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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri had her fun watching Jake play and blowing on the dice. They seemed to be doing well and she was happy he was winning. By the end of the night, he pretty much got back everything he spent on his son. "I will take my cut and go buy a new pair of shoes tomorrow." She said after he cashed out. She wrapped her fingers around his hand and walked with him to the next stop.

They walked to the fountain and she smiled at Jake. She didn't mind missing the show the last time because she saw it many times before. Each time still amazed her like the first though. She put her hands on top of his and watched the fountains rest and then the magical show began.

It was amazing how they did that. She loved it. When it was finished she turned to Jake and kissed him lovingly. "I love you Boo." She smiled at him and kissed him again, "Thank you for showing me Vegas through your eyes." She rubbed the back of his head with her thumb. They wouldn't have this sort of time when they had the baby. All of their attention would be focused on him. It sucked but it was the price they had to pay. "I'm ready to go save Max from the kitchen of doom. He's been alone all day, my poor boy."
When she turned and kissed him he couldn't help but smile and kiss her back. His arms pulled her closer to him. "I love you too baby girl." He kissed her back with a smile. "You are very welcome." His hands rubbed her back a bit. "Alright baby. Let's head home." He gave her another soft, small kiss before turning to head to the valet.

At the valet he gave the guy his ticket and waited for his car. He gave the guy a nice tip and got in and headed home. "You know I'm a little tired. I'm sure as hell ready to put comfortable clothes on." Jake was not much of a tie kind of guy or one to dress up too much and he would have to wear one for Sunday dinner too. "I was a little bummed you didn't say anything about my clothes. Or how I looked." Jake pouted a bit as he drove and held Adri's hand.

When they got home he opened her door for her before heading inside where Max was excited to see them. "Hey Max." Jake let Adri get him because he was sure she'd want to see her boy. Instead he went upstairs to change. He was upstairs awhile before sending Adri a text, "Get your sexy ass up here asap."
"I guess I was surprised that you wet so fancy for me. You look very handsome, with and without the tie." She put her hand on his thigh and gave it a squeeze. "Your ass in those slacks is off the charts, by the way.I've been fighting to keep my hands off of it." She told him, not to make him feel good but because it was true.

Adri picked up Max and said her hellos. She took him outside and cleaned up the pee pad that was in the kitchen for him. She played a little fetch with him and then took him upstairs. She set Max on the bed and went to get the make up off of her face. She came back into the room and unzipped the dress. She put it on the chair so she could get it dry cleaned. She took off her underwear and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top.

She slid into the bed with Max between them. She kissed Jake and rubbed his back. "Next week is my turn. Get ready for some good old fashioned fun." Her hand slipped down and gave his ass a squeeze. "Also, I need you to move this bed into the guest bedroom tomorrow before our new bed gets here. Same goes for the night stands. I would do it but they are heavy and I don't want too."
Jake laughed, "Sure you are just saying that cause I called you out on it. But thank you anyways." He kissed her cheek. "If you like my ass you can touch does belong to you." He said into her ear.

Jake was only half listening to his orders of moving the bed into the other room. Really, yeah he was strong but didn't know if he could handle that on his own. "Yes love." He looked at her, he had on shorts and a shirt. "This date isn't over..." He climbed out of bed. "Ma'am I need you to come with me." He held his hand out and moved her to the food of the bed where he sat her down in a chair.

Walking over to the iHome and turned on Anywhere. "You are not allowed to laugh or tell anyone what is about to happen." He walked over and started to dance around and give her a bit of a lap dance like she asked. His skills, weren't too bad, but definitely not as good as some of the shows he was sure he had been to. His hands grabbed his shirt and he tore it and pulled it off. His hands grabbed her hands and slid them over his chest as his hips grinded down against her.
"Oh yes it does." She agreed to own his ass.

"But I took off my make up." She said softly and got out of the bed. She leaned against the edge of the bed and watched him pull a chair forward. She sat where she was directed and watched Jake move around the room.

She laughed as the music started and he started to dance for her. She blushed for him and couldn't get the smile off of her face. She was getting her lap dance. It was too bad she didn't have any money to tip him because she would have given him all she had. It was very sexy to see him rip his shirt off.

