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Jugger x Chord

Hearing Marissa's yell, Nathan frowned. "Hmph...I guess she's back..." He murmured and continued to massage the girl's breast within his hands. "She's just pissed off...I'll leave her alone for a bit. If she really wants me, she'll come and get me..." He grinned and began to kiss up and down the girl's neck. "Whats your name, innocent?"
Marissa growled in frustration, pulling out her dagger and stabbing it deep into the wood and his shirt. "Don't yiu daremove." She ordered, stomping up the stairs and to the ccaptain's quarters. "Nathan you arse! Get out here now!" She kicked open the door, gasping at the sight before her.

The girl let out a pitiful squeak as he groped and kissed her. She weakly fought against him. "K-Kaitlynn. My name is Kaitlynn." Her eyes shot wide as the door was kicked open, blinding her as light flooded in.
"Kaitlynn...What an amazing name..." He said with a grin, and was about to slip his hand in her shirt before he saw the door in front of him get kicked open, revealing Marissa. "Ah damn...What do you want Mary?" He murmured as he removed Kaitlynn from his grasp by placing her on the desk and standing between her and Marissa. "Can't you see I'm busy? What do yeh want, bothersome girl?"
Marissa felt her eyes go wide as she beheld Nathan with another woman... no, girl. The poor thing didn't look to be over eighteen at the oldest. She looked dirty and scared also. "What the fuck are you doing?!" She yelled, slapping him hard. She had been in his bed not even five hours ago and now here he was with someone else. A mere girl nonetheless! "When you're finished with your next fuck you may be happy to know that I have caught a stowaway on the ship...captain." She spat, stomping away and back down below decks. Marissa was a strong woman, but at the moment, she felt worthless and weak. A single tear tracked down her face as she went about her duties in rhe crews quarters.
He felt the pang across his face and nearly fell back into Kaitlynn from it. "Another stowaway? Hey wait!" He called out, but she was gone. Nathan turned to look at the girl and frowned. "Is there someone else on my ship other than you? How many of you are hiding out on my god damn ship?" He took her by the ear and began to pull her along, heading down to the crew quarters to see what Marissa had found. "Marissa, where is the other stowaway? I caught myself one as well!"
one of her daggers came whizzing by his head. "Oh yes she sure looked like a stowaway when you were groping her tits Nathan." She retorted, stomping over and jerking both of her daggers from the wall, causing the other man to drop onto the planks beneath him.
The first thing the man did when he was free, was rush towards Nathan and punch him as hard as he could in his jaw with a straight uppercut. This surprised Nathan as this was not something he was expecting, and he fell back into the wall and hit his head against a nearby lantern, some of the flames getting his hair on fire. He began to freak out and rushed outside, and jumped into the sea below to put out the flames. The man, known to Kaitlynn as Darian, held his sister in his arms. "Kate! Is that true!? Did he really do that to you!?"
Marissa watched with wide eyes as the scene took place. She gaped when the man's fist connected with Nathan's jaw, sending him flying back. Hurriedly she ran to the side of the ship, looking down to see if the captain was injured. Kaitlynn looked up at Darian with big eyes. "It's true...but...I kind of liked him doing that." She whispered, blushing brightly.
"Hush! Don't you dare say that...He is a PIRATE. We won't stoop as low as that, Kate..." He looked her in the eyes and looked serious. "Do not...Go near that man...Come on, while they're distracted...Lets get off of the ship and back into town to hide for a bit!" He took her hand, and ran off of the ship, running past Marissa and onto the docks...but were stopped, as Nathan was waiting on the opposite side of the docks, a chunk of his hair gone and the area around it charred grey and black. "Now where the HELL do you think you two are going? I din't say yeh could just leave after what ya did to me hair!" He stepped closer toward the two of them...And Darian kept Kate behind him the entire time to protect her.
Marissa hurried after the two but stopped in her tracks as she beheld Nathan. A loud guffaw of laughter left her as he stood there, a bald patch on his head. "Ha! Nathan, balding a bit early aren't we?" She cracked, tears spilling from her eyes as she laughed. After catching her breath, she walked over to the two, placing a hand on their shoulders. "Come sweetlings. Let's go find you some food and a proper bath."
"Hey! Don't act like THIS isn't going to bring about punishment for them!" He said angrily as he saw her simply sweet talk to the two of them. He drew his pistol and aimed it at them, though he was moreover aiming above their heads but he didn't want them to know that. He pulled the trigger...but the only thing that came out would be a little bit of the water that got into the barrel and corrupted the gunpowder. "Fucking dammit all teh hell!" He said angrily and stormed past the three of them back to the captain's quarters. Darian was silent the entire time, having turned white due to a gun having been drawn on him.
Kate was much the same, pale and silent. Marissa patted their shoulders. "He just talks big. C'mon. lets go get a warm meal and some warm clothes." She had a pouch full.of gold coins that the old captain had kept hidden. She would use them to buy supplies and take care of their stowaways. "I doubt he will let you go after this so show do you feel about joining a pirates crew?" She asked, the question more directed to the man. "I didn't catch your names by the way."
"That depends...Is that asshole going to touch my sister again? I'll kill him if I find out he molests her again..." He was angry at the man, and upon hearing the request for their names, he sighed. "Darian...My name is Darian and this is my sister, Kaitlynn. We're orphans...Or at least we are now after a recent disaster taking out family. Huge fire caused by the Navy around these parts...Or at least thats what the word is...I don't know the details exactly but this IS a pirate town so the Navy gets slandered a lot..."
Kaitlynn came to her own defense as her brother spoke for her. "I am eighteen and I can make the decision for myself. If he wants to and I want to then it will happen and you can do nothing about it!" -She snapped at her brother. Marissa looked on with wide eyes as the girl turned and ran back in the direction of the ship. "I can't make promises for the captain. But I think sshe's right. It's her choice lad." She spoke softly looking him directly in the eyes.
"He's a low down dirty scoundrel and he wants to take her from me!" He glared. "I'm just trying to look out for her. I always have and I still am...She doesn't even know the guy! He molests her and she develops Stockholm Syndrome from it!" Darian gritted his teeth in annoyance and looked the other way. Meanwhile, Nathan was simply in his quarters...shaving his head to match the rest of his head. He may be bald now but he'd soon regrow his hair in about a month. 'Just wear a hat Nathan...Just wear your hat and bandana...'
Marissa gave him a sympathetic smile. "He won't be taking her away from you. I'll see to that myself. But maybe you just need to give her some space." She gently gripped his wrist. "C'mon, let's go get supplies and food."

