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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Today's a good day; Friday before a Holiday weekend, knowing that there's another coming up the next as well, my team, the mighty 'Swans', playing off tonight for a spot in the AFL Grand Final next Saturday, and waking up to the return of one of my favourite people from Hiatus. Though, our story might possibly remain on hiatus, depending on available time, it's always nice to know that people are alive and well, xD

"Family and Community Services Day." What the hell is that? Oh, it's because we used to have a Holiday for the Melbourne Cup, a horse-race run on the first Tuesday in November, in a city seven hundred kilometres away, in another State, before a few people said, "That doesn't really make much sense," so they decided to remove it, and then threw in another random Holiday, to compensate, on another date instead! Not that I'm complaining. The Monday following is Labour Day.
Because I know everyone cares; my team won their game and is into the AFL Grand Final this weekend :)

Looks like I may soon have a share in a kennel and cattery. Long story short, my brother's wife has left him, being diagnosed with PTSD and Depression resulting from delayed impact of injuries received in a car accident they were both in around five years ago, which also meant my brother would never be able able to work again, and without the funds required to complete the building of the business they dreamt of opening together, which is around ninety-five percent complete.

Stressed about his wife's mental health, doing everything in his power to help her, and, as an extrovert being alone on an isolated property thirty miles from anywhere, he's also faced with the possibility of needing to sell the property and unfinished businesses, losing the large majority of the insurance payment used to purchase/build them initially, and with no real career options and/or ways to earn income.

So last night, I offered to try and beg, borrow or steal whatever funds I could in order to allow him to open for business, which I should be able to do. I've mentioned before we're not really close, and complete opposites in personality, but those family ties bind, and we'd all do whatever it takes for each other when it comes to the crunch.


Following in the footsteps of the Boomerang, Rotary Clothes Line, Electric Drill, Ultrasound Scanner, Dual-Flush Toilet, Black Box Flight Recorder, Military Tank, Underwater Torpedo, Wi-Fi, Spray-on Skin, Speedos, and the Goon Bag, comes the latest and greatest Aussie invention:



And, whilst possibly a touch ambitious, the guy does have a worldwide patent, which he's hoping to auction off for up to $100m!


A couple of quotes that struck a chord with me, and I found strangely inspiring, when I stumbled across them yesterday, xD


Apparently I have a dirty mind!

"HOW filthy is your mind?

Thanks to this optical illusion doing the rounds (below), there’s an easy way to tell.

The more worldly among us will see a naked couple engaged in an erotic embrace but children and other innocent-minded individuals will see dolphins — nine of them.

The incredible work, by artist Sandro del PreteWorld, is titled “Message d’Amour des Dauphins” and one of many optical illusions featured on his website Impossible World.

According to scientists, the brain is able to see two images almost simultaneously when it receives equally plausible visual information. Which image you see first depends on your experience; the brain will use a short code to convert the information into a picture that you recognise. Children are more likely to see the dolphins first because they have generally seen less naked bodies than adults.

Which did you see first?"


I mean, I've been looking at the picture for an hour, and still can't see any frigging dolphins!
I can see both the dolphins and couple and its fucking with my eyes a little.

But there's like two dolphins where the couples heads are, but the dolphin where the mans head is supposed to be is like fucked up and looks like its got two tail fin things.

The lady has a tail fin thing for a cooch and it goes down her left leg.

Forbidden Fruit said:
I told you I worry about your corrupted brain sometimes!

*still can't find the damn dolphins*

Only sometimes, Fruit? I'm a little disappointed.

lait said:
I can see both the dolphins and couple and its fucking with my eyes a little.

But there's like two dolphins where the couples heads are, but the dolphin where the mans head is supposed to be is like fucked up and looks like its got two tail fin things.

The lady has a tail fin thing for a cooch and it goes down her left leg.


