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[Star Wars] Privateer (OoCc)

Hello All!

Today I am pulling down the Interest post and putting up the Characters one.

I would like if everyone just posted there after finished with the character sheet. Background/history changes can happen later this week, as I go through them and try to pull the "party" together.

If possible, on the Character page here you should postin the following format:

Character name with the link to the sheet / class / main interest
Character picture
Character info you want to add on there, but your sheet should also have it.

Also, DO NOT START POSTING ON THE MAIN GAME THREAD jet! First lets finalize the backgrounds, and let me put up the starting post.
Well, we have two and a half character up from the four.

Let me count it as day Zero, meaning that you can start thinking about how and why did you went to the place I depicted in the roleplay thread.

For now, please include any changes (what I added or we agreed upon), and fill out backgrounds before posting.

I will be advancing the plot when the three day is over...
And backstory is complete! Vague, yes, but the Vida clan is mainly based in the outer rim, is considered to be minor nobility, is a Twi'lek clan, and still has many criminal.... connections.
Anyone seen Tenshi? Would we be ready to start after he fully fills out his sheet here, or would we still wait the three days?
If he gets ready, I will start. If you are ready, you can get into place, and play among each other or the people in the area (I will provide them, of course), but I will wait the three days (now it is only two plus change) before advancing the plot.

So, you can always play, but the "game" or "main plot" would not go forward. (Not much time would flow - maximum four hours for every real life day.)

Of course, there are times when we can't wait or play as an action is in the works - that is when daily posts and "round" advancing will happen. (Minimum six seconds per real life day.)

So do not start a fight you can not finish easily... :) And when I say we jump into hyperspace, or you will meet him next day, it will be three days before you arrive... to leave time for you to interact with the others or the galaxy.
Alright, I thought you had said the thread was up. Could I possibly get a link to it? Or did I read something wrong?
It is in the System Style Roleplays main area, but here:
So, now that everyone is ready for it, feel free to read and post the main roleplay thread.

What I would love to read is how and why each of you arrive to Grey's Anatomy, and what are you doing there.

When every one of you posted at least once, I will be advancing the plot (and reacting to the posts).
Considering the age of the owners I would say yes, though I can't speak for GM. Just want to let you be able to post lol.
*Smiles* Gabby sent me a PM asking for more information. I'm eager to hop in, but I'll give her a bit longer to replyf or that reason.

(Though from my experience, she'd probably rather have fast posts. :p )
The building was there and had a bar 20 years ago too, but with different name and owners.

The present setup and name is only there for the last two years, at most.

But whoever knew the Grey's - or just one or the other - could have known them for the last 9 years...
Do we need to strictly stick to the posting order, or can we reply for things like being directly addressed? Do I need to wait from a post from you and/or Dan to reply to RPG-G?
No, there is no real need for posting order, I just stick to the rule of everyone having opportunity to post in a situation they are in - or could be in because they are already around.

Also, when it is fight or something, ... well, for that I will post in the rules section. (
By the way, I'm trying to have Deasha's attitude be somewhat feline. You know, lazy, amused, relaxed, and regally disdainful in a 'oh, how droll these lesser creatures are, that they work so hard for my entertainment' sort of way. A part of that... I'm going to be looking for a thesaurus again, but she is going to use as few words as possible, even branching into other languages just for a word that does not translate over very well.
Okay. We all have languages... and can google if we do not understand... Also can guess from the context. BUT if you really want you can * it in the bottom, adding what language it is supposed to, and what the meaning is.

And you can always make her translate herself into common for the hearer's sake. :)
Please, keep going all you want, just about ready to add something more to the scene and plot. (this would be the "advancing", which does not mean you can't keep playing with each other, just to keep at least half a mind on what is happening.
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