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The Either/Or Game

Trains. When you look out the window the view is nicer.

Noodles or rice?
Why you gotta do me like that?

Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise. I get to see sunsets pretty often but sunrises not as much.

Fear or Hunger?
butter chicken! tho samosas are great too. samosas...? no butter chicken.... gah gimme all of it!

Maki sushi or Kimbap?
If I could only do one for the rest of my life, assuming I wouldn't die from lack of whichever I gave up?

Sleeping, I guess. I'm no good without sleep.

Backroads or Interstate?
Winter. If it's cold, I can always turn the heater up, and/or put on another layer of clothing; if I'm hot and in my birthday suit, I've got nowhere else to go.

Pizza and Pineapple: With or Without?
Square if I’m craving deep dish, circle if I want a triangular slice. 🤓

Beef or chicken?
Chicken. I don't eat much red meat.

Wood or Stone?
Automobiles. I've never traveled by plane and most likely never will.

Dominance or submission?
Depends on my mood. Typically I like to be submissive though.

I'll past the question on. See if anyone thinks differently or not.
I agree, it depends on the mood.

Whipped cream frosting or buttercream for cakes?
Whipped frosting. Butter cream is just too dense and overpowering.

Cream cheese frosting or chocolate frosting?
Cream cheese frosting all the way!

Fantasy or Slice of Life?
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