Always knew you were the innocent one, Laity! (coughs; we won't mention the murders)

Like Fruit, I couldn't see them at all - that you can, may have to do with your artistic eye? -, but since I wasn't going to let it go until I could, I cheated and found this, xD

Lol, thanks, DA.

Strange thing is, I couldn't see the dolphin's at all yesterday when I was wide awake, but looking at the original image first thing this morning, pre-caffeine when my brain's still fuzzy and half-asleep, I made (some of) them out immediately.
Oohh. I thought you meant there were only *two* enormous dolphins somewhere. I wasn't trying to find a bunch of tiny dolphins lol

Oh well. I accept that my brain is a swamp >,<
Forbidden Fruit said:
Oohh. I thought you meant there were only *two* enormous dolphins somewhere. I wasn't trying to find a bunch of tiny dolphins lol

Oh well. I accept that my brain is a swamp >,<

There's meant to be nine all up, but I still only count six.

Brain a swamp, and mind in the gutter; I like it >,<
Arggh, not sure if it's the change in the seasons and the advent of daylight savings affecting my sleep, but been in a weird fucking, slightly depressed, irritable, and not-so-great mood for the last week or so. Seasonal affective disorder? Not sure if I believe in that as an 'illness', but I do enjoy the cold and dark of winter, much more than I do the sweltering heat and extended daylights hours of summer, and takes me a while to come to terms with the fact that there's nothing I can do about it, xD

Good thing is, I woke up this morning in a completely different frame of mind, with the usual happy-go-lucky sarcastic attitude returned, possibly helped along by watching a little Ricky Gervais last night? Exactly why listening to people take the piss out of religion always lifts my spirits, I've no idea, but I just know that it does. Maybe it's just being able to relate to people who find it an as equally ridiculous and illogical fucking concept, that has done nothing but hold back the advance of scientific discovery and civilisation, as I do. A sense of intellectual kinship, shared humour, and way of thinking that serves to inspire, more-so than the words or subject matter per se?



Mum's coming up tomorrow to visit my brother, before she heads off on her cruise to Fiji. He's been pretty depressed himself, due to everything that's been happening in regards to his wife, and the opening of his kennels, and being an extrovert, has craved company, which I feel a little guilty about not having being in the mood to provide him. Also, despite my mentioning on here that I'd offered to beg, borrow or steal, whatever I could to help him, we haven't actually spoken about it.

He's only heard third-hand through Mum; apparently hardly able to believe that I'd offer; as I was waiting to see if the Psychiatric counselling and change in medication for my sister-in-law made any difference to the situation. Not so far, and it's crunch-time, so I'll head over there tomorrow night as well for dinner, and start to nut out the details.
Hmm, the second, although I waver between saying I don't get along with him, and that I do. It's more that we're complete opposites, which I've mentioned before, and I can only handle him in small doses.

Anyways, had a good talk with him tonight, and looks like it's going to be a long-term issue with his wife, which he's determined to stick out. He revealed that it wasn't the car accident that brought on her current issues and diagnosis of PTSD, although it exacerbated them, but other, more traumatic events relating back to her childhood. The psychologist said it'll be a challenge, but hopefully they'll get there in the end.

In the meantime, I've at least helped ease his mind some, and agreed to find the funds to help him open the kennels. One great thing about Australia is mandatory superannuation, where from the day you start working, no matter your age or what you are earning, your employer is legally required to pay 9.5% on top of your wage into a fund that is intended for your future retirement.

However, although, it can't be taken unto retirement, which is so far away for me, it's not even on the horizon, there are ways that what I've built up so far can be used to invest in businesses, and we went through all that with the help of one of my Dad's old accountant friends, who knows all the loopholes. That he's just been released after four months in jail doesn't dent my confidence in his advice; that was for another matter entirely! Now it's just me doing it, and the kennels should be open in early December, in time for the Christmas Holidays.


And whilst I'm here, because I'm in a happy and a little soppy, melancholic mood, and lacking the energy to be bothered with the effort of going to bed, a few shout-outs.

