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Abducted (Lounger x DonVoltonus)

He offered a hand to help her stay stable. "Certainly not. You are one of the more productive girls I've seen. Some simply are skilled and milking males for their seed."
"Must just be us human girls huh?" Alison rubbed her belly for a moment, glancing at his hand but catching her balance before needing it. "Ok, I think I'm alright now..." As she glanced down she could've sworn her belly had swollen a bit since she'd looked at it barely a minute ago.
He smiled, gently laying his hand on her belly. "Do you need anything to eat before you rest? Some of these creatures will give you ferocious hunger."
"No...I ate not long ago, I think right now I'd just like to get some sleep" Alison took a few deep breaths, shivering as his hand touched her belly which again grew a little as he was touching it. "A-ahh..." The gentle moan was definitely one of pleasure, the growth spurt inside of her quite pleasurable.
''Alright, I'll show you to your room.'' He calmly led her to a simple room, with a small bed, an end table, and a screen on one wall. ''Just touch the vid-panel if you need anything.''
"Alright, I will....thank you" It still felt strange to be thanking this alien, but Alison really didn't have much choice. She had to at least be nice enough to make her stay here a pleasant one, the last thing she needed was for all this to be even worse. If she was going to be a prisoner, might as well be a comfortable prisoner. The girl made her way over to the bed, slowly sitting down before laying out, asleep within moments due to the exhaustion of the day.
"Mmm..." Alison woke slowly, sitting up carefully as she felt the weight in her belly, it seemed she had grown a little more in her sleep. "Hm?" She glanced up at the glowing screen, then carefully moved out of bed, walking over to the screen and touching it.
A view of her alien handler came up. ''I will be coming to you shortly, the young should be ready.''
"Ah...right" Alison nodded, looking down at her belly, rubbing it slightly. "Well, I'm not going anywhere so....I'll be here waiting and ready when you are"
He arrived at her door with a smile. ''We're planning to extract this young, so you won't need to deal with birthing.''
"Ah, right..." Alison nodded. "When you say....extracted....this isn't gonna be painful or anything is it...?"
''It's painless, he'll be teleported out of you, and you'll be given a drug to return your belly to normal size.''
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