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Mx Any Voxla's Newest RP Requests (In the mood for 80/20) (Story/Smut)(Sci-fi, or fantasy preferred)

Jul 12, 2013
Hello everyone, I am a long time rper and I go by Voxla. I currently have quite a bit of time on my hands and am looking for Non-Sexual rps to fill my time with. Now, before you leave my page thinking this is not for you, I will say right away, I am fine with having sexual content in the rp, so long as it happens naturally (That includes dub-con, and non-con scenes), so please don't think these rps have to be without sex, I simply don't want the whole focus of the rp to be about sex. I was not entirely sure if this could/would belong in Non-Sexual Requests, since I do like having things happening naturally, and no 'fade to black' moments.

No Real Photos, or face claims of real people or models. I prefer art, whether it be Anime, digital art, or AI generated art.
3rd person only please (Meaning no 1st person because I can't really get into that)
Do NOT control my character unless you ask permission. (What I mean by this is don't control his emotions, or actions unless it has been discussed that such a thing will happen, it's my character, let me determine his feelings)
I do not do Slice of Life, or Cheating RPs, if you message me with that I will just ignore the PM and not even reply.
Don't ghost me. If you lose interest in the rp, just say so, but don't leave me waiting for weeks or a month waiting for an reply that will never happen.
I only do rps over PMs or Forums, NO DISCORD.

Kinks: I have an F-List for a reason and my NO's are hard NO's, meaning I will NEVER approve of them being done to my character.

Plots: Now to the fun stuff: Please keep in mind the setting and plot can be changed, these are just ideas and to get some of my ideas out there for people to see. If you want the setting change from medieval to Sci-fi, let me know and I will see what can be done.

(Inspired originally by Wheel Of Time although I don't know too much about it)
It used to be that men and women alike could wield magic, making the world a better place, helping those in need, and protecting the people from monsters and darkness. However, after a caster went rogue and freed an evil entity (we can name it/him/her later on), a curse upon certain men and women who could cast, and all those born afterwards had the chance of inheriting this curse. As they used their powers, these casters would become dangerous, turning insane, hearing voices in their head that would encourage them to do unspeakable things. For some, it was simply to gain power, or immortality, while for others it was to rule the country. Thos unaffected by this took it upon themselves to try and find a solution, which came from a group of elders who suggested that the Sane bind the Insane to themselves, and in binding them it would give the men a small measure of control over the Insane. The binding allowed the Sane to read the minds of those they bonded, letting them know if they were doing alright, or if they were getting close to the end. Of course, casters did not like this solution, since it meant their enslavement, but the Sane swore to find a way to cure them, asking that they believe in them, and give them time to find a permanent solution. This was many years ago, and the Elders are no closer to an answer than they were all that time ago. The number of casters has gone down, or they are in hiding, for fear that they might be identified as one of the Insane and bound to someone (Male or female is up to you). Rumors spread by the evil entity has made casters untrusting of the Elders and their comrades, which has lead to effectively witch hunts for Casters in order to check their for their own good. The rumors spread are the typical, that they are binding people as their slaves, sexual and not. Your character is a member of the mages and is sane (can be an elder since it is just a title), one of the few who is still looking for answers, and through all of it, to everyone's surprise, without a bound caster of their own. My character is/was in hiding at a house used for hiding new casters when the house is hit and they are captured, but to all of their surprise, they can't bind MC, so they bring him back to their base, hoping the more powerful casters can bind him "for his own safety". (We can discuss the details of this rp further and change any plot points that you may want to alter or iron some things out.)

The church (any corrupt church type in a fantasy setting) has overstepped its bounds, deeming that any religion or following not of their own following are heretics and must be converted or exterminated. However, they are not above using devious means to reach their ultimate goal. My Character is a healer for the church, an orphan who was "found" as a baby and raised to pay back what he owes them for raising him. During a battle, the enemy forces find his power to be beyond anything else they have ever seen, bringing a dead general back to life right before their eyes. Your character's group (led by your character as the leader) sees the chance to gain a very powerful tool (my character) and so instead of killing him, they take him back to their base (unconscious so he doesn't know where he is). From there the group and either convince him to join them, perform a ritual to bind him to the leader, or use some other means to bring him over to their side, the end result being to bring down the church, or at least reform it if possible.

