can cross paths. Specifically, they would ideally cross paths due to Anya investigating the death of her brother Anatoly. I'm thinking there are two ways Wesley and Anya can meet:

Idea 1) Anya follows Wesley to the warehouse where he's holding/ questioning Karen Page. She sneaks in to the warehouse undetected and watches the Karen vs. Wesley show before Karen turns the gun on Wesley. I'm thinking Anya would intervene before Karen can kill Wesley. OR EVEN - Karen shoots Wesley, but Anya intervenes immediately (so that she doesn't continue to shoot him) and knocks Karen out cold. This would leave Wesley bleeding out, and Anya would use this opportunity to get information out of Wesley about her brother. I'd imagine it would be a "tell me what I want and I'll let you live/ save you" kind of deal. Anya would also be fully loaded - Lara Croft style. She would be carrying a 9mm strapped to each leg, as well as a belt carrying several pouches.

Idea 2) Anya would hijack Wesley's car and/or follow him when he's on his way to get Karen and jump him/ kidnap him. She can do this several ways. Hires guys to grab him and throw him in a van (old school). Or she could do this solo, and just take him at gun-point/ force him to get in her car (after she disarms him and takes his gun).

Open to other ideas, too!

- James Wesley x Demetria Fisk:

This is a simple enough plot. This roleplay would take place right before Vanessa gets poisoned at the party in Season 1. In this roleplay, James Wesley would be at the party/gala/ball and would be keeping a close watch on the guests to make sure no one unfamiliar or potentially problematic would manage to get in. Most of the guests would be recognizable - powerful people with a lot of money (mainly politicians). Though, one person catches Wesley's eye. Someone he doesn't quite recognize. This would be Demetria; a beautiful, curvaceous young woman with a suspicious gaze. He decides to approach her to find out more information. Demetria is extremely charming, and a phenomenal liar. She is not shy to use her beauty, her body, and her charisma to manipulate and persuade men into believing her (or doing what she wants). Like Wesley, she is very cunning and witty - and is good with words.

- James Wesley x Karen Page:

Idea 1) Karen Page shoots Wesley and escapes the warehouse thinking he's dead. Wesley miraculously survives the shooting and requires several months to recover from his injuries. Once he is healthy again, he decides to go after Page. This can take place in either Season 1 or 2.

Idea 2) Karen Page shoots Wesley, but immediately regrets her fatal decision and then subsequently decides to save him somehow. Either she directly helps him by trying to stop the bleeding and calling an ambulance, or she escapes the warehouse and calls 9/11 anonymously. We can discuss the idea further from here.

- James Wesley x Elektra Natchios:

Idea 1) Wesley survives the shooting of Karen Page but lays low for several months, still working as Fisk's right-hand man. In Season 2, Fisk's desire to kill Daredevil only increases now that he is incarcerated and away from Vanessa. He gives Wesley the mission on trying to bring Daredevil down. Somehow through this mission, he and Elektra would cross paths. Elektra has psychotic tendencies and gets a rush from killing people. She is very similar to Wesley's character, as she is also extremely charming and intelligent. They would pair well together.

Idea 2) Elektra returns to New York to do research for Stick. While there, she uncovers Fisk's corruption and underground empire and traces it back to his first-hand man, James Wesley. In hopes of following Wesley to obtain more information, she finds herself in the middle of a private show-down between Wesley and Karen Page. She hides out in the warehouse, tuning in to their conversations until Karen Page turns the gun on Wesley and shoots him. Karen would then escape, leaving Wesley to bleed out. Elektra, still needing information from Wesley, decides to save his life.

Idea 3) The same idea as #2, because Elektra saves his life by stopping the bleeding, calls and ambulance, and takes off as the medics arrive... never to see Wesley again. Wesley is hospitalized and takes months to recover from his injuries. Still working for Fisk, he is determined to find the woman who saved his life (Elektra). Months later, Elektra subsequently returns to New York again in Season 2, where Wesley would catch wind of her again.


2) Frank Castle – The Punisher

- Frank Castle x Elektra Natchios:

The Punisher and Elektra have a LOT in common. They both enjoy killing, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Although they serve for different causes, both their definitions for heroism differ and are debatable. Elektra kills to stop the evil of The Hand, while Frank kills to stop the evil of everyone involved in the death of his family. Regardless, they are both lonely individuals fighting their own cause in the chaotic central of Hell's Kitchen. Since the series explores a romance between Elektra and Matt Murdock, we'll have to modify their relationship to make a romance between Frank and Elektra possible. In order to do that, all of my ideas are based on the notion that once Elektra killed the teenage ninja (by slitting his throat in Matt's apartment), Matt lost all hope for Elektra and considered her "beyond the point of no return". He leaves Elektra, finally realizing that they are two different to be a compatible couple.

