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UPDATED - Looking for Futa x male. Long-Term, Literate, Highly Detailed (Wordy af)


Jan 14, 2009
Plot 1 - Scif-Fi

Hey, gals! I'm interested in exploring ideas involving an alternate reality or future setting where males have become nearly extinct, and those that somehow haven't been died off have become smaller and weaker. Meanwhile, the exact opposite has happened to the female side of the species, with women having erupted in size and strength, as well as in curves, health, stamina, longevity, etc. Males are rarely-to-never encountered in this utopian society, and if they are, they are sneered at, considered almost as if vermin; diseased.

So based on those themes, I'm open to the specifics for such an RP. Are men entirely extinct, or so it is thought, and one is found for the first time in decades? Have men just been deported from this society, but there are still some stragglers lurking underground? Are all the women Futas, or just some? Do the women/Futas live eternally, and this is how men have been eliminated? Or was it just a random mutation of the human genome? A biologically created weapon designed to eliminate men, and thus improve society?

Totally open to collaboration on this. The theme has lots of options, as I see it. If I had to pick a setup, personally, I'd go with this: Human Civilization has nearly reached its peak, but a growing number of scientists have concluded there is still one thing holding back women from realizing their full potential; that being latent, unresolved hostility buried deep in their genetic code and collective consciousness due to thousands of years of male oppression.

Lots of solutions are offered to solve this problem, from drugs to genetic reprogramming, but the best idea seems to be one of making a public spectacle. Of finding or creating a male test subject, and having a specially selected group of Futa women initiate a long-term, public demonstration. It's a public service, offering every woman of the country an instant opportunity at catharsis any moment they need it. Consider it a penance for all those years of patriarchal oppression.

Plot 2 - Fantasy

This here be a bit of a fantasy plot. Imagine a vibrant, no-tech world where many different intelligent races exist in their own little enclaves, including a variety of humanoid types; dwarves, tiny fairies, giants, etc. Another such race would be the Amazelles, a race of powerful, towering, strong and imposing humanoids all having an exaggerated human female shape, though their two genders are female and futa. That's it. No men. Their society and culture is one of riches and marvels, a small glittering city a top a mountain that no humanoid can reach save one of them. They're highly intelligent, incredible warriors, adept at magic, exceptionally educated and cultured, etc. They wear ornate, complicated flowing robes and gowns, among other things, and are always decorated in jewels. Each one of the Amazelles seems to be of royalty, and while other creatures are lucky to get around the world on the back of a goat or hog, let alone a horse, these pinnacles of consciousness find themselves riding griffons, dragons, or a pegasus (my suggestion).

Another race would be the Runts. These humanoids look like the standard variety type from afar, but up close one finds that they're a diminutive species. Smaller than most humans, the tallest among them may just barely be over five feet tall. They are a farming tribe, and research suggests they've retained their small statures so they can easily hide in holes in the ground when an invading army approaches. They are hard-working, but meek. They are excellent farmers though, and have made a relatively decent society for themselves by growing the plumpest, most delicious fruits and vegetables on their farmlands to trade with. Typically, it's the Amazelles who buy their work, and in turn protect their land from invaders due to how much they enjoy their delicious food.

Long-story-not-so-short, one specific son of a Runt (hi) is spotted by a visiting Amazelle, and she decides she wants to have him. She can either offer a trade for him, or convince him that he'd love to be her servant, or abduct him, or threaten to take him, or whatever. I'm open to any sort of relationship here - cruel non-con, or weird romance, or just some wild smut for whatever reason. Let's get after it!

NEW Plot 3 - Modern, At-Home

A single mother can't get her son to get his life together. No matter what she tries he becomes more and more disobedient, lazy, a failure. He sits on his butt all day and plays video games and watches anime, skips school, and has even begun talking back and cussing at his own mother. There doesn't seem to be any way to get through to him, and she's at her wits' end. (It would be fun if she were making a mountain out of a molehill. I do love excessive and unequal punishment, as well as a healthy dose of Ms. Andry.)

Desperate for a solution, and to get her son to behave, mom takes the advice she reads on a shadowy website and contacts a service where "nannies" specialize in fixing disobedient, bad little worms... er, boys. Friday afternoon comes, and who else enters the home but a towering, imposing, gorgeous Woman of Curves, with a sinister grin on her face as she gazes down at the weekend's work. She tells mom to take a little vacation for herself for a few days, and expect the boy to make a complete transformation when she returns.

When mom returns, she can't believe the turnaround! Perhaps it's way more drastic than she anticipated? Even shocking? The Nanny might have to give Mom some coaching lessons, and a few "tools," to show her how to properly enjoy her newly-transformed son. Or maybe, this is what Mom wanted all along?

NEW Plot 4 - *Willing* Modern, School

For those of you not comfortable with non-con or dubcon, or who want a willing boy from the start; The most beautiful teacher at school has a secret, something she shares with no one, and is incredibly embarrassed about. It's made her shy, distant, always feeling awkward, isolated. She's good at her job, but wanting to keep her shame hidden is a burden that weighs down on her constantly.

One Friday late afternoon, grading papers well into rush hour, she finds herself needing to use the restroom. Normally she would go through the charade of going to the women's restroom and entering a stall, her giant, curvy form struggling with the tiny stalls. But since it's so late in the day, she decides to make things easy on herself and use the boy's urinal.

Coming back to her classroom afterwards, she is surprised to see one of her students entering her classroom as well, not 30 seconds behind her. She asks what he is doing here, and his mischievous grin makes her heart sink even before he holds up his smartphone, and shows her what he's gained from hiding in the boy's room stall for the last 2 hours. Mortified, terrified, she can barely interrupt him as he tells her he'd be happy to give her the phone, to calm her fears... if she will let him get a closer look at things...

Scat, Mutilation/Blood, Animals, Site Rules

Huge Breasts
Huge Cocks
Huge Insertions
Huge Loads
Curvy, Thicc Women
Women Well Over Six Feet Tall
Sexy, Kinky, Colorful Outfits
Roughness - Slapping/Spitting/Hair-Pulling/Etc

If you're interested in these scenes, or really any Futa/male ideas, please hit me up! They're my fave. :D
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