Your character is a loner, you don't belong to a pack and being a loner is dangerous, and frowned upon. It is rare for a pack to take in loners, or strays, however, there happens to be a "pack" that the leader invites you to join. Your character soon discovers that the pack is not a traditional pack, but a rogue pack run by some devious individuals who operate on the sketchy side of things, abducing females and males from other small packs, and forcing them to be the "mates" of other members. The Alpha, does not have a mate, instead, he has what he refers to as his lovers, otherwise seen as a harem with people that only he is allowed to "play with". The alpha uses these "lovers" to lure in new members with promises of conquest, glory, and mates of their own, either luring them into joining the pack and allowing themselves to be under the alpha's control, or liking the way he runs things and this often resorts in new members seeking to join and rise in the ranks for the benefits of being higher ranked. Your character is introduced to mine in one way or another (whether he is given the task to lure your's into joining, or warns against staying for their own safety) and are not only fond of one another, but they are a fated pair, otherwise known as mates destined to be together. (From there, Your Character can try and escape with mine, or even take over the pack and reform it into an honorable pack with time and work.)

Your character is next in line for Alpha or Alpha King/Queen but until the position opens up, you are tasked with bringing down a rogue pack (similar description to the plot above). You had received intel that the rogue pack as attacked smaller packs and abducted women and men, integrating them into their "pack". It is your job to infiltrate the "pack" and either bring it down, or take out the alpha and take it over to gain control of the rogues under the Alpha Rogue. As seen in the previous plot, my character is already a part of the rogue pack, whether because he is one of the Alpha's pieces of property or property of the pack.

The island that MC lives on is a small island with what looks like a volcano in the center of the island, however, in truth, it is a large, miles long, deep hole that contains other biomes and worlds. My character is a healer for a group of explorers fresh out of the academy and now going on their first exploration of the very deep hole, otherwise referred to as a world dungeon. While traveling down with his friends, the group is met with one disaster after another, the last one being the accidental capture of the group for the purpose of ransoming the wealthy individuals to their families, however, the ones who are not ransomed back are kept in the bandit hideout until they take then through a series of hide outs until eventually arriving at the capital of the Bandits, which turns out to be a city even deeper down in the dungeon. From there, the Bandit's leader gets first dibs, whether it be for himself, or to gift a loyal subject with one of the newly acquired slaves. (The story will depend on who your character is and I have provided some examples below of possible plots or alternate beginnings to the previous one.)
Possible Intro option B: The party my character is with are not captured by the bandits at first, but cannibals, and as luck would have it, your character manages to save him (either through purchasing from the cannibals, or even slaughtering the cannibals in time to save him and takes him back with them as a slave all the same, albeit no longer on the menu.)
  • Your character is the bandit leader, and for whatever reason they have not had a wife in a very long time, so they choose my character on a whim (or for some other reason). (This can be right off the bat, or to add a little fear to my character, you let him go to auction, but buys him anyways, not that he would know if he were blindfolded nearly the whole time.
  • My character is given to yours as a gift from the bandit leader as a reward. (2nd in command or someone of note that earned a reward for services.)
  • You are a personal guard for the bandit leader's harem, and when it is discovered MC is special, you are tasked with keeping an eye on him specifically, keeping him safe and secluded from everyone else, the question is, will he fall for him himself and take him as his own. (Can go adventuring together)
  • Let me know if you have any other ideas for possible intros or twists to the plot you may want.

My character is a medicine man (witch) who lives outside a small village. He is not well-liked, but when the citizens need something to heal someone or to treat a disease, they always come to him to heal them. However, one evening barbarians (whatever race you want) attack the village, and by some random chance of fate or luck (unlucky for him) he is found and captured, taken back with the other villagers to the barbarian camp where the "spoils" are all split amongst the tribe.

Your character can be someone of importance (leader or the right hand) or just another warrior, maybe even the one who captured him. (We can discuss plot progression and where the story should go from there, or drama/twists/excitement to be added to keep things fun)

My character is the prince or son of the chief of his tribe, loved by the people and deemed to be the next in line for the throne. However, your mother and father, the king and queen of a neighboring kingdom, don't see eye to eye with MC's people, and eventually, during a celebration, MC's kingdom is attacked. MC escapes with the help of his servants, and his mother, father, and little brother are presumed dead, while he is listed as missing. As weeks pass, my character makes his way to YC's kingdom, intent on getting revenge for his people and family, planning on killing the king, queen, and their own heir (YC). He is taught by his own servants how to act as a servant and infiltrates the castle, getting a job in the kitchen as a cook and server. Little does he know he will be catching the attention of the heir, whom he plans to target, until the unexpected news of his family being alive surfaces. (This one has a lot of possibilities and can contain a lot of plot twists as well as political backstabbing, plotting, and intrigue.)
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Not sure how many bites I am going to get, but here's hoping maybe I can get an rp partner or two.
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