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Fx Male Fandom/Non-Fandom Cravings w/ Plots! (Taboo, Supernatural, Fantasy, and More!)UPDATED


Apr 14, 2017
The Void of Lost Time

Hello! I'm N7Biotic. I decided to make a thread all about my interests, what I like in Rps, and even some plots I've come up with instead of making numerous threads about different things. I will be updated this thread with more plots and interests as time passes or even take away things I have lost interest in just to make things easier.

I tend to be more story based in my Rps, but I do like a fair bit of smut as well, I just don't prefer for my Rps to have a sex scene every few posts. I'd say I'm around the 60/40 range with story/smut, but it can be adjusted depending on the subject and characters it has. I tend to write 1-3 paragraphs, sometimes even more when it comes to Rps that are more story based, but most of the time, I try to match my partner's length per post. I have a F-list if you're interested in seeing what kind of things I'm interested in when it comes to smut, themes, or Rps in general. Beware, there's very little I say no to! I'll Rp from PMs or Threads, but I will not IM or do Email, it's just a personal preference.

When it comes to fandom Rps, I tend to play non-canon characters purely because I feel like I can't portray the characters well. My characters will NEVER be more powerful then other existing characters or have overly complicated back stories if that is a concern for you. There are a few characters I am willing to play so don't be afraid to ask about it, but know that it's not what I typically do. I like my partners to play canon characters, but I'm perfectly fine if you want to play non-canon as well and just be within a certain fandom's universe.


I don't ask for too much from my partners since I tend to be flexible, but I do have a few things I would like to touch on before I go any further. All I ask for in a partner is to let me know when they may be absent for sometime or have lost interest in the Rp itself. It bothers me when there are long absences with no word from my partners. I understand real life comes first and things could get busy, but I'd like just a short message saying so just so I know you haven't lost interest in our Rps and know that I will do the same to you. If I don't hear from you in awhile, I'll send a message asking if everything's okay, but if I still get no word from you I'll assume you're either too busy to get on or that you lost interest in our Rp. Other then that, I'm pretty flexible with whatever happens.

Video Games:
Mass Effect
Silent Hill
Animal Crossing
Resident Evil
Devil May Cry
Dynasty Warriors
God of War
Mortal Kombat
Portal 2
Saints Row
The Last of Us
Final Fantasy 15
Fire Emblem Awakening
Five Nights at Freddy's
D & D
Assassin's Creed
Night in the Woods
Detroit: Become Human
Far Cry 5

The Underworld Series
The Purge Series
Dawn of the Dead
300 and 300: Rise of an Empire
The Hannibal Series
Mad Max Fury Road
Hellboy 1 and 2
The Harry Potter Series
Dark Shadows
28 Days/Weeks
Alice in Wonderland
Beauty and the Beast
The Walking Dead (Seasons 1-7)
The Pirates of the Caribbean Series
V for Vendetta
The Hellraiser Series
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2
Soul Eater
Baka Test
Interview with a Vampire
Queen of the Damned
Ash vs the Evil Dead
The Shape of Water
The Nightmare on Elm Street Series
The Friday the 13th Series
Star Wars

The Looking Glass Wars
A Song of Ice and Fire
Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies
Cirque Du Freak
The Unwanteds
Miss Peregrine's House for Particular Children

Non Fandom

Assassin x Assassin
Assassin x Prince/Princess
Beast x Princess/Maiden
Beast x Prince/Knight
Best Friends
Bodyguard/Knight x Princess
Boss x Employee
Bully x Victim
Cheating Wife x Husband's Best Friend/Brother
Dragon x Adventurer
Dragon x Dragon
Furry x Furry
Furry x Human
Gamer Competitors/Rivals
Husband x Mistress/Babysitter
Incest in General
Incubus x Princess/Regular Person
Incubus x Succubus
Pirate x Pirate
Pirate x Royal
Pet x Master
Prince x Princess
Pokemon x Trainer
Pokemon x Pokemon
Reaper x Human
Shapeshifter x Human
Slave x Master
Student x Teacher
Succubus x Prince/Regular Person
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x Werewolf
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human

1.) The Assassin and the Royal
The princess' 18th birthday had arrived. Her proud parent's, the King and Queen, decided to celebrate their eldest daughter's birth with a wonderful masquerade party. The perfect time for a upcoming assassin to make his move. His plan was to lure the Princess with his charms to a secluded place where he could kidnap her for ransom. The king and queen, along with a few other parties would pay a pretty penny for such a young and beautiful royal, destined to rule the kingdom. With no other hire to the throne, she was worth twice as much as any royal he had ever taken before. He threatens the King and Queen with threats of hurting their precious daughter if they didn't pay up before the next highest bidder did, keeping her captive in his hideout until his demands were met. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to have some fun with her before turning her back over to her rightful place, but he didn't suspect to become victim to the princess' charms and natural beauty.