The first for the incredible lady above, Mali. My longest-term writing partner (who plays the most awesome characters, definitely keeping mine on their toes), and friend on here; I don't know what I'd do without her. Serious when she needs to be, but also, at other times, a cheeky, witty smart-ass, always good for a laugh, who'd give Chandler Bing a run in the sarcasm stakes any day of the week, xD

The second to, well no names, but you know who you are. We may not talk often, but every time a message from you pops up in my inbox, my day is immediately brightened, and your latest was perfect timing. It's rare, both on here and in real-life to find a person who intuitively gets me. That you can fully digest what is written, not just my words and penchant for sarcasm, but the content, tone and intent behind them, as they are in my own head, is one of the reasons I adore you. It's a precious thing.

The third, to Dova, and Internet Killers recently celebrating its second anniversary. Two years, and a total of thirty-five posts? I actually view that low count not as a negative, but a positive, in that, over all that time, with the various hiatuses, absences, uncertainty as if it was to be continued, and real-life interventions, we've maintained a mutual desire (need?) to continue a story with a unique dynamic that contains both one of my favourite ever characters to portray, and, in Analise Helm, female characters to write opposite of.

The fourth, to the rest of my partners and friends, who are all unique and amazing in your own special ways, xD
Ah I see. Well I am glad that your family lot is getting closer after your dad. It's very good :) closer as in you're being there for each other more :)

And daw shux quix! Got me all blushy! :) I think you just gave me a most wonderful compliment! And here I thought you were Chandler bing! :)
Malicious Lullaby said:
Ah I see. Well I am glad that your family lot is getting closer after your dad. It's very good :) closer as in you're being there for each other more :)

And daw shux quix! Got me all blushy! :) I think you just gave me a most wonderful compliment! And here I thought you were Chandler bing! :)

Kind of, if we just don't mention it to my other brother, xD He doesn't need to know, lol.

Nope, I won't shut, and I am still Chandler Bing; just saying you could give me a run for my money :)
Malicious Lullaby said:
Lol!! That's not fair! Is he really so despicable to be kept out of the loop?

Oh really?! Well damn that's probably the finest compliment coming from you!

Not despicable, just there's a long, complicated history between the two, and it won't be deliberately hidden; just not revealed unless the subject comes up!

Yep, really! It is a fine compliment, and you should be proud of me for even knowing who Chandler Bing is! xD
I do make sense sometimes, xD

Oh, I know you do, and I plan on catching up on Friends whilst awaiting the remake of The Lion King to be released. I know I promised I'd get around to it, but figured there's no point seeing the first now because, as with every single other occasion on which it's ever been done in the entire history of film, a remake is sure to be so much better than the original!

Or at least real CGI Lions!

Is that sacrilege?
I'm pretty sure it's real!

You can't unwatch it, it's seared into your consciousness for ever and ever and ever. But don't blame me, I did warn you via PM, on here, and even put it under a spoiler tag! No-one made you click it!

I'm curious as to which artist will perform the new theme song now, since we killed Elton John off in our story :)
You know me Quix! You tell me something and if I am curious, you know I am going to see it! So you knew that regardless I was going to because I can't help it! You shouldn't have said anything! GRRRRR!!! -shakes pathetically limp and sickly fist in your face-

That can't be real! It has the voices from the cartoon and the songs with the original voices from the cartoon. Oh my goodness, it's going to be shitty shitty shitty! UGH.

Wait you killed Elton John in your story? Which story?
Oh, you mean like with those scary movie previews, and clown pictures I also placed under spoilers, and warned not to click, but you couldn't help yourself? Thought you would have learned your lesson by now, xD

It's only the initial trailer, to give an idea of what the new movie is intended to be like, so I guess they just used a lot of the old material, whilst still in the process of finalising the new.

You don't remember? In my first post, along with Justin Bieber!
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