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The Three Kingdoms

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Night Walker

May 5, 2009

1) If you want to join, we would love to have you, but please get the character sheet from the Interest forum and send your completed version of it to Night Walker for review first. This helps to ensure no insanely overpowered characters come crashing the party

2) All forms of adult behaviour are allowed in this world, but remember that this is a place where all people are welcome to come and play. For that reason, players are asked to roleplay full on sex scenes in their own thread and just link it back to the main story (this forum). That way people can read over the details as they wish, or can ignore the hot and heavy parts altogether if it isn’t what they are into

3) No taking control of other's characters unless you OK it with them first. I do not approve of godmodding or player squabbles. Additionally, in the case of any conflicts, I will listen to both sides and try to work out a resolution. I want to avoid player bickering over events in this game as much as possible. Remember, we're all here to have fun.

4) Players may have up to 3 characters.

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The early morning sun still hung low in the sky, casting a pale orange light over the land. The Great Green was just waking. Birds sang in the towering trees while shadowy figures darted through the underbrush.

The world of Humans though had been awake for hours. The chimes from Vaskaan City’s Temple of All Gods called the citizens to morning prayers; the students in Etana’s magic schools were summoned to their first classes of the day; and Ferazi’s extensive marketplaces and rows of merchant shops were already bustling with activity. Hunters, awake since dawn, crept through the forests. Slavers in Greystrand, Volarra, and Blackstone set out to their daily quest for Elves and Dwarves. The guards along the north and south borders of the Dead Plains passed their posts off to the next shift.

In Seranto, the slave market was starting as a few slave traders finished setting up their shops. Wood Elves, Water Elves, a few Light Elves, and even the odd Dwarf, appeared among the numerous humans up for sale, some dressed, some not. They were displayed in various manners around the massive grey cobblestone square where small trader stalls lined the sienna walls. The round court was easily 500 feet across with a tall wooden dais in the center where a quartet of Elf musicians in short tunics played. Rickety kiosks dotted the square between the slaver stalls and the band, selling all kinds of slave accessories from clothing and collars to whips and restraints. Armed guards in a variety of identifying colours patrolled the market near the stalls of their respective employers. The largest force by far was that of the Slave Magnate himself. His soldiers were tall and muscular, covered in chainmail with solid steel gauntlets, greaves, sabatons, and armets. Their outfits were covered with a tabard displaying the black X on a red field which was the banner of the Slave Magnate. Complete with heavy crossbows and long bardiches, the official Slave market guards were an imposing sight to any would-be trouble makers.

On the eastern edge of the market, untouched by the low sun, a short broad man reviewed his recently purchased market licence in front of a cage holding a stunningly beautiful human woman dressed in a tiny grey thong and tattered grey bandeau which did little to hide her large breasts. A seamless silvery metal collar etched with strange characters clung tight to her neck. A taller man, dressed in the garb of a Vaskaan guard, stood next to the cage with a spear. The guard keep eyeing the imprisoned woman with a hungry look in his eyes. The smaller man had already admonished the guard twice that morning, demanding he pay attention and keep his hands off her.

It was the first time to the Seranto slave market for either of them, and as excited as the guard may be, the shorter man was anxious. As beautiful as the woman was, he had been unable to break her fierce spirit. He tried his best to hide his concern. He knew it could be hard to sell her for a decent amount if buyers knew how eager he was to be rid of her.
Lynise held her hand up to her forehead to keep the morning sun out of her eyes. She didn't venture west too often and the woodlands just a few miles east of Kassan seemed fresh and new to her all over again. She stuck her "living branch" in the ground to help her up a hill, like other Dryads she could swiftly and deftly make her way through the woods but she liked to take slow walks occasionally. Through the trees she could see flits of movement from other Dryads, when it was just Nymphs around they had little reason to conceal themselves amongst one another. She carefully handled the little sapling she kept in a canvas bag full of dirt, it was inconvenient but without it she'd be tethered to her grove and that just won't do. She ventures closer to the human roads but still remains relatively out of the way, the sounds from Kassan managed to carry their way over and she knew she didn't want to get much closer.
Masako was asleep, having slept the entire trip there except to punch the smaller man when he forced her to change. The guy probably still had it, she didnâ??t know either way due to her comatose state. She shifted around and curled up into a ball, trying to relax on the dirt under her and grimaced in her sleep at how uncomfortable it was. The busty blonde hadnâ??t done anything to really earn a padding or pillow for herself and constantly tugged at her collar and seemed overall displeased. It wouldnâ??t be too much longer before sheâ??d start to stir and slowly sat up, yawning, stretching her arms over her head, which made her boobs bounce some. â??Stop staring at me you Neanderthal.â? Masako snarled abrasively at the guard.

