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An amazing Adventure (silverknight and the creator)

Sean sat down next to Runi and Aeris
"I will keep an eye on her, Princess. Runi and I can do that while driving." he spoke softly seeing that she was asleep.
"All right. Call if you need anything. " Princess went back inside leaving them be.

Sean placed his arm around Aeris and gently pulled Aeris over to his shoulder then kissed the top of her head. He kept an eye on the road while Runi fell asleep next to Aeris.

Mile after mile of sand passed and Sean closed his eyes for minute but actually fell asleep while driving. The oxen soon noticed that the reins were not being held very tight and stopped. Mystique came out to see what was going on.
Edward stopped Salime when he noticed the wagon stop, he got down form his own horse and went over and checked on the wagon. He noticed that Sean and Aeris were asleep and wasn't so surprised this was a long day, another long day for them, when they got to the village by the ocean they would be able to rest, perhaps it would be best to take a few days there to relax, they didn't need to push themselves to much so they were to weak to be useful when it counted. He looked at Mystique and smiled. "The couple is asleep," he motioned to the pair. He worked his way up and helped move both of them to a place they close sleep, in Sean's bed, as he himself took the reins of the wagon, Salime taking his horse' reins as he motioned the princess to sit by him. "Well, we are almost to the village, this route took us around the hills, but Salime said the sand storm was blocking the path to the hills," he explained as he looked at her, "we will be over the hills in a hour or so and then it is clean driving right into town, and then I think a few days of R and R for everyone."
"That sounds fine, Edward. Perhaps we can do something together when we get there. I think that a few days of R & R would be fun. I wonder if anyone there would want to buy any jewelry. I am going to get my beads and will be right back." Mystique spoke then she gave Edward a quick kiss on the cheek before she went inside.

She gathered her supplies and went back out to work on some jewelry for selling.

"I can easily make six or seven sets in an hour. Do you see any beads that you like? " she asked as she opened the bead case to display the variety of beads. Runi was sniffing around in boredom. He was hunting for something but Mystique didn't know what it was he wanted to find.

"What are you looking for, Runi?" she asked.
Edward smiled as he looked over at Mystique and then at Runi as he reached into his pocket. He had a bit of a snack in his pocket, he didn't need it so much, so he put it down so that Runi could eat on it if he wanted, he bet either he was working on his natural hunting skills or just was hungry, if it was the later, putting out the food would help the little guy. He smiled as he turned his attention to the beads for a moment. "Well, I think those black ones look interesting as do those blue ones in there," he commented not knowing that much about the beads at all, but just using color to tell. You better make a bit of time, as I want to take you out on a proper date, out to eat and everything, perhaps we can even double with Sean and Aeris, or go alone either way is fine by me," he said as he held the reins, and put his hand on Mystique and pulled her a bit closer to himself.
Mystique smiled as she started to bead the blue and black beads together as a necklace.
"I'd like that very much. We'll ask Sean and Aeris if they would like to double date. I hope that Bessie doesn't get down. I'm sure that Marvin and Salime will fine... just a bit worried about Bessie. I'll have her take care of Runi for me. I'll even make her a necklace as payment."

Runi was sniffing about and found the piece of food which he wagged his tail and whined to get inside the door. Mystique got up and opened the door then watched Runi run inside. He ran to the bed and jumped up. He sniffed about then dropped the bit of food down and buried the piece of food with the top cover. He then ran back to the door and began to sniff around once more as if he wanted to find something again.

"He buried that piece of food in my bed!." Mystique spoke while laughing.
Edward chuckled at the fact Runi was a funny little guy, but he was looking for something else, what that was, he wasn't sure about at all. He looked over at Mystique, "you might want to open that door for him, I am not sure what the little guy is after but it isn't food at least," he said knowing that was now the case, as he drove along in the near darkness. "Now, you think about where you would want to go, and such, and I am sure that we can make it happen, this is a much bigger town we are going town, and is Marvin's hometown if I remember right," he commented as he turned his attention back to the road. "I have connections which will help us get a real home to rent for the while we are here, real rooms and all, or at least some place to park the wagon without worry," he mused as he thought about the coming days with a degree of happiness and excitement in his tone.
Mystique opened the door and Runi kept sniffing about around looking for something.
"I wonder if Runi is just bored. What do coyote do while they are puppies? don't they play with something or the other? Maybe it's some sort of an instinct thing....." she spoke since Runi did not want to go inside.

Bessie came out and tossed a toy that she had made. Then she went back inside. Runi pounced on the toy and shook it.

"Thank you Bessie. I didn't know that you had made anything for Runi." Mystique spoke to Bessie who just nodded.