All of my following ideas will take revolved around Season 2.

Idea 1) Elektra, heartbroken from the inevitable failure of her relationship with Daredevil, decides to get on a plane and leave New York for once and for all (to start her life anew again away from Stick and Matt). While at a bar at the boarding area, she encounters a charming Frenchman who tries to lure her into spending a night with him. Within minutes of the conversation, the encounter turns sour when the Frenchman attempts to assassinate Elektra. In the series, the one on one fight leaves the Frenchman dead - him being no match for Elektra's grave fighting skills. However, we can adapt it so that Elektra nearly loses the battle, and Frank swoops in to kill the Frenchman before he has a chance to deliver the final blow to Elektra. Why the Punisher was following Elektra and why he saved her is up for discussion.

Idea 2) This idea takes place in and around the very end of Season 2. Elektra discovers she is considered to be the Black Sky from the Japanese organization The Hand. She is tempted to join their efforts, convinced that the centuries-old legends are true and that this is her destiny. Elektra snaps of her delusion, instead opting to try and kill Nobu (the leader of the Hand) rather than join in. However, she becomes outnumbered by his ninjas after a long, lethal battle and they capture her. Rather than Daredevil fighting by her side like in the series, Elektra would have gone to battle on her own (Daredevil having left her). We can incorporate that Frank (like in the series) was waiting on the roof for the fiasco and perhaps he intervenes last minute to free Elektra from The Hand.

Idea 3) Same exact concept as Idea #2, with the addition that Elektra gets accidentally injured (an injury which leads her bleeding out) while fighting Nobu's ninjas (they weren't supposed to kill her, just fight her off until they were able to capture her). The Punisher would essentially fend The Hand off through gunfire, which then leaves Elektra half-dead on the rooftop alone. He would then, evidently, rescue her/ care for her injuries after saving her.

Idea 4) Elektra would track down the Punisher, in hopes of joining forces for some reason (a reason we can discuss).

- Frank Castle x Karen Page:

This idea can go so many ways. Both Karen and Frank have immense compassion for one another, a notion that is clearly depicted throughout the series. I would be open to the idea that they develop a romance. We'd have to scratch out the notion that Karen is in love with Matt, however - which isn't very difficult to do (considering they only dated very briefly before Matt blew up his entire life and career). In this roleplay, Karen would have left Matt officially when she found Elektra in his apartment/ in his bed (she was resting there while healing from being poisoned). Although she had feelings for him and there was potential for love, the relationship was short-lived and she now remains trying to move on to better things.

I'd like to explore the complexity of each character with each other. Karen has killed someone recently (James Wesley), a secret she plans on taking to her grave. Despite her naive and seemingly innocent charade, Frank sees through her facade and recognizes that there's more to her sweet nature than a standard morale and a pretty face. Frank first grows suspicious of Karen when he comes to her apartment and she pulls a .380 caliber hand gun to defend herself against him. However, she hesitates and doesn't shoot him. Instead, the apartment becomes a target for Blacksmith and suddenly the whole room is in open-fire. Frank saves Karen by throwing the two of them on the ground, in which he shields her body with his.

We can start the roleplay from this point on. Whether or not Frank gets shot amidst this ordeal is also up for discussion (he doesn't get shot in the episode). OR I will also consider starting the roleplay at a further point on. There is a second scene following the shooting where Karen and Frank go to a 24/7 diner to get food and lay low (since Frank is an escaped convict). Frank, in reality, uses Karen somewhat as bait for Blacksmith's men to return to kill her. The men come into the diner expecting Karen to be there, though they meet Frank instead (Karen is hiding in the kitchen). Frank brutally murders the two of Blacksmith's men, leaving Karen horrified. In either scene, I can make Karen come to some sort of twisted-justice realization where she offers Frank to help him track down Blacksmith for once and for all. We can, for roleplay sake, have the two of them work together for several days before they actually track down Blacksmith.

- Frank Castle x Claire Temple:

This dynamic is not explored AT ALL in the series - but I think Frank would actually appreciate Claire's tough-skin, no-bullshit character.

Idea 1) The simplest and most realistic way to have them interact is through the fact that Claire is a nurse. And a damn good one. Frank, throughout the entire series, is constantly battered physically, one way or another. He is in constant need of medical attention (which he always fails to get). Claire could be the one to tend to his wounds, like how she took care of Daredevil countless times again in Season 1.