As divinely beautiful as she was, regardless of how sultry she sounded when she wasnâ??t shouting at people: the ex-knight was a huge bitch. She looked around some, noticing that at least she was in the shade for the most part and actually looked thankful. â??Now why donâ??t you just let me out of here, youâ??re not going to make a big profit off selling me.â? She said and grumbled a bit. â??I still maintain I wasnâ??t in Vaskaan for any covert reasons.â?
In the more upscale portions of Kaasan a small shop stood blending well with the other buildings around it, at least on the outside. Its windows were shaded blocked by blinds, and the only sign of just what the building was for was a weather beaten sign that merely read, 'Apothecary, Potions, Philters and Ingredients' on the thick oaken door. Within the front of the shop was filled with all manner of things various nick knacks and bits of animals and strange creatures arranged in display cases and upon shelves. The back third of the room, was cut off by a large wooden counter with a well shined finish on its surface. Behind it stood a metal display case lined with vials full of liquids of many colors and consistencies.

The final detail of note though was a trapdoor inset into the floor behind the shops counter, which lead down away from the facade given to customers. The air below was humid and thick with various smells carried upon it. The faint sounds of bubbling and boiling liquids could be heard as well as the one followed the sturdy wooden ladder lower into the lab portion. The ladder would lead one too a hallway of stone one side lay a small chamber furnished only with a simple cot and a small chest filled with spare clothing, on the opposite however lay a sprawling lab with multiple cauldrons burning, lurid firelight casting things into sharp relief.

The only living being in the room was hunched over a merrily bubbling cauldron of some odd greenish silver liquid hurriedly scribbling notes into a sheaf of parchment and muttering to himself, not that anyone not well versed in potion making and alchemy would have any idea what his odd ramblings meant. Suddenly though he sat up with a start, and glanced down at his wrist, upon it a single rune was fading away.

"Damnation, I spent all night on my Essence of the Brute," he grumbles casting a faintly annoyed look to the boiling cauldron. Sighing he stands brushing the bits of the various ingredients from his robes. Idly he formed a brief mystic pass and the fires in the room simmered lower until they were little more than glowing coals. "Time to open the shop I suppose." The young mage mutters to himself casting a longing glance to his bed as he passes the room and moves upstairs.

He lights a few of the candelabra placed to cast relief on the dim shops contents and showcase its good with minor bits of magic, and unlocked the front door opening it only to hang the small open sign underneath the Title sign. That done he returned to his counter, stretching his limbs to work out the kinks of a night spent in the lab, and stepped behind the counter to await any customers the day might bring.
The city of Kassan was awake and active as the sun rose over Dankwood. Magic crackled the air around the magic guild and palace, the high walls around both nearly touched the tree line. A young man with shaggy brown hair and a bow in hand walked through their shadows and into the woods. The early morning air was cold and heavy. His soft leather tunic and boots made barely a sound on the dew-laden forest floor. Overhead, the canopy of trees let in few rays of sunlight. The black walls he formerly walked alongside of quickly faded away behind him. He could still hear the noise of the bustling city, but his interest was on the forest. Birds sang somewhere overhead as his eyes darted around, catching faint glimpses of creatures moving just out of sight.

