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Fx M or F A Valkyries Mind ~Several Plots


Jan 2, 2019
Hello! And welcome to my thread request. I have been mulling over what I should put in here and I’m going to start off with a bit about myself.

What can you expect from a partner like me? Also what do I wish from you?

I try to find myself active daily if not every other day, my posts follow the same activity. If I’m ever away for periods I always try to do the decent thing and let my partner know. Personally I like my partner to have roughly the same activity and curtesy but I know it can’t always be like that. Another rather big must for me is detailed plots and posts. I like lengthy reads because i tend to give back lengthy posts myself. Ranging from about 3/6 paragraphs. I really dislike one or two liners OR half thrown together characters to me it shows lack of enthusiasm or effort.

I really do try to and like to give fresh characters to each story. To me that character was intended for that story and so I never bring over already used characters. Granted I may change them up a bit or use the same character actress but I always try to separate them per role play. I prefer me and said partner to have a healthy OOC chat, or encouraged at least. After all, investing in a role together is taxing and once in awhile it’s refreshing to ask how each other are doing etc. Instead of always talking about the plots or characters. Lastly I’m not a grammar nazi, I’m not perfect myself but I do try to proof read my posts before I send them.

Settings I enjoy playing in.

•Crime/Slice of Life
•Apocalyptic World
•Alien Invasion
•Loosely Historical

A recent venture of mine is world creating, whilst I do enjoy doing it, it can take awhile to perfect. That having said I’m willing to start world building with any of the settings I’ve just listed off or perhaps even a mix of the two with a dedicated partner.

Smut or no Smut?

I like smut just as much as the next person. All my settings I listed can include a healthy amount of such. If I’m even feeling in the mood I do dabble in sub (mc) x dom (yc) sole Roleplaying, I’m just.. a bit picky in that area. I don’t have many definite no’s and limits when it comes to writing smut, however if you make it past reading this I’ll happily list them off for you in PM.

Possible Pairings.

To get the idea juices flowing I will list a few pairings that our characters could be. This isn’t set in stone I’m just throwing out a few favourites of mine. Unless said otherwise with (yc) or (mc) assume either role could be yours. Also note the pairings could go with any setting and not just what they are listed as. To be updated.

•Hunter x Maiden
•Royal Noble x Royal Noble
•Submissive (mc) x Dominant (yc)
•Wife (mc) x Husband (yc)
•Maiden x Maiden
•Investigator x Accused
•Investigator x Next Victim
•Sister 1 x Sister 2
•Mythical Creature x Human
•Mythical Creature x Mythical Creature
•Estranged Married Partners


I think that’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. Please feel free to shoot me a pm if this sparks anything you may be interested in! Please try to make your PM a bit fleshed out rather than just hearing you like an idea or want to start an RP. I want to feel intrigued.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk!

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