When he was close enough to her she kissed him passionately and let him continue his dance. She couldn't wait for it to be over though. They either needed to kick Max off of the bed or they were doing it on the floor.
His lips pressed against hers before he stood up and moved back from her a moment. His hips kept moving to the beat and he slowly slid his shorts down to reveal a small pair of briefs that Jake barely could fit everything into. He stepped out of the shorts and moved back to Adri to grind back against her.

Jake leaned down and let his lips barely brush over Adri's. His hips continued to grind down against her. With the grinding, it was a little difficult for him to keep from growing a little hard. His hand grabbed hers again and he slid it back over his chest. "Too bad we don't have any oil..." He teased.

"You want these to stay on our you want the big finale?" He grinned at her as her hand brushed over him with the blue skimpy briefs on.
Adri clapped when he shed his shorts and raised an eyebrow when she saw what he was wearing under them. She blushed a deeper shade of red and rubbed her lips together. She rubbed his body while he ground against her. She also gave his ass a couple pats happily.

She giggled, "I doubt we will need any oil." She scratched down his chest and rubbed his six pack.

"Big finale." She snapped the side of his briefs and brought her hands forward. She playfully cupped his package in the front and let him continue on to the big finale.
Jake laughed when she smacked his butt and shook his head.

He stood up and had his package close to her face where he thrusted his hips towards her face playfully. He had no idea what he was doing but she seemed to be enjoying herself and he was having fun so that's all that mattered.

Stepping away from her danced a bit and shook his hips. "Now I bought these so I'm not tearing them cause I figured you'd want to see them on again." His fingertips slid in the waist before he slowly began sliding them down as he slowly danced to the end of the song where he got them off and he flicked them at Adri. Even with himself completely naked he danced his way over to her.

"I know I'm no professional but was it okay?" He smiled at her.
She laughed an twirled the little briefs around her finger. She smiled at Jake and tossed them to the corner. They didn't need them anymore. "It was better than okay." She got off of the chair and kissed him passionately.

"You were amazing. If fighting doesn't work out, you can be my personal stripper." She put her arms around him and looked down between them. "And it looks like enjoyed yourself." She kissed him again. "A night of first times." She giggled and kissed him again.

She felt over dressed so she took her clothes off. She figured she owed him a little dance so she would surprise him with something soon. Max was laying on the bed so that was taken over. She put her arms around Jake again and walked backwards until her back was pressed against the wall. She looked into his eyes and kissed him happily. "I love you and everything you do for me."
Jake returned her kiss and smiled at her. "Does being your personal stripper pay well?" He raised an eyebrow. "Enough to pay for our house?" Jake followed her gaze down to himself. "Well...yeah...I mean grinding down on my's going to turn me on." He kissed her back softly.

His eyes lit up when she took her clothes off as well. "Now that's better. We are more equal now." He followed her against the wall and put her hands on her hips. His eyes looking deeply into Adri's before he kissed her back softly. "I love you. That's why I do it. I love seeing you happy." He smiled at her before his body pressed against hers.

Jake kissed her neck and nipped at it softly. His hand traveled up her body slowly where he grabbed her chest and squeezed gently before he let his thumb play with her nipple where he moved down her body to take in his mouth and suck gently on. His hand then slid down between her legs. He was already a bit hard so it was time she got a bit wet. He started to rub her slowly.
She nodded her head to paying well. Then she thought about the house, "We might need to downsize. You can be my part time stripper." She said softly.

Adri sighed when he kissed her neck. Her fingers wandered up and down his back. Her nipple puckered in his mouth and she looked down to watch him tease it with her tongue. He would feel that his little dance already got her started. The slow rubbing only added to arousal.

She moved her hand from his back to his hips. She slowly dragged the tips of her fingers to his cock. She teased it and felt it pulse in reaction to her teasing. She finally wrapped her hand around him and gave him a few tugs to get him harder.

"I want you." She whispered to let him know she was ready.
Jake smiled up at her as he moved over to her other nipple. He wanted her as well but was enjoying sucking on her nipples and playing with them with his tongue. He'd make her wait only a few moments, just giving her aittle tease.