There are many ways we can have them cross paths to obtain medical help for Frank. I'm thinking Frank gets really badly injured (more injured than he can handle) at some point of the series (can be any point) where he requires immediate medical attention (he's either shot of has a deep gash) because he's bleeding out. He would break into the Metro General mid-night while Claire is on her usual night shift. Either through gun-point, he would force Claire to help him, OR, perhaps he breaks into the hospital and collapses unconscious from blood loss. Claire is the first one to respond, and despite him being an escaped convict, decides to discreetly admit him into a private room where she can tend to his wounds without the public knowing. In this scenario, Frank wouldn't just waltz into the hospital through the front doors, but more break into a supplies room where Claire would find him.

Idea 2) The Punisher has been following the Daredevil's moves for some time, while also subsequently investigating his own cause. However, he becomes intrigued by the discovery of 5 barely-living teens in one of the Yakuza warehouses. The teens, who has been hooked up to a blood extractor, were barely alive and taken to the Metro General Hospital to be treated by nurse Claire and her team. Frank stakes out the hospital, curious of this strange discover and wondering if it may be linked to the organized crime ring he was hunting down. However, while staking out the Metro General, the Punisher finds the Yakuza ninjas climbing up the walls of the hospital - they were planning an attack and rescue. Frank decides to intervene, managing to save Claire's life but not her coworkers. The Yakuza escape with the teenagers, but leave the hospital floor treating the teens in shambles. There are many ways we can further their relationship post-attack. Either Frank gets injured and Claire decides to help him (in thanks for saving her life, despite the fact he is an escaped convict) OR perhaps he saves Claire but kidnaps her, intending to extract information from her.

Idea 3) Or if you have anything else in mind, I'm all ears!

- Frank Castle x Anya Ranskahov

Anya would have traveled to the U.S. after discovering that her dearest brother, Anatoly, had been murdered. By the time she reached Hell's Kitchen, however, her second brother Vladimir had also died. She tracks down "the man in Black", now recognized as the Devil of Hell's Kitchen or simply by Daredevil, who informs her that her brother Vladimir saved his life by sacrificing himself as a distracting to Fisk's men (buying the Daredevil enough time to escape). Upon discovering the somewhat heroic act her once-shitty brother did, she decided she was done with a life of organized crime.

In order to mourn her loss(es), she hangs around Hell's Kitchen long enough to witness the fall of Fisk at the hands of Daredevil. Although intending to leave, Anya decides to take on a vigilante identity of her own, attempting to track down and terminate other organized crime groups involved in the death of her brothers - one known organization being the Yakuza. In her investigations, however, she comes across many other horrid organized crime groups such as the Irish Mob and the Dogs of Hell biker gang.

The media catches wind of a new vigilante in town, a notorious serial killer the news was called "The Punisher". From this point on, he can discuss just how they cross paths. But, essentially, I'd want Anya to try and join forces with the Punisher by convincing him that they could make a great team. Anya, not only extremely wealthy but also intelligent, would offer Frank a safehaven from police, and also an endless amount of personal supplies and ammo for him to use. How they actually meet is up for discussion.

- Frank Castle x Proxy SS:

Idea 1) Jadzia escapes HYDRA during the fall of SHIELD and the whole ordeal of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The remaining HYDRA empire dispatches a rat/ another agent to kill Jadzia. From here on out, we can discuss what the idea/ plot of the story is depending on who we pair with her.

Idea 2) After the fall of SHIELD, Jadzia is dispatched by the remaining forces of HYDRA (now dispersed throughout Europe and the US – hiding) to kill (insert character here) – can be Frank Castle (The Punisher), Matt Murdock (Daredevil), or somebody else.

Idea 3) Something relating to her attending a ball or gala of some sort. I'm thinking she is free from HYDRA (still being hunted, but not working for them anymore), and she would have no resources, and no friends or family to turn to. She would essentially be lost to this new, very different, modern world in New York City and would be struggling to survive. She could possibly work privately now as a spy, using her intelligence and training to gain information for her clients.

- Frank Castle x Phoenix:

The Phoenix (Verena) and the Punisher (Frank) have a LOT in common. They've both been through absolutely morbid and horrible tragedies, and they've both lost a child as a result of it. Although their tragedies are very different in nature, the two of them share a twisted sense of justice and both possess a deathly wrath for vengeance.

In this roleplay, the two would cross paths because they are hunting down the same enemy - Blacksmith. Upon Verena's months of endless investigating, she comes to discover that the people responsible for her torture is NOT a foreign country, but in fact, her very own United States of America. She manages to track down that the organization running the unethical experiments are American military and government based.

From here, there are two options.

Idea 1) She eventually realizes the culprit is Colonel Ray Schoonover, who was in charge and leading the experiments. She sets off to New York to find him, not realizing that he is also an infamous faceless drug lord named Blacksmith. At the very end of Season 2, when Frank finally tracks down Blacksmith in the woods with Karen Page, he would be intercepted by Verena. Essentially, the two of them would find Colonel Ray Schoonover at the same time. Verena would prevent Frank from killing him, blood-thirsty and determined to kill him herself. The two would engage mostly in a physical and/or verbal altercation and stand still.


