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Fx Any My Thread


Feb 22, 2019
Shhhhh..... it's a secret....
Hello Everyone!

I thought I'd set up my own thread to tell everyone a little about myself and what I'm looking for. It's my first so be patient with me.

Plot/Character: I don't have any specific scenarios I'm looking for at the moment. Right now, I'm hoping to play different plots to see what I enjoy. I know that's not very helpful, but I'd be happy to discuss any ideas you might have.

Please don't take it personally if we get into a story and I say it's not working for me. Like I said, I'm still trying to figure out what I would enjoy playing.

I'm bisexual, so I'm looking to play with both men and women, even futas if you'd like. I can play a futa myself, but I'm not comfortable enough to play a male.

At this time, I'm not looking to play multiple characters. That may change as I get some more experience, but right now I'd like to focus on just playing one character.

Availability: I work during the day so I'll mostly reply on the weekends or at night. I'm on US Eastern time. I will try to reply at least once a day. If I'm not going to be available for an extended period of time, I will do my best to let you know.

Grammar: I'm by no means a grammar nazi as I make my fair share of mistakes, but I would ask you to please try to at least make an effort. I can't reply if I don't know what you're trying to say.

Post length: Generally, I post 2-3 paragraphs each time. Sometimes more or less depending on where we are in the story. I'll always do my best to help advance the story.

Kinks: I'll do one of those kink lists as soon as I figure out how, but I'm pretty open to most things. I'm not a big fan of excessive gore. If there is something you want to include just let me know, I'll most likely say yes.

Finally did an Flist, it's still pretty bare but it's a start.
F-list - Warning

One thing I do ask is that we don't play a story that just focuses on one kink, that tends to get boring.

Play Style:
I tend to play in 3rd person. I can try 1st if that's what you prefer, but it's not my best.

I'm all for including smut (why else would I be here), I'm even fine with something that's smut heavy, but I do need some sort of plot or story to move things along and keep it interesting.

Hmmmm... I think that's it for right now. I'll try to update this as I start learning a little more about what I enjoy.

If you have any comments, suggestions or just want to say Hi, I'd love to hear from you.
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