He took an arrow from his quiver and held it ready in his hand. The hunter had a deep respect for the forest. He knew well the possible dangers that lurked in the shadows of The Great Green. Dankwood’s proximity to The Mire made it potentially even more dangerous. He knew that the deeper he travelled, the more he would have to watch his footing, else find himself sucked into a peat bog or fall into a sinkhole.
Lynise stopped for a moment, hearing something off in the distance. Her suspicions were confirmed when she noticed that fellow Dryads were becoming sparser and sparser, something must have spooked her kin off. She kept trekking forward, but made a concious effort to make less noise. The walls of a city appeared closer, she could actually seem them a few hundred feet away, and while she knew other Dryads lived here she pitied them for they probably spent all their time away from their own home or hidden inside it for fear of the humans. She entertained the notion of playing the hero and scaring whatever it was off, but she knew it would be difficult the distance she was from her home left her relatively weakened and hiding would take all of her effort. She could see the hunter, stalking through the trees, she herself made her way up a nearby oak to get a better glance.
The slave market slowly grew brighter as the sun rose. The short man rubbed his cheek. His jaw was still sore from where the woman had hit him earlier. “You should know that the reason you were in Vaskaan doesn’t matter. The terms of the treaty say that no Vaskaan citizen is allowed in Etana, and you people aren’t allowed in Vaskaan neither. If you wanted to have a friendly chat you should have met whoever you was coming to see out here in Ferazi.” He stuffed the paper into one of his many belt pouches and turned to look at her. “And we’ll get a fine enough price for you so long as you behave yourself.” The taller man poked her with the butt of the spear. “Yeah, so you behave yourself girl, else you’ll regret it.”


The hunter had seen Nymphs before from a distance, and knew what it was watching him. Occasionally, plants around him would shift as he stalked the forest floor. The young man had a good sense of direction though and knew how to get home. Wise people seldom travelled off the roads that cut through The Great Green. Hunters and Slavers had to possess a keen sense of their surroundings at all times in order not to become so turned around by the Nymphs’ tricks that they became lost forever.

He noticed the small creature moving up the tree. Can’t be a Dryad; it would have disappeared by now. He approached the tree slowly and raised his bow. “I see you up there! Come down, and don’t even think about trying any tricks. I’m a good enough shot to protect myself from things much larger than you." He was lying. In truth, he couldn’t see anything clearly among the giant twisting branches, but he hoped whatever it was in the tree couldn’t tell that.
Masako "tch'ed" and stared aggressively at the short man and crossed her arms and stood up slowly, rising to almost 6'1" and looked down on him and sneered some. The reason was important to her, she was just there to spend some time with a friend she'd met after the last major war. And Ferazi was far too out of the way for both of them. "Frankly I don't give a damn what price you get." Masako said, looking around the market itself and pinched her nose at just how it smelled, thank god it was open air at least. Poking her with the spear was a mistake, you just a put a weapon within her experienced reach and in an instand, she grabbed it and jerked the spear suddenly, aiming to pull it out of the guard's grasp. "Yeah what're you going to do if I don't? If you come in here I'm going to kill you and enjoy doing it." she said. "I"m tired of fighting and killing but I will in self-defense. Again: tell me, what would you want to see me doing on a good day to get sold off quickly?" she asked.
The spear was too long to fit nicely in the cage, and the bars certainly didn’t give Masako room to manoeuvre the thing, but she had managed to pull it away from the surprised guard. The shorter man cursed and drew a long sword that hung from a simple frog by his hip as the taller man jumped back. “You idiot! You should have known she would try something like that.” He looked to Masako. “Do you want to get us all into trouble? If you start a fight here, those market guards will be on us in no time. I don’t know what they tell you ‘bout the Ferazi guards back in Etana, but I’ve heard enough to know not to start trouble in the middle of Seranto!” He gave an exasperated sigh. “Look, if you don’t want to act all seductive that’s fine. But will you at least drop the spear and be quiet while we try and find a buyer? Money aside, the sooner I’m rid of you the sooner you get out of there. After that, I don’t give a horse’s behind what you do just as long as you don’t come following us back to Vaskaan. Alright?”
Masako held the spear, still pointed at the guard; having not liked how he was staring at her. The little guy, she could understand was just doing what he had to survive in the world. He wasn't the one that put her in here originally so she bore him no real malice; just a bit of dislike for his attempts to break her. "You're right. I haven't heard alot of them but judging by how you're reacting it's a better idea." he said and pulled the spear back some and braced the wooden shaft against the bars and broke it. She'd now have a mid-range spear and was keeping the business end of it with her. "Fine. I'll cooperate since it's mutually beneficial to bothof us, But I'm keeping this in here with me to ensure I have some kind of security." she said and sat back down drawing in the dirt with the point of it.