Idea 2) Verena has not yet discovered that Colonel Ray Schoonover is the person responsible for the experiments she endured. However, she does follow a lead that lands her in Hell's Kitchen. While there, she is bombarded with news coverage and the media chanting Frank Castle, dubbed "The Punisher". After hearing of his escape from prison, she decides to track him down - suspecting that the person the two of them are looking for may actually be the same guy. She attempts to preposition him to work together to bring him down - promising that she would do whatever it took to achieve that. I'm thinking for the sake of roleplay, the two of them would spend several days (if not weeks) trying to track down Blacksmith. They would bond over the pain they've both endured at the hands of this monster.

- Frank Castle x Black Dahlia:

The only idea that comes to mind is somehow incorporating the Yakuza/ The Hand and the search for the Black Sky to Black Dahlia. I'm thinking that because Dahlia is half Japanese, her powers would make her one the few rare Black Skies in the world. After the death of Elektra and Nobu, the organization The Hand is forced to find yet ANOTHER Black Sky. They would somehow locate Dahlia (perhaps not even in New York), and attempt to kidnap her to use her for their legend-based plans. I'm thinking since Frank has now killed Blacksmith, and is assumed dead by the media and the courts, he decides to take on his own project with Daredevil - stop the Yakuza. Although the project involves Daredevil, the two are still working separately. Somehow the Punisher would track down the Yakuza's movement and save Dahlia from being kidnapped by members of The Hand.


3) Matt Murdock – The Daredevil

- Murdock x OC of choice:

There are many ways he can pair with one of my OCs.

Idea 1) Anya: She would be investigating the death of her brother, Anatoly. Vladimir is convinced "The Man In Black" murdered him, although Anya would not be as convinced. She could either find/ hunt down the Daredevil to question him OR we could even explore the option of her saving his life (perhaps Vladimir manages to get his hands on Daredevil and nearly kills him).

Idea 2) Amina: I don't have any specific idea for this pairing.
Only thing that comes to mind is that Daredevil would save Amina from the violent gangster who controls her.

Idea 3) Demetria: Not really sure how they would cross paths. Perhaps the Daredevil tracks her down, knowing she is Fisk's daughter and thinking that she knows inside information about him (when really she is clueless and bears no tangible relationship to Fisk).

Idea 4) The Stranger: This can go so many ways.
We could replace Claire's character with this characters and use the same premise > Stranger comes across Daredevil badly hurt/ wounded. She could nurse him back to health.
We could also have it that Daredevil saves the stranger (from whatever).
OR EVEN that maybe she saves HIM in an ugly situation.

Idea 5) Proxy SS: Proxy SS is dispatched by HYDRA (or another organization) to kill the Daredevil.

Idea 6) Black Dahlia: I don't have any specific ideas for them. We'll have to brainstorm.

Idea 7) Oculus: Oculus has the ability to see someone's memories by looking into their eyes, as well as the ability to see possibilities of the future (visions of the future). We can tie that in somehow. One of her visions would lead her to crosspathes with Daredevil.

- Murdock x Claire Temple:

Again, this can go many ways. We can start off from the beginning, when she finds him in a dumpster and nurses him back to health. Or we can start from another point in the series.

- Murdock x Elektra or Karen Page:

I'm currently NOT looking for a roleplay between these two characters. I'm really bored of them together and would prefer roleplaying something else. My apologies to any Daredevil-Elektra fans and/or Daredevil-Page fans.


4) Vladimir x Other

I just love Russian accents – and with a criminology background, I'm quite familiar with Russian organized crime. Not to mention, he's got a killer hot scar on his face, so that's a bonus. I don't really have any ideas for this one.

5) Michell Ellison (Editor in Chief) x Karen Page

In the second season of Daredevil, Karen Page gets hired by Ellison as a journalist/ reporter for the New York Bulletin. Karen Page takes Ben Urich's office and becomes a writer and researcher for Ellison. In our roleplay, we can explore the notion that while working together to uncover the mysteries behind Frank Castle's (The Punisher) case, they develop an intellectual chemistry that undoubtedly turns to sexual tension. There are many factors that come in to play. Michell Ellison is much, much older than Karen, and I believe he's unhappily married in the show and has children (of unknown ages – they are probably teenagers, if not adults).

6) Your OC/ Other x My Canon/OC

If you have your own character in mind that you'd like to pair up with one of my OCs or even one of the Canons from the Daredevil series, message me your idea(s)! I just might like them.

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