His hands then slid down to the back of her thighs where he lifted her up and against the wall. As he lifted her, his lups found hers as they pressed against them. "I want you too baby."

He lowered her a bit as one hand helped guide himself into her. Jake started thrusting up into her slowly and gently but deep. He then started thrusting faster.
Adri sighed as she finally got what she wanted again. She wrapped her legs around him and used his thrusts and gravity as leverage for bouncing on his cock. It felt like they had been together in weeks but it was only a few days. She was going to make him wait longer because if the baby but she couldn't wait anymore. After the date and his lap dance, there was no reason to wait.

It felt nice to be together again. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips against his shoulder. She kissed along his neck and shoulder while she moaned and enjoyed the feeling of having him once again.

A good half hour after they start, she was scratching his back and showing all of the signs of cumming soon. She was ready to cum with him and then snuggle him all night long.
Jake enjoyed the feel of her clawing down his back. It just made him go faster and harder. They came together with his eyes locked on hers and a moan of her name to seal the moment. His lips captured her own in a very loving and passionate kiss. Their noses brushed each other with a smile. "I love you," he whispered and carried her to the bed.

He shewed Max to the foot of the bed and laid his love down on the bed. He crawl in bed next to her and wrapped the blankets around them. His arms wrapped around her and he snuggled in close. His lips kissed her shoulder as he held her close to him. "I love you baby. So much." His lips pressed against her neck and shoulder again. That was how they fell asleep together.

Tuesday arrived before they both knew it. Jake was nervous to meet with Layla being afraid she will just fight him on everything. He wanted them both to get along for Owen's sake. He woke up early for a run then a shower. Breakfast wasn't an option as he didn't have much of an appetite. He was distracted and spaced out all morning. Then at 11:30am he started watching the clock and wonder where Layla was. He was pacing from the kitchen to the living room to the front door.
"I love you too Boo." She said softly and let sleep consume her.

Adri got back with a few sandwiches from a nice little shop in town. She got a few so whatever they didn't eat today, Jake and Adri could enjoy later. She was hoping Layla didn't get before her, just in case Jake couldn't control himself. She was lucky because Layla was no where in sight when she pulled into the garage. She brought the bags in and set them on the counter.

She watched Jake pace for a bit, "If you don't sit down I am going to superglue your ass to a seat." She threatened and looked in the fridge. "We have water and juice in the fridge. Do you think I should have gotten her a soda?" She asked and shrugged her shoulder. The doorbell rang so it was too late now.

"Maybe you should answer it."
Jake sighed when she called him out pacing. "Sorry...I'm just nervous." He walked over to the island in the kitchen and shook his head to her question. "Soda is bad for you. It would be bad for the baby. So she doesn't need one." He gave her a small smile.

He about jumped when the doorbell rang. He walked to the door and opened it. He quickly put on a smile and stepped out of the way to let her in. "Come on in. Adri went and got some sandwiches so we can eat while we talk." He showed her the way to the kitchen.

Once the two got to the kitchen he looked at Adri. "Layla you remember my girlfriend Adriana. Babe...Layla." It was a bit awkward having to women he slept with in the same room. And Adri wanted to be the one to keep Jake calm he was afraid a cat fight would break out.

"What kind of sandwich did get me love?" He smiled at her.
"So you have been reading those baby books." She teased and kissed his cheek.

Layla acknowledged Adri and sat at the table to get off of her feet. "I had McDonalds before I arrived but I will take a bag of chips."

Adri read the labels, "This one is chicken salad and bacon, which I will eat. There is a tuna sandwich, turkey, blt and some type of cheese steak." She let him grab his own sandwich and put the rest in the fridge. She grabbed the chips and took them to the table so Layla could pick whichever bag she wanted. Adri picked her standard sour cream and cheddar chips.

Adri took a bite of her sandwich and felt the silence at the table was a bit awkward. She chewed slowly and looked at Lyla, "How's it going with the pregnancy and everything?" She asked softly.

Layla rubbed her stomach, "So far so good. The doctors think he is a little small but he is growing day by day. They are keeping a close eye on him. By the time he is out he should be in the normal height and weight range."