But after a while, she'd get bored of that and desperately wanted to stretch out and walk around some, she couldn't fully stand up in the cage; as she just learned. Masako would start sing softly as she waited, an surprisingly beautiful sound that seemed to have a calming influence on her. It'd probably get her alot of attention as well as she continued to sing.
Lynise stopped moving, she knew from what other Dryads told her that humans can not see well in the forest, a few eve went so far to say there vision was based on movement, but this was a lie told either in jest or by the naive. However she did stop and tried to stay perfectly still, she was still watching down on the human and could see that while it's eyes were upon her, the human wasn't quite looking "at" her. ((ugh short post.))
The door to the apothecary shop opened with a strong blast of wind that extinguished all flames in the room. Outside for some reason appeared dark as night as a shadowy figure entered. It was bent and covered in a black robe that swirled with shimmering runes that faded in and out of view as it walked. A cold chill clung to Nall, and grew stronger as the being drew closer. When it neared the counter, it raised one arm and pointed to the man. A hand appeared from the depths of the robe, bony and gnarled by more than just age. Then it spoke, its voice ancient and powerful. The apothecary could feel the echoing voice in head as much as he could hear it. Whatever was concealed in the robes, it was most likely Human once, but no longer. “Nall Levitas, apothecary and disciple of Magewood. I have work for you.” It turned its hand palm up and, as it did, a large bag appeared. “You will be well compensated for your services.” The creature dropped the bag on the counter and lowered its hand again. The sack landed with the clatter of coins. Over a dozen gold pieces, far less than the bag clearly held, spilled out from the impact.


Masako’s two captors shrugged and turned from the cage back to the gathering crowd in the square. The shorter one commented, his back still to her “Don’t go using that spear ‘til you are well away from the guards if you put any value on your life.” After that, he was quiet as he eyed people who passed by. Her partial cooperation was good enough for them.

It wasn’t long before her singing started to attract attention, a lot of attention. After a few minutes a sizeable crowd had gathered by the make-shift stall. People started outbidding each other over the beautiful woman. Market guards stepped in the keep a few fights from breaking up. Before long, the short man and his taller associate had a bag of money in hand and were on their way out of Seranto.

A broad shouldered man with a thick studded leather brigandine, black knee-high boots, and a long sword on each hip was left with the ownership papers. He stood before the opened cage with a long leather cord in his hands. He strode confidently towards Masako. “You belong to me now girl. Don’t think of trying anything funny.” His confidence was perhaps well earned as he seemed the type who had seen his way through a number of battles.


The young man put away his bow and arrow and drew a dagger from his boot. He slowly started to climb the tree, eyes still alert as he searched the branches. After a few feet, he noticed the flowers of the staff, an oddity among the mighty oak’s branches. “Since you aren’t coming down, I’m coming up. I don’t know if you understand me or not, but if you do, I want you to know I don’t mean to hurt you.” He cautiously worked his way up the mammoth trunk. The Oak had clearly been growing there for many generations.
Nall tapped his fingers idly on the counter as he awaited his first customers looking over a scroll that contained a list of his inventory as he did, making sure it was still up to date. So when the door jerked open slamming against the wall behind it he looked up jerkily in time to see the lights in his shop extinguished by a blast of wind. His eyes narrowed, the words of a defensive spell coming to mind as the shadowed figure stalked in. He could feel the raw power of the person and certainly didn't wish to provoke them. At the sight of the gnarled hand, inhumanly gaunt and pale he very nearly cast the shielding spell he had in mind. However one echoing proclamation later he found himself more interested in the large sack of gold spilled over hiss counter. Mysterious figure aside, that was enough to buy several key pieces of equipment for his lab.

Looking back up into the shadowed recesses of the figures hood he responded in a careful tone "Well, if your willing to pay me that much, it must be important." Carefully pushing the coins back into the pouch, he added, "Just tell me what you task you need completed., my... venerable customer and it shall be done." He smiled glancing back down at the gold, awaiting the answer to his query.
“In The Great Green there lives a boy, a human named Raizen. Find him and bring him to me at Magewood.” The creature paused a moment as if considering something. “Avoid Kassan, and tell no one of your mission or our meeting. The boy must come to me alive.” Without another word the creature turned to the door. Shadows appeared to dance around the room and follow the figure out. The door to the shop slammed shut behind the mysterious being and, immediately after, the candles which had illuminated the room flickered back to life.
Masako had hidden the broken off spearhead behind her so nobody could see it when the crowd began to gather. She was sure that nobody could see it and blatantly ignored all the bits and stuff like she was off in her own little world. When the big guy showed up looking like every other Vaskaan Masako had killed during the war; she perked a brow at him. Her eyes narrowing dangerously, almost into slits as she looked at the cord. â??You put that cord on me and Iâ??m going to break every one of your fingers and probably your arm.â? She hissed at him. â??You donâ??t own me either, nobody does.â? Masako said.

