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The Feminization Virus (Gender Transformation, Corruption, Brainwashing)

Good Omen

Apr 28, 2011
Hey there! I'm looking to play a scenario involving gender transformation, feminization, brainwashing, and similar kinks. I don't care which one of us is transformed and which one of us does the transforming. PM me if you're interested!

A Totally Awesome Virus
The setting here is a totally immersive virtual reality game (think Ready Player One, if you're familiar with it). You can do anything, become anyone, go anywhere. But it's largely a haven for geek culture, where you can play a hero in various fantasy or sci-fi based settings. Millions of people around the world play it.

A virus is spreading from a location in the game known only as The Pink, completely transforming and feminizing anyone who visits there. No matter who you are before you visit The Pink, whether you're young or old, male or female, everyone emerges from it totally feminized and changed. Their only interests become shopping, makeup, boys, and other girly banalities. They change their character's avatar in the game to be the same gorgeous blonde young woman and adjust their voice settings to be giggly and girly. Even though it's only a game, it seems to even effect the person in real life!

One of us will play the male hero who tries to figure out what's behind The Pink and tries to stop it, and one of us will play the corrupting, feminizing force that he will have to resist. Since this is VR, anything goes.
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