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Intuition and Insight(Bloodkiss-Cysma)

Caoimhe frowned, having very little belongings. She paused for a moment, thinking. "I only have one blanket and one bedroll. You could sleep on the blanket. I'm clothed, so I won't be too cold without it. Will that be enough?"
"Well, if the bedroll isn't big enough for both of us, then I accept." Zayle said. "How much longer are you going to be awake? Not that I there anything else that you wish to discuss? Anything at all?"
Caoimhe blushed bright red. The bedroll was big enough for two people, but just barely. And she didn't even know him. She glanced down at his nakedness and suddenly became fidgety, her upbringing telling her that the turn her thoughts had taken was sinful. "Um-I..." She stuttered, suddenly unable to form a coherent sentence. "I suppose I'll get some sleep. We should set out early in the morning. How far is your home?"
"I was on my way back. I think it should be another day's walk away." Zayle responded, going to sit down on one side of her bedroll. "You seem uncomfortable about I scare you?"
She shook her head. "No, I'm just tired of being in the woods. And I've never met someone quite like you." She paused, glancing up at his face. "You seem like you've met humans before. Why have I never met one of your people?"
"Do you get out much?" He asked. Elves can be seen around from time to time, some of them coexisting with humans. Drow are less common; we haven't got along all that much." He sat there, waiting to see if she would ask him to move somewhere else.
She shrugged. "I lived in a very small village. The nearest city was many leagues away, and I never got a chance to see it. I don't own a horse, and it was too far to walk."
"I see..." Zayle said. "Well, perhaps it is time for you to go out and see the world. Maybe you will discover who you really are." He smiled warmly, laying down on his back on the bedroll.
Caoimhe stared down at him, feeling strange sitting next to this unknown man, especially since he was naked. If she had any sense at all she wouldn't stay here. She would run in the night while he was asleep, far away. It was dangerous to be alone with this strange man in the woods. But on the other hand the woods could be dangerous at night, and if he was to be trusted, she might not have to wander for very much longer. She had no idea what to do. But she supposed she should take her chances and trust him. She did know how to use her sword if he turned out to be a threat. "Perhaps it is time for me to see the world. I've never seen much of it, but I've heard wonderful stories."
Zayle seemed as though he could sense her intentions. Whenever he gazed into her eyes, it felt as though his were piercing her soul. Though Caoimhe was physically dressed, to Zayle, she was mentally naked. "You seem troubled, as though I might hurt you. Tell me, do you really think a naked man is going to be a threat to you? What could I possibly do to hurt you?" He asked, lifting his head up a bit.
She scoffed, glancing away, his gaze making her nervous. "There are many things you could still do to hurt me, regardless of your state of dress..." She still wasn't completely at ease, but she was pretty sure that he wouldn't ravish her in the night. She would be cautious, but he seemed like he meant well.
"Perhaps there are, but if I had such intentions, I would have done so already." Zayle said. "Now come, let us lay down and be warm together..."
She blushed a deep red, swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. "Um..I-I think that perhaps we" she couldn't seem to get her tongue to cooperate with her mind. Her eyes trailed down his naked body, making her feel that odd sensation once more. She wasn't sure if she should ask him to move or not. It was rapidly getting cooler with the growing darkness, and she didn't know how much colder it would get. But he was a man, they were strangers, and he was not clothed at all. She had no idea what she should do, and it frustrated her.
"Does my lack of clothing bother you?" Zayle asked. "It should not. We are no more sexual than you humans. You have my word that I will not try to have sex with you if you do not want me to." He patted the space beside him. "I am a man of my word."
She blushed darker, stunned into silence by his words. "I'm sorry if I'm staring. I've just never seen a man naked..." She felt flushed against the cool night, that odd sensation growing in the pit of her belly. No, it wasn't in her belly. It was lower than that. She'd never really explored that part of her body in great detail, and this strange new feeling drew her attention to it and made her feel fidgety.
"Really? That must explain all the unease you have been expressing with your body language." Zayle said. "I am going to go out on a limb and guess that what you are experiencing right now is sexual desire, something that someone as sheltered as yourself probably never felt before." He shrugged. "Then again, I could be wrong, and you're just feeling sick."
Caoimhe gaped at his words. Sexual excitement? She wasn't sure how to respond. He was attractive, but she'd seen attractive men before and never felt quite like this. But then she'd never seen them naked. It made her curious. She wondered what his lips tasted like, what his body felt like. She was shocked at the sinful thoughts entering her mind, but they were there, and there was no stopping them now.
"There is nothing shameful about it, Caoimhe. I don't know what you have been taught, but it is your body's natural reaction to desire to copulate." The drow said. "Perhaps there is a certain part of me that is giving you the biggest reaction?"
Her face was flushed, her cheeks a bright cherry red. "I...I was never taught about these things. I've seen a man without a shirt, but never without's...odd." She wasn't sure what words to use to describe it.
"Well, is there anything you wish to know about it? I would be glad to answer all of your questions." He offered. "In return, I would like you to help solve the mystery of my mystic rune..."
Caoimhe wasn't sure how to react. "I...I'm not sure what to ask..." Her eyes drifted to the strange mark. "I will help you find out what the mark means."
"You are not sure what to ask? Well, surely you must want to know about human sexuality! As if your scent hadn't made it more obvious..." Zayle shifted so that he sat facing her. "Ask a question about the first thing that can come to your mind...anything..."
She huffed and crossed her arms, feeling quite foolish in the light of his obvious knowledge. "I never had a mother to explain things to me, thank you! I'm not daft or anything." She stared up into the trees with great effort, making a show of avoiding eye contact with him.
"Well, this seems to be bothering you too much, and my understanding is that you want to get some extra rest..." Zayle picked up her blanket and walked over to the other side of the campfire, laying it out and laying down on it instead. "That better?"
She glared at him, standing up in a huff. "No. You think I'm daft, don't you? You think I'm some silly little girl with an empty head. Well I'm not. I may not know anything about copulating, but in my society women aren't supposed to! It's sinful to lust after someone." She blushed at her outburst, realizing after she finished speaking that women also weren't supposed to speak their minds. Of course, what difference did it make now? She was already accused of withcraft, and she had already discussed things with this man that were sinful. What was one more thing to add to the list of her sins?
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