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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"He will never hurt you again lets get you into bed. " Docis stood slowly lifting Nia to her feet laying her down in the bed helping her lay down on the bed covering her up.
"Tomorrow we will give you a thorough bath that is all i can offer you my love. " He pouted softly holding her close as he slipped into bed with her.
Nia pressed herself against him burring her face against his chest almost hidding herself in him. "you shouldn't want me, you shouldn't want me" Was all she kept repeating as she cried.
"Cause you make me so very happy. Even if you do turn me into a damned teen-aged fool. " He smiled holding her close his hands rubbing her back softly.
"no i can't still make you happy not after what i drove you to do. Please i will ask just one more favor of you please just stay with me until i fall a sleep, then you can be free of me' She continued to cry getting his shirt wet with her tears.
"I promise you i will be here when i you wake up. And i promise you i will be here every morning for you. " He spoke softly into her ear holding her close.
"no you shouldn't be here. Please be gone when i awake please. You will have a happier life away from me." Nia yawn as her eyes began to grow heavier.
"You don't get to make the choice of where i will be happiest I say it will be with you. " He spoke softly holding her close kissing her softly on top of the head.
"then i will leave you, cause i know i am nothing but trouble for you" Nia said softly her tears had slowed as she had grown more tired.
"If you leave i will throw myself off the roof of the theater! I would rather die then lose." He spoke softly hoping she still loved him enough not to leave.
Nia looked up at him "no don't, don't ever do that. I love you to much don't you see thats why i need to distant myself from you, I fear i might destroy who you are. i mean i have already changed you into a horny teenager."
"I do not want you to go away. You are not changing anything that i care about changing. " He spoke softly smiling looking around pressing his lips into her forehead. "Please never leave me. "
"It is better this way now i know how my temper works and i can work to control it . " He spoke softly holding her tight. "Sleep well and be here when i wake please. "
Docis fell asleep not long after her his arms wrapped tightly around her as he slept he was determined even in sleep to make her feel safe and loved.
Nia slept for a time but then sleep grew restless as the images and the feelings from today replayed in her mind. In her sleep Nia smashed her face against his chest as if trying to hid. She whimpered and cried in her sleep against his chest.
When she drove her face into his chest he woke up holding her tighter. He wanted to make it all better he wished he could make it all go away. He rubbed her back lightly whispering softly into her ear just wanting her to be happy wanting her to be okay. "Shhh hunny your going to be just fine your safe and your going to be okay. Relax love you are in the arms of someone who loves you more then anything. " He spoke in hushed whispers just wanting to hold her close for ever.
Nia came awake lifting her voice away from his chest. Her heart was racing as she looked up at him. "Docis" She sobbed his name as her arms wrapped around him. "even thought i know it would be better for you left me never to return, i can't have you leave me ever. I love you to much and in your arms is the only place i will ever feel safe again."
"Marry me! Make me the happiest man in the world! I had planned to go buy a ring today and ask you on Friday. Please marry me!" He said enfaticly holding her close kissing her forehead.
Nia could only look at him with a shocked look on her face. Her forehead wrinkled a little "what? Docis if this is because of what happen you need to do this keep my safe or with you don't. I promise i will not leave you i love you to much."
Docis put both hands on her cheeks holding her so he could stare deep into her eyes. "Come with me to the jeweler. He will tell you i was going to come today to look for rings. Nia I wont ask you again. Be my wife. This has nothing to do with yesterday. "
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