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Dungeon FIghter Online


Jan 8, 2009
Bremerton, WA
Holy jeez, I did not think I was gonna like this as much as I do. It's basically online Shadow over Mystara, of course with a dash of Koreagaming, but that being said, the english is remarkably good. The art is phenomenal - Every class has it's own comic-style intro, and every NPC has it's own really gorgeous conversation image.

I've got a level 6 priest and a level 2 slayer, so if you feel like kicking some ass online, let me know and we'll work it out.
You know, I've been seeing this online in various ads, but I never thought too much about it. But hell, I'm always up for something more to do on this.
The was my thought, too, seeing it spammed everywhere. 'What is this, trying to be online Streets of Rage? Harrumph harrumph!' But it's actually crazy fun.
Maybe so, but I don't think Streets of Rage allowed you to beat the piss outta things with weapons that I saw in some of the videos on the main site. Still, give me about 45 minutes from now and I'll be along.
Speaking of which, I'm bummin' around on the Elvenguard server as a level 5 Gunner. Offhand, a pretty solid class. I'm probably thinking about adding a second character soon.
Oh, as a by the by, the second character I've added is a 4th level Priest.

The Gunner's DeadEyeDante and the Priest is Damien666.

Don't be afraid to look me up now, y'hear?
Oh yeah, character names.

SeraphNick - Level 10 priest
TrygonTBD - Level 2 Slayer

Oh, and, DJ's on now, too.

DJBayview - Level 5 Gunner
Hnn. Looks like we got a recurring theme going on here. Two for each. :lol:

Still, when you either of ya's are on, just drop me a line.

Damien666: Level 7 Priest
DeadEyeDante: Level 5 Gunner

The server in question? Grand Flores, West 4.
If it works for Mac, I'm totally in.

Edit: I looked, doesn't work for Mac. Good news. I have a XP desktop.... I'll check the specs on it and see what I can do.
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