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Rook Seidhr

Dec 1, 2016
US Eastern time zone (summer = UTC-0400)
(former subject line: "'Fuck me, senpai!' - Looking for long-term fluffy f/f D/s RP on Discord")
Rook's Desires:

I want to play a young (high school or college age) woman who is thrown into a situation outside her normal experience. In this unfamiliar environment, she has only your character, another young woman (perhaps older than her, but not much older), to show her the ropes. Literally. Because my character, tough and clever and resourceful out of bed, needs some serious comforting during downtime. She needs a loving Mistress to collar her and use her gently and tell her everything will be all right.

Some possible scenarios, fantastic:
  • MC doesn't like anime, but she knows what a magical girl is—what geek doesn't? It's definitely not a career choice she had in mind for herself, though. Fortunately MC's talking cat arranged with YC's talking cat for YC to mentor MC. Together they'll defeat the Shadow Emperor's minions and save the world from being drawn into Hell! INSERT CATCHPHRASE HERE!
  • The Ancient Prophecy says the Big Evil can only be defeated by the magic of a witch-queen from beyond the world! What the ritual actually summons is MC, an engineering student from Earth. YC, a low-ranking witch, is assigned to watch over MC while the elders figure out what went wrong; sparks fly. Of course, it turns out that the combination of MC's engineering knowledge with YC's magic is just what's needed to save the day. (Be prepared to work together on worldbuilding and side characters if you want this story.)
  • Every human on Earth has the potential to work magic, but only one in a million encounters the right stimulus to awaken that potential. MC just Awakened, and the world has gotten very weird for her; furthermore, all kinds of feuding factions want to recruit her—or if they can't, to kill her before someone else does. YC saves her life from some very persistent recruiters. MC is all kinds of grateful. (This could be a straight-up World of Darkness or Chronicles of Darkness system-based roleplay, a freeform version of the same, or an original worldbuilding exercise along similar lines.)
Some possible scenarios, realistic:
  • MC is a college freshman who's having terrible trouble adjusting to college life, to the point that she's failing her classes and thinking of dropping out. YC, a year or two older, is her friend who proposes playing a prank on MC's prudish, homophobic roommate by making it look as though she nearly walked in on our characters having kinky sex. The roommate doesn't show up on schedule, and our characters get carried away. Now they have to figure out whether it was a one-night stand, or something more.
  • MC's family just moved from the big city to West Flyspeck and MC thinks she can't live without Starbucks. YC, her new neighbor, shows her there are other pleasures in life. In return, MC helps YC deal with her own problems. (Apologies for vagueness, we'd have to work together to figure out the sources of tension in YC's situation.) Small town is small, though, and gossip ruins lives. Can their relationship possibly work?
Other scenarios are possible—these are the examples that came immediately to mind. PM me, please, if you want to spend some time with me.

Rook's Rules:

I'm an experienced roleplayer who enjoys both long- and short-term stories, both plot- and smut-centric. I play only via instant messaging systems, usually Discord. Don't inquire about forum threads, PMs or email.

I play male, female and other characters, but I will not play with other people's male characters in sexual situations (or rather, when I'm in a mood to do so, I will make a separate request thread for it). I almost never play characters over the age of 35 (female) or 45 (male), and generally prefer characters significantly younger than that. I do not play canon characters, nor original characters in canon settings, with the occasional exception of published tabletop roleplaying settings such as the World of Darkness.

I have an F-list. It brims with kink. You don't have to be that kinky to RP with me—I'll do vanilla scenarios if the plot is right and you strike me as a good partner—but I won't deny that a partner who's interested in some of the same things I am has an advantage. In particular, teenage incest (including steps) is one of my favorites. Generally, if you look at my F-list and think to yourself, "Hey, I have an idea that would fit with those preferences," I'd love to hear your pitch, even if it has nothing to do with the ideas in this thread.

Some general guidelines:
  • The reason I RP only on instant messengers is that I like to set aside a few hours for intense interaction with a partner, even if it's only once a week, possibly even less often than that. I can work with intermittent posting over the course of the day, too. What I don't like is a post a day or less.
  • I usually write one to three solid paragraphs per post, sometimes more for scene-setting or dramatic moments, sometimes less for dialogue-heavy scenes. It takes me about 15–20 minutes to write and proofread those one to three solid paragraphs per post, unless I get dragged away or distracted.
  • I am up all hours of the day and night, but sometimes fall asleep suddenly. I will try to let you know when I am about to crash, but if I suddenly stop responding, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you or bored with you—it means I have fallen asleep and am still logged on. Ditto if you message me and get no response within a few minutes even though my IM client shows that I'm online. When I wake up, I will see that you've tried to reach me, and I will apologize for missing you.
  • If you say you're going to be available to RP at a certain time, and it turns out you're not, please let me know in advance if you can, or as soon as possible afterward. If I'm not online, send a PM. Getting stood up without a word is frustrating.
  • I like to make friends with my writing partners. I don't want to exchange RL names or pictures, or locations closer than a time zone and maybe a state or province (even a metropolitan area if it's large enough that the name won't tell me exactly where you are), but I will routinely ask "How's your day been?" and similar questions, just to be chatty. If you want to keep it strictly business, with no OOC discussion except about the story itself, we're probably not meant for each other.
  • scat, water sports, vomit, etc.
  • diapers, infantilism
  • gore, amputations, etc.
  • smoking
  • raceplay
Do not ask for these things. You will turn me completely off and I will bid you goodbye.

A note specifically with regard to raceplay: I don't mind what ethnicity you want your character to be—in fact, that's exactly why I don't do raceplay. I don't find racism sexy. A realistic exploration of the consequences of institutionalized racism for an interracial relationship might be interesting story fodder, but BBC is not going to happen. I hope you see the difference. Sorry for preaching.

Do not reply to this thread. You will not get an answer. Send me a PM instead.
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