"I guess RUni was looking for his toy...... A real house would be nice, Edward. Maybe we could eat at a nice restaurant? Maybe a walk in the park? Shop in a store or two?" Mystique's eyes lit up bright as she down close to Edward.
"I think that a quiet cozy meal with candle light would be so romantic..... I never thought of such a thing before."
"It naturally hunts and is going to need to learn that type of stuff, even as a domesticated type of coyote it would have this nature. It also will be a good guard puppy later on," he commented as he looked over at Bessie and then smiled at her and then nodded his own things as he noticed that the little puppy was playing with the little toy. "the good thing is that, he won't get super big, they tend to stay decently small in size, so he will be easier for you to deal with," he mused as he looked back to her noticing her moving closer to him. "Yes, it would be romantic, it will be a great deal of fun," he said as he turned her towards him and kissed her on her lips softly for a good moment before smiling, "your so so cute, and adorable, princess, I am sure we will have a great time."
Mystique was pleasantly surprised when Edward kissed her. She gently leaned into the kiss as her arm slid around his waist.
"Thank you, My Sweet Prince. That was the best compliment that I ever got. I am so happy with you and when ever we are together it is like a date. Tell me about the town that we are heading to....." she spoke softly as she leaned her head on Edward's chest. Her eyes closed so that she could hear his heartbeat beating so strong and sure. It was a comforting sound to her.
"Well the town is a old one, I think as old as either of our kingdoms, it is kind of a city state, the town is ruled by a council who are elected by the people. It makes most of its money in trade and has a large fleet of ships which travel across the whole world, to other lands across the seas," he started as he held her with one arm close and protectively as he drove with the other. "The town is the emerald city, for the number of that gem which is found around the area, there is a lot of stores of all types there and goods from all over the world which are sold there too. The town is a vacation spot for many people from many lands, and makes a lot of money off that, it is warm, but not to warm, the beach is white and beautiful too," he said to her softly as he started down the hill. "The town is very large though, it always is neutral in all fights so they can make more money trading with everyone. It is a nice place overall."
"Sounds like a perfect place for anyone to visit for vacation. I'd like to visit the beach. Will we be able to see the ships?I never saw any of the foreign ones." she asked as she opened her eyes to see where they were heading. The view of going down hill was pretty and full of nice flowers along the side of the road.

"Perhaps I should make the necklaces and bracelets so that they can be sold in town. " she spoke softly as she picked the string and started to put more beads on it.
"I think you should, and I am sure you can fine more beads to use and work with when we are there," he commented softly as he continued to hold her, soon the tall clock tower of the city was visible standing out in the night the building had a number of fires at the top which showed the time, as well as to the west of that the large lighthouse which stood watch over the sea making sure that all ships came into port. Soon more and more of the town was in view as Marvin left the group to arrange the living situation for them while they were in the town and raced ahead, knowing he had to take care of it quickly so he would be able to report back before the wagon got to the town. "just a bit longer and we will be there, the place we might be staying is on the beach, just so you know so it will be easy to go there and see the ships and everything."
"Oh that would be so grand, Edward! I can't wait to see where we will live for a few days. Maybe we could even do early morning swim or a midnight swim....but some will have to teach me how to swim... I forgot that I never swam before which is why I never had a bathing suit." Mystique spoke excitedly.
"Will you teach me how to swim, please?"
Edward nodded his head as he looked ahead of himself, "so teach you how to swim, well that I can do," he mused as he looked over towards her for a moment, with a small smile on his lips. "I can surely teach you how to swim, well try at least," he commented knowing that it was not the hardest thing to learn, but it was hard to be any good at swimming as well. He saw the city get closer and closer to where they were as he got closer to the city, he looked and noticed that Marvin was back already and led him to a good sized property that was as he said on the beach, it was two stories high and had room the one side where Edward easily was able to park the wagon. "Well now, we are here, might as well leave your stuff in here, the home was furnished for us, and we don't need to bring anything but of course ourselves and our clothes," he informed Mystique of.
"Shall we wake the two sleepy heads? " Mystique asked as she smiled at Edward.
Bessie came out and spoke. "Shall I pack you a bag, Mylady?"

"Yes I'll show what to pack. i'll wake them while I am in there." she spoke as she stood up.
"Sean, Aeris, we are heading into the city now. I want this long evening dress, and....." Mystique spoke as she pulled out a sleeve of a dress out as well as a few other items.

Sean woke up with a start. "We are there! I thought that I was driving the wagon......"
Edward looked up to the princess and helped her down from the wagon, and then walked over and grabbed his own saddle bag. Walking into the home, it was nice, there was a lot of things that which showed it was a classy home. He could see there were multiple rooms, that connected to a large main room as well as a large kitchen as well, all with furniture already set up around the place. "Well, here we are," he mused to Mystique as he walked down the hall and found a room to put his things in. He walked over and then put his things down as he looked around for a moment.

Aeris woke up and looked over at Sean and then got to his feet, and then yawned as she stretched herself out for a good moment or two and then walked over to the house, grabbing her own things as she walked into the house and right to her room, where the blonde elf went to sleep fast. The other two soon went to sleep as well, both of them tired as well from the day of riding and the toll that it took to ride for so long.
Princess Mystique took the room next to Edward's and Bessie next to hers. Sean took the room closest to Aeris. He took off to see to his horse while Bessie was walking about the house.

