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Fx Any Clarise's Corner (FxF, TransFxF, FutaxF... MxF, maybe?)


Nov 11, 2018
Hey all! I'll work on making this look nice and pretty and eye-catching in the future; consider it under construction for now! I'll come up with more to say about myself later but for now here's a short list:

- ME: Call me Clarise! I'm a woman in her twenties who's been writing and role-playing for at least a decade. While I haven't had a lot of practice of late I'm certainly no slouch!
- EXPECTATIONS: You can always be sure I'll do my best, treat you with respect, and do my best to communicate, and that's what I'll expect from you in return!
- GRAMMAR: I'm not a huge stickler for grammar and spelling, but I do expect adequacy. Form complete sentences, capitalize when warranted, et cetera. Creatively bend the rules when it suits the flow of your posts and I'll love you all the more.
- POST LENGTH: Likewise, I don't need you to meet a post length minimum or anything; just do your best to give me something to respond to. At times, a couple lines of dialogue are all you need; likewise, some situations warrant a lot of juicy description.
- RESPONSE TIME: Response time isn't a big deal--obviously, quick responses are adored, but by no means are they necessary. Just try to keep me astride of any huge delays and I'm sure we can hit a nice rhythm.
- CONTENT: I love smut, but not to the exclusion of all else; while you can always expect detailed sex scenes out of me and I might be open to RPs that are nearly entirely sexual in nature, it's not all I'm here for and a good story with characters I can feel for will keep me coming back to you again and again. I'm insatiable with my favorite partners.
- FANDOMS VS OC: While there are certain established works (fandoms) I wouldn't mind playing in, I tend to shy away from playing established (canon) characters. I prefer to use original characters in the same settings or use the settings themselves as inspiration for something original, if only technically so.

Some quick turn-ons and turn-offs--I don't really keep a detailed list anywhere as of yet, but if you have any questions about what I'm into I'd be more than thrilled to answer them!

- FUCK YES: Characters with chemistry; playful sex and light D/s play; light bondage; a splash of romance in long-term stories; an element of forbidden love; anything oral; a little passionate roughness; bloodplay; mild sadomasochism; girls of all kinds; hypnosis; magic and the like; sexy dialogue (as long as the dirty talk isn't cringe worthy!).
- FUCK MAYBE: Standard men; excessive roughness; anal; incest; coercion and dubcon; "full" D/s; heavier bondage; severe sadomasochism; anything unlisted that isn't vanilla.
- FUCK NO: Overly macho men; forced noncon/rape; gore and dismemberment and the like; permanent damage or death in a sexual context; vore and its ilk; anything that belongs in the bathroom.

And now, the good stuff! A few ideas to get us started; these are by no means the only things I'd be interested in, and I'd love to hear about your settings or character ideas too!

FANTASY: A world of kings, knights and wizards! Ruins of glass, of stone, of materials unidentifiable by current knowledge!
- A young lady who appears a typical mage on the surface, but with a secret that threatens, or perhaps promises, to change the very paradigm of magical thought. In fact, she is no mage at all; she lacks even the slightest speck of magical talent, and what appears to be magical in nature is the working of an ancient art, dating back to a time before a great calamity befell the world, wiping out all but the faintest traces of civilization! Who might she meet, wandering into her shop, or perhaps as she travels far and wide in search of alchemical reagents?
- A student at a prestigious magical academy; a lowborn commoner but a prodigious talent! Many would rather see her fail than succeed; her success would be a blow to the status quo, rare as it is for one of her standing to be admitted to the academy at all. Who might she meet during her education--bullies? Teachers? A true friend or a benefactor?
- An instructor at that same academy, seeking an understanding of magical energies and the way humans and their like can manipulate them. Her thirst for knowledge drives her to long nights of study; most students and even other teachers care little to truly understand the why and how of magic, seeking only to further their mastery of the arcane arts. Who might lend her help or a sympathetic ear?
- More to come, I'm sure! Feel free to tell me your ideas, as always!

MODERN FANTASY: A world much like our own, but a little bit sideways; demons and angels and magic and mythical creatures lurk just out of sight, or maybe even just in it!
- A would-be demonologist and diviner seeks to restore lost knowledge and update a dated art form for the digital era. She finds herself in a small college town, rife with strange happenings, connected to unearthly places; here she seeks to summon demons, to gain the power she feels she deserves. Unbeknownst to her, the very blood of demons runs through her veins... Who seeks to help her or to stand in her way on her quest for otherworldly power?
- Magic is real. We've known as such for decades. We've studied it, sought to understand it, sought to learn its ways and to subjugate it to our whims to improve our lives, as goes the match of human progress. Public schools teach basic magicks to students with aptitude for them, and some go on to major in the subject in college. A professor of magic--charms and enchantments, mostly--at a research university is one of the foremost experts in her field. Who might help with her work, or threaten it? A prodigious student? Other faculty?
- A young woman hides a secret she wishes she didn't have: a divine father. Born of the seed of the God of wishes and desire, things she wants tend to... happen, or even just be. It interferes with her life in unexpected ways, and it can't help her with her true desire: to just be a normal girl. Who might the thread of fate lead her to? Someone normal? Someone more than normal?
- More to come, I'm sure! Feel free to tell me your ideas, as always!

CYBERPUNK: A grim future of scarcity for most and abundance for few; streets slick with a sheen of rain reflecting a multitude of colors of neon.
- A freelance deniable asset with little left to lose; already she's lost the arms and legs she was born with, and even her name. What does she stand to gain? Who might she run into, in a dingy bar or out on a job?
- A grey-market cybersurgeon and chrome technician with a cross to bear: a chip wired into her brain, wired so deep its removal would kill her outright. The damn thing never shuts up, constantly bombarding her with the surface thoughts of those around her. She keeps to herself, mostly, drifts from place to place so she doesn't get to know anyone too well. The chip makes that difficult. Who, in this shitty world, is even worth knowing?
- Even in the worst of times--especially in the worst of times--people need entertainment. Pop idol girl groups go in and out of fashion by the month, if not by the week... which is why this star's meteoric rise to fame may not have been notable, but her uncanny ability to linger as a household name for years on end most certainly was. But even the brightest of stars fades away in the end, and it seems it won't be long for her, either. What life awaits her, afterward? Will the scandals and questions of her past catch up to her?
- More to come, I'm sure! Feel free to tell me your ideas, as always!

FANDOMS: As mentioned above, I'd rather use them as a jumping off point than play established characters. That said, here's a few things I'm interested in--hardly an exhaustive list, I'm sure I'll be adding to it over time, but it's a start!
- Fire Emblem
- Final Fantasy
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Persona
- More stuff, mostly video games. Just ask!

Whew! That was a lot to get out there. But consider this little corner of Blue Moon open for business! Drop me a line sometime, okay?
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