Kaitlynn rushed back on board the Duchess. She was cursing as she went, not caring if she was being loud and disturbing others. "Stupid Darian always acting like I'm a baby! Well I'm not. I'm a woman!" Great! Now she was talking to herself.
Darian sighed and nodded. "Yeah...Whatever...Come on." He replied as he followed Marissa. "So whats the deal with your captain? He's a total dumbass and a molester..." He shook his head. "And why are you with him? And where the hell is the rest of his crew?"
She laughed as Darian bombarded her with questions as they walked through the town. "Nathan is....well he's Nathan. Not that great of a Captain but a good man even though he has his....quirks." She replied, picking up a loaf of fresh bread and paying the elderly woman for it. Tearing it in half, she held out one of the pieces to him.
Darian practically took the piece from her and began to wulf it down hungrily. Within seconds, it was already gone and he was holding his stomach. "Still hungry...Bread doesn't really fill me up without something to go along with it..." He murmured, looking to Marissa with wide eyes. This was a sort of perk to being him. He managed to create a look where he'd force guilt upon someone and hope they'd do as he asked. All the while, back in the ship, Nathan managed to finally cut off the rest of his hair and replaced it with a bandanna around his head.
Marissa chuckled, patting his shoulder." There will be more than just bread, I promise." She ordered several more loaves and some fresh vegetables to be sent to the ship. they wouldn't last long but would be good for the crew, plus she had plenty of money to buy such things. Pulling him into a nearby tavern, she moved to a table near the fireplace and ordered two orders of stew and some roasted beef as well. "So Darian...why did you and your sister choose the Red Duchess out of all the ships in the harbor?"

Kate heard him in his quarters and hesitantly knocked on the heavy wooden door. "Cap-Captain...are you alright?"
"We uh...Saw it before. It was docked here about a month ago and we saw so much food being loaded in onto it...We weren't able to get in, however. Too many people. When we saw it docked here again, and empty of all things...Well...We thought we had a chance to get a great meal on our hands. Turns out we were wrong..."

Nathan heard the knocking and walked over, opening the door and seeing Kate standing there. "Oh. You're back. Come to demean me about going bald?"
Marissa listened intently as the bar wench came over with their food and two mugs of ale. "Well Captain Turner was quite prosperous. Sadly, the East India Trading Company got him and the crew save for me. They looted the ship. Nathan commandered the ship before they could and here we are. Bare of supplies with only two people to sail the beaut." She murmured, taking a sip of her ale.

Kate bit her lip worriedly as he opened the door. "N-no captain. I was just making sure you weren't hurt from the fire." She noticed his now nonexistent hair and the bandana. "You weren't injured were you?"
Darian grunted. "The fool. Trying to commandeer a ship with only two people...How the hell did you all manage to make it here? That ship was bound for Portugal the last time I saw it a month ago." He began to eat his food heartily, not caring for manners or ettiquete. He was just hungry.

Nathan shook his head. "No. No injuries. Just bald now." He stepped back from her so she could walk in. "What brings you here, Kate? Come to return and let us continue where we left off before we were abruptly interrupted by my first mate?"
She chuckled. "I am very good at what I do darling. I could probably sail the ship with just me in board." She took a bite of the roasted meat, licking the grease from her fingers. "It was in Portugal when the East India Trading company seized it and the crew. Luckily, I was away from the ship when it happened." She noticed his lack of manners but found she didn't mind. She was used to being around pirates all of the time.

Kate blushed softly as the memory of his large hands on her breasts played in her head. "I-I cannot. My brother has forbidden it." She whispered, peeking up at him through her dark hair.
Darian was soon finished with the stew and began to eat his share of roasted meat. He had an obviously grand appetite. He must've been quite hungry or he hadn't eaten in a long while. "You think you're that good are ya?" He grinned. "Thats good. I wouldn't want to be part of a crew where the few people on board are incompetent." He snickered. "Though it seems thats going to be the case for me."

Walking behind her, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his body. "So what? Your brother isn't here, Katie..." He began to kiss up and down her neck tenderly, a hand returning to her breast to massage it. "What he doesn't know...won't hurt him, baby..."
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