Mystique put the few things away before she was ready to explore the house and the beach. She took her shoes off to walk in the sand. She was fascinated with the feel of the sand. She put her shoes by the door and walked towards the water. As she looked down at the sand she saw small things in it that she never saw before. She carefully picked up a star shaped one and looked at it. There were other ones as well. Then a creature ran sideways with its claws snapping angrily.
Edward walked around for a moment or two noticing that the others were already inside and asleep. He smiled as he walked outside after a moment, he outside watching the princess walk along the shore. He blinked as he was amazed by the beauty that he noticed, something about how the full moon shined upon Mystique caused her to look so much more beautiful then he ever noticed that she was before. The prince could feel his face warming up just from looking at her as he stood there, pressing his hand against the door for a moment or two while he was smiling thinking about how he was lucky that she had accepted his perposal of marriage. He then slowly turned and headed to be as well.
Soon Mystique became tired and since the moon was high in the sky, she decided that she should be in bed,Putting the star creatures back on the ground, Mystique wandered back to the house. She noticed how much sand she had picked up on the hem of her dress and frowned. She would have to hem a dress or two just for the beach. She wiped of her feet before heading inside the house then cleaned up in the bathroom before heading to bed tired but happy.
As was normal with recent times, Edward was up,cooking, he had a whole kitchen to work with now and was making food for every one to eat when they wanted, they were small pancakes he was cooking with fresh fruit on top of each stack of them carefully arranged and prepared for the mornings meal. The young man whistled as he cook, outside Marvin was training working on some excessive as Aeris sat on a chair inside with her food up resting as she ate quietly. Both knew the days would be peaceful for a change. Saline was in town talking and gathering information and looking around having been up early.
Sean was up and out doing his morning run while Bessie was busy making beds and assisting Mystique with her dressing. She was fussing about her hair and declaring that it was too unruly. She wanted to look picture perfect this morning but in the end gave up. A snood was brought out as a hair tamer but it satisfied Mystique. She walked out of her room to let Bessie do her room and walked to the kitchen.
"Good morning, Edward. The food smells great." she spoke softly.

A snood
Edward looked over and saw Mystique walk I to the room and the slipped his arm around her as he kissed her ch ek softly and then once on her lips for good measure, before stepping back from her. "Good morning Mystique, I hope you slept well," he commented with a smile as he looked at the blonde. "Now, neat hair thingy, did you make that too," he asked as he put her food on the table so she could eat it if she wanted. "I am sure you are going to be busy shopping today huh?"
Mystique was surprised with the kiss but it delighted her plus she was beginning to get very used to them. Her arm slid around Edward as she kissed him back.

"I definitely love being greeting with kisses in the morning. I wonder what it will be like when we are married. Thank you and yes I made it. Bessie tucked it in the satchel just before we left. Food smells wonderful." Mystique spoke.
"Shall we eat? I would like to spend a bit of money on a few new clothes including a bathing suit. What are your plans for today?"
"That is good to know, I figured that it was a good way to start the day," Edward commented kindly as he was glad that she liked the kiss, but also that she thought the food at least smelt good as well. He finished his own plate and sat down as he listened to her plans for the day. He blinked as he thought about his own plans, using the moment to eat a bit of his food before he said anything to Mystique about his own plans and what they might happened to be. "Well, honestly, I am totally unsure of what my plans are today. I don't have anything prearranged, and I figured a day of general rest and relaxation would be good for me and the others," he said with a nod of his head as he had nothing. "Well, have fun shopping, I am sure you can pawn off if nothing else some of the good we found for some cash."

"Yeah, I hear there is a nice fair type place over on 5th street, it is about five blocks away," Aeris commented as she remembered hearing it from Marvin who knew the port city rather well. "You might also at some point go see the docks, they are crazy, but it is also where marvin said you can get a lot of fresh fish to be cooked later and what not," she added in giving a bit more inside as she kept her foot up on the table. "I would go with you, but well, I am going to stay here today, and recover, so I can't go with you shopping, but maybe Bessie would want to go with you, I am sure she can find more stuff she can use in her dress making and her new endeavors and what not."
"She is wanting to go for a walk on the beach with a picnic basket. I can go find a few things and exchange some of the gold for cash......." Mystique took out her notebook and wrote a few notes.
"Anything in particular anyone want while I am out and about? "

Bessie came into the kitchen and looked around for a picnic basket.
"Has anyone seen a picnic basket that I can use? I want to explore the beach and see what I can find.... Perhaps even a nice looking fish if you know what I mean...."

Runi barked and pawed at Mystique.
"Yes Runi I'll find you something while I am there." Mystique spoke as she went to get some meat for him to eat.
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