2.) For Your Protection
A threat has been made against the princess' life from a rival kingdom her parents were at war with. In fear that they would follow through with their threat, they assigned a knight to guard and protect her for every moment of the day. The knight had proved his dedication time and time again from his fierce battles in the name of the King and Queen, along with his own friendship with the Princess since they were mere children. While he secretly admired her from afar, the Knight knew he must lay his life on the line for her and fearing the castle wouldn't be a safe place for her, he came up with a solution. With her parent's consent, they ride together to a small piece of farmland where they must pretend to be husband and wife as an act to hide their true identities. However, the last thing the Knight expected was for the Princess to play her role, perhaps a bit too well.

3.) A Pretty Face for a Pretty Price
A young princess, engaged to wed to take her mother's place as queen, is stolen away in the night by the most notorious pirate of the seas. The King and Queen, along with many others desperately search for the young maiden in attempts to return her to her rightful place as the sole heir to the throne. However, the pirate and crew in question always managed to escape the royal navy countless times as well as other pirates seeking to steal her away for her head was worth more then most would ever see. With a deal made for her return, the princess has no choice by to ride with her kidnapper in order to return to her parents and finally wed to become queen. Yet, even with her desperate need to get home, she couldn't help but feel free sailing on the seas with a charming captain to keep her company.

Note: This RP can be done with either a female pirate and male royal or a male pirate with a female royal. It's completely up to you!

1.) I Always Wanted You
A young man going through a rocky marriage has grown sick and tired of his wife. Every day she would ridicule him, refuse to have sex with him out of pure disgust, and would end up being drunk every time he came home. This, along with his stressful job, almost made him give up on everything, but when a employee has en eye for him, he starts to notice all the subtle things she did to caught his interest. Shorter skirts, coming by more often, and bending over in front of him. He couldn't take it anymore, while he always was attracted to her, he didn't want to cheat on his wife, but things have changed and now he was ready to take what he wanted.

Note: This could be done with other pairings as well such as a babysitter or a student. It's up to you.

2.) Honor Roll
After being selected to attend a prestigious school, famous for having students with the highest GPAs in all the country, a beautiful and intelligent young student couldn't be more honored and excited to be one of the select few that were able to attend. However, after a typical orientation, those selected for the honor student's program where asked to say. She expected to be given a special speech from the principal to motivate them, but to her shock, she was instead going to be chosen from one of the many teachers to prove her dedication to stay as an honor student, to live and provide special "services" to the teacher that chose her or else suffer having everything she ever hoped to achieve taken away from her.

3.) I Love You More then I Should
A young girl in high school had a dark secret, she'd always loved her big brother more then a sister should. The way he protected her and loved her ever since they were children always stayed with her. After he went away to college, that longing to be with him only grew stronger. She was terrified that her brother would be disgusted with her, but being away from him with such strong feelings were tearing her apart. Then she made a promise to herself, when her big brother returned home from college for the summer, she was going to show him how much she loved him. She just prayed he wouldn't hate her once he discovered the truth.

4.) Daddy Needs his Little Girl
After going through a rough divorce with his now ex-wife, a father seeks comfort from his little girl who took his side whenever he and her mother would fight. She loved her daddy more then anything, but what she didn't know was that daddy loved her too, more then a normal daddy should. Ever since she became a young woman, daddy has had a sick fascination with his daughter. He couldn't think of anyone else. Every time he touched himself or fucked someone else, he could only think about her. Well, now that mommy was out of the picture, perhaps now was daddy's chance to let his little girl know just how much he loved her.

5.) You're Mine Now
A beautiful young student has always been a favorite for her home room teacher. She wasn't like the others, no, she was something special and he had to have her. After asking her to stay with him after school to talk about her grades, he lures her to his car and kidnaps her, taking her to his secluded home where even if she escaped, no one could help her. She would learn to love him, but she was going to have to be disciplined first. He needed to break that fire within her that told her to fight him, even if it meant he had to treat her like an animal to do it. She was his now and she was going to learn to love him more then anything else in the world.

Note: The relationship doesn't have to be a teacher and student. This could be done with many of the pairings I like so feel free to ask about it!

6.) Seizure of Property
A wealthy business man has everything a man could ask for. Money, cigars, cars, and a pet unlike any other: a young woman that serves his every need. He uses her for work, pleasure, and isn't scared to lay hand on her if she defy him. The scars were proof enough of the last fact and makes her feel like nothing more then an animal by forcing her to wear revealing outfits while wearing a collar that showed that she belonged to him. However, when his business starts to dwindle, he asks some questionable people for help to keep all his processions, including his special pet. When he fails to repay these people, a hired mercenary is sent to rough him up and take his most prized possession: his lovely pet.

7.) The Seduction Game
A housewife quickly becomes bored being married to such a simple man as her husband. Everyday was the same thing: wake up, make breakfast, clean, and perform other wifely duties. Even when she tried to spice things up in the bedroom, nothing seemed to make her marriage anything more then mundane.
She rather not divorce her husband due to the finical stability and having no desire to handle all the messy details, but something needed to change and quickly. That's when a wicked idea hit her. Her husband had a rather attractive brother/best friend that she was guilty of thinking about more then once when she had to please herself when her husband failed to do so. The game of seduction was one too tempting and exciting to pass up as long as her husband remained clueless.

