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STASIS Logs: Jazz's journal


Aug 20, 2009
Date: 09-27-3209
Mood: Confident, as usual.

Lately, I had gotten into the habit of attending a sort of club called "The Blue Moon Cafe". Being one who had gone without the company of good ladies for a long time, this was a great way to relieve the pent-up stress I'd been dealing with. The wanton destruction of a mad scientist's lair, or beating down a power-hungry fire-mutant is something of a reward in and of itself for the whole "you did the right thing" shpiel... but sometimes, even after averting an Earth-destructive catastrophe like a sentient asteroid half the size of the moon, coming home to an empty apartment and nobody to talk to or hold close is devastatingly boring and sad. I understood what kind of life I would be resigning myself to when I joined up with STASIS, but there's always that lingering bit of regret when you think about the nice, quiet lifestyle you gave up (or at least gave up on achieving) by enlisting.

I've become quite familiar with a few of the girls who work at the club.
There's Quinn, a small but otherwise full-figured young blonde who dislikes servicing tables. She and I have come up with a deal that I let her stay and relax with me in one of the private rooms for at least 3 hours of her shift, and in return she happily lends herself to me whenever I like. There's a TV, a couch, a private bar and everything, so it's quite cozy.
Grace, another small girl who claims that I resemble her stepfather, and that turns her on in one of those forbidden ways. Awesome.
Tara, yet another small girl (I'm detecting a pattern, here...), who is VERY polite and absolutely submissive. She seems to enjoy having men treat her body as they will... and I'm totally all for that.
Amari, whom I can only describe as a "cat girl" (and what's there not to like about cat-girls?). She claims she was a virgin before joining the bar recently (and it is explicitly my fault she isn't anymore. Woops...), but on the upside, she finds the job enjoyable, and it pays well. That's a releif.
Bella, is a teenaged, healthy-looking blonde with a lovely figure, who was dumped by her ex-boyfriend for another girl who works here (whom I do not know.). She has asked me if I would help her get back at the guy by seducing away his current girlfriend, who still works here and is technically still up for grabs. Well, as long as she's still up for grabs...
Anyway, one Ms. Serena is an absolutely gorgeous girl. She's not short by any means, but also not freakishly tall (just a few inches shorter than I, actually), but she is DROP DEAD HOT. Boobs out to here like you wouldn't believe, hips that sway and HYPNOTIZE, and man... can she dress to impress. She also totally digs a man in uniform, so as you can guess we hit it off pretty well. And then an hour later, we hit it off again. If I had to say I had a favorite so far, she'd be a likely candidate.

While I'd like to list more of the girls I've met over the past few days, I'm afraid that spending any more time on this journal will only further delay me from returning to them. So perhaps next time. But for now, Jazz out.
Date: 09-06-3209
Mood: Confused and tired.

I just realized that the month on my first entry was incorrect. August is "08", not "09", which is September. The current month.

Speaking of September, I have a birthday coming up in 10 days. On the 16th, I'll officially be 25. To me, that means I will have gone a full quarter of my life without having met my significant other. Sure. I've heard of people who didn't find love until well into their 80's, but I didn't think I would have to wait that long.

Sometimes I wonder if perhaps I am not as handsome as I initially thought I was.


... but then I dismiss that as an absolutely ludicrous notion. I am a LADY KILLER. I KILL LADIES...

... don't I?
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