But the shorter man was right, she couldnâ??t put the spear in the guyâ??s throat until they were out of Seranto. â??Iâ??m not going to act like your fucktoy, your servant or your damn wench.â? She said. â??If youâ??d be so kind as to take me back to Etana and let me go Iâ??ll reward you thrice what you paid.â? Masako said in the tone of an arrogant noblewoman, making it absolutely clear she had no intention to cooperate unless he proved he didnâ??t have lewd things in mind.
The man was a giant among men, standing a good six inches or more above Masako’s head. He laughed at her response. “Etana nobility huh? Wonder why those Vaskaan guys were selling you off.” He put his hands on his hips, subtly unlocking the swords from their sheaths. “Alright girl, I’m willing to listen to what you got to say, but you got to compromise too.” He held out the cord. “Neither one of us wants to start trouble right now do we? I can see from the look of your body that you likely know how to throw a punch. You let me tie your hands for some security and we can discuss you possibly getting back home.” The look in his cool grey eyes was neutral, and the stern set of his stubble-covered jaw indicated that his words weren’t playful or deceitful in any way, they were serious. In fact, everything about the man seemed serious. He had an air about him like one would expect from a door guard at a tavern in the bad part of a big city: intimidating, powerful, and ready for anyone to step out of line at a moment’s notice.
She wasnâ??t intimidated in the least bit by his height not the swords, her eyes already seeing targeting reticules on his body, the underarms, the groin, the knees and so on. Standing up the guy was certainly huge but it was all overcompensation, a guy with that much testosterone was probably shrunken below the belt. She hid the spear head behind her as she shrugged. â??What is it with you people and those leashes. Weâ??re not dogs you know. Iâ??ll behave well enough, do I honestly look stupid enough to cause problems here in Seranto surrounded by men that could whup your ass?â? she made her point; one would have to be a retard to cause trouble.

But sheâ??d argue it for a few moments before ending up with her hands bound by the wrists behind her back. And was out of the cage soon enough but the position made her breasts bounce and stand out even more. She blushed some, looking at how everyone was just staring at her and began to mutter under her breath. â??Ok then letâ??s get going.â? She said boredly. â??And Iâ??ll tell you how I ended up like this, itâ??s pretty stupid really.â?

Once they got going, sheâ??d explain just what happened with her visiting a friend she met in battle in Vaskaan and was arrested at the gate. Sheâ??d had no weapons on her, nothing to say she was a spy on any form of a mission. The way she looked, kind of sad and a bit disgusted by the relations between the countries being so bad a friend couldnâ??t go see another. â??It was her birthday so I was bringing her a gift. Is that really so wrong?â? she asked.
Nall watched the man, or was it thing, leave in silence as he finished gathering the coins back into the pouch. "A boy named Raizen eh... somewhere in the Great Green, just bloody wonderful I have to hunt for the needle in the haystack." he shook his head in irritation as he swept the pouch into one of the pockets of his robe. Moving out from behind his counter he crossed the floor of the showroom and pulled the open sign off of the door. Still muttering to himself he set off downstairs to collect his travel gear, and a few other things that would likely be indispensable.

When he emerged little had changed of his outward appearance, but that he wore a pair of travel stained boots rather than sandals, and a cloak was slung over his shoulder, opposite the staff he now held. He whistled quietly to himself as he locked up and set off, idly counting the potions in the magically lightened satchel he carried with him. Several potions for healing, a few for stimulus if sleeping would be... inconvenient, as well as one rather more expensive piece that would temporarily heighten his combat prowess. he used mostly backstreets and alleys to reach the edge of the city, giving only a passing nod to the guards as he exited the gate.

His leaving wasn't unprecedented of course, he often went out to gather matierials, however looking for an individual boy, whom he did not even know the appearance of... "How troublesome..." the young mage muttered to himself adjusting the satchel over his shoulder and walking down the dusty road that lead in the general direction of the Green.
Masako’s captor led her down the twisting streets of Seranto, still holding the leash tied around her wrists. The large round stones that paved the road had long been smoothed flat from use, and were not terribly rough on her bare feet. The man browsed the windows of the busy shops as he listened to her story. “No nothing wrong with it I suppose. But you should have known better. From what I seen, Etanans are bigger slavers than Vaskaanians by far. Not that I care much about where a person comes from.” He stopped short in front of a narrow building nestled between a run-down wool stapler and a large plumassier. “This will do.” He walked inside; Masako had no real choice but to follow along.