1.) The Legend of the Sliver Dragons
Dragons, famous for their greed and brutality, have been driven to extinction, at least, so people were lead to believe. Some say that the rarest of all dragons, the beautiful and wise sliver dragons have developed a magical ability to disguise themselves as human almost flawlessly. The only thing that could give away a sliver dragon in disguise were the eyes that seemed to remain their usual brilliant purple coloring. Most have wrote this off as nothing more then a legend, but there are few who still believe that sliver dragon's walk among them, hiding in plain sight in attempts to survive. A young adventurer is one of these people as they search for any indication that sliver dragons still exist.

2.) A Time of War
Dragons have been warring with humans for years to come. While many of the dragon clans have fought among themselves for territory and food, they had come together to fight against the humans. Somehow, they had discovered their weakness, their lairs, everything that once made dragons untouchable were now suddenly exposed and more dragons died each day. The daughter of a mighty dragon clan, famous for her skills in battle, must pair up with a rival dragon clan in need of more fighters like herself. Little did she expect that she had caught the eye of another that admired her from afar.

3.) For the Good of Our People
Vampires and Werewolves had been at war with one another for many countless years, but when their numbers start to fall at alarming rates from their own petty rivalry and the human hunters, there were many things to consider. It was decided among the leaders of both powerful and ancient clans that the two must be united, but to seal the agreement, the eldest daughter and eldest son of both clans must wed to symbolize the union of the two races as well as become the unified leaders of the new ways of their kind. However, while they were plenty of people who agreed that this plan was for the best, there were plenty of others who were willing to kill to make sure the arrangement didn't go through.

4.) Rise to Power
News had spread quickly across the kingdom that the Princess was seeking a husband for the day she would become Queen. Her parents wanted her to marry quickly, knowing the King was growing rather old and with no male heirs, she needed to find a husband quickly. Out of love for their daughter, they allowed her to be able to chose who out of her many suitors she would like to wed. However, while she met many handsome and kind men, there was one in particular that caught her eye. A man with unrivaled charms and handsome features stole her heart within moments of sharing a gaze. Little did she suspect that this man she had fallen for so quickly wasn't human, but an incubus whose desire for power would drive him to do anything to get his claws on the crown itself.

Note: This can be done with a succubus and a male royal or a incubus and a female royal it's completely up to you!

5.) Race to the Throne
The time the Lord of the Underworld's reign was beginning to end and time for his heir to take his place was approaching rapidly. However, he had twin incubi sons, both who desperately want to have the throne in their claws. He decided to put his sons to the test and selected a young and innocent human girl to be their target. To win the throne, one of the two had to seduce the young girl without the use of his powers and corrupt her into becoming a succubus who would take his side as Queen of the Underworld along side the winner. They could use any method they please in order to win her hand as long as their ablities didn't directly affect her feelings towards them. Anything else, is fair game.

Note: This could be done as a group RP to play the roles of the incubus brothers or if you're willing to play both parts it can remain a two person RP. It's up to you!

6.) Don't Fear the Reaper
After a horrific car accident that left a young woman near death, one of the many reapers of this world visited her, awaiting her to die. While in her critical state, is she able to see and speak to him while being so close to the verge of death. Her fear of dying was too great. She would do anything if she could just have more time to live, even if it meant selling her soul to a reaper to become his servant.

1.) A New Challenger Approuches
After defending his title as champion in the most cut throat video game tournament for several years, he was more then confindent that he would be able to do it again for yet another year. However, there was a new face in the line up that was quickly working her way up the ranks and was quickly becoming the new fan favorite. Feeling the pressure of it all, he finds himself acutally losing his title. Naturally a bit angry about it, he found himself more intrigued and wanting to get to know her, perhaps even learn a few new trick with her. Being the first female to win the competition, her name quickly spreads through the gaming community, but rumors begin to spread that she and the former champion might have in interest in each other.

2.) My Rival, My Neighbor
After moving into a new apartment, a pretty new face attracted the attention of a current resident. She seemed lovely and friendly, a wonderful young lady that had him excited to have as a neighbor, but then he began to notice something. His clan was rivals with another clan that had a female leader and her voice sounded a awful lot like his new neighbors. After asking her about it, she admits to being the leader of his rival clan and is shocked to see that he was the leader of her rival clan and decide to make the stakes of each online fight all the more interesting.

Final Notes
Thank you for checking out my thread! I plan on updating this with more plots once I get them more fleshed out. I still have plenty of ideas so if there's a certain pairing that you'd like to Rp with I'm sure we can come up with something together. I would love to hear your ideas and plots of your own so don't be afraid to talk to me about it! I hope to hear from you soon!
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