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OC power level


Feb 15, 2009
Here's a fun exercise to quantify your OC's sexual prowess. Write down your last OC's profile using this format.

so you list out your character's stats
F/E/D/C/B/A/S/SS. D is average human, B is peak human, S is superhuman
you list out
Weak spot: parts of their body that are sensitive
Style: Summary of their lovemaking style
Special techniques: their special skills

here's an example

Name: Lady Shan
Stamina: A
Endowment: C
Technique: SS
Weak spot: Her clitoris
Style: Sensual, seductive, she worships her male partner while stroking their ego

Special techniques:
-One woman harem: Shan can shapeshift, changing her appearance on a whim, giving her lover a different form to fuck each time

-Muscle control: Lady Shan controls her vaginal or anal muscle, milking her lover dry

-NTR Specialist: Lady Shan reaches higher peaks of orgasms when being fucked by someone bigger than her husband
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