The walls were lined with shoes and boots of various styles. Most were made from leather or suede, but there were some soft woollen ones as well. The large man chose a pair of dark brown, soft leather boots and walked out. A few doors down they entered a small clothier and he picked up a sleeveless light-grey tunic. Once they were on the street again, he stopped and turned to look at Masako. “I don’t mind people starring at you, but those rags you got on won’t do much good if you plan to walk all the way back to Etana.” He held out the new clothes in his spare hand, the other still holding the leash. “Now I’m going to untie you so that you can put these on, but if you try to run you’ll regret it.”

He set the clothes on the ground. The low-heeled boots would easy go half way up Masako’s thighs, and the tunic wouldn’t go much past the top of them. It would have hung lower, but given her proportions, the light material wouldn’t quite hang the way it was intended to. The man moved behind her and started to unknot the cord.
Masako just kept going with a sigh, the stones werenâ??t hard on her feet but it was uncomfortable to feel her barefoot slap against the flat rocks. Sometimes sheâ??d step on a bump which made her wince some as they continued along. The guy didnâ??t seem like he was that bad, maybe sheâ??d give him a chance and hear him out some, heâ??d done the same for her afterall; fair was fair. But he had a point, going in the barest essentials would be very hard on the walk back to Etana; sheâ??d rather go alone but that wouldnâ??t be too safe either as anyone could see the silver collar and try to claim her as a slave again. â??Alright donâ??t worry about it.â? she said, when he went to untie the cord heâ??d see the long leaf shapes spearhead she was keeping in the band of the raggedy thong.

Surprised he didnâ??t take it, she heard it clatter to the floor when she stepped away and behind a barrel to change. Sheâ??d blink at the sizes. â??At least you managed to guess my sizes right enough, most people canâ??t.â? Masako said as she continued to dress and put the spear-turned-knife into the belt provided. (usually tunics were secured with one around the waist.)

â??And youâ??re right itâ??d be a bad idea to walk barefoot all the way back home.â? She said. â??Let me ask you one thingâ?¦whyâ??d you buy me from that dwarf? Was it because of my singing? Iâ??d like to know why so I know if I should go more abrasive than a sharkâ??s skin or give you a chance. So far you donâ??t seem so bad.â? She said as she hopped around, trying to get the left boot up.


As Nall headed out of the gates, he'd pass by two merchants that looked roughed up; one with a black eye and the other limping severly and two nearly empty wagons. They were complaining about being robbed ...someone in the Great Green with black hair and wild eyes. Saying something about being jumped along the Greenway between the silver road and the green river near Calenost, but not near the red river. Deep in the heart of the Forest, they were staying to the protected single-wagon wide trail through the Forest.
Kassan’s south gate was always a major center for traffic. Being the only road to Ferazi made it nearly as busy as the western gate that led to the rest of the kingdom. The guards were ever watchful for known fugitives, but as long as one didn’t have a price on their head, no one was likely to pay much mind to who you were or where you were going. The Silver Road stretched out ahead. It was broad, easily wide enough for four to six large wagons, and paved with cobblestones embedded in sand to help smooth out the surface.

The robbed merchants were attracting some attention. Very few people were brave or foolish enough to try using the old Greenway road. The path was only as wide as a small cart and barely more than an animal trail at parts. Poorer merchants sometimes tried to use it to travel from Seranto to Kassan without having to pay the Silver Road Magnate’s tariff in Volarra, but nearly all of them never arrived at their destination. The fact that these two had not only survived the journey but that they had been attacked by a human near the heart of Wood Elf territory was newsworthy indeed.