Adri looked at Jake and took another bite of her sandwich. "Do you need anything else? Jake can take you shopping for stuff one day." She would have taken her but she really didn't want to spend time with Layla. She got her a huge gift basket full of stuff. Jake could buy the rest.

"I need child support and then I can get everything after that." She opened her bag of chips and started to devour them.

Adri rolled her eyes, "So you do need things and you just don't want to ask." She mumbled to herself.
Jake looked over the sandwiches and decided on the cheese steak. He probably should have eaten something a bit healthier, like the tuna or turkey but at this point, he didn't care.

He walked over and grabbed some bbq chips and sat down to start to eat. Jake was a bit concerned the baby was a little small. "Why is he small?"

He rolled his eyes and looked at Adri. It seemed all she was after was money from child support. "Why don't I just take you shopping and get you whatever you need or the baby needs? What don't you have yet?" He let out a sigh to keep calm. "Are you having a shower? That would help with some things you may need."

"Layla, I really want to talk about some things. When you were thinking we both would have him? I'd like something as 50/50 as we can make it. I understand in the beginning he may need to be with you a lot, but I want to have him as much as I can and maybe we can set days and holidays up now then just have our lawyers get the paperwork set up. I was thinking the 50/50 with us sharing holidays. Normal days We could do something like we would start with getting him in the afternoon on Friday and then keep him till the following Friday then it would rotate. But I know you have classes so we can figure something out for fights and classes. Or if you don't want a whole week apart we can flip with two days with him, then two without, then with him for the holiday, then it would flip. Then like Christmas one year you get him Christmas Eve and Morning then I'd get him Christmas afternoon then the next we'd switch. Same with other holidays. That way we both get to see him for holidays." He was nervous she wouldn't be for it but he thought it was rather fair.

"I also want to talk about his name. Layla, I don't think it flows well with Connors as his last name. Plus it's more normal for a child to take their father's name..."
"Apparently, I am anemic. At least, I am during pregnancy so my body isn't producing enough red blood cells. I have an iron deficiency and it's stressing out his body. I am on vitamins and eating healthier, except for the occasional craving. He's small but otherwise healthy. You may not believe me but you will see the second he pops out." Layla hoped and patted the bottom of her stomach.

"I don't have a car seat. I have been looking for one Craigslist but if they are good, they are expensive as hell and gone in a flash. The other ones are all a little older and I can't really trust them. I have found one that is in my price range though and it's not that old." She shook her head to the baby shower question. "My parents bought me a few things and then sent me on my way. My "friends" are all off making sure they don't end up like me. I have been cast out of the group. So no baby shower. You and Adri can have that." She said somewhat bitterly.

She made a face when he said 'our lawyers'. She laughed at him, "I don't have a lawyer. I can't afford one. I have to hope you and your lawyer don't screw me over." her tongue poked her cheek, "I don't know how long he will need to stay with me in the beginning. I'm not breastfeeding so it will be easy to swap and get him used to living in two houses. I'm fine with 50/50 but having him for two days and then sending him off doesn't seem right so make it three or four days a week and we are perfect. But a week would be nice as well. Holidays we will both want to see him so we can spend half of the day with him. Obviously mother's day would be spent with me entirely and father's day with you entirely. When we come to fight's and classes we will talk again. Okay?" It seemed fair to her. If they could agree on that then they were set to move on. She was thinking the amount of child support but he was thinking names.

"Yeah I bet it is. Especially when the mother and father are married.We can name him Owen but his last name has to be Connors. Owen Connors sounds better than Owen Daniels anyway." She argued.

Adri sat back and sipped on her water. it was fun to see the drama unfold, although it would be more fun if she and Jake weren't a part of it. "You have three options. One, you can fight each other to the death about his last name. Two, you can hyphenate. Or three, you change one of your last names to his middle name. Owen Connor Daniels or Owen Daniel Connors." Adri shrugged her shoulder and went back to enjoying her lunch.
"Well Layla, I want to go to the next appointments." His hand played with the top of the table.

