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Other Little Things That Bother You

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People who PM me saying "I read your RP request and we have a lot in common! I would love to do a [insert fandom] RP too. But do you RP as [insert charrie here]?" or "Do you ship [insert charrie] with [insert charrie]"

My RP requests have the names of the canons I play and who I ship them with. If I don't have a canon listed it means I don't play them. Like, it seems like they just browse my requests and only read I do that fandom and ignore what I ship and who I play.
Random people PMing me or IMing me with just 'Hello', 'Hi' or some other nonsense. Really? Could you ad just a little more to that first contact? Thanks for immediately making me want to block you. Erg!
I wish people would be into their role plays like me. D:
Groups of people who walk three abreast out of mall exits, not caring about people coming the other way. I so have to restrain myself from barging right through the middle of them.
People who barge onto trains while you're trying to get off.

Also, being right near the end of a game, and not being able to finish it in the allotted time you have to play it for a day. Frustration to the max!
When the same people message me, multiple times, wanting to set up a roleplay, but aren't willing to compromise on the very thing that I told them was the reason I wasn't interested, the first time.
Okay, whenever I would join any public chat and join a group of people, my first word is 'Hi'. But instead of getting that 'hi' back they keep chatting away, like as if I don't exist. That's one thing I hate about public chats.
Mr Quixotic said:
Groups of people who walk three abreast out of mall exits, not caring about people coming the other way. I so have to restrain myself from barging right through the middle of them.
It sounds like you have an issue with young adults/teenage girls, haha. Those are the only people I know who walk out of malls like that!

I hate that I'm so tired from traveling, yet my body just doesn't want to go to bed. :(
When I give people a message I expect them to follow it, but instead they force to do something when I tell I'm struggling.
People using V for Vendetta quotes to represent what is happening in Ferguson, MO. No. Just no.
Ariamella said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Groups of people who walk three abreast out of mall exits, not caring about people coming the other way. I so have to restrain myself from barging right through the middle of them.
It sounds like you have an issue with young adults/teenage girls, haha. Those are the only people I know who walk out of malls like that!

I hate that I'm so tired from traveling, yet my body just doesn't want to go to bed. :(

Oh no, on that particular occasion it was a group of middle-aged women, XD. I just have a problem with malls in general. Patience is not one of my virtues, and I want to get in and out as quickly as possible. Anyone who hinders that is in my line of fire :).

Texting and walking. Or those who randomly come to a dead stop whilst doing so.
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