The man gave a booming laugh reminiscent of distant thunder. It matched his deep rich voice. “I think if you meet him again, you’ll find that was no dwarf, just a very short Vaskaan.” He smiled at her. “I bought you because you looked like you would make good company. You’re easy on the eyes and you sing like an angel. Not to mention I saw the way you stole that spear. I figured a slave like you would come in handy in a number of ways.” He could see she was not flattered by his comments on her appearance. “You shouldn’t get bent out of shape just ‘cause a man notices your figure. A body like that can be as much of a weapon as a sword. And speaking of swords, if you are going to poke me with that spearhead you might as well try now.” He laughed again. “You can think what you will of me; I don’t really care much for the opinions of others. I’m just another mercenary looking for work in this town, and I was in the market because some nights get awful long.” He walks closer to her and sat on the barrel, watching her work at the boots. “I’m not sure I got the size right, but I guessed close as I could from what I could see of you. The boots should do well enough to keep your legs and feet warm, and the tunic covers you a little. I know it’s a bit small for you, but it does its job.” He drew one of the swords with one hand and an old rag with the other then proceeded to polish the blade. It was a simple and sturdy weapon: all function with little mind paid to ornamentation. “So what’s your name then?”
â??Well I donâ??t mind what people say really, it just gets so OLD.â? Masako said. â??I hear it almost constantly, it was flattering at first but now itâ??s just tiresome. But it does serve to remind me that my efforts to take care of myself pay off.â? She said wistfully, missing her hot baths back at home and could really use one of those right about now. Surprised to say the least when he gave her his reasons behind what he did; it only made her laugh, a rich humor-filled one and the smile she had as she did was lovely. â??Donâ??t worry you got it close enough, they donâ??t pinch my toes at least.â? Masako said and finished getting the boot up and fitted properly.

â??Well Iâ??m still a knight so I donâ??t mind helping people out for the most part, but I donâ??t want to have to use my body to make long nights seem short.â? She said. â??I know how it must be lonely travelling all the time, but like I said: deliver me to the gates of Etana and Iâ??ll see to it you get a warm bed for the night and two fat bags of money. Howâ??s that sound?â? she smiled at him honestly.

â??As for poking you with the spear, you havenâ??t given me a reason to yet.â? She said and blinked. Iâ??m Viscountess Sumeragi of Etana, given nameâ??s Masako.â? The blonde introduced herself pleasantly.

â??Oh as for that very short Vaskaanâ?¦I agree. Itâ??s my mistake, the dwarves were better looking tooâ?¦â? she laughed.
Lynise became flustered and panicked. She knew she had only a few minutes before she was face to face with the human and no matter how bad the other Dryads said their eyes were when you're face to face there's really no concealing yourself. She grabs her sapling and slams against the tree hoping to hide inside of it, it was a risky move since when a Dryad is in a tree they can be forced out if the tree is cut down. (Speculating you can ignore this if I'm wrong.) She pushed her hand on it and it slowly sank in, the key phrase being slowly. The distance from her home grove made it difficult to work the magic to hide inside the tree, however it wasn't impossible, it felt as if her hand was slowly sinking in an earthy, pointy molasses. She was up to her wrist and she was trying to get the rest of her body to start melding too, while she glanced down the tree to see how close the human was.
”Vicountess? Awful formal for a slave aren’t you?” He laughed again and put his sword away. “Well, miss Sumeragi of Etana, I’m Caldraengnor Mikhavaseer, son of Trikavilamenn Mikhavaseer of Whitalfelser, but I’m not as formal as you Etanans, so you can just call me Cal for short.” He hopped down from the barrel. “I’ve heard stories about Etanans. Your people don’t exactly have a pristine reputation abroad, although you seem honourable enough.” He smirked. “Much as I would enjoy the use of that body, I need money, and you cost me a fair bit. Alright, I’ll take you to your home so long as I get double what you cost me as reward.” He carried a large pack over his back into which he deposited the sturdy leather cord. After securing it on his back once more, he set off towards the north end of the sprawling city. “Hope you can keep up, and that there spearhead you got is good enough of a weapon. I don’t have money to go buying you a whole fresh suit of combat gear.”


((Yes, Dryads have trouble merging with dead plants; depending how dead the plant is can affect the results – a fresh cut tree would be difficult to merge with, a rotten trunk would be impossible – but ultimately cutting down a tree generally flushes out any Dryads inside, and, of course, kills any Dryad attached to the tree as well.))

The hunter scrambled faster up the branches when he saw the nymph start to sink into the trunk. She was a little more than halfway in when he managed to grab hold of one leg. “Ah-ha! I got you now.” He held the dagger in his teeth and used both hands to tug at Lynise’s leg, grunting from the effort as he slowly dragged her back out of the tree. “You aren’t going to escape me that easily.” His voice was strained from the work of extracting the dryad, and muffled by the dagger.
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