Jake thought a moment over. "Let me know what car seat you need and I'll get it. I'm not going to screw you over. I just want to see my son and have things fair. I'd rather not have to go through the courts but it's safest for everyone involved. The three day rotation is fine. Let's set that up but if either of us want a week we work it out. If you want him for a week for vacation purposes, I will let you take him. With the requirement you just tell me where you are going. I'd do the same for you. That way if I take him to Colorado to see my mother you know I'm taking him there. And when he's older and wants to call you, I'll encourage it. I'd rather just communicate together. It would be better for him if we communicate civilly."

Jake glanced at Adri. Damn he loved that woman. She thought up solutions that they may be able to find compromise. "I can compromise with a hyphenated name." His eyes went down to the table then back at Layla before he took a few bites of food. "I'm not trying to be an ass about the name. I'm really not. I just figured my first born son would have my name but I'm willing to compromise."

He continued to eat and let out a sigh. He knew child support would come up soon. He'd rather just buy things the baby needed then give her a check. If he didn't have the profession he did who would say he had money to buy things the baby needed. Who would help him or support him? Why do only the mothers get help? But he had the money he would make sure his son was taken care of him. Why not throw an option out? "Layla how about anytime he needs anything let me know what you can't afford and I'll just buy it?" She was a ring-card girl so she isn't as poor as she's making herself out to be. Yeah she couldn't afford a million dollar house but she should be able to afford her child.
"My next appointment is tomorrow at 3. LV OBGYN, you are welcome to come." She invited but she told him everything the doctor told her. He was small but growing. She should could go a couple days past his due date then he would grow even more. She had no control over that though. They would find out more when he was out.

She agreed to work out the three a days and vacation days. She knew if this was going to work out they needed to communicate. She didn't have a problem with Jake. She wasn't going to create a problem with Jake. She thought he would be like most sports stars who had a sudden baby and throw money at the situation. She was glad he was offering to help and see his son. The situation could have been a lot worst. Owen Daniels-Connors. Owen Connors-Daniels. She shook her head, "Our names don't sound right together. Owen Connor Daniels, sounds nice though." It looked like her bun had a name now.

"No." She flat out denied calling and asking him to buy things she couldn't afford. "I'm not going to call you every time he wants something I can't give him. I'm not going to let you say oh look what Daddy got you that Mommy couldn't afford. I'm not going to call you every time he needs to go clothes shopping. I'm not going to be dependant on you. I have money saved up and I am using that money for school. Whatever you send is going to rent, food and clothes for him. Once I graduate and get a job, any money you send is going to an account for him. Like it or not you're paying child support and I'm not going to come to you every time I need cash."
Jake looked at Adri when she changed her mind on the name. He was shocked and his face showed. "I think that sounds really good actually." He offered Layla a smile.

Then came her response to his ideas about paying. "Layla, I wouldn't say that to him. He doesn't need to know what's going on." His fingers traced the grain of the table. "How about this. I make a bank account put money in it for Owen. You and I both have a card. If he needs diapers...use the card for example." He glanced at Adri wiyh worry shit may hit the fan. "I don't feel like I should be paying your rent. His food and clothes I'm fine with if hr needs it. But I'm not getting any help from anyone. To me my money goes for Owen. It's not my concern you're going to school and the money you saved you're using for that. I just bought a house. My money I'd use for that but now I have a son who comes first. Layla Im not trying to be an ass. I'm just explaining how I feel." He braced himself for her to blow up despite how calm he was when he spoke.
"When that money is used to pay my rent, it's being used to pay for a roof over his head too. Like it or not when isn't with you. He is with me and if you don't want him out on the street I might need to use that money to put to rent. I am working on getting a new job. It's not like I can parade my pregnant belly around an octagon right now. I don't want to have to survive on you but working, with no help and a newborn is going to nearly impossible. So you're going to have to get over it."

She crossed her arms and looked at Layla when he said he wasn't getting any help. She would love to see him do all of this crap on his own. He wouldn't survive a day and that was he needed to pay child support. He had help and if he didn't he had the money to pay for help. She didn't have that luxury.

"No, you're being an ass. And I guess you're not budging and I'm not either. We picked a name. You tried to butter me up with sandwiches and chips. But I'm doing this bullshit." She stood up and grabbed her purse.

"Layla..." Adri said softly to defuse the situation but Layla wasn't having it.

"No fuck you both. You get to sit in this pretty little house and think you can look down on me. Fuck you Jake. telling you anything was a mistake. I can do this on my own."

Adri stood up, "Layla we aren't rubbing anything in your face."

"Fuck you. And fuck him too." She stormed out of the kitchen and slammed the front door closed. She got in her car and drove home.

Adri sat down again and sighed. "You picked a name at least." She said softly and shook her head.
"Layla I'm not buttering you up for anything or rubbing anything in your face..." But when he knew it was no use to explain because of how upset she was he shut up.

Jake about jumped up and told her off the minute she said 'fuck you' to Adri. This had nothing to do with her. The words that he spoke that upset Layla came from Jake's mouth not Adri's. He was hot but just sat there for a moment without saying anything.

His eyes turned to Adri with his forehead wrinkled from the angry look on his face. "I'm sorry you got some of that. But if I'm wrong here then fine I'm wrong here...but if I didn't have the job that I have, and I was just some normal guy. Who would pay my rent? Who would give me money to pay my bills to keep my son warm and have electricity? They would tell my ass to go out and get a job. Okay I get during the pregnancy she can't work. I'll help with that. That makes sense to me. Is it wrong of me that I feel like I should only have to pay half of it though? Why do I have to pay 100% of MY own bills and money for her? Just because she has the baby?" His hand pushed his food and drink away from him at the table.

"This doesn't seem fair at all for guys. So she can go to school and have her bills paid for while the guy works his ass off and could potentially struggle making ends meet because he has to pay for him and her. Well you know what it takes too people to make a baby. Why not put it into an account that you only use for the baby. If we have 50/50 custody then she can't say that it's because she has him more. Pay your own bills. Anything else for him I will pay. That is your responsibility in my mind. Is that wrong? Pay your rent he needs braces, fine done I'll pay it. Hell I was going to offer to pay health insurance too before she stormed out. I don't feel like I'm being unreasonable." Jake let out a little grunt before he got up and paced the kitchen a moment.

"And for her to say I'm not going to budge? No if you would fucking talk to me like a damn human being then maybe I would." He knew it was a bit hypocritical of him to say that cause he gets pissed and storms off too but it was a bit wrong of her to just assume he wouldn't budge regardless of leaving or not.
Adri looked at Jake and shrugged her shoulder. She had to think about her future as well. If something happened between them and they had kids, he would most likely be treating her the same way. She was lucky in the fact that she was getting jobs and she was putting money away for the future. After this rant of his, she would probably start saving a little more money. Layla didn't have that security. She was trying to change her situation for her son and herself.

At the same time, Adri did see his point in only wanting to pay half of the child support. In a perfect world that would probably happen but this world wasn't perfect. He was a rich MMA fighter. If Layla took this to court then that's how the judge and jury would see him. He would end up doing exactly what he didn't want and probably have to pay more. Not to mention taking it to court meant having every one find out that Jake had a kid with another woman.

"Let's be honest, you aren't going to budge. You threatened her when she told you that you were his father. Then threatened her again when you told her not to tell the media the baby was yours. She could easily take him away and not let you see him. You don't even know how much you have to pay. You aren't trying to see it from her side. She could take this to court. Lawyers love to demonize athletes and make them seem like horrible cheaters. MMA fighters are known for bad attitudes and you already threatened her twice. You can pay child support and see your son before she figures out that she has the upper hand or you can wait try to fight it in court, possibly lose and never see your son." She shrugged her shoulder and picked up her wrappers.

"You're going to have to talk to her again. This time with a lawyer present to diffuse the situation properly. Tell her you are willing to pay and then lay down the but's. As in, but you are putting the money in an account you can both access. But..whatever else you come up with."

Her phone started to ring and she looked at the unknown number. She answered it before it could go to voicemail. "Hello?...This is, yeah. I'd love to actually. Yeah." She smiled into the phone. "I will see you guys next week. Thank you. Yeah, thank you so much. Bye." She felt bad because Jake was in a shit show but she was moving up in the world.

She toned down her happiness and looked at Jake, "I can't tell you what to do. I can only stand by your side. So what ever you decide to do, I'll be here for you to vent to."
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